50 year anniversary for the Hydropower Development Program
12. June 2023
Seminar and reunion program
Sunday 11th in the afternoon there will be a reception and a barbeque for previous Hydropower Development Students and invited guests at the Hydraulic Laboratory.
This event will start at 17:00 with an ice breaker, mingling and a guided tour in the lab. The dinner will start at 18:00.
Monday 12th there will be a seminar with invited speakers to mark the 50 years of education of students from the Hydropower Development Program.
Tuesday 13th it will be possible to join the conference "Sustainability in Hydropower 2023". Be aware that you need to register separately for this.
The HPD Seminar will be in VG1 . The program (preliminary) for the seminar is as follows
When | What | Who |
10:00 | Opening | Department Head |
10:05 | Welcome | Tor Grande, NTNU Pro-Rector |
10:25 | About the HPD program | Oddbjørn Bruland, Professor in charge of HPD |
10:40 | Norads perspective | Stig Traavik, Director of Climate, Energy & Environment, NORAD |
11:00 | NVE perspective | Kjetil Lund, Director NVE |
11:20 | World Bank perspective | Pravin Karki -96 cohort, World Bank Global Lead Hydropower and Dams |
11:40 | Hydropower industry perspective | Hanne Nøvik, Scatech |
12:00 | Lunch | |
12:45 | IHA Perspective | Pablo Valverde, deputy CEO i IHA |
13:05 | Impact Nepal | Nepal Ambassador, to be conf |
13:25 | Experience from Nepal | Pratik Pradhan -95 cohort, Vice President Butwal Power Company |
13:45 | Experience from consultancy | Rodrigo Suarez Barrera -16 cohort, Multiconsult England |
14:05 | Experience from Uganda | Charles Mwase -19 cohort, UEGCL |
14:25 | Coffe break | |
14:50 | Experience from China | Wenhao Wu -95 cohort, president of Power China International |
15:10 | Experience from Pakistan | Qayyum Zaman -03 cohort, Director Planning PEDO |
15:30 | Panel discussion | What have been the key values of the program and how can we meet the demand for hydropower education in the future |
16:00 | Wrap up | |
18:00 | Dinner at "To Tårn" |
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Stig Traavik Stig Traavik is department head of the Department for Climate and Environment at the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, Norad, since november 2020. Stig is special Envoy for Climate & Forest to build global support to protect natural forest, maintain livelihoods, biodiversity and a planet we can live on. He is ex-diplomat who worked on the highest levels in international affairs for two decades, as well as in venture capital to develop entrepreneurs and to accelerate adaptation of new technology and renewable energy. He is also former ambassador to Indonesia, Timor Leste and ASEAN and has experience as a Chief of Staff and in senior positions in West Africa, Geneva, Afghanistan. By the way he is also, Olympian and multiple National champion in judo. |
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Pravin KARKI Pravin Karki is Global lead of Hydropower and Dams in the World Bank. Pravin is from Nepal and hold a long career as Hydropower Engineer. Pravin is also a former HPD student. |
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Pablo Valverde Pablo is the International Hydropower Association's Deputy CEO. He head the Stakeholder Engagement Team, this includes being responsible for IHA’s membership outreach, development and retention strategies, as well as for steering the transition to a values-based membership model. Working closely with the Communications Team, he is also responsible for coordination of SHIFT, a global initiative to supercharge communications and advocacy efforts of the sustainable hydropower community. |
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Kjetil Lund Sincel 2019 Kjetil Lund have hold the position as director of the Norwegian Directorate of Water Resources and Energy. Lund has also worked with strategic financing and was director of government relations and climate policy at Statkraft. |