NTNU Digital Forensics
NTNU Digital Forensics
The research group focuses on research and development of advanced computational methods to establish and prove the scientific basis of forensic investigative procedures, with the objective to support forensic examiners in their daily casework.
About our Research Group
We conduct fundamental and applied research to enhance prevention, investigation and prosecution of cybercrime, cyber-enabled fraud, and high technology crime.
We also contribute to advisory services, forensic casework, and expert witness in cooperation with partners from national, European and international law enforcement agencies (LEA), academia and the private sector.
- Research in the area of large-scale investigations; automatic search through terabytes of electronic data storage within closed systems and the Internet,
- Research and development for the rapid acquisition, correlation and analysis of Internet-related evidence,
- Technologies for cross-media search and data integration to access diverse sources of information, in particular data enrichment from Internet sources,
- Algorithms for the analysis of encrypted evidence and cryptographic credentials,
- Design of advanced computing technologies to achieve more objective evidence analysis and final decision making by implementing computational intelligence.
- Development of methods and tools for digital penetrator attribution and profiling, visualization of serious criminal relationships and associations, and geographical mapping of digital and physical evidence.
Mission statement
- Forensic Teaching Environment
- Postgraduate Education and Training
- Curiosity-driven, fundamental research and publications
- Applied Research and Development on behalf of Industrial and Governmental Entities
- Forensic Casework, Expert Witnesses, and Advisory Services in Cooperation with Partners
- Networking and Community-building Activities, e.g., Workshops, Tutorials, Competitions,…
- Study and development of advanced computational methods to
- Assist in basic and applied forensic research, e.g. to establish or prove the scientific basis of a particular forensic investigative procedure,
- Support the forensic examiner in their daily casework.
- Modern crime investigation, prosecution and prevention shall profit from the joint intelligence of humans and machines.
Key Academic Staff
Jan William Johnsen Researcher
jan.w.johnsen@ntnu.no Department of Information Security and Communication Technology -
Carl Stuart Leichter Adjunct Associate Professor
carl.leichter@ntnu.no Department of Computer Science -
Kyle Andrew Porter Researcher
kyle.porter@ntnu.no Department of Information Security and Communication Technology -
Andrii Shalaginov Associate Professor
+47-61135375 andrii.shalaginov@ntnu.no Department of Information Security and Communication Technology
Part-time Academic Staff
André Årnes, Adjunct Associate Professor
Jefferey D. Hamm, Lecturer, Mandiant/FireEye
Affiliated Academic Staff
Christoffer Vargtass Hallstensen Head of SOC
+47-61135145 christoffer.hallstensen@ntnu.no Digital Security Section -
Basel Katt Head of Department and Professor
+47-61135176 basel.katt@ntnu.no Department of Information Security and Communication Technology -
Mariusz Nowostawski Professor
+47-61135365 +4748342678 mariusz.nowostawski@ntnu.no Department of Computer Science
Inger Marie Sunde, Professor, The Norwegian Police University College (PHS)
Hallstein A. Hansen, PhD, Oslo Police District (OPD)
Jul Fredrik Kaltenborn, PhD Research Fellow, Department of Information Security and Communication Technology
Academic partners
- United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute
- University California Santa Cruz, USA
- Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
- University of Groningen, The Netherlands
- Norwegian Computing Centre (NR) , Norway
- Norwegian Police University College (PHS), Norway
- University in Oslo, Norway
- University of Malta, Malta
- National Research Council of Italy, Italy
- National Intelligence Academy, Romania
- Edith Cowan University, Australia
- Fraunhofer Society, Germany
- Hitachi Central Research Laboratory, Japan
- École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
- Ellinki Aeroporiki Viomichania Anonymi Etairei, Greece
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA
- Universität Stuttgart, Germany
User partners from public sector
- Norwegian National Police Directorate (POD), Norway
- Kripos, Norway
- Økokrim, Norway
- Oslo Police District (OPD), Norway
- Netherlands Forensics Institute (NFI), Netherlands
- Advance Technology Institute, Romania
- Fraunhofer Society, Germany
- Hitachi Central Research Laboratory, Japan
- NorSIS – Norsk Senter for Informasjonssikring, Norway
- Misa SA, Norway
- Raufoss Technology AS, Norway
- SINTEF Raufoss Manufacturing, Norway
Security-service providers
- FinansCERT, Norway
- mnemonic AS, Norway
- Synergetics N.V. Group, Belgium
- Xensics, USA
- KraftCERT AS, Norway
- National Sikkerhetsmyndighet (NSM), Norway
- REALITY NET System Solutions, Italy
- Ericsson AB, Sweden
- C 3 M d.o.o., Slovenia
- Promon, Norway
- RD&T Technology AB, Sweden