MR Centre

MR Centre

Research activity

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has emerged as one of the main modalities for medical imaging in future healthcare, the main reason being the ability to visualise and measure physiological processes in tissue and organs, in addition to the superior quality of the anatomical information, especially for soft tissue. New advanced MRI methods also provide diagnostic information about organ function, physiology, metabolism and molecular activity.

The MRI research community, located at the MR Centre in Trondheim, has performed preclinical and clinical MRI research since 1986. It has a broad competence and experience in a wide variety of MR Imaging and Spectroscopy research activities. The medical imaging research community in Trondheim counts more than 100 scientists and students across several departments at NTNU and St. Olavs University Hospital, with the majority belonging to the Department of circulation and medical imaging at the Medical Faculty, NTNU. A special feature is that basic high-resolution MRI spectroscopy, in-vivo imaging of animal models of disease, and clinical research on human volunteers and patients are organised as vertically integrated translational research in all the attached research groups.

The MRI systems for research activities are organised at the MR Core Facility which provides access to state-of-the-art research infrastructure and equipment, including an internationally unique MR metabolomics lab, dedicated preclinical and clinical MRI scanners for research and (soon) the only hybrid MRI-PET system in Norway.

In recent years the main research activities have been related to the brain and cancer, and are mainly organised in two research groups:

Associated centres:

Core facility:

Other research groups:


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