Reports from the Oden Icebreaker Research Cruise
Reports from the Oden Icebreaker Research Cruise
Photo (NTNU): The Oden icebreaker at the start of its journey. (15 August 2016)
19 September
Local time: 12.33 UTC+1
Position: 78° 13.96'N 015° 37.51'E
Heading: 309°
Speed: 0.3 knots
Water depth: 203 m
Wind speed: 5.6 m/s
Air temperature: 3.91°C
Feels like (wind chill): 0.02°C
Sea temperature: 5.1°C
The expedition is coming to an end and we have reached Longyearbyen. It was a rough transit from the ice edge, with 4-5 meters waves and 30 m/s wind. We are now packing down our equipment, and are getting ready for our flight back home tomorrow. I have learnt a lot during the expedition, and I hope that I can join another one in the future. - Jon Bjørnø (SAMCoT/IMT)
8 September
Local time: UTC 13.33
Position: 88° 29.98'N 095° 24.62'E
Heading: 85°
Speed: 4.7 knots
Water depth: 4352 m
Wind speed: 8.4 m/s
Air temperature: -7.4°C
Feels like (wind chill): -15.83°C
Sea temperature: -1.6°C
We are now shooting seismic, and we will shoot for three days. Due to the ice concentration, about 9/10, we need to go back and forth. First breaking the ice, then backtrack and shoot seismic. Today the sun is finally back, but there some wind and the temperature is low, so it is cold being out on deck.
2 September
Local time: UTC 15.38
Position: 82° 24.15'N 141° 16.15'W
Heading: 65°
Speed: 0.9 knots
Water depth: 2872 m
Wind speed: 4.9 m/s
Air temperature: -2.3°C
Feels like (wind chill): -7.52°C
Sea temperature: -1.4°C
After doing multibeam lines for several days, Oden and LSSL met up and we got to go onboard LSSL. Here we got a guided tour of the LSSL and we took a group photo with all the people from both icebreakers. The Oden and LSSL just split up, and are going separate ways. Now we are doing coring, and after we are heading in the direction of Svalbard. Along the way back we are going to do seismic, dredging, coring, ice stations and CTD. The weather for the past couple of days have been windy and foggy, but today the wind has calmed and there a little snow in the air. We have been sailing in and out of the ice multiple times during the line, and are now not so far from the ice edge. The ice concentration right now is about 8/10.
29 August
Local time: UTC 14.39
Position: 85° 57.45'N 148° 03.31'W
Heading: 327°
Speed: 0.7 knots
Water depth: 2174 m
Wind speed: 8.2 m/s
Air temperature: -1.23°C
Feels like (wind chill): -7.45°C
Sea temperature: -1.5°C
For the past few days we have been breaking ice for LSSL that has been shooting seismic. After meeting heavy ice conditions, with a lot of ridges and multi-year ice, on the last seismic line, the plan was changed to head west into more manageable ice. For the last few hours we have done coring and taking a CTD. Now we are waiting for the ice station to finish up and come back onboard. Due to fog, the ice stations were placed on a floe next to the ship, and not the normal distance (15nm-20nm) away from the ship. The weather today has been cloudy with a lot of fog.
21 August
Local time: UTC 19.27
Position: 89° 58.29'N 072° 33.46'E
Heading: 135°
Speed: 0.2 knots
Water depth: 4224 m
Wind speed: 6.3 m/s
Air temperature: -4.78°C
Feels like (wind chill): -11.27°C
Sea temperature: -1.4°C
Photo (NTNU): NTNU team in front of the Oden icebreaker. (21 August 2016)
The plans were changed and we went up to the North Pole! The day were spent on the ice, taking photos, playing games and having a barbecue. Just having a great time at the North Pole. The weather today has been cloudy with some wind. Could had hoped for some sun, but it was ok. Now we are drifting with the ice, waiting to continue the seismic line. Scientist on board are using the time to do coring, CTD and an ice station. The plans for next week is to continue with the ice breaking for LSSL, that will be shooting seismic, and do some dredging.
19 August
Local time: UTC 16.20
Position: 88° 07.63'N 095° 27.65'W
Heading: 287°
Speed: 3.3 knots
Water depth: 2235 m
Wind speed: 8.2 m/s
Air temperature: -4.08°C
Feels like (wind chill): -11.24°C
Sea temperature: -0.4°C
Day two of the seismic shooting. We are now finished with the first string and are making great progress into the second one. The ice conditions are still tough, and yesterday Oden had to break free LSSL from the ice. LSSL can't back up due to the seismic gear hanging from the stern. The weather today have been normal for the expedition, cloudy with some wind. After the second string is done, there will be time for coring and a CTD.
17 August
Local time: UTC 19.47
Position: 88° 56.69'N 079° 07.30'W
Heading: 210°
Speed: 1.4 knots
Water depth: 1434 m
Wind speed: 4.8 m/s
Air temperature: -0.32°C
Feels like (wind chill): -9.37°C
Sea temperature: -1.5°C
Last night the LSSL had some trouble, so we were at a stand still for 16 hours. The scientists on Oden used the time to do coring and CTD. At noon the problems were fixed and we were off to the first seismic line. Right now we have been shooting seismic for 30 nm of a 80 nm string, so there have been a lot of progress. Today there is sun with some minor snow showers, so much better than yesterday. The ice condition is getting tougher, a lot of pressure ridges, larger and thicker ice floes and more multiyear ice. For the next few days the plan is to shoot seismic non stop, with a preliminary plan for coring and CTD between strings.
16 August
Local time: UTC 16.45
Position: 89° 18.04'N 065° 31.21'W
Heading: 288°
Speed: 6.5 knots
Water depth: 2709 m
Wind speed: 14.8 m/s
Air temperature: -0.32°C
Feels like (wind chill): -8.31°C
Sea temperature: -1.3°C
We are now catching up with the other icebreaker, LSSL, after doing dredging operations and CTD during the night and throughout the day. When we have caught up with LSSL, we will start doing the first seismic line. Oden will be breaking the ice for LSSL, who is shooting the seismic. The weather is as yesterday, snow and fog, but a bit more wind. It was cold to fix minor problems with the camera system on top of the bridge. The SAMCoT team will present our work package later today, and we are working on the last bits of the presentation now.
15 August
Local time: UTC 20.33
Position: 89° 10.45'N 060° 55.49'W
Heading: 5°
Speed: 8.9 knots
Water depth: 4032 m
Wind speed: 12.2 m/s
Air temperature: -3.8°C
Feels like (wind chill): -11.89°C
Sea temperature: -1.5°C
Photo (NTNU): The Oden icebreaker at the start of its journey. (15 August 2016)
We are currently in transit to a dredge site (N89 13.45 W66 38.44), during the transit the heavy metals group have done an ice station to sample water, snow and ice. The weather has shifted from sun in the morning and over to snow and fog at mid-day. The SAMCoT team will present our work package tomorrow and have been working on our presentations today. All systems up and running, and logging data according to the plan.
Involved PhD candidates from NTNU: Hans-Martin Heyn (AMOS/SAMCoT/IMT), Jon Bjørnø (SAMCoT/IMT) and Runa Skarbø (CIRFA/BAT)
Read Runa's blog from the research cruise
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Find more information about the expedition on their official website