North American Studies at NTNU - Research - Department of Teacher Education
North American Studies
This research group is focused on establishing a local, national, and international network of educators, scholars, and NTNU students with research interests in North American studies. This diverse research area allows for truly inter/transdisciplinary topics covering an array of subjects such as native peoples, history, feminism, sexuality, legal studies, race, culture, art, literature, politics, education, linguistics and language acquisition, and much more. Our aim is to establish a platform for sharing research and establishing communications with scholars on an international level. We plan to take part in conferences, establish workshops and seminars, and develop and disseminate research within the research group.
Invited Speaker
- Dr. Merete Røstad from Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO), 20 October, 2022, "Critical Reflective Practice."
Research project
Roundtable discussion
"Rough Waters and Smooth Sailing: Teaching American Studies in Norway,” American Studies Assocation of Norway (ASANOR), September 2022, group leader Eir-Anne Edgar and group member Tom Nurmi.
Invited Speaker
- Professor Cassandra Falke (UiT): "Global Human Rights Fiction, or How to Tell the Truth in Literature" on 18 April, 2023
- “AfAm Literary History in Norwegian Fjord og Fjell” Contemporary Literature from the Classroom, Post45, Stanford UP, ed Rebecca Roach
Members of research group
- Professor Stephen Darren Dougherty, University of Agder
- Professor Cassandra Falke, UiT The Arctic University of Tromsø
- Dr. Amanda Konkle, Assistant Professor of English, Georgia Southern University, Armstrong Campus. Georgia, USA
- Professor Julia Leyda, Department of Art and Media Studies, NTNU
- Professor Hanna Musiol, Department of Language and Literature, NTNU
- Associate Professor Tom Nurmi, Department of Teacher Education, NTNU
- Associate Professor Astrid Rasch, Department of Language and Literature, NTNU
- Assistant Professor Maren S. Rasmussen, Department of Teacher Education, NTNU
- Dr. Craig Slaven, Professor of English, San Jacinto College
- Director of the Lillian E. Smith Center, Matthew Teutsch, Piedmont University