Department of Biological Sciences Ålesund

Faculty of Natural Sciences

Department of Biological Sciences Ålesund

Department of Biological Sciences Ålesund

4 students working in the lab. Photo

The Department of Biological Sciences Ålesund is closely linked to the regional economy, both to health and the marine sector. The department focuses on research and innovation related to health and sustainable utilization of marine resources, medical and marine laboratory technology.

The Department of Biological Sciences Ålesund is one of eight departments at the Faculty of Natural Sciences.

About the Department of Biological Sciences Ålesund




  About us

Postal address

NTNU i Ålesund
Postboks 1517
NO-6025 Ålesund, Norway

Visiting address

Larsgårdsvegen 2 - 4th fl. A-blokka


Head of Department: Tove Havnegjerde