NTNU Energy-China collaboration

Collaboration with China

NTNU Energy-China Cooperation

Recent years has seen a rapid development in China-Norway collaboration in the energy area. NTNU began its collaboration with Chinese partners back in 2005. Each year NTNU Energy receives a number of official delegations from Chinese universities and research institutes as well as governmental agencies.

NTNU energy has engaged its China collaboration on concrete, collaborative projects that promote clean and efficient energy, energy sustainability, energy security, the decrease of carbon emissions, and lower energy costs.

NTNU-China energy cooperation spans a number of bilateral platforms in terms of institutional, scientific and educational collaboration.

NTNU Energy-China collaboration cards

Three people in the nano laboratory. Photo: NTNU/Maren Agdestein.

Research Collaboration

Intensified research collaboration with Chinese partners has led to increased interest among Chinese PhD students to come to NTNU, both for short-term visits and full time PhD.

At NTNU, we also run our “Sandwich” PhD model, that is collaborations in 4 different areas between professors, supervisors and PhDs at SJTU and NTNU. Bilateral exchange of the candidates for minimum 3 months is included in the project and leads to a PhD degree from the home university.

People collecting leaflets. Photo: Pushi/NTNU.

Education collaboration

Double Master’s programme

Students get a Master’s degree from two collaborating universities, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) and NTNU Extensive exchange programme. Degree in Power Engineering (SJTU) and Sustainable Energy (NTNU) for SJTU Students. Degree in Power Engineering (SJTU) and Mechanical Engineering (NTNU) for NTNU Students.

Summer Courses on Sustainable Energy

Based on “Experts in Team” principles of interdisciplinary student group cooperation, using a real-life development project as case.