Complete overview over research projects and research groups at the Department of Teacher Education

Complete overview over research projects and research groups at the Department of Teacher Education

Current research projects

Project Description Contact
AELPP Attitudes and Experiences toward Language Policies and Practices at NTNU Karina Rose Mahan
Available artistry?   Lise Lien
Barndom, oppvekst, skole og ulikhet i Norden   Anna Cecilia Rapp
Begynneropplæring i KRLE Begynneropplæring i KRLE Renate W. Banschbach Eggen
Childhood, school and inequality in the Nordic Countries Childhood, school and inequality in the Nordic Countries Anna Cecilia Rapp
CriThiSE Critical Thinking in Sustainability Education Ragnhild Lyngved Staberg
DAPHME Discourses of academization and professionalization in higher music education Eva Georgii-Hemming
DEMOKOMP Young people’s democratic competence Oddveig Storstad
DiCoTe Forskning på digital kompetanse i barnehagen Camilla Normann Justnes
DigSkole Digskole – Orkdal/ØY & NTNU Mari-Ann Letnes
DiTePETE: Digital Technology in Physical Education Teacher Education in a post COVID19 era   Ove Østerlie
DIVE Digital Internationalisation in Vocational Education Jon Sverre Hårberg
eBLINK engelske Bildebøker for Lærere i Norske Klasserom

Jade Dillon

Alyssa Lowery

Engagement and Valuation Among Young People Engagement and Valuation Among Young People Jan Frode Haugseth
ENSITE ENSITE is an Erasmus+ project supporting the development of future science and maths teachers’ environmental citizenship and related teaching competences.  Ragnhild L. Staberg
Feedback between police employees in workplace learning programs   Olav Dahl
Fra praksis tilbake til praksis Fra praksis tilbake til praksis Elin Bø Morud
Fra skole til jobb Fra skole til jobb - Organisering og gjennomføring av yrkesfaglig utdanning Anna Cecilia Rapp
Going Gradeless Going Gradeless Henning Fjørtoft
Helhetlig seksualitetsundervisning i lærerutdanning Helhetlig seksualitetsundervisning i lærerutdanning Stine H. Bang Svendsen
ICCS International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2022 Oddveig Storstad
ICSE Academy ICSE Academy Hilde Ervik
Innhold og relevans i yrkesfaglærerutdanningen   Lene Hylander
International Comparative Research on Vocational Education and Training International Comparative Research on Vocational Education and Training Eli Smeplass
KiDiCoTi Kids’ digital lives in coronavirus times: risk or opportunity? Mari-Ann Letnes
Kvalitet i veiledning og vurdering for yrkesfaglærerutdanning   Eli Smeplass
LeadDig Leadership and Learning for the Development of Teachers' Professional Digital Competence May Britt Postholm
Literature studies for new educational knowledge Literature studies for new educational knowledge Eli Smeplass
Lydrik(k) Lydrik(k) Sindre Dagsland
Lærerutdanning i endring   Eli Smeplass
MAM Mestre ambisiøs matematikkundervisning – kjerneelementene i praksis Kjersti Wæge
MOST Meaningful Open Schooling Connects Schools To Communities Ragnhild Lyngved Staberg
NORHED II Enhancing the quality of science and mathematics education in Ethiopia and South Sudan Jørund Aasetre
Noveller som inngang til de tverrfaglige temaene i Fagfornyelsen Noveller som inngang til de tverrfaglige temaene i Fagfornyelsen Yvonne Albrigtsen
PINVET Promoting Inclusive Transition Mechanisms in European VET Systems Eli Smeplass
PRANO Practice based master’s projects in Norwegian didactics Ann Sylvi Larsen
Privatisering i og av utdanning   Ingvil Bjordal
SamStup SAMarbeidsmodell for STudenters Underveisvurdering i fagPraksis Floor Kamphorst
(Second) language in vocational education (Second) language in vocational education Irmelin Kjelaas
Skole- og barnekultur   Elin Tronsaune Moen
SKUV   Lise Vikan Sandvik
STRA4INC Strategies for inclusion Lise Kvande
The refugee-competent teacher The refugee-competent teacher Tone Brendløkken
UniKuP Universitetskulturskole Elin Angelo
UVIS Ung og voksen i Selbu Anna Cecilia Rapp
Verkstedet som læringsarena i skolen Verkstedet som læringsarena i skolen Harald Bentz Høgseth

Research groups and networks

Group Description Contact
ALDES Adolescents' learning and development in education and sports Jan Arvid Haugan
ARCLEN Association for Research on Children’s Literature in English in Norway Jade Dillon Craig
Arts In-between Local/Global Research Group The becoming of arts, identities and phenomenons in the in-betweens of local/global knowledge systems, (educational) practices nad ideas Sunniva Skjøstad Hovde
BISU Beredskap i skole og utdanning Daniel Lyng
Bodily learning The research group is interested in the body`s involvement in learning processes and through various projects challenges learning theory from the perspective of bodily learning Øyvind Bjerke
BULKIS Children and young people's quality of life in school and upbringing Jan Frode Haugseth
BærT Bærekraft på Tvers Vibeke Gilje Sanne
Choreographic folding Choreographic folding Tone Pernille Østern
CLEAR Children’s Literature Education And Research

Jade Dillon

Alyssa Lowery

COTED Collaboration for teacher education Lise Vikan Sandvik
Criticality and power in educational research Criticality and power in educational research Erlend Dehlin
DACED Democracy and citizenship in education Eline Drury Løvlien
Decolonial arts education research and practice Decolonial arts education research and practice  
DIRMA Digital record management research group Lars Christian Jenssen
DiTePES Digital technology in physical education and sports Ove Østerlie
EDLEAD Educational Leadership

Anne Berit Emstad

Mari-Ana Jones

Education Policy and Social Justice Education Policy and Social Justice

Monika Merket

Mette Nygård

EduDEAF Undervisning av hørselshemmede elever Eli Raanes
Estetikk på tvers Estetikk på tvers Sindre Dagsland
Equity and Inclusion in Educational Organizations Equity and Inclusion in Educational Organizations Anna Cecilia Rapp
FiO Forskning i oppvekstsektoren Elin Bø Morud
Fleks Fleksibelt læringsmiljø Sigrid Slettebakk Berge
For Future(s) of Dance education(s) For Future(s) of Dance education(s) – possibilities and challenges Victoria Husby
FORN Forskning om rektorer i Norden Pia S. Hagerup
Fysisk aktivitet, motorikk og læring   Monika Haga
GLOBED Global conditions and international issues in education Knut Vesterdal
GrammaKiKK Grammatisk kompetanse i kognisjon og klasserom 

Mari Nygård

HIPOLS   Roar Madsen
How to do things with disability How to do things with disability Tone Pernille Østern
IDRETT International Disability Research in Education and Teacher Training

Katie Holland

Steven K. Holland

IMED Inclusive Mathematics Education and Democracy Sikunder Ali
Inclusion in Arts, Physical Education and Sports Inclusion in Arts, Physical Education and Sports Vigdis Vedul-Kjelsås

Indigenous topics in education

Indigenous topics in education

Helen Margaret Murray
InEds Integrated Education Studies Armend Tahirsylaj
Inequality, Welfare and Organization Inequality, Welfare and Organization Eli Smeplass
InFo- TED International forum for teacher educator development

Juliette Boks-Vlemmix

Kåre Hauge

International Vocational Education and Training Research International Vocational Education and Training Research

Johannes Karl Schmees

Eli Smeplass

INUBU Innovative Science Education for Sustainable Development Jardar Cyvin
KONSPISK   Asbjørn Dyrendal
Kul-forsk Kunst- og kulturfaglig livsmestring i utdanningen Anne-Lise Heide
Kulturskole-compulsory school-collaboration Kulturskole-compulsory school-collaboration Bjørn-Terje Bandlien
Kunnskapshistorisk forskningsgruppe Kunnskapshistorisk forskningsgruppe Magne Brekken Rabben
L-LATER Language Learner and Teacher Research Mehmet Sercan Uztosun
Learning relations Learning is a relational phenomenon. In this research group, we work to support this thesis theoretically as well as empirically. Thomas Dahl
Lesson design study & teaching resources Lesson design study & teaching resources Svein Arne Sikko
LIB Lek i barndommen Maria Øksnes
LOM Litteratur og miljø Per Esben Svelstad
Litteratur og samfunn   Tatjana Kielland Samoilow
LPE Language Practices in Education Svenja Hammer
Læreverksforskning   Karen Bauer
Læring og undervisning av matematikk med digitale verktøy   Øistein Gjøvik
Mathematical cognition and literacy Mathematical cognition and literacy Trygve Solstad
MIDDAK Middelalderdidaktikk Peter Sigurdson Lunga
MiU Music Pedagogy in Development Elin Angelo
MULTI Multimodal Interaction and Tactile Sign Language Research Group Eli Raanes
Multilingualism and intercultural education Multilingualism and intercultural education: On the path between home, school and university Eivind Nessa Torgersen
MUSEAL Museet som alternativ læringsarena

Guro Jørgensen

Ingvild Hagen Kjørholt

MusTed   Øyvind Johan Eiksund
Naturfaglig literacy i skole og lærerutdanning Naturfaglig literacy i skole og lærerutdanning Ragnhild Lyngved Staberg
Neo-rural youth, education and life world Neo-rural youth, education and life world Anna Cecilia Rapp
Neurodidactics Neuroscience in Education Pål Kvello
NNKF   Elin Angelo
NoDi Norskfaglig digitaldidaktikk Elin Strømman
North American Studies at NTNU North American Studies at NTNU Eir-Anne Edgar
NTED-DIGIT Research Group for Technology and Learning in Education Inger LangsethMari-Ann Letnes and Fredrik Mørk Røkenes
NTNU RE Research group An internationally oriented research group focused on exploring practice and policy in religious education (RE) Oddrun Marie Hovde Bråten
Overganger i Skole og Utdanning   Gro Marte Strand
PLAC Professional learning in assessment communities Lise Vikan Sandvik

Jørgen Klein

Ann Sylvi Larsen

ProfILU   Anne B. Lund
Programmering og undervisning Programmering og undervisning Torunn Smevik
REALFAG Science and Mathematics Rodrigo De Miguel
Reasoning and proving in arithmetics Reasoning and proving in arithmetics Anita Valenta
Sammink Sammen for inkludering i en mangfoldig skole Marit Uthus
ScienceHumanities We apply perspectives from the humanities and the social sciences to the study of natural science (including science in school) as a discipline and cultural practice, past and present. Annette Lykknes
SEDEK   Bodil Svendsen
SEG Sustainability, Education and, Geography Jørund Aasetre
Shakespeare in Education Research Group Shakespeare in Education Research Group Delilah Bermundez Brataas
SiSLU   Sigrid Slettebakk Berge
Skole- og utdanningshistorie   Jakob Maliks
SKRIN Skriving i norskfaget Trygve Kvithyld
SKUF Skole og Universitet i Forskning Lise Vikan Sandvik
SKUP Skoleeierskap og utdanningspolitikk Pia S. Hagerup
Språklig mangfold i skole og samfunn   Irmelin Kjelaas
Students’ writing   Ingunn Ofte
TEDUPO Teacher and Educator Professionalism Abdulghani Muthanna
Teaching Practices in Mathematics Teacher Education Development of and research on teaching approaches and practices in mathematics teacher education. Anita Valenta
TEQUILA European network focused on research-based teacher education who focuses on these challenges: quality, integration and learning  
TransLit Sustainable Ethics, Affects, and Pedagogies Libe Garcia Zarranz
TULL Trivsel, utforsking, lek og læring Maria Øksnes
USPiTE University Schools and Partnership in Teacher Education  Anne Berit Emstad
Water Competence Water Competence Egil Galaaen Gjølme

Contact us

Contact us

Research and PhD administration at The Department of Teacher Education: