Innovation and knowledge management

Resources IPR (intellectual property rights) for students, employees and external partners

Video and ingress

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At NTNU, we create knowledge through research, talented students, and innovations. We also have a responsibility to ensure that our results benefit society and contribute to sustainable development.

At the same time, the university must ensure that employees and students have academic freedom and are transparent about what is happening in research and teaching. To succeed in this, we must manage knowledge responsibly.

On this page, you will find:

Several subpages introducing topics related to intellectual property rights (IPR) and explaining why they are relevant to you. There are many benefits to good knowledge management, and being well-acquainted with the content on this page will better prepare you for various IPR challenges in the future.

A collection of links to related NTNU pages and external resources for further reading.


Why IPR policy - Open and accessible knowledge

Why do we have an IPR policy?

Why IPR policy, ill. Nice industridesign


Why do we have an IPR policy?

For employees, PhD candidates, students, and external actors

Here you will learn the background of the policy, NTNU's goals as an academic institution, and what the policy means for employees in practice.

Open and Accessible Knowledge

Open and accessible knowledge, ill. Nice industridesign


Open and Accessible Knowledge

For employees, PhD candidates, students, and external actors

We show how open knowledge can be protected against misuse and various protection measures, and what you should consider before publishing or sharing your results with others.

What is innovation - Realizing ideas

What is innovation?

What is innovation, ill. Nice industridesign

What is innovation?

For employees, PhD candidates, and students

This section is a video that introduces the concept of innovation and shows the various steps from idea to realized innovation.

Realizing of Ideas

From idea to reality, ill. Nice industridesign

Realizing of Ideas

For employees and students

We guide you through the steps in the commercialization process, as well as existing tools and opportunities available to you as an employee at NTNU.

Student work in cooperation with external organization

Student Project in Collaboration with External Organizations

Student thesis in collaboration with an external business, ill. Nice industridesign

Student Project in Collaboration with External Organizations

For students, supervisors, and external partners

This section covers common considerations in collaborative projects and the background of the standard agreement. Several frequently asked questions about parts of the agreement, rights, responsibilities, and potential conflicts are answered.



IPR policy

IPR policy

NTNU’s revised IPR policy came into effect on 1 January 2022.

The IPR policy addresses the management of intellectual property rights (IPR). The purpose of the IPR policy is to ensure that NTNU fulfills its social responsibility through innovation, research, and teaching. The IPR policy also aims to create predictability among employees, students, and partners regarding the university's handling of IPR.

Along with the IPR policy, more detailed guidelines for practical use are included.

Who do I contact

Who do I contact


NTNU Technology Transfer (TTO)

IPR in research:
The laywers at the Development and Goverance Division

IPR in publication:
Page about publishing research

IPR in educational context:
Lawyer Anne Marie Snekvik


When you want guidance with a business idea, or to be involved with a start-up company: Spark NTNU (in Norwegian)

Companies and organizations:

Questions about use and access to IP from NTNU: NTNU Technology Transfer (TTO)


Types of protection

All pages in Norwegian:

Store Norske Leksikon – SNL


Design protection:

Licence agreement:
Innovation Norway


Publication licence:
Open Access

Licence for open source code:

Confidentiality agreement:
Innovation Norway

Business secrets:


Intellectual property: