Publications - Algebra - Mathematical Sciences
Raphael Bennett-Tennenhaus, Johanne Haugland, Mads Hustad Sandøy and Amit Shah
Theory and Applications of Categories
Petter Andreas Bergh, Julia Yael Plavnik and Sarah Witherspoon
Support varieties without the tensor product property
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
Thea Bjørnland, Aslak Bakke Buan and Vidar Gynnild
First-year engineering students' attitudes and learning goals in calculus: A ten-year follow-up study
Nordic Journal of STEM Education
Magnus Botnan, Steffen Oppermann, Steve Oudot and Luis Scoccola
On the bottleneck stability of rank decompositions of multi-parameter persistence modules
Advances in Mathematics
Magnus Botnan, Steffen Oppermann and Steve Oudot
Signed Barcodes for Multi-parameter Persistence via Rank Decompositions and Rank-Exact Resolutions
Foundations of Computational Mathematics
Aslak Bakke Buan and Yu Zhou
Weak cotorsion, τ-tilting and two-term categories
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Constantin Catalin Dragan, François Dupressoir, Kristian Gjøsteen, Thomas Haines, Peter B. Rønne and Morten Rotvold Solberg
Machine-Checked Proofs of Accountability: How to sElect Who is to Blame
Computer Security - ESORICS 2023
Jonathan Komada Eriksen, Lorenz Panny, Jana Sotáková and Mattia Veroni
Deuring for the People: Supersingular Elliptic Curves with Prescribed Endomorphism Ring in General Characteristic
Contemporary Mathematics
Didrik Fosse, Steffen Oppermann and Torkil Utvik Stai
Non-piecewise hereditary Nakayama algebras
Journal of Algebra
Wissam Ghantous, Federico Pintore and Mattia Veroni
Efficiency of SIDH-based signatures (yes, SIDH)
Journal of Mathematical Cryptology
Hans Heum, Carlo Brunetta and Martijn Stam
SoK: Public Key Encryption with Openings
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Mads Hustad Sandøy and Louis-Philippe Thibault
Classification results for n-hereditary monomial algebras
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Diego F. Aranha, Carsten Baum, Kristian Gjøsteen and Tjerand Aga Silde
Verifiable Mix-Nets and Distributed Decryption for Voting from Lattice-Based Assumptions
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security
Raphael Bennett-Tennenhaus, Johanne Haugland, Mads Hustad Sandøy and Amit Shah
The category of extensions and a characterisation of n-exangulated functors
Mathematische Zeitschrift
Petter Andreas Bergh
Separable equivalences, finitely generated cohomology and finite tensor categories
Mathematische Zeitschrift
Petter Andreas Bergh and David A. Jorgensen
Categorical matrix factorizations
Annals of K-theory
Colin Alexander Boyd, Elsie Margrethe Staff Mestl Fondevik, Kristian Gjøsteen and Lise Millerjord
Hybrid Group Key Exchange with Application to Constrained Networks
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Carlo Brunetta, Hans Waardal Heum and Martijn Stam
Multi-instance Secure Public-Key Encryption
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Aslak Bakke Buan and Eric James Hanson
Nagoya mathematical journal
Aslak Bakke Buan and Bethany Rose Marsh
Mutating signed -exceptional sequences
Glasgow Mathematical Journal
Elsie Margrethe Staff Mestl Fondevik and Kristian Gjøsteen
Modeling Noise-Accepting Key Exchange
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Kai Gellert, Kristian Gjøsteen, Håkon Jacobsen and Tibor Jager
On Optimal Tightness for Key Exchange with Full Forward Secrecy via Key Confirmation
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Kristian Gjøsteen, Thomas Haines and Morten Rotvold Solberg
Coercion Mitigation for Voting Systems with Trackers: A Selene Case Study
Electronic Voting
Martin Herschend, Osamu Iyama, Hiroyuki Minamoto and Steffen Oppermann
Representation Theory of Geigle-Lenzing Complete Intersections
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
Steffen Oppermann, Chrysostomos Psaroudakis and Torkil Utvik Stai
Partial Serre duality and cocompact objects
Selecta Mathematica, New Series
Mayank Raikwar, Shuang Wu and Kristian Gjøsteen
Security Model for Privacy-Preserving Blockchain-Based Cryptocurrency Systems
Network and System Security 17th International Conference, NSS 2023 Canterbury, UK, August 14–16, 2023 Proceedings
Constantin Cătălin Drăgan, François Dupressoir, Ehsan Estaji, Kristian Gjøsteen, Thomas Haines, Peter Y. A. Ryan, Peter B. Rønne and Morten Rotvold Solberg
Machine-Checked Proofs of Privacy Against Malicious Boards for Selene & Co
2022 IEEE 35th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF)
Karin Erdmann, Chrysostomos Psaroudakis and Øyvind Solberg
Representation Theory: An Electronic Journal of the AMS
Kristian Gjøsteen, Thomas Edmund Haines, Johannes Müller, Peter B. Rønne and Tjerand Silde
Verifiable Decryption in the Head
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Kristian Gjøsteen, Mayank Raikwar and Shuang Wu
PriBank: Confidential Blockchain Scaling Using Short Commit-and-Proof NIZK Argument
Topics in Cryptology – CT-RSA 2022
Benedikte Grimeland, Øystein I Skartsæterhagen and Svein Arne Sikko
Co-learning in an IBL-inspired PD session on programming
Proceedings of the 12th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12)
Johanne Haugland, Karin M. Jacobsen and Sibylle Schroll
The role of gentle algebras in higher homological algebra
Forum mathematicum
Diego F. Aranha, Carsten Baum, Kristian Gjøsteen, Tjerand Silde and Thor Tunge
Lattice-Based Proof of Shuffle and Applications to Electronic Voting
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Javad Asadollahi, Saeid Azam, Silvana Bazzoni, Aslak Bakke Buan and Bernhard Keller
Isfahan School and Conference on Representation Theory of Algebras (ISCRA 2019)
Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society (BIMS)
Petter Andreas Bergh, David A. Jorgensen and W. Frank Moore
Totally Acyclic Approximations
Applied Categorical Structures
Petter Andreas Bergh, Julia Yael Plavnik and Sarah Witherspoon
Support varieties for finite tensor categories: Complexity, realization, and connectedness
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Aslak Bakke Buan and Bethany Rose Marsh
Tau-exceptional sequences
Journal of Algebra
Aslak Bakke Buan and Robert James Marsh
A category of wide subcategories
International Mathematics Research Notices (IMRN)
Aslak Bakke Buan, Yu Qiu and Yu Zhou
Decorated Marked Surfaces III: The Derived Category of a Decorated Marked Surface
International Mathematics Research Notices (IMRN)
Reduction techniques for the finitistic dimension
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
Kristian Gjøsteen, Thomas Edmund Haines and Morten Rotvold Solberg
Efficient Mixing of Arbitrary Ballots with Everlasting Privacy: How to Verifiably Mix the PPATC Scheme
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Johanne Haugland
The Grothendieck Group of an n-exangulated Category
Applied Categorical Structures
Johanne Haugland
Auslander–Reiten Triangles and Grothendieck Groups of Triangulated Categories
Algebras and Representation Theory
Mads Hustad Sandøy
Higher Homological Algebra and Support Varieties
Doctoral Dissertation
Bor de Kock, Kristian Gjøsteen and Mattia Veroni
Practical Isogeny-Based Key-Exchange with Optimal Tightness
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Ulrich Bauer, Magnus Bakke Botnan, Steffen Oppermann and Johan Steen
Cotorsion torsion triples and the representation theory of filtered hierarchical clustering
Advances in Mathematics
Petter Andreas Bergh, Mads Hustad Sandøy and Øyvind Solberg
On support varieties and tensor products for finite dimensional algebras
Journal of Algebra
Petter Andreas Bergh and Peder Thompson
Matrix factorizations for self-orthogonal categories of modules
Journal of Algebra and its Applications
Petter Andreas Bergh, Karin Erdmann and David A. Jorgensen
Modules of Constant Jordan Type over Quantum Complete Intersections
Documenta Mathematica
Petter Andreas Bergh, David A. Jorgensen and W. Frank Moore
A converse to a construction of Eisenbud–Shamash
Journal of Commutative Algebra
Colin Alexander Boyd, Gareth Thomas Davies, Kristian Gjøsteen and Yao Jiang
Fast and Secure Updatable Encryption
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Gareth Thomas Davies, Herman Galteland, Kristian Gjøsteen and Yao Jiang
Cloud-assisted Asynchronous Key Transport with Post-Quantum Security
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Ehsan Estaji, Thomas Edmund Haines, Kristian Gjøsteen, Peter Rønne, Peter Y. A. Ryan and Najmeh Soroush
Revisiting Practical and Usable Coercion-Resistant Remote E-Voting
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Peter B. Rønne, Arash Atashpendar, Kristian Gjøsteen and Peter Y. A. Ryan
Short Paper: Coercion-Resistant Voting in Linear Time via Fully Homomorphic Encryption: Towards a Quantum-Safe Scheme
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Petter Andreas Bergh and Karin Erdmann
Matrix factorizations for quantum complete intersections
Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures (JHRS)
Colin Alexander Boyd, Kristian Gjøsteen, Clementine Jeanne Pierrette Gritti and Thomas Edmund Haines
A Blind Coupon Mechanism Enabling Veto Voting over Unreliable Networks
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Aslak Bakke Buan
From classical tilting to two-term silting
Science China Mathematics
Aslak Bakke Buan, Henning Krause, Nicole Snashall and Øyvind Solberg
Support varieties—an axiomatic approach
Mathematische Zeitschrift
Katriel Cohn-Gordon, Cas Cremers, Kristian Gjøsteen, Håkon Jacobsen and Tibor Jager
Highly Efficient Key Exchange Protocols with Optimal Tightness
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Cas Cremers, Kristian Gjøsteen, Tibor Jager and Katriel Cohn-Gordon
Highly Efficient Key Exchange Protocols with Optimal Tightness
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Karin Erdmann, Øyvind Solberg and Xingting Wang
On the structure and cohomology ring of connected Hopf algebras
Journal of Algebra
Julian Kulshammer, Chrysostomos Psaroudakis and Øystein I Skartsæterhagen
Derived invariance of support varieties
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Steffen Oppermann, Chrysostomos Psaroudakis and Torkil Utvik Stai
Change of rings and singularity categories
Advances in Mathematics
Petter Andreas Bergh and David Alan Jorgensen
Realizability and the Avrunin-Scott theorem for higher-order support varieties
Journal of Algebra and its Applications
Colin Alexander Boyd, Gareth Thomas Davies, Kristian Gjøsteen, Håvard Raddum and Mohsen Toorani
Security notions for cloud storage and deduplication
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Colin Alexander Boyd, Gareth Thomas Davies, Kristian Gjøsteen, Håvard Raddum and Mohsen Toorani
Definitions for plaintext-existence hiding in cloud storage
ARES'18. Proceedings of The 13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security - Hamburg, Germany — August 27 - 30, 2018
Colin Alexander Boyd, Gareth Thomas Davies, Kristian Gjøsteen and Yao Jiang
Offline Assisted Group Key Exchange
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Kristian Gjøsteen and Tibor Jager
Practical and tightly-secure digital signatures and authenticated key exchange
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Sebastian Gutsche, Sebastian Posur and Øystein I Skartsæterhagen
On the syntax and semantics of CAP
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Osamu Iyama and Øyvind Solberg
Auslander-Gorenstein algebras and precluster tilting
Advances in Mathematics
Øyvind Solberg
Going relative with Maurice—a survey
Contemporary Mathematics
Torkil Utvik Stai
The triangulated hull of periodic complexes
Mathematical Research Letters
Martin Strand, Kristian Gjøsteen and Aslak Bakke Buan
Fully homomorphic encryption with applications to electronic voting
Doctoral Dissertation
Frederik Armknecht, Colin Alexander Boyd, Gareth Thomas Davies, Kristian Gjøsteen and Mohsen Toorani
Side channels in deduplication: trade-offs between leakage and efficiency
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security
Petter Andreas Bergh and Dag Oskar Madsen
Hochschild homology and trivial extension algebras
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Petter Andreas Bergh and David Alan Jorgensen
A Generalized Dade?s Lemma for Local Rings
Algebras and Representation Theory
Aslak Bakke Buan and Yu Zhou
Endomorphism algebras of 2-term silting complexes
Algebras and Representation Theory
Herman Galteland and Kristian Gjøsteen
Malware, Encryption, and Rerandomization - Everything is Under Attack
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Kristian Gjøsteen and Martin Strand
A Roadmap to Fully Homomorphic Elections: Stronger Security, Better Verifiability
Financial Cryptography and Data Security -- FC 2017 International Workshops, WAHC, BITCOIN, VOTING, WTSC, and TA, Sliema, Malta, April 7, 2017, Revised Selected Papers
Karin Marie Jacobsen and Aslak Bakke Buan
Understanding module categories through triangulated categories using Auslander-Reiten Theory
Doctoral Dissertation
Boris Lerner and Steffen Oppermann
Nagoya mathematical journal
Nils Melvær Nornes and Steffen Oppermann
Degenerations of Submodules and Composition Series
Algebras and Representation Theory
Steffen Oppermann
Quivers for silting mutation
Advances in Mathematics
Torkil Utvik Stai
Differential Modules over Quadratic Monomial Algebras
Algebras and Representation Theory
Torkil Utvik Stai and Steffen Oppermann
On orbit and localization constructions for triangulated categories
Doctoral Dissertation
Emilie Bjørlo Arentz-Hansen, Petter Andreas Bergh and Marius Thaule
The morphism axiom for n-angulated categories
Theory and Applications of Categories
Petter Andreas Bergh, Gustavo Jasso and Marius Thaule
Higher n-angulations from local rings
Journal of the London Mathematical Society
Petter Andreas Bergh and David A Jorgensen
Complete intersections and equivalences with categories of matrix factorizations
Homology, Homotopy and Applications
Aslak Bakke Buan and Yu Zhou
A silting theorem
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Aslak Bakke Buan and Yu Zhou
Silted algebras
Advances in Mathematics
Aslak Bakke Buan, Idun Reiten and Yann Palu
Algebras of finite representation type arising from maximal rigid objects
Journal of Algebra
Kristian Gjøsteen and Anders Smedstuen Lund
An experiment on the security of the Norwegian electronic voting protocol
Annales des télécommunications
Edward L. Green, Nicole Snashall, Øyvind Solberg and Dan Zacharia
On the diagonal subalgebra of an Ext-algebra
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Øystein I Skartsæterhagen
Singular equivalence and the (Fg) condition
Journal of Algebra
Petter Andreas Bergh, Steffen Oppermann and David A Jorgensen
The Gorenstein defect category
Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
Steffen Oppermann, Idun Reiten and Hugh Thomas
Quotient closed subcategories of quiver representations
Compositio Mathematica
Claire Amiot and Steffen Oppermann
Higher preprojective algebras and stably Calabi-Yau properties
Mathematical Research Letters
Claire Amiot and Steffen Oppermann
Cluster equivalence and graded derived equivalence
Documenta Mathematica
James Aspnes, Zoë Diamadi, Aleksandr Yampolskiy, Kristian Gjøsteen and René Peralta
Spreading Alerts Quietly and the Subgroup Escape Problem
Journal of Cryptology
K Baur, Aslak Bakke Buan and RJ Marsh
Torsion pairs and rigid objects in tubes
Algebras and Representation Theory
Petter Andreas Bergh and Marius Thaule
The Grothendieck group of an n-angulated category
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Petter Andreas Bergh and W. Turner
On the representation dimension of skew group algebras, wreath products and blocks of Hecke algebras
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
Petter Andreas Bergh, David Alan Jorgensen and Steffen Oppermann
The negative side of cohomology for Calabi-Yau categories
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
Petter Andreas Bergh
On the existence of cluster tilting objects in triangulated categories
Journal of Algebra
Petter Andreas Bergh and David Alan Jorgensen
On growth in minimal totally acyclic complexes
Journal of Commutative Algebra
Petter Andreas Bergh, Olgur Celikbas and David A Jorgensen
Homological algebra modulo exact zero-divisors
Kyoto Journal of Mathematics
Petter Andreas Bergh and Johan Steen
Generators and representability in triangulated categories.
Doctoral Dissertation
Petter Andreas Bergh, Steffen Oppermann and David Alan Jorgensen
The gorenstein defect category
Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
Aslak Bakke Buan
Classifying torsion pairs for tame hereditary algebras and tubes
Contemporary Mathematics
Aslak Bakke Buan and Fedra Babaei Alitappeh
Special biserial cluster-tilted algebras and derived categories of cluster-tilted algebras of type A
Doctoral Dissertation
Aslak Bakke Buan and Yvonne Grimeland
Classification Problems for Special Biserial and Gentle Algebras
Doctoral Dissertation
Martin Herschend, Osamu Iyama and Steffen Oppermann
N-representation infinite algebras
Advances in Mathematics
Øyvind Solberg, Øystein I Skartsæterhagen and Chrysostomos Psaroudakis
Gorenstein categories, singular equivalences and finite generation of cohomology rings in recollements
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
Claire Amiot and Steffen Oppermann
The Image of the Derived Category in the Cluster Category
International Mathematics Research Notices (IMRN)
Claire Amiot and Steffen Oppermann
Algebras of acyclic cluster type: Tree type and type Ã
Nagoya mathematical journal
Petter Andreas Bergh
On the vanishing of homology with modules of finite length
Mathematica Scandinavica
Petter Andreas Bergh and Marius Thaule
The axioms for n-angulated categories
Algebraic and Geometric Topology
Petter Andreas Bergh and David A Jorgensen
Tate-Hochschild homology and cohomology of Frobenius algebras
Journal of Noncommutative Geometry
Aslak Bakke Buan and RJ Marsh
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
C Geiss, B Keller and Steffen Oppermann
n-angulated categories
Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik
Lars Hellan, Tore Bruland, Elias Aamot and Mads Hustad Sandøy
A Grammar Sparrer for Norwegian
Proceedings of the 19th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 2013)
Osamu Iyama and Steffen Oppermann
Stable categories of higher preprojective algebras
Advances in Mathematics
Petter Andreas Bergh, Y Han and Dag Oskar Madsen
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Marco Angel Bertani-Økland, Steffen Oppermann and Anette Wrålsen
Graded mutation in cluster categories coming from hereditary categories with a tilting object
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
GRZEGORZ Bobinski and Aslak Bakke Buan
Journal of Algebra and its Applications
Aslak Bakke Buan, Idun Reiten and Hugh Thomas
From m-clusters to m-noncrossing partitions via exceptional sequences
Mathematische Zeitschrift
Aslak Bakke Buan and Robert Marsh
From triangulated categories to module categories via localization II: calculus of fractions
Journal of the London Mathematical Society
Kristian Gjøsteen and Øystein Øvreås Thuen
Password-Based Signatures
Public Key Infrastructures, Services and Applications : 8th European Workshop, EuroPKI 2011, Leuven, Belgium, September 15-16, 2011, Revised Selected Papers
Steffen Oppermann and Jan Stovicek
Generating the bounded derived category and perfect ghosts
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
Steffen Oppermann and Hugh Thomas
Higher-dimensional cluster combinatorics and representation theory
Journal of the European Mathematical Society (Print)
Petter Andreas Bergh and David A Jorgensen
On the vanishing of homology for modules of finite complete intersection dimension
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Petter Andreas Bergh and Karin Erdmann
The stable Auslander-Reiten quiver of a quantum complete intersection
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
Petter Andreas Bergh and Karin Erdmann
The representation dimension of Hecke algebras and symmetric groups
Advances in Mathematics
Petter Andreas Bergh and Steffen Oppermann
Cohomological symmetry in triangulated categories
Journal of Algebra
Petter Andreas Bergh and Steffen Oppermann
Cluster tilting and complexity
International Mathematics Research Notices (IMRN)
Petter Andreas Bergh
On the vanishing of cohomology in triangulated categories
Homology, Homotopy and Applications
Marco Angel Bertani-Økland and Steffen Oppermann
Mutating loops and 2-cycles in 2-CY triangulated categories
Journal of Algebra
Aslak Bakke Buan, Idun Reiten and Hugh Thomas
Three kinds of mutation
Journal of Algebra
Aslak Bakke Buan, O Iyama, Idun Reiten and D. Smith
American Journal of Mathematics
Aslak Bakke Buan
Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society (BIMS)
Karin Erdmann and Øyvind Solberg
Radical cube zero weakly symmetric algebras and support varieties
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Karin Erdmann and Øyvind Solberg
Radical cube zero selfinjective algebras of finite complexity
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Kristian Gjøsteen, George Petrides and Asgeir Bertelsen Steine
A Novel Framework for Protocol Analysis
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Osamu Iyama and Steffen Oppermann
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
Roberto Martinez-Villa and Øyvind Solberg
Artin-Schelter regular algebras and categories
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
V Miemietz and Steffen Oppermann
On the Representation Dimension of Schur Algebras
Algebras and Representation Theory
Ch Riedtmann, M Rutscho and Sverre Olaf Smalø
Irreducible components of module varieties: An example
Journal of Algebra
Sverre Olaf Smalø
Public Key Cryptography
A Multidisciplinary Introduction to Information Security
Øystein Øvreås Thuen and Kristian Gjøsteen
Bilinear Pairings in Cryptography
Doctoral Dissertation
Petter Andreas Bergh and Øyvind Solberg
Relative support varieties
Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
Petter Andreas Bergh, Srikanth B. Iyengar, Henning Krause and Steffen Oppermann
Dimensions of triangulated categories via Koszul objects
Mathematische Zeitschrift
Petter Andreas Bergh and Dag Madsen
Hochschild homology and split pairs
Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques
Marco Angel Bertani-Økland, Steffen Oppermann and Anette Wrålsen
Constructing tilted algebras from cluster-tilted algebras
Journal of Algebra
Marco Angel Bertani-Økland, Steffen Oppermann and Anette Wrålsen
Finding a cluster-tilting object for a representation finite cluster-tilted algebra
Colloquium Mathematicum
Aslak Bakke Buan, RJ Marsh and Dagfinn Furnes Vatne
Cluster structures from 2-Calabi-Yau categories with loops
Mathematische Zeitschrift
Aslak Bakke Buan and Robert Marsh
Denominators in cluster algebras of affine type
Journal of Algebra
Tore Alexander Forbregd, Nils Melvær Nornes and Sverre Olaf Smalø
Partial orders on representations of algebras
Journal of Algebra
Kristian Gjøsteen, Asgeir Steine and George Petrides
Formal verification of reductions in cryptography
Norwegian Information Security Conference = Norsk Informasjonssikkerhetskonferanse : NISK 2010 . Gjøvik University College, Gjøvik, 23-24 November 2010
Roberto Martinez-Villa and Øyvind Solberg
Graded and Koszul categories
Applied Categorical Structures
Roberto Martinez-Villa and Øyvind Solberg
Noetherianity and Gelfand-Kirillov dimension of components
Journal of Algebra
Steffen Oppermann
Representation dimension of quasi-tilted algebras
Journal of the London Mathematical Society
Steffen Oppermann
The dimension of the derived category of elliptic curves and tubular weighted projective lines
Colloquium Mathematicum
Steffen Oppermann
Hochschild cohomology and homology of quantum complete intersections
Algebra & Number Theory
Petter Andreas Bergh and Karin Erdmann
The Avrunin-Scott theorem for quantum complete intersections
Journal of Algebra
Petter Andreas Bergh and Dag Oskar Madsen
Hochschild homology and global dimension
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
Petter Andreas Bergh
On complexes of finite complete intersection dimension
Homology, Homotopy and Applications
Petter Andreas Bergh
Modules with reducible complexity, II
Communications in Algebra
Petter Andreas Bergh
Ext-symmetry over quantum complete intersections
Archiv der Mathematik
Petter Andreas Bergh
Orbit algebras and periodicity
Colloquium Mathematicum
Aslak Bakke Buan and Hugh Thomas
Coloured quiver mutation for higher cluster categories
Advances in Mathematics
Aslak Bakke Buan, O Iyama, Idun Reiten and J Scott
Cluster structures for 2-Calabi-Yau categories and unipotent groups
Compositio Mathematica
Aslak Bakke Buan, RJ Marsh and Idun Reiten
Denominators of cluster variables
Journal of the London Mathematical Society
Aslak Bakke Buan and Hermund Andre Torkildsen
The number of elements in the mutation class of a quiver of type D-n
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
Steffen Oppermann
Lower bounds for Auslander's representation dimension
Duke mathematical journal
Steffen Oppermann
Wild algebras have one-point extensions of representation dimension at least four
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Suzana Andova, Cas Cremers, Kristian Gjøsteen, Sjouke Mauw, Stig Frode Mjølsnes and Sasa Radomirovic
A framework for compositional verification of security protocols
Information and Computation
Petter Andreas Bergh and S Oppermann
The representation dimension of quantum complete intersections
Journal of Algebra
Petter Andreas Bergh and Karin Erdmann
Homology and cohomology of quantum complete intersections
Algebra & Number Theory
Petter Andreas Bergh
On the vanishing of (co)homology over local rings
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Petter Andreas Bergh
Representation dimension and finitely generated cohomology
Advances in Mathematics
Petter Andreas Bergh and S Oppermann
Cohomology of twisted tensor products
Journal of Algebra
Petter Andreas Bergh
Twisted support varieties
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Aslak Bakke Buan and DF Vatne
Derived equivalence classification for cluster-tilted algebras of type A(n)
Journal of Algebra
Aslak Bakke Buan, RJ Marsh and I Reiten
Cluster mutation via quiver representations
Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici
Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz, Edward L. Green, Nicole Snashall and Øyvind Solberg
Multiplicative structures for Koszul algebras
Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
Kristian Gjøsteen
Weaknesses in BankID, a Norwegian PKI substitute deployed by Norwegian banks
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Kristian Gjøsteen and Lillian Kråkmo
Round-Optimal Blind Signatures from Waters Signatures
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Kristian Gjøsteen
A Latency-Free Election Scheme
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Edward L. Green, Nicole Snashall, Øyvind Solberg and Dan Zacharia
Noetherianity and Ext
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Sverre Olaf Smalø
Degenerations of Representations of Associative Algebras
Milan Journal of Mathematics
Petter Andreas Bergh
On the Hochschild (co)homology of quantum exterior algebras
Communications in Algebra
Petter Andreas Bergh
On support varieties for modules over complete intersections
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Petter Andreas Bergh
Modules with reducible complexity
Journal of Algebra
Daniel R. L. Brown and Kristian Gjøsteen
A Security Analysis of the NIST SP 800-90 Elliptic Curve Random Number Generator
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Aslak Bakke Buan, Idun Reiten, Robert Marsh and Gordana Todorov
Clusters and seeds in acyclic cluster algebras
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Aslak Bakke Buan, RJ Marsh and Idun Reiten
Cluster-tilted algebras
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
Aslak Bakke Buan, Idun Reiten and ahmet seven
Tame concealed algebras and cluster quivers of minimal infinite type
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Aslak Bakke Buan, Henning Krause and Øyvind Solberg
Support varieties - an ideal approach
Homology, Homotopy and Applications
Kristian Gjøsteen and Lillian Kråkmo
Universally Composable Signcryption
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Sverre Olaf Smalø
Lectures on Algebras
Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina
Sverre Olaf Smalø
Modules determined by their tops and first syzygies
Communications in Algebra
Sverre Olaf Smalø and Anita Valenta
Colloquium Mathematicum
Øyvind Solberg and Edward L. Green
An algorithmic approach to resolutions
Journal of symbolic computation
Øyvind Solberg
Infinite dimensional tilting modules over finite dimensional algebras
London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes
Petter Andreas Bergh
Hochschild cohomology, complexity and support varieties
Doctoral Dissertation
Petter Andreas Bergh
Complexity and periodicity
Colloquium Mathematicum
Aslak Bakke Buan, Robert Marsh, Markus Reineke, Idun Reiten and Gordana Todorov
Tilting theory and cluster combinatorics
Advances in Mathematics
Kristian Gjøsteen
A new security proof for Damgard's ElGamal
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Idun Reiten and Aslak Bakke Buan
Acyclic quivers of finite mutation type
International Mathematics Research Notices (IMRN)
Idun Reiten, Aslak Bakke Buan and Robert Marsh
Cluster-tilted algebras of finite representation type
Journal of Algebra
Sverre Olaf Smalø
Degenerations of representations of associative algebras
Milan Journal of Mathematics
Sverre Olaf Smalø and Anita Valenta
Finitely presented functors and degenerations
Communications in Algebra
Sverre Olaf Smalø
Local limitations of the Ext functor do not exist
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
Øyvind Solberg
Support varieties for modules and complexes
Contemporary Mathematics
Øyvind Solberg, Nicole Snashall and Edward L. Green
The Hochschild cohomology ring modulo nilpotence of a monomial algebra
Journal of Algebra and its Applications
James Aspnes, Zoë Diamadi, Kristian Gjøsteen, René Peralta and Aleksandr Yampolskiy
Spreading Alerts Quietly and the Subgroup Escape Problem
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Aslak Bakke Buan and Øyvind Solberg
Limits of Pure-Injective Cotilting Modules
Algebras and Representation Theory
Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz, Edward L. Green, Dag Oskar Madsen and Øyvind Solberg
Finite Hochshcild cohomology without finite global dimension
Mathematical Research Letters
Kristian Gjøsteen
Symmetric Subgroup Membership Problems
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Kristian Gjøsteen
Security Notions for Disk Encryption
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Kristian Gjøsteen
Homomorphic Cryptosystems Based on Subgroup Membership Problems
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Edward L. Green, Gregory Hartman, Eduardo N. Marcos and Øyvind Solberg
Resolutions over Koszul algebras
Archiv der Mathematik
Sverre Olaf Smalø and Per Hag
Refleksjonsegenskapene ved kjeglesnittene
Inspirasjonsbok for matematikklærere
Sverre Olaf Smalø and Anita Valenta
Degenerations of k[t]/(t(r))-modules giving stratification of the orbits
Algebras and Representation Theory
Sverre Olaf Smalø and Birge Huisgen-Zimmermann
The homology of string algebras I
Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik
Aslak Bakke Buan and H Krause
Tilting and cotilting for quivers of type (A)over-tilde(n)
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Nicole Snashall and Øyvind Solberg
Support varieties and hochschild cohomology rings
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society
Øyvind Solberg, Karin Erdmann, Miles Holloway, Nicole Snashall and Rachel Taillefer
Support varieties for selfinjective algebras
Nicole Snashall, Øyvind Solberg and Edward L. Green
The Hochschild cohomology ring of a selfinjective algebra of finite representation type
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Øyvind Solberg and Henning Krause
Applications of cotorsion pairs
Journal of the London Mathematical Society
Øyvind Solberg and Henning Krause
Filtering modules of finite projective dimension
Forum mathematicum
Peter Dräxler and Øyvind Solberg
Exact factors of exact categories
Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana
Edward L. Green, Øyvind Solberg and Dan Zacharia
Minimal projective resolutions
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
Sverre Olaf Smalø, Ole Enge and Inger Heidi Slungård
Quasitilted extensions by nondirecting modules
Communications in Algebra
Sverre O. Smalø, Ole Enge and Inger Heidi Slungård
Quasitilted extensions by nondirecting modules
Communications in Algebra
Sverre Olaf Smalø
Almost split sequences in categories of representations of Quivers
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Sverre Olaf Smalø
Homological differences between finite and infinite dimensional representations of algebras
Trends in Mathematics
Peter Dräxler, Idun Reiten, Sverre Olaf Smalø and Øyvind Solberg
Exact categories and vector space categories
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
Lidia Angeleri Hügel and Sverre Olaf Smalø
Real Representations of Quivers
Colloquium Mathematicum
Aslak Bakke Buan and Øyvind Solberg
Relative cotilting theory and almost complete cotilting modules
CMS Conference Proceedings Series
Edward L. Green and Øyvind Solberg
Basic Hopf algebras and quantum groups
Mathematische Zeitschrift
Edward L. Green, Roberto Martinez-Villa, Idun Reiten, Øyvind Solberg and Dan Zacharia
On modules with linear presentations
Journal of Algebra
Gerhard Michler and Øyvind Solberg
Testing modules of groups of even order for simplicity
Journal of Algebra
Sverre Olaf Smalø and Birge Huisgen-Zimmermann
A homological bridge between finite and infinite dimensional representations of algebras
Algebras and Representation Theory
Sverre Olaf Smalø
The supremum of the difference between the big and the little finitistic dimension is infinite
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Sverre Olaf Smalø and S. Venås
Lengths of endomorphism rings of finitely generated indecomposable modules over artin algebras
Archiv der Mathematik
Edward L. Green, Eduardo N. Marcos and Øyvind Solberg
Representations and almost split sequences for Hopf algebras
CMS Conference Proceedings Series
Gerhard Michler and Øyvind Solberg
The representation-finite symmetric algebras with liftable simple modules
Archiv der Mathematik
Svein Arne Sikko and Sverre Olaf Smalø
Coherent rings and homologically finite subcategories
Mathematica Scandinavica
Maurice Auslander and Øyvind Solberg
Relative homology and representation theory III, Cotilting modules and Wedderburn correspondence
Communications in Algebra
Maurice Auslander and Øyvind Solberg
Relative homology and representation theory II, Relative cotilting theory
Communications in Algebra
Maurice Auslander and Øyvind Solberg
Relative homology and representation theory I, Relative homology and homologically finite subcategories
Communications in Algebra
Maurice Auslander and Øyvind Solberg
Gorenstein algebras and algebras with dominant dimension at least 2
Communications in Algebra
Maurice Auslander, Songqing Ding and Øyvind Solberg
Liftings and weak liftings of modules
Journal of Algebra
Svein Arne Sikko and Sverre Olaf Smalø
Extensions of homologically finite subcategories
Archiv der Mathematik
Øyvind Solberg
The Maranda theorem and liftings of modules
Communications in Algebra
Øyvind Solberg
Grothendieck groups for hypersurface rings
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Øyvind Solberg
Hopf algebra constructions and representation theory
Communications in Algebra
Øyvind Solberg
Strongly graded rings and almost split sequences
Journal of Algebra
Øyvind Solberg
Hypersurface singularities of finite Cohen-Macaulay type
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society
Øyvind Solberg
A graded ring of finite Cohen-Macaulay type
Communications in Algebra
Publication list generated with data from Cristin 20. February 2025.