Become a sponsor!

Become a sponsor!

EuropaCat 2025 offers different packages for sponsors with various needs. Common to all packages is:

  • Good visibility for your company as an important player, interested in new knowledge and its application.
  • An arena with opportunities for recruitment, customer relations, and interaction with the world’s foremost scientists in catalysis.
  • Digital visibility on our website in advance of the conference and through the programme, conference app, lectures and/or exhibitions during the conference.
  • All new sponsors will be announced in the news column on the website. The earlier you sign up as a sponsor, the longer exposure time you will receive.


For the content of each package, please see the table below or take a look at the Industry prospectus in pdf format.

Button to Industry prospectus
If you wish to become the next sponsor, please use the form linked here 

or contact us by email, who will guide you further in the process. 



Photo showing the exhibition area just outside the plenary lecture room

Sponsorship options

Sponsorship options

(Reservation that minor changes may occur)

Package Rhodium Silver Copper Congress
Price, NOK (100 NOK ~ 9 €) all prices excl. VAT 25% 300 000 150 000 50 000 50 000 30 000 30 000 30 000
Logo on home website with a link to the company's website from day 1 of partnership  Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal.            
Logo on program website with a link to the company's website from day 1 of partnership Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal. Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal.          
Logo on sponsors website with a link to the company's website from day 1 of partnership Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal. Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal. Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal. Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal. Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal. Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal. Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal.
Logo on travel website with a link to the company's website from day 1 of partnership         Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal. Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal.  
Logo on conference information flyers and slides distributed Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal. Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal.          
Logo on conference bags Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal.     Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal.      
Logo on Roll-ups on podiums/actual areas Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal. Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal. Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal.   Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal. Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal.  
Full page in Final Program Brochure Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal.            
Half page in Final Program Brochure   Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal. Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal.        
Logo, company brochures, links and videos in the congress mobile application Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal. Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal. Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal. Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal. Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal. Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal. Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal.
Acknowledgement in the venue info screens Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal. Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal.          
Company materials in Congress bags Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal.     Hakemerke, Skrift for Segoe UI Symbol, tegnkode 2713 heksadesimal.      
No. of participant badges for the company`s personnel (including access to the exhibition area and lecture rooms, poster area and welcome reception, coffee breaks and lunches). Participant badges exceeding the mentioned quota can be purchased for NOK 10 000. 5 3 2       1
Exhibition space (all exhibitors are in the same area, just outside the plenary hall)

24 m2  

on the floor

12 m2  

on the floor

6 m2  

on the floor


4-6 m2  

by the wall

Symposium (not parallel to the scientific program) incl. light snacks to all attendees 40 minutes 20 minutes