Arts and Physical Education – Research – Department of Teacher Education
Arts and Physical Education
At the Department of Teacher Education the research web sites are organized in six themes. On this page you will find research projects and research groups related to arts and physical education.
Research projects
- Available artistry?
- Digital Technology in Physical Education Teacher Education in a post COVID19 era (DiTePETE)
- Discourses of Academization and Professionalization in Higher Music Education (DAPHME)
- Lydrik(k)
- Rhizomatisk læring og CRafTografi i kunst og håndverksutdanningen; et metodologisk utviklings- og forskningsprosjekt
- Shooting for mastery
- Verkstedet som læringsarena i skolen
Research groups and networks
- Bodily Learning
- Choreographic folding
- Decolonial arts education research and practice
- Digital technology in physical education and sports (DiTePES)
- Estetikk på tvers
- For Future(s) of Dance education(s) – possibilities and challenges
- Fysisk aktivitet, motorikk og læring
- How to do things with disability
- Inclusion in Arts, Physical Education and Sports
- International Disability Research in Education and Teacher Training (IDRETT)
- Kunst- og kulturfaglig livsmestring i utdanningen (Kul-forsk)
- Music Pedagogy in Development (MiU)
- Nettverk for kulturskolerelatert forskning
- Water Competence