Finalised Research Projects – Research – Department of Teacher Education
Project | Description | Contact |
200 milliarder og 1 | Dybdelæring som distribuert flerfaglig praksis undersøkt i samarbeid mellom ungdomsskoler, lærerutdanning og kunstfelt | Tone Pernille Østern |
AcEngMulCla | Acquisition of English in the multilingual classroom | Eivind Nessa Torgersen |
Apps in Math | Development and testing of application for mobile device | Øistein Gjøvik |
EE: Extramural English | Extramural English, self-regulation, and goal self-concordance as predictors of second language achievement | Mehmet Sercan Uztosun |
Building brains | Electronic brain building kit. | Pål Kvello |
Digital kanon i norskfaget | Ruth Grüters | |
FaSMEd | Raising Achievement through Formative Assessment in Science and Mathematics Education | Svein Arne Sikko |
FIVIS | Forskning på individuell vurdering | Trond Buland |
FUS Project | Functional writing in primary school | Gustaf Skar |
HeadsUP | Heads Using Professional Learning Communities | Anne Berit Emstad |
KONPA | Kontekstualisering av pasientjournalen | Svein Carstens |
LAB-Ted | Learning, Assessment and Boundary crossing in Teacher education | May Britt Postholm |
LaUDiM | Språkbruk og språkutvikling i matematikk | Vivi Nilssen |
Ledelse, undervisning og læring | Ledelse, undervisning og læring | May Britt Postholm |
LUp | Torunn Klemp | |
MaTeK | Enhancement of Research Excellence in Mathematics Teacher Knowledge | Iveta Kohanova |
Normprosjektet | Developing national standards for the assessment of writing – a tool for teaching and learning | Synnøve Matre |
OPVET | International cooperation in vocational education and training | Agneta Knutas |
PRIMAS | Promoting Inquiry In Mathematics And Science Education Across Europe | Birgit Pepin |
ProPrimEd | Reasoning and proving in primary education | Anita Valenta |
Shooting for mastery | Shooting for mastery | Ove Østerlie |
SKU | Skolebasert kompetanseutvikling for ungdomstrinnet | May Britt Postholm |
Smart læring | Smart læring: Digital kompetanse | Inger Langseth |
SPACE ME | Kunstfaglig inngang til læring | Tone Pernille Østern |
STEMkey | Teaching standard STEM topics with a key competence approach | Annette Lykknes |
Contact us
Research and PhD administration at The Department of Teacher Education: