Active Projects A-E

Active Projects A-E

ACES (ACcelerating Energy and Sustainability transitions in ports: From national visions to co-constructed transition) aims to facilitate and accelerate sector-wide energy and sustainability transitions in Norwegian ports. Ports can move society towards zero emission through the number of functions they serve, including delivering sustainability ambitions and ensuring synergies between the different sectors that intersect in ports. Transition Management is used as research design.

Project leader: Kristin Ystmark Bjerkan (SINTEF) 

Research partners: SINTEFThe Dutch Research Institute of Transitions (DRIFT)

Contact persons: Timo von Wirth (DRIFT); Marianne Ryghaug (NTNU); Susanne Jørgensen (NTNU)

Funding: The Research Council of Norway

Duration: 2021-2025

External site for ACES

AImagine enhances DigiKULT’s focus on digitalization as societal inquiry related to fictional imaginaries of technology. It investigates how fictional depictions of AI/robots lay the groundwork for the development and domestication of actual technology, and how they negotiate current issues of increased reliance on and use of technology in everyday practices. AI and robots are also capturing our imagination like never before, and we need more knowledge on how imaginaries relate to real life application. 

Project leader: Roger A. Søraa (NTNU)

Contact person: Roger A. Søraa (NTNU)

Funding: NTNU Humanities Faculty

Duration: 2023-2027

External site for AImagine


The overall aim of the EU-funded ARV project is to demonstrate and validate attractive, resilient, and affordable solutions that significantly speed-up deep energy renovations and deployment of energy and climate measures in the construction and energy industries. The project is working towards the implementation of climate-positive circular communities in Europe, focusing on net zero-emission buildings and neighbourhoods. ARV will provide guidelines and a policy framework for future energy-efficient, circular, and digital solutions in the construction industry.

Project leader: Inger Andresen (NTNU)

Research partners: Universiteit Utrecht; Università degli Studi di Trento; Stichting Mitros, Stichting Hogeschool Utrecht; Stichting Bo-Ex 91, Statutarni Mesto Karvina, Sonderborg Andelsboligforening, Sistemes Avancats D Energia Solar Termica Sccl, SINTEF,  Rc Panels Bv, ProjectZero,  Politecnico Di Torino, Oslo Kommune, Nano Power As, Metrovacesa, Sa, Me X Architects Bv, iwell, IREC, Instituto Balear De La Vivienda, Housing Europe, HABITECH DTTN - Distretto Tecnologico Trentino, Green Digital Finance Alliance, Gemeente Utrecht, Eurac Research, ENFOR, Dolomiti Energia, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Danfoss A/S,  Czech Technical University – CVUT, Center Danmark Drift Aps, Buro De Haan, Bos Installatiewerken Bv, Ayuntament De Palma De Mallorca, Architects’ Council of Europe

Contact persons: Ruth Woods (NTNU)

Funding: H2020 EU

Duration: 2022-2026

External site for ARV

The project ATLANTIS (Hopes and Futures of Academia: Reimagining Bacon's New Atlantis) tackles the challenges facing academia by focusing on alternatives that rethink the relation between science and society.

Project leaders: Kyriaki Papageorgiou (NTNU); Vivan Lagesen (NTNU); Knut Sørensen (NTNU); Sharon Traweek (UCLA)

Contact person: Kyriaki Papageorgiou

Funding: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (Individual Fellowship)

Duration: 2022-2026

The AUTOWORK project is an interdisciplinary and international research project between NTNU Social Research, four departments at NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology led by the Department of Social Anthropology and Monash University in Melbourne, Australia.

Project leader: Håkon Fyhn (NTNU)

Research partners: Monash University; KAIST; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Contact persons: Roger A. Søraa (NTNU); Mark Kharas (NTNU)

Funding: The Research Council of Norway 

Duration: 2019-2024

External site for AUTOWORK

BEHAVIOUR aims to provide knowledge on the main drivers and barriers for sustainable implementation of desirable private energy use. The project combines qualitative and quantitative social science methods with agent-based modelling and energy system modelling to provide decision support for the public sector and industry. KULT is primarily responsible for socio-technical analyses of the processes, context and culture that behaviour is part of.

