Complete overview – Research – Department of Teacher Education
Complete overview over research projects and research groups at the Department of Teacher Education
Project | Description | Contact |
AELPP | Attitudes and Experiences toward Language Policies and Practices at NTNU | Karina Rose Mahan |
Available artistry? | Lise Lien | |
Barndom, oppvekst, skole og ulikhet i Norden | Anna Cecilia Rapp | |
Begynneropplæring i KRLE | Begynneropplæring i KRLE | Renate W. Banschbach Eggen |
Childhood, school and inequality in the Nordic Countries | Childhood, school and inequality in the Nordic Countries | Anna Cecilia Rapp |
CriThiSE | Critical Thinking in Sustainability Education | Ragnhild Lyngved Staberg |
DAPHME | Discourses of academization and professionalization in higher music education | Eva Georgii-Hemming |
DEMOKOMP | Young people’s democratic competence | Oddveig Storstad |
DiCoTe | Forskning på digital kompetanse i barnehagen | Camilla Normann Justnes |
DigSkole | Digskole – Orkdal/ØY & NTNU | Mari-Ann Letnes |
DiTePETE: Digital Technology in Physical Education Teacher Education in a post COVID19 era | Ove Østerlie | |
DIVE | Digital Internationalisation in Vocational Education | Jon Sverre Hårberg |
eBLINK | engelske Bildebøker for Lærere i Norske Klasserom | |
Engagement and Valuation Among Young People | Engagement and Valuation Among Young People | Jan Frode Haugseth |
ENSITE | ENSITE is an Erasmus+ project supporting the development of future science and maths teachers’ environmental citizenship and related teaching competences. | Ragnhild L. Staberg |
Feedback between police employees in workplace learning programs | Olav Dahl | |
Fra praksis tilbake til praksis | Fra praksis tilbake til praksis | Elin Bø Morud |
Fra skole til jobb | Fra skole til jobb - Organisering og gjennomføring av yrkesfaglig utdanning | Anna Cecilia Rapp |
Going Gradeless | Going Gradeless | Henning Fjørtoft |
Helhetlig seksualitetsundervisning i lærerutdanning | Helhetlig seksualitetsundervisning i lærerutdanning | Stine H. Bang Svendsen |
ICCS | International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2022 | Oddveig Storstad |
ICSE Academy | ICSE Academy | Hilde Ervik |
INCLUSCHOOL | Marit Uthus | |
Innhold og relevans i yrkesfaglærerutdanningen | Lene Hylander | |
International Comparative Research on Vocational Education and Training | International Comparative Research on Vocational Education and Training | Eli Smeplass |
KiDiCoTi | Kids’ digital lives in coronavirus times: risk or opportunity? | Mari-Ann Letnes |
Kvalitet i veiledning og vurdering for yrkesfaglærerutdanning | Eli Smeplass | |
LeadDig | Leadership and Learning for the Development of Teachers' Professional Digital Competence | May Britt Postholm |
Literature studies for new educational knowledge | Literature studies for new educational knowledge | Eli Smeplass |
Lydrik(k) | Lydrik(k) | Sindre Dagsland |
Lærerutdanning i endring | Eli Smeplass | |
MAM | Mestre ambisiøs matematikkundervisning – kjerneelementene i praksis | Kjersti Wæge |
MOST | Meaningful Open Schooling Connects Schools To Communities | Ragnhild Lyngved Staberg |
NORHED II | Enhancing the quality of science and mathematics education in Ethiopia and South Sudan | Jørund Aasetre |
Noveller som inngang til de tverrfaglige temaene i Fagfornyelsen | Noveller som inngang til de tverrfaglige temaene i Fagfornyelsen | Yvonne Albrigtsen |
PINVET | Promoting Inclusive Transition Mechanisms in European VET Systems | Eli Smeplass |
PRANO | Practice based master’s projects in Norwegian didactics | Ann Sylvi Larsen |
Privatisering i og av utdanning | Ingvil Bjordal | |
SamStup | SAMarbeidsmodell for STudenters Underveisvurdering i fagPraksis | Floor Kamphorst |
SCOP4NORDVET | SCOP4NORDVET | Johannes Karl Schmees |
(Second) language in vocational education | (Second) language in vocational education | Irmelin Kjelaas |
Skole- og barnekultur | Elin Tronsaune Moen | |
SKUV | Lise Vikan Sandvik | |
STRA4INC | Strategies for inclusion | Lise Kvande |
The refugee-competent teacher | The refugee-competent teacher | Tone Brendløkken |
UniKuP | Universitetskulturskole | Elin Angelo |
UVIS | Ung og voksen i Selbu | Anna Cecilia Rapp |
Verkstedet som læringsarena i skolen | Verkstedet som læringsarena i skolen | Harald Bentz Høgseth |
Group | Description | Contact |
ALDES | Adolescents' learning and development in education and sports | Jan Arvid Haugan |
ARCLEN | Association for Research on Children’s Literature in English in Norway | Jade Dillon Craig |
Arts In-between Local/Global Research Group | The becoming of arts, identities and phenomenons in the in-betweens of local/global knowledge systems, (educational) practices nad ideas | Sunniva Skjøstad Hovde |
BISU | Beredskap i skole og utdanning | Daniel Lyng |
Bodily learning | The research group is interested in the body`s involvement in learning processes and through various projects challenges learning theory from the perspective of bodily learning | Øyvind Bjerke |
BULKIS | Children and young people's quality of life in school and upbringing | Jan Frode Haugseth |
BærT | Bærekraft på Tvers | Vibeke Gilje Sanne |
Choreographic folding | Choreographic folding | Tone Pernille Østern |
CLEAR | Children’s Literature Education And Research | |
COTED | Collaboration for teacher education | Lise Vikan Sandvik |
Criticality and power in educational research | Criticality and power in educational research | Erlend Dehlin |
DACED | Democracy and citizenship in education | Eline Drury Løvlien |
Decolonial arts education research and practice | Decolonial arts education research and practice | |
DIRMA | Digital record management research group | Lars Christian Jenssen |
DiTePES | Digital technology in physical education and sports | Ove Østerlie |
EDLEAD | Educational Leadership | |
Education Policy and Social Justice | Education Policy and Social Justice | |
EduDEAF | Undervisning av hørselshemmede elever | Eli Raanes |
Estetikk på tvers | Estetikk på tvers | Sindre Dagsland |
Equity and Inclusion in Educational Organizations | Equity and Inclusion in Educational Organizations | Anna Cecilia Rapp |
FiO | Forskning i oppvekstsektoren | Elin Bø Morud |
Fleks | Fleksibelt læringsmiljø | Sigrid Slettebakk Berge |
For Future(s) of Dance education(s) | For Future(s) of Dance education(s) – possibilities and challenges | Victoria Husby |
FORN | Forskning om rektorer i Norden | Pia S. Hagerup |
Fysisk aktivitet, motorikk og læring | Monika Haga | |
GLOBED | Global conditions and international issues in education | Knut Vesterdal |
GrammaKiKK | Grammatisk kompetanse i kognisjon og klasserom | |
HIPOLS | Roar Madsen | |
How to do things with disability | How to do things with disability | Tone Pernille Østern |
IDRETT | International Disability Research in Education and Teacher Training | |
IMED | Inclusive Mathematics Education and Democracy | Sikunder Ali |
Inclusion in Arts, Physical Education and Sports | Inclusion in Arts, Physical Education and Sports | Vigdis Vedul-Kjelsås |
Indigenous topics in education |
Helen Margaret Murray | |
InEds | Integrated Education Studies | Armend Tahirsylaj |
Inequality, Welfare and Organization | Inequality, Welfare and Organization | Eli Smeplass |
InFo- TED | International forum for teacher educator development | |
International Vocational Education and Training Research | International Vocational Education and Training Research | |
INUBU | Innovative Science Education for Sustainable Development | Jardar Cyvin |
KONSPISK | Asbjørn Dyrendal | |
Kul-forsk | Kunst- og kulturfaglig livsmestring i utdanningen | Anne-Lise Heide |
Kulturskole-compulsory school-collaboration | Kulturskole-compulsory school-collaboration | Bjørn-Terje Bandlien |
Kunnskapshistorisk forskningsgruppe | Kunnskapshistorisk forskningsgruppe | Magne Brekken Rabben |
L-LATER | Language Learner and Teacher Research | Mehmet Sercan Uztosun |
Learning relations | Learning is a relational phenomenon. In this research group, we work to support this thesis theoretically as well as empirically. | Thomas Dahl |
Lesson design study & teaching resources | Lesson design study & teaching resources | Svein Arne Sikko |
LIB | Lek i barndommen | Maria Øksnes |
LOM | Litteratur og miljø | Per Esben Svelstad |
Litteratur og samfunn | Tatjana Kielland Samoilow | |
LPE | Language Practices in Education | Svenja Hammer |
Læreverksforskning | Karen Bauer | |
Læring og undervisning av matematikk med digitale verktøy | Øistein Gjøvik | |
Mathematical cognition and literacy | Mathematical cognition and literacy | Trygve Solstad |
MIDDAK | Middelalderdidaktikk | Peter Sigurdson Lunga |
MiU | Music Pedagogy in Development | Elin Angelo |
MULTI | Multimodal Interaction and Tactile Sign Language Research Group | Eli Raanes |
Multilingualism and intercultural education | Multilingualism and intercultural education: On the path between home, school and university | Eivind Nessa Torgersen |
MUSEAL | Museet som alternativ læringsarena | |
MusTed | Øyvind Johan Eiksund | |
Naturfaglig literacy i skole og lærerutdanning | Naturfaglig literacy i skole og lærerutdanning | Ragnhild Lyngved Staberg |
Neo-rural youth, education and life world | Neo-rural youth, education and life world | Anna Cecilia Rapp |
Neurodidactics | Neuroscience in Education | Pål Kvello |
NNKF | Elin Angelo | |
NoDi | Norskfaglig digitaldidaktikk | Elin Strømman |
North American Studies at NTNU | North American Studies at NTNU | Eir-Anne Edgar |
NTED-DIGIT | Research Group for Technology and Learning in Education | Inger Langseth, Mari-Ann Letnes and Fredrik Mørk Røkenes |
NTNU RE Research group | An internationally oriented research group focused on exploring practice and policy in religious education (RE) | Oddrun Marie Hovde Bråten |
Overganger i Skole og Utdanning | Gro Marte Strand | |
PLAC | Professional learning in assessment communities | Lise Vikan Sandvik |
PRIS | ||
ProfILU | Anne B. Lund | |
Programmering og undervisning | Programmering og undervisning | Torunn Smevik |
REALFAG | Science and Mathematics | Rodrigo De Miguel |
Reasoning and proving in arithmetics | Reasoning and proving in arithmetics | Anita Valenta |
Sammink | Sammen for inkludering i en mangfoldig skole | Marit Uthus |
ScienceHumanities | We apply perspectives from the humanities and the social sciences to the study of natural science (including science in school) as a discipline and cultural practice, past and present. | Annette Lykknes |
SEDEK | Bodil Svendsen | |
SEG | Sustainability, Education and, Geography | Jørund Aasetre |
Shakespeare in Education Research Group | Shakespeare in Education Research Group | Delilah Bermundez Brataas |
SiSLU | Sigrid Slettebakk Berge | |
Skole- og utdanningshistorie | Jakob Maliks | |
SKRIN | Skriving i norskfaget | Trygve Kvithyld |
SKUF | Skole og Universitet i Forskning | Lise Vikan Sandvik |
SKUP | Skoleeierskap og utdanningspolitikk | Pia S. Hagerup |
Språklig mangfold i skole og samfunn | Irmelin Kjelaas | |
Students’ writing | Ingunn Ofte | |
TEDUPO | Teacher and Educator Professionalism | Abdulghani Muthanna |
Teaching Practices in Mathematics Teacher Education | Development of and research on teaching approaches and practices in mathematics teacher education. | Anita Valenta |
TEQUILA | European network focused on research-based teacher education who focuses on these challenges: quality, integration and learning | |
TransLit | Sustainable Ethics, Affects, and Pedagogies | Libe Garcia Zarranz |
TULL | Trivsel, utforsking, lek og læring | Maria Øksnes |
USPiTE | University Schools and Partnership in Teacher Education | Anne Berit Emstad |
Water Competence | Water Competence | Egil Galaaen Gjølme |
Contact us
Research and PhD administration at The Department of Teacher Education: