Didactics of mathematics

Research group

Didactics of mathematics

The research activities of the mathematics didactics research group centre around the following areas:

Algebraic thinking

Algebraic thinking deals with research on teaching and learning of generalisation and reasoning with symbolic forms. The Theory of Didactical Situations in Mathematics (TDS) is used to study the relationship between, on the one hand, the conditions and constraints under which students solve algebra problems—with didactic contract and milieu as central concepts—and, on the other hand, the knowledge they use and produce when solving these problems.

Mathematical modelling

This research area deals with mathematical modelling as a tool to teach and learn mathematics. Important constructs are mathematical and didactic praxeologies. Didactic systems are studied by means of didactic models: the model of didactic moments and a more general model that aims to include any process of study and research starting from a problematic question. The research is framed within the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD). The project CiviMatics is connected to this research area.

Teaching practices in the primary mathematics classroom

There are two strands in this research area: one involves study and development of mathematics teaching practices; the other involves investigation of students’ development and use of mathematical language and concepts in communicating ideas, argumentation and justification. Theoretical frameworks used include TDS, semiotic theory, theories of language and the theory of conceptual fields. This work is closely connected to the project LaUDiM, Language Use and Development in the Mathematics Classroom.

Mathematics and statistics in engineering education

This research area is based in developmental projects aiming at renewing the courses in mathematics and statistics provided by IMF. The research is based in the innovative education projects KTDiM, ACT! and Tett På. Theoretical and methodological frameworks include Activity Theory, ATD, and Interactive Action Research.

Recent publications

Recent publications

Current projects

Current projects

The national graduate school in Mathematics and Science Education (MaScE) is a part of Nasjonale forskerskoler. Their primary objective is to nurture the development of research competence among PhD fellows in mathematics education and science education and support their development towards becoming excellent researchers. Contact: Frode Rønning.

Completed projects

Completed projects

MARTA (2021–2023)

Matematikk som redskap for tanken (MARTA) var et samarbeid mellom Institutt for matematiske fag og studieprogrammene MTELSYS og MTKJ for å videreutvikle studentaktive lærings- og vurderingsformer ved å se matematikk og ingeniørfag i sammenheng. Pilotprosjektet ble ledet av Frode Rønning.

CiviMatics (2020–2023)

CiviMatics – Interdisciplinary mathematical modelling meets civic education is funded by Erasmus+. It is a strategic partnership between Germany (coordinator), Austria, Romania and Norway. The Norwegian part is led by Heidi Strømskag.

ACT! (2018–2021)

ACTive learning in core courses in mathematics and statistics for engineering education is funded by NTNU Toppundervisning and headed by professor Frode Rønning.




The national graduate school in Mathematics and Science Education (MaScE) was created to nurture the development of research competence among PhD fellows in mathematics and science education and support their development towards becoming excellent researchers. The graduate school is a collaborative effort located at Universitetet i Agder (UiA).