The Gjærevoll Centre main photo

A bug on a leaf. Photo

The Gjærevoll Centre

The Gjærevoll Centre

– A Centre for Foresight Analyses of Biodiversity

Our earth is under enormous pressure. We are heading full speed into a climate crisis, and it is urgent to reduce the planet's carbon emissions. While we work to find solutions to the climate crisis, the world is experiencing a dramatic loss of biodiversity. The species' habitats are disappearing quietly, almost unnoticeably. Up to one million species are in danger of disappearing for good.

The nature crisis is one of the greatest challenges of our time. Loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services, experts call it. We can also call it a loss of nature's benefits for people. The nature that is disappearing is the same nature that we humans and all other species depend on in order to live. It ensures that we have water, oxygen and food, as well as medicines, materials - and good experiences!

And not only that: Preserving nature is the best way to reduce climate change, because nature captures and stores more than half of all the carbon we emit. Nature and climate are mutually affected by one another. The climate crisis and the nature crisis must be solved together and at the same time.

The Gjærevoll Centre will contribute to this, by bringing together world-leading researchers in the field of biodiversity and sustainability in an interdisciplinary effort to contribute to stop the global nature crisis.

Three pillars of the Gjærevoll Centre

The Gjærevoll Centre is built on three pillars



World-leading researchers increase knowledge and develop analyses and tools for society's use of nature.



A green restructuring of society requires increased competence among students, future researchers and actors in society.



Knowledge must be available and relevant to the private sector, decision-makers and politicians.

Opening of the centre video

Opening of the Gjærevoll Centre




Inviting to debate at Arendalsuka

17 August, 2023

Nature is the worlds best climate measure. Still we are clearing nature in a breakneck pace. Do the politicians have the facts on the table when making decisions, and are they willing to listen to the knowledge?

Welcome to a debate about green and sustainable development on natures terms.

More on the debate and link to live stream in the Arendalsuka program.

IPBES launching report

29 November, 2022

The Norwegian Environment Agency, NTNU, the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) and the Gjærevoll Centre invited students and interested public to the national launch of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) report on sustainable use of wild species, with relevant examples from Norway.

Read more about the launch of the report and see photos on Facebook - NTNU Technology and Natural Sciences

Opening of the Gjærevoll Centre

23 September, 2022

The Gjærevoll Centre was officially opened during this year's future festival Hyfer on 23 September by Rector Anne Borg.

The program contained several talks, including Minister of Climate and the Environment, Espen Barth Eide, who contributed digitally from New York.

Read more at NTNU Nyheter (in Norwegian)