Department of Health Sciences in Gjøvik

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (MH)

Department of Health Sciences in Gjøvik

About the Department

Photo: Oda Hveem/NTNU

The Department of Health Sciences in Gjøvik consists of approximately 120 employees, and is organised in the following units; Unit of Nursing, Unit of Health, Technology and Society, Unit of Paramedicine and Advanced Clinical Nursing, Centre for Care Research, Centre for Biomedical research and Centre for Simulation and Patient Safety. 

By focusing on research in services, patient safety and health promotion we contribute actively towards innovation and service development in health and care services and to health promotion in the local society.

25 Nov 2024



   +47 61 13 54 00

Visiting and delivery address: : Helvin-bygget, Teknologivegen 22, 2815 Gjøvik
Postal address: Department of Health Sciences in Gjøvik, NTNU, Postboks 191, N-2802 Gjøvik



  About the department



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