
Innovation: energy for a better world

Green innovation. Illustration:

The mandate of universities is to deliver quality education, conduct scientific research and disseminate results.

While education and research are still priorities, they are no longer sufficient. Research funding increasingly presumes benefits to society, fueled by the energy transition, circular economy requirements, and the growing tension between Europe, USA, Russia and China.

One of NTNU Energy's aims is to increase the impact of NTNU's energy research. Find examples of how we work towards energy for a better world below, supplementary to NTNU's ecosystem for innovation.

Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research

Logo Centres for Environment-friendly Energy ResearchOur Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research

NTNU hosts three and is a partner in seven Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FMEs). The FME scheme develops expertise and promotes innovation by supporting long-term research in collaborations between leading research groups and users in the public and the private sector.

One of the main selection criteria for the Centres is the potential for innovation and value creation. The other two main criteria are scientific merit and relevance of the application to the thematic guidelines set out in the call for proposals. The Centres are selected by the Research Council of Norway.


Norwegian energy research pays off

Norwegian energy research pays off

In 2018, the Research Council of Norway commissioned a study on the economic effect of Norwegian energy research. The study shows that NOK 4 billion granted by the Research Council to approx. 670 projects in 2008-2017 resulted in a realized economic effect of NOK 16 billion in Norway. This means that every kroner invested in Norwegian energy research gave Norway 4 kroner in value creation.

In addition, the study identified NOK 100 billion of future economic potential of these projects in Europe including Norway.

Norwegian energy research is profitable

Norwegian energy research is profitable for society and contributes to significant value creation.

Norwegian energy research

Frontpage of the report effects of energy researchIn addition, the study showed that the projects led to:

  • A realized reduced energy consumption of 2 TWh / year in Norway (26 TWh incl. Europe)
  • Realized reduced greenhouse gas emissions of 25 Mt CO2 in Europe
  • Increased security of energy supply
  • Increased safety / health, reduced risk - e.g. enabling safe storage of CO2
  • Reduced intrusion of nature - environmentally friendly development of infrastructure
  • Better decision-making basis - new tools, methods, knowledge
  • New building standards and tools for low- and zero-emission buildings
  • New companies and employment
  • Strengthening academia, and where more are at the forefront internationally
  • Education and recruitment (Master, PhD)
  • Publications, citations, etc.

Read the report Effects of energy research (pdf) or a summary of the main findings (pdf) (both in Norwegian).

EiT InnoEnergy <a name="innoenergy"></a>

EiT InnoEnergy

NTNU Energy is the Norwegian partner and a Gold Member in the Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) InnoEnergy, financed by the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT).

EiT InnoEnergy is accelerating sustainable energy innovations by assisting and promoting the adoption of new technologies. To date, €560 million have been invested into more than 480 products while bringing together 500+ key players in 18 countries from across the energy value chain. EIT InnoEnergy also plays pivotal roles within the European Battery Alliance (EBA250) and the European Green Hydrogen Acceleration Center (EGHAC), both of which enjoy strong political and financial support from the European Commission.

EiT InnoEnergy works closely with NTNU’s ecosystem for innovation and technology transfer. We welcome every opportunity to bring innovations forward, aiming to make the world a better place and, hopefully, a profit in the process. Our short-term focus is to showcase Norwegian start-ups at InnoEnergy’s Business Booster in Lisbon in September 2022.

A light bulb on a blackboard. Illustration.