International activity Team Smartgrid

International activities in NTNU Energy Team Smartgrid

A small white globe. Photo: Pixabay.

Flexibility benefits for resilience - How can flexibility support power grid resilience?

As zero operational-cost variable Renewable Energy Sources are foreseen to dominate theCover page of a paper. Link to the paper Flexibility for resilience future energy mix, the abundance of green electricity will allow the replacement of fossil fuels in sectors such as heating, cooling, industrial processes, and transport. The intermittency of such energy resources implies significant systemic requirements for flexible solutions; thus, developments of the energy sector in general, and the power system in particular, instigate significant innovation activities in the fields of power system flexibility.

Concurrently, complexities and interdependencies of system components and multitude of actors increase the risks of service failures and the complexity of production and grid planning, raising the demand for stronger and more agile resilience means and countermeasures.

In this white paper we discuss the item “How can flexibility support resilience?”, considering the increased societal needs of a secure electricity supply. A report summarising experiences from large number of initiatives in a collaborative effort between of ISGAN WG 6 and ETIP SNET WG1. Read the paper "Flexibility for resilience".

Editors: Irina Oleinikova, Emil Hillberg, & Antonio Iliceto

Contributing authors: Alexander Fuchs, Albana Ilo,  Cansin Yaman Evrenosoglu, Christos Dikaiakos, Ewa Mataczynska, Gianluigi Migliavacca, Jirapa Kamsamrong, Nuno de Souza e Silva, Poria Divshali, Rajiv Porwal, Santiago Gallego, Turhan Demiray.

CIGRE Next Generation Network - Nordic NGN Webinar

CIGRE NGN Finland, CIGRE NGN Denmark and CIGRE NGN Norway would like to provide a platform for recent research results and system operations experience related to the rapid transformation and challenges imposed on networks and markets.

Date: 13th April

More information and agenda for the Nordic NGN Webinar.

Expert workshop on Design and Operation of Digitalized Sector-coupled Energy Systems

The aim of the workshop is to bring together experts from Europe to exchange insights and to create a roadmap on possible trends and research directions for operation, control and digitalization in sector-coupled energy systems or sector integration.

Date: 30th and 31st March 2022

Find more information and agenda on Hamburg University of Technology's webpage

Workshop on “Boosting the R&I activity on Smart Grid Technologies" - 10th September

We are inviting you to join the workshop that the PANTERA project is jointly organizing with the SUPEERA project at the SpliTech conference (Croatia). The workshop “Boosting the R&I activity on Smart Grid Technologies" will be held as an hybrid event (physical/virtual) on September 10th.

The aim of PANTERA is to strengthen research and innovation activities within the field of smart grids, storage and local energy systems, in all EU member states with a special focus on the countries that are currently less involved in EU level initiatives and projects. This workshop will be dedicated to discuss these topics and how to the recently launched EIRIE platform could support R&I activities enhancement.

For any additional information and to register to the event (you will then receive the connection link), please visit PANTERA's webpage.

International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN)

European Energy Research Alliance (EERA)

One Hour with Europe

One Hour with Europe is an initiative managed by the NTNU Brussels office in collaboration with the colleagues of the Rectorate Staff.