International Work-Integrated-Learning in Artificial Intelligence


In a world that is changing rapidly, the challenges of the society is facing need fast and innovative solutions. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most powerful tools we have and it provides the opportunities for us to build a better and sustainable future. As the technology advances rapidly, the necessity of connecting AI education with real-world applications and challenges has become more significant. Therefore the importance of work-integrated learning (WIL), collaborations with industrial partners and research based education is increasing.

International Work-Integrated-Learning in Artificial Intelligence (IWIL AI) aims to fill in this gap by introducing work integrated learning in AI on an international scale in Norway. The project aims to enhance the quality and relevancy of education, and strengthen the partnerships for research and innovation through an international cooperation between the partners of this project. The expected outcomes of the project are increased quality of education, strengthened international partnerships for education, research and innovation and increased experience of WIL on an international scale.

The main activities within this project are a work-integrated-learning-based student exchange for bachelor, masters and PhD students (in one of the partner organizations); dissemination and networking events with the participation of team members; supervision and performance evaluations for studetns by the host instutions.

The IWIL AI project (2023-2026) is lead by The Department of Computer Science at NTNU, and is in close connection to SFI NorwAI and the Waterloo Artificial Intelligence Institute. The main partner institution is the University of Waterloo, Co-operative and Experiential Education in Canada. Other partners include Cognite AS, SINTEF Digital, Aneo, Manulife.

IWIL AI is funded by the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir).

Applications for a research stay at the University of Waterloo is now open!

Main partners

Main partners

NTNU IDI logo University of Waterloo CEE logo


Other partners

Other partners