The digital wheelchair project (DigiW)

The digital wheelchair project (DigiW)

DigiW ImG

Person sitting in wheelchair wearing smartwatches

About the project

About the project



The aim of “the digital wheelchair project” (DigiW) is develop valid energy expenditure estimation algorithms for wheelchair users and incorporate them in an affordable wearable device, which can be used to track (in)activity and promote a healthy lifestyle.


Work packages

Work packages



Work package 1: Estimation of energy expenditure during rest and wheelchair-specific free-living activities based on heart rate data and demographical variables. The collected data will be implemented in the algorithm development outlined in WP4.

Work package 2: Identification of rest periods and the type of free-living activity based on the data of inertial measurement units. The collected data will be implemented in the algorithm development outlined in WP4.

Work package 3: Feasibility of collecting data with a reduced multi-sensor set-up and validity of the energy estimation algorithm (developed based on the data of WP1&2) while collecting data during unstandardized rest and free-living activities 24/7.

Work package 4: Continuous development of the energy expenditure estimation algorithms through machine-learning approaches in parallel with conducting WP1-WP3.




