

– Using artificial intelligence to analyse movement for early detection of cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common cause of physical disability in childhood. Children with CP has a life-long needs for special services. CP is a huge burden for the child, it’s family and society.

The DeepInMotion project is creating a new artificial intelligence system for early detection of CP.

Early diagnosis makes early treatment possible

DeepInMotion will identify indicators and characteristics in the infant spontaneous movements at 12-18 weeks post term age. In Norway, CP are diagnosed between 1-2 years age even though the brain injury causing CP occurs before, during or directly after birth.

Early detection of CP, before 5 months of age, provides opportunities for earlier onset of therapies and treatments in the period when plasticity of the infant brain is at its highest.

Limited access to experts

Today, early detection of CP is performed in clinics by doing a subjective and a qualitative movement analysis. These methods need highly qualified clinicians with long experience to be reliable and, thus, lack of widespread adoption among clinical teams.

Technology for equal access to healthcare

This project will develop a user friendly and digital low-cost health care service, reducing inequalities within and among countries and providing equal access to health care services.

DeepInMotion will improve help and support to clinicians and primary care givers in a safe and efficient manner and, thus, meeting the requirements of UN sustainable developmental goals.

The project will utilize one of the largest international database of videos of high-risk infants, administrated by St Olavs Hospital in Norway, to develop the next generation of artificial intelligent systems for infant care.


Illustrasjon DeepInMotion



The DeepInMotion project consist of an international unique interdisciplinary group of computer scientists, human movement scientists, physiotherapists and clinical specialists.

The project is a collaboration project between three departments at NTNU (INB, IKOM, and IDI), two clinics at St Olavs (Klinikk for kliniske servicefunksjoner and Barne- og ungdomsklinikken), the Norwegian Open AI lab, and Ålesund hospital.

The DeepInMotion project is funded by Norwegian research council in the periode 2021-2025.