Theses archive
Theses archive
Completed dissertations
Bremnes, Heming Strømholt, Quantifiers and Complexity: The distinct neural signatures of verification algorithms for natural language quantifiers. NTNU 2023
Cabo, Sara Ramos, Gesture and language in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A study of pointing patterns and language predictors in typical and atypical development. NTNU 2021
Bochyńska, Agata E., Spatial language and spatial representation in high-functioning individuals with autism: An experimental study of the linguistic and non-linguistic spatial abilities in the presence of a developmental deficit. NTNU 2018
Micai, Martina, Reading comprehension mechanisms in autism spectrum disorder: Metacognitive processes and executive function. NTNU/University of Seville 2018
Chahboun, Sobh, Figurative language processing: A comparative study between typically developing individuals and highly verbal individuals with autism. NTNU 2017
Listhaug, Kjersti Faldet, Spatial prepositions and second language acquisition: The acquisition of spatial prepositions in French by native speakers of Norwegian. NTNU 2015
Farukh, Ammara, Dyslexia and learning English as a second language: An experimental study. NTNU 2015
Dahl, Anne, Young second language learners: The acquisition of English in Norwegian first-grade classrooms. NTNU 2014
Dekova, Rositsa, Lexical encoding of verbs in English and Bulgarian. NTNU 2006
Completed theses
Indrakumar, Arunthathi, Word-learning in children on the autism spectrum — Teachers’ experience on using pictures and concretes in language education. NTNU 2024
Breivik, Yvonne Marie, Unravelling the role of emotion and affect in language comprehension: A necessity test. NTNU 2024
Dukauskaite, Zygimante, Neural correlates of speech and gesture Integration: A literature review. NTNU 2024
Afoian, Viktoriia, The online processing of gender and number agreement in Norwegian: An ERP study. NTNU 2023
Roshchina, Alevtina, Speech-entangled gesture as a linguistic phenomenon in its own right: Towards a multimodal approach to language and evolution. NTNU 2023
Basberg, Ellen Marie; Fossum, Torun, Utvikling av språkferdigheter hos barn med autismespekterforstyrrelse ved bruk av gester og felles oppmerksomhet. En systematisk oversikt over funn fra evidensbaserte NDBI-intervensjoner. NTNU 2023
Senderska, Julia, Influence of the native language background on the processing of unfamiliar accents by L2 speakers of English. NTNU 2023
Fjeld, Herman Trandem, Teaching vocabulary to young learners of English: Three different methods of vocabulary acquisition through reading English. NTNU 2023
Bjertnes, Hanna Valø, Emojis and meaning: An experimental study of the semantics of sentence-final face emojis. NTNU 2022
Løvlie, Jørgen Aamot, Speaker reactions to grammatical errors as a result from cross linguistic influence. NTNU 2022
Slungård, Staale, Kombinasjon i språk: En ERP-undersøkelse av unikhetshypotesen. NTNU 2022
Foss, Brooke, Object labeling and categorization: Noun acquisition in children. NTNU 2021
Phan, Thi Minh Dung, The role of non-verbal reasoning and short-term memory in foreign language learning. NTNU 2021
Hafstad, Camilla, Electrophysiological correlates of adjective-noun combinations: On-line effects of composition and privativity. NTNU 2021
Kibsgaard, Martine Karin Marie, The processing of grammar violations in minimal phrase structures: An ERP study. NTNU 2021
Sinkeviciute, Akvile, Is bilinguals' color perception modulated by their active language? The case of Lithuanians in Norway. NTNU 2021
Tangen, Mia, The efficacy of educational apps in second language learning. NTNU 2021
Rannem, Erlend, Sensitivity to second language argument structure of verbs: An empirical study with Norwegian learners of English. NTNU 2021
Vinichenko, Anna, Nordmenns reaksjoner på avvik i innlærernorsk: en eye-tracking undersøkelse av effekter av finitt- og tempusavvik på språkprosessering. NTNU 2021
Chau, Luan Tuyen, Eye movements and semantic processing in rapid automatized naming. NTNU 2020
Grytten, Ane Søreide, Reference in sentence processing: An ERP study. NTNU 2020
Lervåg, Ingvild Kjølstad, Role of subtitles in L2 acquisition and comprehension: Evidence from hearing-impaired learners. NTNU 2020
Selbo, Malin Engelin, Spatial language abilities in young adults with English as their Second language. NTNU 2020
Stevenson, Natalie, Cross-linguistic variation and second language acquisition of human locomotion lexicalization patterns in French and Norwegian. NTNU 2020
Bikmukhametova, Svetlana, Intervensjoner for barn og unge med utviklingsmessige språkvansker. En kvalitativ kritisk analyse med fokus på målgruppe og teoretisk grunnlag. NTNU 2019
Dietrichson, Martine Henriette Hartmann, Andrespråkstilegnelse av spatiale uttrykk. NTNU 2019
Saxlund, Ellen, ‘Make Monkey hide!’ — A descriptive account of the NRDLS and the Norwegian adaptation. NTNU 2019
Williams, Stefan, U-shaped trajectories in L2 learning: Testing the dual processing hypothesis — An experimental study of Norwegian L2 learners of English. NTNU 2019
Calinescu, Lia, The online processing of Norwegian intensional verbs: An ERP study. NTNU 2018
Crawshaw, Camilla Emma, The critical role of language in Theory of Mind development, viewed through the lens of autism and parallel deficits across other atypical populations. NTNU 2018
Kjeldset, Anne, Developmental Language Disorder – Et foreldreperspektiv – Strategier for mestring på mikro- og mesonivå. NTNU 2018
Giskes, Anna, The on-line processing of epistemic modal verbs during language comprehension: An ERP study. NTNU 2018
Sævik, Else Marie, Developmental Language Disorder – Et foreldreperspektiv – Behov for kunnskap. NTNU 2018
Sinnadurai, Sharmyn Lim, Phonological awareness in young bilingual dyslexics in Malaysia. NTNU 2018
Grindvold, Heidrun, Developmental Language Disorder – Et foreldreperspektiv – Flerspråklige foreldres erfaringer. NTNU 2018
Snøfugl, Monica, Hva vet vi virker? En studie om barn med Developmental Language Disorder. NTNU 2018
Antonsen, Lena Langdal, Flerspråklig utredning — En litteraturstudie om utfordringer knyttet til utredning av språk-, lese- og skrivevansker hos flerspråklige elever. NTNU 2017
Dahl, Hege Anita, Hvilke prosedyrer og hvilket kartleggingsmateriell brukes før henvisning til Pedagogisk-psykologisk tjeneste ved tre ulike barneskoler i en norsk bykommune i Midt Norge? NTNU 2017
Hammerås, Mona Langeng, Probing sensitivity to argument structure in two proficiency level groups - an exploratory study with Norwegian learners of English. NTNU 2017
Islam, Farjana, Logical semantics in a cross-cultural perspective: A study of intuitions about reference in first-generation immigrants and resident populations. NTNU 2017
Solli, Elin; Kristiansen, Gro Alida, Systematisk forskningsoppsummering av evidensbaserte intervensjoner for spesifikke språkvansker i en norsk kontekst. NTNU 2017
Lyche, Marianne, Autisme og språk: En narrativ litteraturstudie. NTNU 2017
Nysæter, Lene Marita, Neural predictors of prosody perception in Norwegian: An experimental study. NTNU 2017
Tedeschi, Ilaria, Early language acquisition and development of Italian by a bilingual infant: A comparison to Italian monolinguals. NTNU 2017
Tian, Siyu, The reversed Chinese character recognition and the Chinese language ability. NTNU 2017
Aurland, Anders Hauge, Metalinguistics and exposure as predictors of idiom comprehension in L2 users of English. NTNU 2016
Bergh, Vegard Nygaard, A study of young Norwegians in English idiom processing. NTNU 2016
Christiansen, Marianne, Attentional control, working memory and language aptitude. A correlational study of the relationship between second language proficiency, attentional control and working memory. NTNU 2016
Eye, Henrik, The impact of subtitles in second language acquisition: An experimental study on Norwegian upper secondary students. NTNU 2016
Grønning, Mie Marie, An investigation of Norwegians' L2 knowledge of English verb phrase anaphora patterns. NTNU 2016
Johnsen, Roger, Sensitivity to second language argument structure: An experimental study with Norwegian learners of English. NTNU 2016
Reine, Ander Schärer, L2 speakers’ argument structure sensitivity inferring from the participant’s eye gazes: An eye-tracking experimental study with adult Norwegian learners of English. NTNU 2016
York, Erlend Urkedal, Effects from using subtitled audiovisual material in second language acquisition: An experimental study in a second language learning classroom in Norway. NTNU 2016
Xue, Wenting, The effect of L2 English on L1 Mandarin Chinese from the perspective of complement event coercion: An empirical study of advanced Mandarin Chinese-English adulthood bilinguals. NTNU 2016
Theodorsen, Jørgen Haug, L2 acquisition from video games with minimal exposure. NTNU 2015
Brakstad, Marit Valand, Language development in children at-risk of dyslexia. A study on the oral language of children with weak reading and writing skills. NTNU 2014
Singstad, Rannveig Aleksandra, Norwegian students' comprehension of idioms in English. NTNU 2014
Strand, Odin Lein, Do we have to speak English? A longitudinal perspective on the impact of early English input on the development of English comprehension skills in Norwegian pupils. NTNU 2014
Asbjørnsen, Maria F., Bilingualism. The situation in Norway. NTNU 2013
Aurstad, Lisa Maria Grønn, The role of subtitles in second language acquisition. An experimental study in the context of the Norwegian school system. NTNU 2013
Ferreira, Miriam da Silva, Hyperlexia, a case study. When the co-occurance of developmental disorders favors language talent. NTNU 2013
Foyn, Camilla Hellum, The relationships between short-term memory, word decoding skills and language competencies in Norwegian fourth-graders. NTNU 2013
Frugård, Ingrid, Acceptability judgments of English noun phrases by Norwegian L1 students. NTNU 2013
Hasselø, Ragnhild M., Different intelligence, same talent: Second language learning: A case study. NTNU 2013
Henden, Åge Kristian, Early lexical and grammar development in Norwegian language acquisition. NTNU 2013
Kuitert, Sander Roland, English loanwords in Norwegian. A loanword processing study in young speakers of Norwegian. NTNU 2013
Kvitnes, Ingrid Elisabeth Nufsfjord, Subtitles in the second language classroom. An experimental study with Norwegian learners of English. NTNU 2013
Ráhka, Sandra Nystø, Grammar competence in Lule Sami L1 and L2 young speaker. An investigation of consonant gradation, the grammar of spatial expressions and personal pronouns marked for dual. NTNU 2013
Safronova, Maria, Encoding motion in Norwegian L2 by Russian native speakers: An experimental study. NTNU 2013
Sivertzen, Tonje Gauslaa, The role of input in early second language acquisition: A study of the long-term effects of initial extra English input on Norwegian 4th graders' receptive vocabulary. NTNU 2013