Project leader: Pernille Seljom (IFE)

Research partners: IFESINTEF

Contact person: Tomas Moe Skjølsvold (NTNU)

Funding: The Research Council of Norway

Duration: 2020-2024

External site for BEHAVIOUR

The project will investigate the use of Artificial Intelligence in the labor market, and how biases in hiring and promoting processes based on personal characteristics are potentially reproduced with AI-based systems. 

Project leader: Roger A. Søraa (NTNU)

Research partners: BFH University of Applied Sciences; University of Iceland; LOBA (Ireland); Crowd Helix; Smart Venice; Leiden University; Digiotouch; Farplas

Contact persons: Roger A. Søraa (NTNU); Mark Kharas (NTNU)

Funding: Horizon Europe (RIA) 

Duration: 2022-2026

NTNU site for BIAS

We explore the interactions between future biofuel pathways, land transitions, and the regional climate to identify synergies between land management and biofuel strategies for climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Contact: Tomas Moe Skjølsvold (NTNU); Ida Marie Henriksen (NTNU)

Project leader: Francesco Cherubini (NTNU); Tomas Moe Skjølsvold (NTNU); Ida Marie Henriksen (NTNU) 

Research partners: Industrial Ecology Programme (Department of Energy and Process Engineering, NTNU); The Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture (NTNU); Uni Research Climate (Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Bergen)

Contact person: Tomas Moe Skjølsvold (NTNU)

Funding: The Research Council of Norway

Duration: 2019-2022


In CaptureX we aim to understand the drivers and barriers for successfully establishing a full-scale value-chain for carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology. Departing from the multidisciplinary sustainability transitions research field, CaptureX builds on a socio-technical perspective to analyse the innovation dynamics related to the establishment of CCS. 

Project leader: Markus Steen (Sintef Digital)

Research partners: SINTEFUniversity in Oslo; Chalmers University of Technology; SINTEF Energy Research

Contact person: Marianne Ryghaug (NTNU)

Funding: The Research Council of Norway

Duration: until 2024

External site for CaptureX

The research project Caring Futures: Developing Care Ethics for Technology-Mediated Care Practices will further develop care ethics in an increasingly technological health and welfare sector. The project revisits care ethics in practice- and experience-near contexts, at a time of changing health, care, and welfare policies, services, and practices. Our principal research question is: how can technology-mediated care practices become care-ethically sound – and, correspondingly, how can care ethics become more technology-aware? 

Project leader: Professor Ellen Ramvi (UiS)

Research partners: Ida Bruheim Jensen (UiS), Birgitta Haga Gripsrud (UiS), Ingvil Førland Hellstrand (UiS), Brita Gjerstad (UiS), Damoun Nassehi (UiS), Ingrid Margrethe Leiknes (UiS), Sissel Merete Finholt-Pedersen (UiS), Marta Høyland Lavik (UiS)

Contact person: Roger A. Søraa (NTNU)

Funding: The Research Council of Norway

Duration: 2020-2024

External site for Caring Futures

Instagram; Twitter handle: @UisQualitech

By acting as a national hub for long-term research and innovation within the field of intelligent electricity distribution, we bring together innovative stakeholders with the common task of developing and implementing new technologies, work processes and solutions. The end goal is to develop the electricity grid of the future.

KULTs work in CINELDI focusses on various aspects of end user flexibility and societal electrification. Examples are intermediary actors, the role of households, justice implications and unintended consequences.  

Project leader: Gerd Kjølle (SINTEF)

Research partners: NTNUSINTEF; and approx. 27 actors from industry, civil society and the public sector

Contact person: Tomas Moe Skjølsvold (NTNU)

Funding: The Research Council of Norway

Duration: 2016-2024

External site for CINELDI

Climate change is affecting the Nordic countries, and there are vulnerable areas that increasingly will be affected by climate-related hazards. CliCNord examines how small communities in these areas understand their situation, how they handle adverse events and build capacity, and how established systems and civil society organisations can support them. 

Project leaders: Robert Næss (NTNU); Sara Heidenreich (NTNU); Rico Kongsager (University College Copenhagen, UCC)

Research partners: University College Copenhagen, Denmark (UCC); RISE Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE); Lund University, Sweden (LU); NTNU; Arctic University of Norway (UiT); University Centre of the Westfjords, Iceland (UW)

Funding: The NordForsk Nordic Societal Security Programme

Duration: 2021-2023

External site for ClicNord

The COJUST project (Co-producing energy and climate policies: justice and equity in sustainability transitions) aims to co-produce energy and climate policies with and for low-income groups in Norway. Recognising recent calls for just and inclusive sustainability transitions, the project supports the development of effective, equitable and publicly acceptable policies within the areas of (1) mobility, (2) shelter, and (3) consumption patterns.

Project leader: Robert Næss (NTNU)

Participants: Sara Heidenreich (NTNU); Marius Korsnes (NTNU); Ruth Woods (NTNU); Nora Kristiansson (NTNU); Gisle Solbu (NTNU)

Contact: Robert Næss (NTNU)

Funding: The Research Council of Norway; ENERGIX

Duration: 2021-2022

External site for COJUST

DigiFrailCare targets digitisation and the use of digitised health data to improve health services for older people at risk of or with frailty. Frailty refers to age-related physical debility; a complex condition characterised by a cumulative decline across multiple physiological systems and increasing vulnerability to adverse health outcomes and death. Sustainable health services for frail older people are highly needed. The project will impact future multidisciplinary work models for frailty to improve health and function in older people, for the sake of improved and sustainable future health care services.

Project leader: Roger A. Søraa (NTNU)

Funding: Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (NTNU)

Contact: Roger A. Søraa (NTNU)

Duration: 2023-2027

NTNU site for DigiFrailCare

The Norwegian Research School on Digitalization, Culture and Society (DIGIT) offers joint seminars, academic courses, writing workshops, communication and management training, network- and secondment opportunities, providing PhD students and postdoctoral fellows with a platform to conduct innovative investigations into the complex interplay of digital, cultural and social changes. 

Project leader: Roger A. Søraa (NTNU)

Research partner: OsloMet

Contact person: Roger A. Søraa (NTNU)

Funding: OsloMet

Duration: 2022-2029

External site for DIGIT

DRIVERS (Digitalization of the road sector and its consequences: the role of driving) investigates the current and future role of drivers in a digitalized transport sector to meet the goals of Transport 2025 of generating knowledge and solutions for the development of an integrated, future-oriented transport system that meets the needs of trade, industry and society at large for effective, sustainable transport.

Project leader: Gisle Solbu (NTNU)

Research partners: Norges Automobil-Forbund (NAF); Norges Lastebileier-Forbund (NLF); Statens Vegvesen; Kolumbus; NITO; AtB; Forus Næringspark; Stavanger Kommune; Kjeldsberg

Contact person: Gisle Solbu (NTNU)

Funding: The Research Council of Norway - Transport 2025

Duration: 2019-2023

External site for DRIVERS

The project studies how Norwegian women are considering the possibility to become an egg donor, following egg donation as recently legally acclaimed. Qualitative interviews with women ask about their attitudes to egg donation related to perceptions of their body, of parenthood and kinship, including gendered conceptions and expectations of these matters.

Project leader: Merete Lie (NTNU)

Project partners: Riikka Homanen (Tampere University); Kristin Eng Førde (Oslo University); Ingvill Stuvøy (NTNU)

Contact: Guro Korsnes Kristensen (NTNU)

Funding: Department of Transdisciplinary Studies of Culture (NTNU)

Duration: 2022-2025

NTNU site for Egg donation, gender and the body

The main objective of ENHANCERIA is to support and strengthen the research and innovation dimensions of ENHANCE, the European Universities of Technology Alliance, through developing a transformation agenda for the alliance focusing on the role of universities as drivers and enablers of sustainable development. In the project, KULT explores practices, ways of working and structures across the alliance as well as identifying challenges and barriers at institutional, national and European level regarding sustainability development.

Project leader: Patrick Reurink (NTNU)

Research partners: Chalmers Tekniska Högskola; Politecnico Di Milano; Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen; Technische Universitat Berlin; Universitat Politecnica De Valencia; Politechnika Warszawska

Funding: Science with and for Society (SwafS, Horizon 2020)

Duration: 2021-2024

External site for ENHANCERIA

The project studies governance and management of risk in information societies from the perspective of 'epistemic justice'. Epistemic justice is the idea that not all sorts of knowledge are given the same possibilities to speak, and effort is needed to distribute this speaking power more fairly. Especially formal expertise, coming from academic and otherwise certified knowledge producers, has a natural tendency to dominate debates, and governance and management processes. Notwithstanding the value of such expertise, this may entail that other valuable sorts of knowledge fail to get included in management and governance processes. The project will deliver insights that help improve innovation and governance in information societies by mobilizing a broader range of knowledges than is currently the case.

Project leader: Govert Valkenburg (NTNU)

Project members: Govert Valkenburg (NTNU); Sofia Moratti (NTNU); Maja Urbanczyk (NTNU)

Funding: The Research Council of Norway

Duration: 2020-2024

External site for EpiJustInf

Active Projects F-L

Active Projects F-L

The aim of this project is to explore what has – until quite recently – been a politically and publicly tacit relation between national fertility rates and global climate change, but which is an emerging topic both in politics and in the general public. In the first phases of the project we analyse public discourses on fertility and family planning in contemporary Norway. The next step is to interview various experts, stakeholders and interest groups, as well as Norwegian lay people. The project has a comparative dimension which is operationalized through a collaboration with gender researchers at Ochanomizu University in Tokyo.

Project leader: Guro Korsnes Kristensen (NTNU)

Duration: 2020-[no set end date]

FAMREUN (Family reunification and unaccompanied refugee minors: psychosocial health, integration and support services) investigates how family reunification affects the psychosocial health and integration of unaccompanied refugee minors, and the role of support healthcare and integration services in this process. The aim of the project is to gain knowledge of these young people’s experiences of family reunification, and  of the health and integration services’ experiences of working with URM who have been family-reunited, as well as to optimise the quality, competence, effectiveness, and cooperation between these services.

Project leader: Priscilla Ringrose (NTNU)

Research partners: Guro K. Kristensen (NTNU); Turid F. Sætermo (NTNU); Irmelin Kjelaas (NTNU); Gjertrud Moe (NTNU); Borgunn Ytterhus (NTNU); Ketil Eide (USN)

Contact person: Priscilla Ringrose (NTNU)

Funding: Researcher Project Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal (The Research Council of Norway)

Duration: 2023-2027


FME NorthWind works to turn wind R&D into a profitable export industry that creates green jobs and respects nature. The research will address the grand science and engineering challenges to realise the full potential of the wind energy sector in a sustainable future.

Project leader: John Olav Tande (NorthWind)

Research partners: SINTEF; NTNU; NGI; UiO; NINA

Contact person: Sara Heidenreich (NTNU)

Funding: Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research

Duration: 2021-2026

External site for FME NorthWind

NTRANS is a national research centre which starts from the assumption that energy and climate transitions have reached a new and critical stage.

Project leader: Asgeir Tomasgard (NTNU); Tomas Moe Skjølsvold (NTNU); Mette Bjørndal (NTNU)

Research partners: NHHSNF; UiOSINTEFVestlandsforskning; Høgskulen på vestlandet; and approx. 30 partners from industry, civil society and the public sector 

Contact person: Tomas Moe Skjølsvold (NTNU)

Funding: The Research Council of Norway

Duration: 2019-2027

External site for FME NTRANS

FME ZEN creates solutions for the zero emission buildings and neighbourhoods of the future. This is a contribution to a low carbon society. Together with 11 public and 17 industry partners, researchers from NTNU and Sintef develop 9 test areas («pilot projects»), which are spread all over Norway.

Project leader: Thomas Berker (NTNU)

Research partners: SINTEF CommunitySINTEF Energy; 11 public and 17 industry partners

Contact person: Thomas Berker (NTNU)

Funding: The Research Council of Norway

Duration: 2016-2024

External site for FME ZEN

The research group seeks to understand and improve the gender balance and other forms of diversity in academia. This is important not only for reasons of justice, but also because it enhances quality and innovation in research and education. Ultimately, achieving such goals creates better work environments. 

Current projects:

  • Understanding gender imbalances among university professors: the shaping and reshaping of epistemic living spaces (GENDIM)
  • Learning from gender balance and equality measures

Project leader: Vivian A. Lagesen (NTNU)

Contact person: Vivian A. Lagesen (NTNU)

Funding: The Research Council of Norway

Duration: Ongoing

NTNU site for Gender balance and diversity in higher education (Project group) 

GENDIM investigates gender imbalance in academia through a concept of epistemic living spaces that broadly describes the conditions of academic work. We examine the connections and dynamics between different academic arenas that help to create and maintain gender imbalances in top positions.

Project leader: Vivian A. Lagesen (NTNU)

Research partners: Ivana Suboticki (NTNU); Knut Holtan Sørensen (NTNU); Siri Øyslebø Sørensen (NTNU); Sofia Moratti (NTNU)

Contact person: Vivian A. Lagesen (NTNU)

Funding: The Research Council of Norway

Duration: 2019-2023

NTNU site for GENDIM

A monography about Gina Krog, probably the main character of the Norwegian womens´s movement from the 1880ies. She established several organisations, was the editor of the most important journal for women´s rights from the start in 1887 until her death and was a distinguished spokeswoman for women’s suffrage. Krog represented Norway internationally through International Council of women, and not least, she was developing feminist ideology.  

Project leader: Kari Melby (NTNU)

Duration: 2019-2023

GreenBlack will examine how the state and the industry together facilitate and maintain specific knowledge economies that both sustain the role of fossil fuels and provide real leverage for the O&G sector, and in turn the nation, to expand into a future renewable energy economy with global reach. 

Project leader: William Throndsen (NTNU)

Research partners: University of Stavanger (UiS)

Contact person: William Throndsen (NTNU)

Funding: The Research Council of Norway

Duration: 2021-2024

NTNU site for GreenBlack

External site for GreenBlack

iclimabuilt’s goal is to create an open access ecosystem for developing, upscaling and testing innovations in building envelope materials and technical systems via its 9 Pilot Lines (PLs) to reach Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) balance. At the same time, iclimabuilt will support and help small high-tech firms to scale up and cope with the continuous rising of technological complexity, assisting in the transformation of research results into innovations. 

Project leader: Thomas Berker (NTNU)

Research partners: 27 partners from 14 countries

Contact person: Thomas Berker (NTNU)

Funding: EU H2020

Duration: 2022-2025

External site for iclimabuilt

KARMA: Qualitative mapping of diversity is an initiative project where the goal is to develop a digital tool for working with diversity in academia. The tool will be a resource in the expanded gender equality work at departments and research groups, and include various forms of inequality. To achieve this, we will collect and investigate the diversity and experiences from ongoing/recently completed projects at NTNU and the University of Bergen.  

Project leader: Siri Øyslebø Sørensen

Project members: Julie K. Flikke (NTNU) and Eva Amundsdotter (Stockholm University/NTNU).

Financing: The Research Council of Norway

Duration: 2024-2026



«’Keep scrolling’: User-platform relationship on TkTok» is a research project about users and platforms. Based on ethnography, qualitative interviews and content analysis, the project will produce knowledge about use and user cultures on TikTok. The project combines Science and Technology Studies (STS) with internet studies for a critical analysis of TikTok as technology, culture, and practice.

Contact person: Kristine Ask

Funding: No external funding

NTNU site for “Keep scrolling”

The main goal of the project is to develop a digital tool for work with gender equality and gender balance that will be made generally available to the higher education sector. The toolbox will also contribute to learning about gender equality and gender balance among managers.

Project leader: Ivana Suboticki (NTNU)

Funding: The Research Council of Norway 

Duration: 2021-2023

NTNU site for Learning from gender balance and equality measures

LIFEBOTS Exchange aims at enhancing cross-sector, international and interdisciplinary collaboration in the area of social robotics technology. The project will particularly focus on the health and care sector, and examines how social robots can be included into people's life.

Project leader: Artur Serrano (NTNU)

Research partners: CANARY; Cáritas Diocesana; CERTH; Co-Robotics; EHTEL; IDMind; IPN; University of Coimbra; KAIST; Salumedia Labs; Technical University of Košice; Université De Genève; Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge

Contact person: Roger A. Søraa (NTNU)

Funding: Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE)

Duration: 2019-2025

External site for LIFEBOTS Exchange

The LIFEBOTS-Exchange-Extended (LEE) project brings together Norwegian companies and public organizations with academic experts to envision the future of robotics in the healthcare sector and expand the impact and reach of LIFEBOT Exchange. 

Project leader: Artur Serrano (NTNU)

Research partners: PA Consulting; NatMat AS; Hiro Futures AS; Eidet Omsorgssenter; Arena for Learning about Welfare-technology (ALV); Jodacare; Picomed; Inocom

Contact person: Roger A. Søraa (NTNU); Mark Kharas (NTNU); Yu Cheng (NTNU)

Funding: The Research Council of Norway 

Duration: 2019-2023

External site for LIFEBOTS-Exchange-Extended

The aim of LIMBO is to assist Norwegian authorities and stakeholders by anticipating and preparing for future AMR challenges. The project focuses on identifying and evaluating future risk drivers and developing plausible future scenarios to enable stakeholders to assess diverse future outcomes. 

Project leader: Richard Helliwell (Ruralis)

Project partners: University of NottinghamNorwegian Veterinary InstituteWageningen Economic Research

Contact person: Terje Finstad (NTNU)

Funding: The Research Council of Norway 

Duration: 2021-2024

External site for LIMBO

Active Projects M-Z

Active Projects M-Z

MEATigation’s primary objective is to explore how meat is embedded in Norwegian food practices and to identify ways to promote sustainable meat-use in Norway.

Project leader: Sophia Efstathiou (NTNU)

Research partners: 11 researchers in Social Sciences Humanities and Arts, in Norway, the UK and the Netherlands, and 9 partners and associates working within the food industry

Contact person: Sophia Efstathiou (NTNU)

Funding: KLIMAFORSK programme (The Research Council of Norway)

Duration: 2020-2024

External site for MEATigation

The primary objective of the MidWay-project is to probe the concept of sufficiency as a useful organising principle to achieve reduced consumption based on the empirical inputs from meat and milk practices in China.

Project leader: Marius Korsnes (NTNU)

Funding: The European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant

Duration: 2022-2027

NTNU site for MidWay

NORDICORE is a Nordic Center of Excellence, a part of the CORE – Center for Gender Equality Research at the Institute for Social Research and is led by Mari Teigen. The project studies key issues that can help us understand and explain what promotes and inhibits gender balance and gender equality within academia and research.

Project leader: Mari Teigen (ISF)

Research partners: Institutt for Samfunnsforskning; NTNUUniversity of IcelandUmeå UniversitySwedish Institute for Social ResearchLinnaeus UniversityUniversity of AkureyriOslo MetUniversity of Helsinki

Contact person: Vivian A. Lagesen (NTNU)

Funding: Nordisk Råd 

Duration: 2017-2022

External site for NORDICORE

NJ_BREGED explores to what extent and in which ways we can envisage and/or problematize the ‘export’ of the Norwegian dual earner/dual career model of gender equality to a national context with differing political systems and culture. It asks how the political ideal of gender equality relates to other axes of difference, such as social class, ethnicity/race, sexuality and age within and across the Japanese and Norwegian national contexts. The research questions will be addressed through the mutual exchange of both scientific staff and students.

Project leader: Jennifer Branlat (NTNU)

Research partners: Ochanomizu University, Tokyo

Contact person: Guro Korsnes Kristensen (NTNU)

Funding: INTPART (The Research Council of Norway)

Duration: 2019-2022


East Africa has embraced the global drive to sustainability transitions. This project focuses on building capacity and competence through education, research and outreach to secure that the region has workforce with relevant skills set and knowledge to implement and demand for a just and sustainable low-carbon energy transition agenda.

Project leader: Charlotte N. Nakakaawa (NTNU)

Research partners: University of Stavanger; Makerere University; Makerere University Business School; University of Juba; Technical University of Kenya

Contact person: Sara Heidenreich (NTNU)

Funding: NORAD (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation – NORHED II programme)

Duration: 2021-2026

External site for NORHED

Energy Team Society is a team of experts on energy-related Social Sciences and Humanities (energy-SSH). The team consists of researchers from different disciplines, departments and faculties across NTNU.

Energy Team Society will work to combine cutting-edge research on energy-SSH, community building and activities that inclusively engage scholars across disciplinary boundaries.

Project leader: Tomas Moe Skjølsvold (NTNU)

Research partners: Department of Sociology and Political Science (NTNU); Department of Geography (NTNU); Department of Psychology (NTNU); Department of Social Anthropology (NTNU)

Funding: NTNU Energy

Duration: 2019-2024

NTNU site for NTNU Energy Team Society

Robotics4EU aims to ensure a more widespread adoption of (AI-based) robots in healthcare, inspection and maintenance of infrastructure, agri-food, and agile production.

Project leader: CIVITTA

Research partners: CIVITTA; ROBOTEX; LOBA; LNE; DBT; AFL

Contact person: Roger A. Søraa (NTNU)

Funding: Horizon 2020 (Research and Innovation programme)

Duration: 2020-2023

External site for Robotics4EU

This INTPART project investigates sociomaterial transformations in Norway and East Asia from a Humanities-based Science & Technology Studies (STS) framework on three thematic areas: sustainability, digitalization, and diversity.

Project leaders: Roger Søraa (NTNU); Marius Korsnes (NTNU)

Research partners: Tokyo Institute of Technology; Tsinghua University; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Contact person: Roger Søraa (NTNU); Marius Korsnes (NTNU); Yu Cheng (NTNU)

Funding: The Research Council of Norway

Duration: 2023-2028

External site for SoMaT

NTNU site for SoMaT

SSH CENTRE will engage directly with stakeholders across research, policy, and business (including citizens) to strengthen social innovation, SSH-STEM collaboration, transdisciplinary policy advice, inclusive engagement, and SSH communities across Europe, accelerating the EU’s transition to carbon neutrality.

Project leader: Marianne Ryghaug (NTNU)

Research partners: 3 universities, 4 research institutions, 2 stakeholder network organisations, and 4 R&I and communications SMEs

Contact person: Sara Heidenreich (NTNU)

Funding: Horizon Europe

Duration: 2022-2025

External site for SSH CENTRE

SusHydro will facilitate the role of hydropower as enabler of a fully renewable energy system, improve hydropower’s role in climate adaptation, contribute to environmentally friendly hydropower production, as well as just and democratic processes for hydropower development and operations. 

Project leader: Tor Haakon Bakken (NTNU)

Research partners: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (NTNU)

Contact person: Sara Heidenreich (NTNU)

Funding: Interdisciplinary Sustainable Initiative at NTNU

Duration: 2022-2026

NTNU site for SusHydro

syn.ikia aims at achieving sustainable plus energy neighbourhoods with more than 100% energy savings, 90% renewable energy generation triggered, 100% GHG emission reduction, and 10% life cycle costs reduction, compared to nZEB levels. This will be achieved while ensuring high quality indoor environment and well-being.

Project leader: Niki Gaitani (NTNU)

Research partners: Heimat Österreich (HÖ); ABUD Mérnökiroda Kft.; ENFOR A/S, TNO; Institut Català del Sòl (INCASÒL); Woningcorporatie Area; Fundació Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya (IREC); Housing Europe; SINTEF; The Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE); Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU); Arca Nova Group

Contact person: Ruth Woods (NTNU)

Funding: H2020 (Innovation Actions)

Duration: 2020-2024

External site for syn.ikia

UTFORSK is a four-year teaching and research collaboration between between NTNU and Ochanomizu University (Tokyo) in the fields of gender equality and diversity. The primary purpose is to develop new pedagogical strategies to strengthen the quality of gender studies education at both the Center for Gender Research at NTNU and our partner institution the Institutes for Gender Studies and Global Leadership at Ochanomizu University (Japan). 

Project leader: Jennifer Branlat (NTNU); Yoko Totani (Ochanomizu Uni, Tokyo)

Research partners: Institute for Gender Studies (Ochanomizu University, Tokyo)

Contact person: Jennifer Branlat (NTNU)

Funding: Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (DIKU)

Duration: 2021-2025