K.G. Jebsen Center for Genetic Epidemiology’s Statistical Genetics Journal Club

Statistical Genetics Journal Club

Statistical Genetics Journal Club

The aim of the HUNT Center for Molecular and Clinical Epidemiology's Journal Club is to give researchers and students an opportunity to read and discuss timely articles within their field of interest or any interesting research coming from interdisciplinary domains. While we have named it the Statistical Genetic Journal club, we welcome papers from related topics.

Presenting participants may choose a relevant article and present the main figures, tables, and take aways, while leaving time for group discussion of methodology, interpretations, and limitations. Other participants will be provided the article in advance in order to familiarize themselves and prepare for the discussion. 

Meetings generally take place on the last Thursday of every month from 13:00-14:00 CET unless otherwise announced. Participation via Teams is provided for those unable to join in Øya Helsehus 1st floor conference room (ØHM11).

Some resources for preparing your journal club presentation

How to Make a Good and Interesting Journal Club

-Tips for Journal Club First Timers

-Evaluating and Presenting a Paper for Journal Club



Abhibhav Sharma coordinates the journal club. Please email him at abhibhav.sharma@ntnu.no if you are interested in presenting or sign up directly here

Master and PhD students affiliated with HUNT MCE are expected to present once per year. 

Upcoming schedule

Upcoming schedule