Research at the Department of Architecture and Technology

Research at the Department of Architecture and Technology


  • Picture of lab from the outside in dusk. Photo

  • Two buildings with geometrical patterns photographed from the outside. Photo.

  • Metal tubes. Photo

IAT Research mainpage

About us 

We focus on the technical and artistic development of sustainable architecture
based on circularity, energy efficiency, and aesthetics.

Our Research

We work in four research groups that investigate topics at key phases over the building lifecycle. 

Energy and environment

Walls of buildings with geometrical shapes up close. Photo
Photo: Geir Mogen/NTNU - Advanced Building Integrated photovoltaics (BIPV).

Buildings are responsible for 40% of Norway’s energy use, and generate 40% of the country’s waste. Architects have a great responsibility to help reduce these numbers, both the fabrication and operation phases. This area of expertise aims to develop knowledge and skills in different areas of energy and resource use and indoor environmental quality, and to apply them both in the design of new buildings, and for energy and environmental measures in existing buildings.

Transformation, preservation and development

Old buildings, lots of windows. Photo.
Photo: Geir Mogen/NTNU -Building transformation.

The conservation and development of existing structures is of increasing importance for architects, and affects both individual structures and built environments. This requires a comprehensive architectural approach that encompasses all aspects of the processes of change - cultural, functional, technical and experiential including an appreciation of the relationship between architecture and natural conditions, and the design of architectural modifications in relation to their built context.

Buillding materials and construction

People walking holding various geometrical objects. Photo.
Photo: Geir Mogen/NTNU - Structures workshop.

This area of expertise addresses the technical and structural aspects of building design and use. An important challenge for architects is to take advantage of the technical, physical and aesthetic characteristics of specific materials and components to develop high quality architectural solutions. The department has had a special focus in recent years on developing an understanding of wood as a building material.


Knowledge of architectural practice perspectives, structures and contemporary theory are a prerequisite for understanding, interpreting and communicating today's architecture and our built environment. There is a particular emphasis on identifying and explaining the social, ideological and technical assumptions that influence building design and built environments combined with active development of learning in all aspects of the design process and its communication.

Our projects

Together with our collaborators, we find innovative solutions for the built environment in Norway and Europe.

Research Infrastructure

Research Infrastructure

Norwegian Research Projects

Norwegian Research Projects

International Research Projects

International Research Projects

Our publications

Our publications