Program associations in Trondheim

Program associations in Trondheim

A program assocation (Norwegian: linjeforening) consists of students from one or more study programs within a specific academic field. These associations are run by the students at the relevant study programs and work to improve and stregthen the social and academic environment at the program. NTNU has more than 100 program associations, and these often have a several sub-groups who organize a variety of different activities.

Students who attend a study program at NTNU will normally be introduced to their program association at the start of their studies, through the welcoming event arranged by the study program or department.

Exchange students from abroad do not belong to an NTNU study program, but choose courses freely. As a result, they are not by default connected to any program association. To find "their' program association, exchange students should find the study programme that most closely resembles their studies at home, and check that program's webpage, under 'Student life'.

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