Why do we need healthy workplaces?

Why do we need healthy workplaces?

Picture of statistics
Photo: Colourbox

Organisations have a unique role in looking out for the health and well-being of their employees. According to the World Health Organization, creating healthy workplaces (HWPs) is the right and legal thing to do and a smart decision. In Norway, where approximately 70% of the population is employed, employers have a unique opportunity to impact the nation's health and well-being positively.

Building Better: Ethics, Compliance, and Advantages

  • Ethical responsibility

Caring about employees' safety, health, and well-being is a moral imperative - it is the right thing to do.

  • Compliance facilitator

The Norwegian Working Environment Act uncerscores the legal obligations of creating a healthy workplace.

  • Strategic advantage

Healthy workplaces can yield significant returns by minimising costs (like sick leave) and optimising benefits (performance, innovation).
