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The partners in Maternal and Neonatal Health in Malawi - MNHM

The partners in Maternal and Neonatal Health in Malawi  - MNHM

Meet the people involved

The people at NTNU

Dr. Jon Øyvind Odland MD, PhD. Professor emeritus, NTNU and Nord University; Honorary professor at MUST, Malawi and University of Pretoria; President of the Norwegian Forum for Global Health Research; leader of the NORHED I program in maternal/child health; member of the steering group and creator of the NORHED II program in maternal/child health. Specialist in GYN/OB; appr 300 peer reviewed papers in international journals. His main interest is to develop high level educational programs in midwifery, environmental reproductive health, and maternal-child health at a global basis. His special focus in this program will be development of a novel cross-disciplinary PhD program in maternal/child health for southern Africa, based at MUST.        


Bolkan portrait

Dr. Håkon A. Bolkan is an associate professor of global health at NTNU and consultant general and abdominal surgeon.
He is the founder and chairperson of CapaCare, a non-governmental organization providing advanced surgical training to clinical officers and medical doctors nationwide in Sierra Leone and Liberia. He has been involved with health workforce capacity building in Africa for more than a decade. His research interest has been scalable solutions to increase access to quality surgical care in low income countries. 


Elin Yli Dvergsdal is the project coordinator for the NORHED II project titled A training Program to Improve Neonatal and Maternal Health. Her background is a BSc in nursing, Sør-Trøndelag University College in Trondheim, and a MSc in Health Sciences from NTNU. She is also holding a two-year degree from University of South -Eastern Norway in admin and ict. Her work experience focuses on global health research, education and innovation. She has worked for Norad for ten years in the past. She is currently the project coordinator for this NORHED II project, as well as coordination the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences global health activity. Elin is involved in the PhD administration team at the Faculty at NTNU and focus on developing new PhD program together with global south partners. 



The South Partners

Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST)

Maluwa portrait

Professor Alfred Maluwa holds a PhD in Quantitative Genetics, which he graduated from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway in 2006.  He is currently working as Director of Research, and Outreach at the Malawi University of Science and Technology. Dr. Maluwa has 30 years of experience as a researcher of which 8 years have been on research management. He is teaching Biostatistics to undergraduate students, and Research Methods and Technology Commercialization to Postgraduate students. He is also supervising M.Sc. and PhD students at MUST and in the partner universities nationally and regionally. He has been awarded and successfully implemented several research and development projects with many cooperating partners.  Currently he has established the research management system at MUST, he is coordinating research and development programs for both students and faculty, leading in innovation development, patenting and commercialization programs. He is coordinating outreach programs for both faculty and students at MUST.


Mandala portrait

Professor Wilson Lewis Mandala is currently the Executive Dean of the Academy of Medical Sciences (MUST).

He has a PhD in Malaria Immunology obtained from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM), a master’s degree in molecular biology and Biochemistry from Kings College, London and a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from Chancellor College, University of Malawi. He was appointed Professor in Immunology by the Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) in February 2017 and is the Executive Dean of the Academy of Medical Sciences. His current research interests are mainly in malaria, non-typhoidal salmonella (NTS) and HIV/AIDS immunology. He has previously worked as a Senior Lecturer at the College of Medicine, University of Malawi (now KUHeS) teaching Biochemistry, Clinical Chemistry, and Immunology.

Maria Lisa Odland portrait

Dr Maria Lisa Odland is a Research Fellow in Global Maternal Health.  Currently, she is a post-doctoral research fellow at NTNU, but based in Malawi, working on different reproductive health and maternal health projects at the Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Trust and MUST. She has been interested in global health before starting medical school in 2007 and spent her training in several different countries; Brazil, Australia and Malawi in addition to Norway. She has a particular interest in reproductive health and holds a PhD on post abortion care from Malawi. Before her current position, she was a Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham working on other very important global health issues regarding health systems, global surgery, multimorbidity and non-communicable diseases.


Kamuzu University of Health Sciences (KUHeS)

Ellen Chirwa portrait

Professor Ellen Chirwa is a Registered Malawian Midwife and graduate of the University of Illinois at Chicago, where she earned her PhD in Nursing in 2007. She joined (Kamuzu University of Health Sciences (formally Kamuzu College of Nursing) in 1990 and has mainly been teaching midwifery and reproductive in undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Professor Chirwa has been involved in various academic leadership initiatives in the college including: development of undergraduate, masters and doctoral nursing and midwifery curricula, and establishment of the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice. Her research interests lie in quality improvement in maternal and neonatal health and HIV prevention among married couples. She has received research funding from National Institutes of Health Fogarty International Centre, UNICEF, IDRC, and NORAD.

Dr. Genesis Chorwe-Sungani

Dr. Genesis Chorwe-Sungani, PhD is an Associate Professor in Mental Health at Kamuzu University of Health Sciences with a research interest in perinatal mental health and implementation science. He is currently Executive Dean for School of Nursing Sciences and coordinator for NORHED II Project: A training programme to improve maternal and neonatal health in Malawi.



University of Zambia, School of Nursing Sciences (UNZA-SoN)

Portrait Dr. Patricia Katowa-Mukwato

Dr. Patricia Katowa-Mukwato
Clinical Nurse with a PhD in Health Professions Education;
Dean- School of Nursing Sciences-University of Zambia. Board Chairperson for the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Zambia;
UNZA-SON- NORHED II Project Principal Investigator.
AFREhealth-Southern Africa Regional Chapter Lead;
East Central and Southern Africa College of Nursing and Midwifery- (ECSACONM) Research Faculty Chairperson;
Areas of interest are: Health Professions Education, Clinical Nursing Practice, Quality of Life, Coping with chronic illness and Reproductive Health.

Portrait Dr. Sebean Mayimbo

Dr. Sebean Mayimbo is a lecturer at the University of Zambia (UNZA) School of Nursing Sciences, department of midwifery, women’s and child health. She is specialized in maternal and child health. She holds a PhD in Midwifery, Masters in Nursing (with a major in maternal and child health) also from UNZA  obtained in 2009, a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from UNZA, a diploma in midwifery and another one in nursing from Lusaka Schools of midwifery and nursing respectively. She has been working at the University of Zambia for 11 years now (April 2012 to date). Her research interests are in maternal nutrition and maternal mental health.


Portrait Mutinke Zulu

Mutinke Zulu


RN/RM/BSc/MSc Nursing (Maternal and Child Health, Major) and a PhD student in Midwifery and Women’s Health.

Lecturer: University of Zambia, School of Nursing Sciences, Department of Midwifery, Women and Child Health.

Research interests: Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health.

Portrait Happy Bukuta Nyoni

Happy Bukuta Nyoni is the financial officer for the University of Zambia in the NORHED II project.

Portrait Professor Margaret Maimbolwa

Professor Margaret Maimbolwa is a PhD nurse midwife and an Associate Professor at the University of Zambia, School of Nursing Sciences in the department of Midwifery, Women’s and Child Health. She served as Assistant Dean in the School of Medicine for 9 years. She was in charge of six different programmes including curricula development for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes . She is an expert in lecturing in nursing management and leadership, women’s health, research and midwifery programmes. She has taken part in many research projects within Zambia in relation to maternal, neonatal and child survival and adolescent problems.