Teknova - Metal Production
NORCE s an independent research institute located in an area recognised for its clusters of world-leading offshore related and processing industries, in the Agder region in South Norway.
Through applied research and development, NORCE is focusing on providing state-of-the-art innovative solutions, creating value for clients in the region and beyond.
Enabling technological innovations through local insight and global outlook.
NORCE contributes to the SFI Metal Production mainly through our expertise in mathematical modelling of various metallurgical processes, as well as through our network with European leading experts within industrial mathematics. NORCE's expertise and network supplement the modelling expertise of other SFI partners. We will also contribute within fugitive emissions, and possibly also with our capabilities within some high temperature measurement techniques.
Together with the other partners in SFI Metal Production, we intend to strengthen the Norwegian research within metallurgy significantly, thus contributing to ensure that the Norwegian metallurgical industry stays in the forefront.