CLEAR – Research – Department of Teacher Education
CLEAR: Children’s Literature Education And Research
The research group works within the broad discipline of literature for children and young adults both in and out of educational contexts by researching children’s multimedia texts, their uses in classrooms for a variety of purposes, and their places in the daily lived realities of children and adults across the globe. It is a community of interests where collaboration on research and educational development related to media for children and young adults is central. This involves related topics such as diverse representation in children’s media, the selection and use of texts to support classroom learning, the development of critical literacy skills and education, and ongoing shifts in sociocultural constructions of childhood and adolescence.
Children and teens encounter media in nearly every facet of their lives. In addition to traditional formats like novels, picture books, graphica, and poetry, the proliferation of digital media, social media, film, and television means that childhood and adolescence are increasingly shaped by the consumption, production, and dissemination of all manner of texts. This virtually unlimited access to information previously gatekept by adults and institutions is unprecedented and brings us to a key moment in research about children, adolescents, literature, and media. Literature and media for children and adolescents abounds, and educational practices that prepare students for a media-saturated world are essential. The research group works at the nexus of this enormous cultural change, examining the texts and contexts of childhood and adolescence. Members are involved in various projects related to the group’s core specialties and meet regularly to present research and discuss current issues in the field in a multidisciplinary forum.
Activities and Objectives
- Seminars related to children’s and young adult media and literature in education
- Projects, research, and development related to thematic issues
- Promote research collaboration between national and international institutions within relevant topics
- Contribute to academic and didactic development and research-based teaching practice
- Participation in national and international conferences
- eBLINK: engelske Bildebøker for Lærere i Norske Klasserom
- iRead
- Dagsseminar om barnelitteratur/One-day seminar on children’s literature
- 29 May 2024
08.45–09.00 Velkommen
09.00–09.30 Filippa Widahl: Prekariatbegrepet og barn som pårørende i norske billedbøker fra 2000-2023
09.30–10.00 Per Esben Svelstad: Er empati bra for oss?
10.15–10.45 Signe Braut: Not a Girl, Not Yet a … Wolf? Pubertet som terskeltilstand
10.45–11.15 Jade Dillon Craig: Abject maternity in Neil Gaiman’s Coraline
11.15–12:30 Lunsj
12.30–13.00 Wafa Pathan: Disney and Pixar on diverse intergenerational trauma narratives
13.00–13.30 Alyssa Lowery: Wishes and Stars: Surveying 100 Years of Disney’s Animated Films
13.45–14.15 Tom Nurmi: Plastic Albatrosses & Sensitive Androids: Children’s Ecofiction and Film in the Norwegian EFL Classroom
14.15–14.45 Tatjana K. Samoilow: The Sounds of the Woods and Mountains
14.45–15.30 Visions for the future?
CLEAR is an associated research group within the Association for Research on Children’s Literature in English in Norway (ARCLEN).
Leaders of research group
Jade Dillon-Craig Associate Professor of Children's Literature
+47-73592141 Department of Teacher Education -
Alyssa Christine Magee Lowery Associate Professor of Children's Literature and Young Learners
+47-73592313 +4794869178 Department of Teacher Education
Members of research group
Signe Braut Assistant Professor Department of Teacher Education -
Anne Berit Lyngstad Associate Professor
+47-73596317 Department of Teacher Education -
Mathilde Myrstad -
Silje Neraas
+4795765420 -
Tom Nurmi Associate Professor of English Literature and Culture
+47-73591763 Department of Teacher Education -
Wafa Pathan PhD Candidate, Children’s Literature Education And Research Department of Teacher Education -
Maren S. Rasmussen Assistant Professor
+47-73598156 Department of Teacher Education -
Tatjana Kielland Samoilow Professor
+47-73412327 +4746418530 Department of Teacher Education -
Per Esben Svelstad Professor of Norwegian
+47-73550413 Department of Teacher Education
External members of research group
Lily Brown, PhD Researcher, Anglia Ruskin University
Åse Marie Ommundsen, Professor, OsloMet