Finalised Research Projects

Finalized projects

Project Description Contact
200 milliarder og 1 Dybdelæring som distribuert flerfaglig praksis undersøkt i samarbeid mellom ungdomsskoler, lærerutdanning og kunstfelt Tone Pernille Østern
AcEngMulCla Acquisition of English in the multilingual classroom Eivind Nessa Torgersen
Apps in Math Development and testing of application for mobile device Øistein Gjøvik
EE: Extramural English Extramural English, self-regulation, and goal self-concordance as predictors of second language achievement Mehmet Sercan Uztosun
Building brains Electronic brain building kit. Pål Kvello
Digital kanon i norskfaget   Ruth Grüters
FaSMEd Raising Achievement through Formative Assessment in Science and Mathematics Education Svein Arne Sikko
FIVIS Forskning på individuell vurdering Trond Buland
FUS Project Functional writing in primary school Gustaf Skar
HeadsUP Heads Using Professional Learning Communities Anne Berit Emstad
KONPA Kontekstualisering av pasientjournalen Svein Carstens
LAB-Ted Learning, Assessment and Boundary crossing in Teacher education May Britt Postholm
LaUDiM Språkbruk og språkutvikling i matematikk Vivi Nilssen
Ledelse, undervisning og læring Ledelse, undervisning og læring May Britt Postholm
LUp   Torunn Klemp
MaTeK Enhancement of Research Excellence in Mathematics Teacher Knowledge Iveta Kohanova
Normprosjektet Developing national standards for the assessment of writing – a tool for teaching and learning Synnøve Matre
OPVET International cooperation in vocational education and training Agneta Knutas
PRIMAS Promoting Inquiry In Mathematics And Science Education Across Europe Birgit Pepin
ProPrimEd Reasoning and proving in primary education Anita Valenta
Shooting for mastery Shooting for mastery Ove Østerlie
SKU Skolebasert kompetanseutvikling for ungdomstrinnet May Britt Postholm
Smart læring Smart læring: Digital kompetanse Inger Langseth
SPACE ME Kunstfaglig inngang til læring Tone Pernille Østern
STEMkey Teaching standard STEM topics with a key competence approach Annette Lykknes

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Research and PhD administration at The Department of Teacher Education: