The next step in direct activation of lower alkanes

Industrial Innovation Area 5

The next step in direct activation of lower alkanes


Illustration, structure

iCSI is working on new zeotype catalyst materials, with potential for breakthrough discoveries within direct conversion of lower alkanes to chemicals or liquid fuels.

As all current routes for exploitation of natural gas (methane) for chemicals production rely on syngas as an intermediate, a low temperature activation and transformation of methane as well as other lower alkanes into valuable chemicals is commonly considered "a dream reaction" due to its enormous industrial potential. While Haldor Topsøe AS supplies essential technology to most existing routes, new pathways are considered an essential extension of current portfolio and competence within synthesis, functionalization and application of zeotype materials.

iCSI holds competences relevant to tackle these challenges and progress towards a viable low temperature process for alkane activation.



Stian Svelle, UiO

Stian Svelle

Professor, Department of Chemistry, Catalysis, University of Oslo (UiO)


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