Dual Career Development Environments


Dual Career Development Environments

Managing a dual career can be challenging, and equilibrium is hard to achieve. Instead, dual-career athletes must try to balance potentially competing priorities and responsibilities. Luckily, many organisations are developing better support systems, which could help dual-career environments be more conducive and advantageous to development in and out of sport. Most of the current research base on dual-career environments is qualitative, which adds a rich depth and actionable knowledge to lifestyle practitioners and others that support dual-career athletes. We aim to add a questionnaire, which can provide an overview of the essential features of dual career development environments, can be crucial to further the quality and pinpoint areas for improvement in the future. 

We aim to explore the individual and contextual factors that may be related to athlete development and well-being in dual careers. The specific aim is to examine dual careers in sport and what features might impact how young people manage personal and professional development with a sports career. With this added knowledge, we hope that we can contribute to research and practice, with the overall objective to improve athletes´ development and well-being during and after their athletic pursuits.