
The experiment has been completed and bookings are closed.

Listening experiment

Join our listening experiment

We are looking for participants (18-50 years old) for a research project on hearing science.

We invite you to participate in a research project that investigates how our ability to localize sounds (i.e., tell from which direction sound comes) may be affected temporarily by noise exposure. We are looking for persons without hearing pathologies. Compensation for your time will be given (see below).

About the research study

Exposure to intense low-frequency sounds is not uncommon in work and leisure environments. It has been found to temporarily affect our absolute sensitivity to sound. However, effects at well audible levels are more relevant to our everyday life and have not been previously studied. Here we aim to examine how noise exposure affects spatial sound processing of clearly audible sound.

What does participation entail?

The project involves participation in listening experiments (in other words, hearing tests), that take place at our laboratory and are divided into 3 sessions on different days. In the first session an audiometry will be performed and there will be training for the listening task. In the other two sessions the main listening tests will be performed. Each session lasts about 1 ½ hours. No biological samples will be taken. The noise exposure has a dose far below the limit values that apply in Norway.

As compensation for your time, we offer gift cards per each session. Each gift card has a value of $400 NOK, yielding 1200 NOK in gift cards for the 3 sessions.

Interested in participating?

Contribute to science and sign up for the first session. You can choose your preferred time. After completing the first session, you’ll receive clearance to book the next session.

Details of the sessions

Details of the sessions

In the first part, we provide information about the experiment and answer any questions. Then, we describe your task and provide training. This section lasts a total of 1 1/2 to 2 hours.

During this session:

  1. A general description of the whole experiment will be given to you. A consent form will be signed if you decide to participate
  2. Your hearing status will be checked to determine whether your hearing is suitable for this experiment
  3. Your task will be described and practice will take place so you can get familiarized with the task. Most of the session time will be spent in practice

The outcome from Session 1 will determine whether to continue with the following sessions. The conditions for continuing will be described in detail.

In this session, you’ll perform the task you were trained on in Part 1. Part 2 will take approximately 1 1/2 hours.

The following will take place during Session 2:

  1. A short training block will be performed to remind you of your task
  2. You will perform the task you have trained for. This part will take most of the time of the session.

There will be breaks in between measurements so you can rest, and a longer break where you can enjoy coffee if you want.

Note that only 1 session per day will be done, so that Session 3 will take place another day.

In this session, we’ll perform a sound detection task. After providing instructions and completing training, the actual experiment will begin. The session will take approximately 1 1/2 hours.

During this session:

  1. The task will be described to you
  2. A short training block will be performed
  3. You will perform the task.

There will be breaks in between measurements so you can rest, and a longer break where you can enjoy coffee if you want.


Location of the experiment

Audiology - Department of Neuromedicine and Movement Sciences, NTNU
Tungasletta 2
Trondheim 7491



For any questions regarding the listening experiment please contact: