Applied Cryptology Lab (NaCl) - Department of Information Security and Communication Technology
NTNU Applied Cryptology Lab (NaCl)
The NTNU Applied Cryptology Lab (NaCl) is a joint research group between the Department of Information Security and Communication Technology and the Department of Mathematical Sciences at NTNU, focusing on designing and analysing secure cryptographic protocols and systems. We cooperate with many prominent research groups, both nationally and internationally, as well as with industry and other partners.
Our research interests are the theory and practice of key exchange, digital signatures, homomorphic encryption, verifiable computation, electronic voting, formal verification, symmetric cipher design and analysis, cryptography engineering, and data privacy. We are particularly interested in designing and analysing schemes secure against quantum adversaries. You can find more details about our research by looking at recent publications by the members of our research group.
We organised the IACR flagship conference Eurocrypt in 2022 in Trondheim, and our group members regularly serve on program- and organisational committees for top cryptography venues such as ACM CCS, IACR Crypto, IACR Eurocrypt, IACR Asiacrypt and PETS.
Research Group Leader
Academic Staff
Colin Alexander Boyd
Researcher -
Anamaria Costache
Associate Professor -
Kristian Gjøsteen
Professor -
Danilo Gligoroski
Professor -
Stig Frode Mjølsnes
Professor -
Jiaxin Pan
Associate Professor -
Jeongeun Park
Associate Professor -
Slobodan Petrovic
Professor -
Morten Rotvold Solberg
Assistant Professor -
Staal A. Vinterbo