MEATigation- towards sustainable meat-use in Norwegian food practices for climate mitigation

MEATigation- towards sustainable meat-use in Norwegian food practices for climate mitigation

MEATigation targets climate change mitigation through a shift in Norwegian food practices. Addressing both production and consumption, we investigate the possibilities of mitigating climate change via a shift in food practices to meet what we dub the ‘3Rs’ of sustainable meat use: R1: Recognising the animals and people working to provide meat, R2: Replacing animal-based proteins with plant-based, insect-based or in-vitro al- ternatives, and R3: Refining meat-use to match needs versus wants, reduce waste and malnutrition (e.g. obe- sity). The project thus meets the primary objective of the KLIMAFORSK programme to ‘generate essential knowledge about the climate for the benefit of society’. The project focuses specifically on objective three of the KLIMAFORSK programme: ‘the transition to a low-emission society and adaptation to climate change’, by investigating the social, cultural and material embeddedness of meat-use in the Norwegian food system. 

Funding: Research council Norway (2020-2024)