The Journal Childhood

Department of Education and Lifelong Learning

The Journal Childhood

In cooperation with the global academic publisher Sage, Department of Education and Lifelong Learning is publishing the global, interdisciplinary journal Childhood.

Special issue: Call for papers

The Editors of Childhood welcome paper proposals for a special issue on "Childhood and the parent-child relationship in contemporary contexts". Abstracts are due by the 1st of March 2024. Here, you can read the full call.

Editorial Staff


Tatek Abebe, Department of Education and Lifelong Learning, NTNU, Norway
Sarada Balagopalan, Rutgers University-Camden, USA
Karl Hanson, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Spyros Spyrou, European University, Cyprus

Managing Editor:

Ragnhild Berge, Department of Education and Lifelong learning, NTNU

Editorial Office

Childhood Editorial Office
Managing Editor Ragnhild Berge
Norwegian Centre for Child Research
Department of Education and Lifelong Learning
N0-7491 Trondheim, Norway
Tel: +47 73 59 65 86

The Childhood website at Sage Publishing

Manuscript Submission

Guidelines for Authors


Subscriptions to be placed by contacting Sage.



  About the department
(+47) 73 59 19 50
(+47) 48 04 88 26 Wenche Salomonsen King

Visiting address:
Loholt alle 83-85
Pavilion A/B
Dragvoll campus

Postal address:
Department of Education and Lifelong Learning
Post box 8900, Torgarden
NO-7491 Trondheim

Childhood webinar

Celebrating 30 years of Childhood. A Journal of Global Child Research

Childhood has been at the forefront of Childhood Studies’ major developments providing a forum for researchers to share their work, engage in critical dialogues with one another, and push the boundaries of the field in important and productive ways. To commemorate the journal’s 30th anniversary, the editors of Childhood invited several colleagues with whom they engaged in conversations at two webinars held in May 2023. Recordings of the webinars can be accessed below.

  • Webinar 1: The first theme we reflect upon is the ethics of research with children.
  • Webinar 2: Our second theme explores the teaching of 'global childhoods' in Childhood Studies, a topic that has gained prominence in this increasingly globalized field

Webinar 1

Webinar 2