Call for papers

Call for papers

We invite proposals for theme sessions, oral presentations and posters on the following topics — the list is not exhaustive: Language and Cognition; Language and Perception; Language and Spatial Categorisation; Cognitive Development and Language Learning; Second Language Acquisition and Bilingualism, with a focus on the Nordic countries; Language Evolution; Primitives or Universals in Linguistics or Semantics; Meaning, Brain and Cognition. 

Submission deadline: 5 February 2024, midnight (CET)
Notification of acceptance: 1 March 2024

Proposals for theme sessions, oral presentations and posters should be sent in .pdf format to Conference registration opens shortly after the notification of acceptance date. 
Submission formats

(a) Theme sessions

Submissions should include:

· Session title, name, email and affiliation of the session’s convener, and an abstract of up to 500 words motivating and describing the chosen theme.
· Up to 6 abstracts (up to 400 words per abstract) to be included in the theme session. Abstracts should be thematically linked. At SALC9, the time allocated to each paper will be 20 minutes followed by 5 minutes for discussion. The session can be concluded with a general discussion.
· Theme session conveners should indicate whether they wish abstracts to be considered as individual presentations (oral or poster), in case the session is not accepted as a whole.

(b) Oral presentations

Submissions should include:

· Title, author names and affiliations, corresponding author’s email, abstract (up to 400 words, excluding references). At SALC9, the time allocated to each paper will be 20 minutes followed by 5 minutes for discussion.
· Authors should indicate whether they wish abstracts to be considered for the poster session, in case the paper is not accepted as an oral presentation.

(c) Poster presentations

Submissions should include:

· Title, author names and affiliations, corresponding author’s email, abstract (up to 400 words, excluding references).