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News Norhed II Physio Nepal (1)

NTNU PhD Students Excel at Neptacon 2023

At Neptacon 2023, two PhD students from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) distinguished themselves. Nepal Physiotherapy Association (NEPTA) is a national organization of professional Nepalese physiotherapists. Prakash Matho presented his research on "Chronic non-specific low back pain in rural and urban Nepalese populations," earning the Best Oral Scientific Presentation award. His colleague, Govinda Mani Nepal, was a national speaker, discussing "Prognostic indicators and tools in physiotherapy." Additionally, Matho presented on the rehabilitation of Arthritis at World PT Day, aligning with the event's theme of Chronic Arthritis.

Prakash Matho awarded Best Oral Scientific Presentation award 2023

Govinda Mani Nepal invited as national speaker 2023

Prakash Matho attend walkathon at World PT day 2023


Poster presentation at World Physiotherapy Congress 2023


At the World Physiotherapy Congress 2023 2-4 June 2023 a poster with the title: "Designing a professional learning course on the fundamentals of education for Nepalese physiotherapy lecturers: a North-South-South collaboration" was presented.  Click here to download poster



Global Health Annual Report 2022


The annual report highlights some of the key global health activitites. In the report you will find a one page perspective article by PhD student and member of workpackage 1,4 and 5 Prakash Kumar Mahto Head of Clinic at Kathmandu Medical College. You can download the report on this website: https://www.globalhealth.no/assets/img/Annual-Report.pdf 


Contributes to physiotherapy education and research in Nepal


After Easter, a delegation from the physiotherapist education at NTNU in Trondheim will travel to Nepal in connection with a project to strengthen the academic competence in physiotherapy education and physiotherapy research in the country.



Ikon bekreftet av brukerfellesskapet


Download report

You can also find informaton about the workshop at:





Workshop: Integrating gender and social inclusiveness in curricula and governance of higher education institutions in Nepal (13-14 November 2022| Dulikhel) 


The Himalayan University Consortium (HUC), KU School of Medical Sciences and Kathmandu medical college are organising a residential workshop that will raise awareness among senior university administrators and healthcare professionals in Nepal of gender inequalities and other forms of social exclusion. Workshop participants will discuss practical pathways to integrate gender and social inclusiveness in curricula and governance in higher education institutions in Nepal.

During the break-out sessions, healthcare professionals will be introduced to the current situation of gender inequalities and social exclusion in healthcare sectors and discuss influencing factors, barriers, and challenges. Senior university administrators will be updated with key findings of a regional study on the state of gender and social inclusiveness in curricula among HUC members in the Hindu Kush Himalaya.

Download programme PDF

New Bachelor program started 

The new Bachelor program at Kathmandu Medical College (KMC) is up and running fall 2022 with 30 students.

5 seats approved for the Master of physiotherapy programme. 

Tentative start for the master program in February 2023 read more

Pedagogic introductory course successfully presented to 13 physiotherapy lecturers

The first part of the introductory course; Fundamentals of Teaching and Learning in Physiotherapy Education, was successfully presented to 13 physiotherapy lecturers. It was conducted through distance learning, a combination of self-learning, synchronous and asynchronous sessions. The course was divided into four units. read more

Director of Norad, and NTNU Dean visiting Nepal 2022

Bård Vegar Solhjell, director of NORAD, travels to Nepal in October to visit Kathmandu University and others involved in NORHED projects.

The Dean, Siri Forsmo, and staff at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences will travel to Nepal in the beginning of November. They will visit the Norwegian Embassy, Kathmandu Medical College (KMC), Kathmandu University and Kathmandu University School of Medical Science (KUSMS) and Dhulikhel Hospital. They will be accompanied by the Section for International Relations at NTNU and representatives from NORAD, funder of the NORHED II program. In addition, representative from Nepali Med Norway joins the team who will pay a visit to Dolakha Hospital. The NTNU coordinator for the ADVANCE II project on violence against women is also travelling with team. So is the leader of the Norwegian Research School for Global Health.

Equity Seminar 2022

On the 13th and 14th of November, an Equity seminar will be held in Dhulikhel arranged by Kathmandu Medical College (KMC) and Kathmandu University School of Medical Science (KUSMS) sponsored by NORHED II projects, ICIMOD and HUC. This is a cross cutting event arranged in collaboration by different NORHED II projects in Nepal.

Workshops Kathmandu University School of Medical Science 2022

The NORHED physio team will conduct workshops at and Kathmandu University School of Medical Science (KUSMS) with the faculty who will teach at the new master program. The NORHED physio team will also conduct workshops with the teachers at the new bachelor program at Kathmandu Medical College (KMC) and participate in teaching of the bachelor students.