The Marine Technology Risk, Safety and Asset Management Group

The Marine Technology Risk, Safety and Asset Management Group

Welcome to the webpage of the risk research group at the Department of Marine Technology at NTNU.

We develop methods for risk assessment, risk analysis, and hazard assessment for application in a variety of marine and maritime activities.

Applications and industries that are covered by our research are, among others, autonomous systems, aquaculture, fisheries, oil and gas offshore platforms, and advanced ships.

The researchers in our group have a variety of backgrounds and research interests.

We believe that through collaboration and interdisciplinary work, we can address risk and safety challenges that arise through new technologies, application areas and business opportunities in the marine environment. Read more about our ongoing research projects below.

Selected research projects

Selected research projects

Some selected research projects with project managers from the group.

Safeguarding critical infrastructures, production systems, risk management, and robust monitoring and communication in vast and remote ocean areas are more important than ever. The sabotage of the North Stream gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea demonstrated the vulnerability of critical infrastructures in the ocean, the negative consequences for the energy supply and, hence, for Europe´s economy. To mitigate such risks, this project will develop technology solutions for intelligent autonomous systems and robotic organizations in persistent long-range safeguarding operations, realizing a patrolling surveillance system for the critical ocean infrastructures. Find more information on the project website.

In the ORCAS project novel technological solutions for online risk management and risk control of autonomous ships will be developed. Cutting-edge interdisciplinary research combining cybernetics and risk management aims to achieve high level of autonomy, intelligence and decision-making capabilities for autonomous ships. The goal is to enhance the realization of autonomous ships by developing safer and smarter automatic sailing systems and power and propulsion systems that are able to detect, perceive, verify, monitor, control and follow-up deviations and potential hazards. Find more information on the project website.

The UNLOCK project addresses research challenges related to risk acceptance and supervisory risk control of autonomous systems and operations. The aim is to develop more powerful risk control solutions to achieve safe system performances and allow for widespread use of autonomous systems. The outcomes of this ambitious project will support and enhance the achievement of higher-level autonomy and intelligence in advanced control systems through the integration of online risk modelling, testing and verification of safe responses of the control system. Find more information on the project website.

The objectives of online risk modelling are to provide a real-time risk picture, give early warnings of deviations in the system, improve decision-support for dynamic positioning (DP) system operators, and improve HMI in DP operator stations in order to improve response to abnormal scenarios. Find more information on the project website.

This project researches and develops novel concepts for autonomous operations and technology to improve safety and efficiency in aquaculture. In particular, the project will address daily operations and inspection, maintenance, and repair (IMR) for exposed locations, but the project results will also be applicable to more sheltered fish production. Moreover, the project will assess, utilize and possibly adapt technology developed for subsea IMR in the oil and gas industry. Advances in sensor technology, robotics, ICT, and localization methods create new opportunities for reducing operators' manual workload and exposure time on the facilities at sea, for preventing fish escape, and for improving safety and operational efficiency. Find more information on the project website.

The group is/has been involved in other projects as research scientists and work package leaders:

Activities and resources

Activities and resources

The International Workshop on Autonomous Systems Safety (IWASS)

IWASS gathers key experts in autonomous systems safety from industry, academia, and regulators. The aim is to identify and propose solutions for common challenges related to safety, reliability, and security (SRS) of autonomous systems from an interdisciplinary and cross-industry perspective. More information.


The publications can be found on the respective researchers' profiles:

Prof. Ingrid Bouwer Utne, Prof. Jan Erik VinnemAssociate Professor Ekaterina Kim


Maritime Transportation - Safegy management and risk analysis (2nd ed). Stein Haugen and Svein Kristiansen. 2023. Routledge.

Risikoanalyse - Teori og metoder (Risk analysis - theory and methods. In Norwegian). Second edition
M. Rausand and I. B. Utne. 2022. Publisher: Tapir Akademisk Forlag/Akademika. More information.

Online Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Complex Marine Systems. Principles, modeling and applications. 2021. Tarannom Parhizkar, Ingrid B. Utne & Jan Erik Vinnem. Springer Series in Reliability Engineering. Springer Nature Switzerland.

Risk Assessment: Theory, Methods and Applications. Second edition.
Marvin Rausand and Stein Haugen. 2020. Newark: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated

Offshore Risk Assessment Vol. 1. 4th Ed. Vinnem, Jan-Erik, and Willy Røed. 2020. Springer Series in Reliability Engineering. London: Springer London.

Risk and Interdependencies in Critical Infrastructures: A Guide for Analysis
Eds. P. Hokstad, I. B. Utne, and J. Vatn. 2012. Springer, London (Chinese edition, 2015)

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