About us

Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

About us

The Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (IE) has more than 65 percent of the Norwegian university education and research within our disciplines.

We have great influence on and responsibility for new information-based industrial developments and development within other areas of society which apply information and communication technology. Both our research and education are at a high international level.

Management team

Management team

The day to day management is done by our management team:

Strategy and action plan

Strategy and action plan

ABOUT – Contact Us

Contact us

Administrative Staff

Emergency contact

Emergency contact

Do you need someone to talk to?

  • Call 48 50 46 50 (SiT)
    Monday - Friday
    08.00 - 18.00

Visit US

Visit us

Kart over gløshaugen. Illustrasjon

Visiting and delivery address

Elektrobygget, E, 1st Floor
O.S. Bragstads plass 2E
7034 Trondheim

Postal address

Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
Mailbox 8900 Torgarden
NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway