
Infrastructure on hydrogen

NTNU Hydrogen Labs

NTNU Hydrogen Labs


Illustration: Laboratory infrastructure

NTNU has excellent state-of-the-art hydrogen and fuel cell laboratories and equipment, for example: Potentiostats/galvanostats, Photoelectrochemical and Sonoelectrochemical devices, PEMFC/AWE/PEMWE/Battery Test-stations, Electrochemical FTIR and Raman, Electrochemical AFM/STM, DEMS, UV-vis PMRS, Microfluidic flow cells, Scanning Probe Microscope (AFM/STM), FTIR spectrometer, UV-vis, Advanced electrochemical equipment (RDE, DEIS, DEMS, EQCM), Ultrasonic devices (baths, probes & US-spray) etc.

Infrastructure at NTNU

NTNU NanoLab

People working in NTNU NanoLab. Photo: Geir Mogen/NTNU

NTNU NanoLab is one of 4 cleanrooms within "The Norwegian Micro- and Nanofabrication Facility", NorFab. The facility is open for students and scientists at NTNU, as well as external researchers.

The infrastructure is run by a staff of 9 engineers and operated according to hands-on principles. NTNU NanoLab has 700 m2 cleanroom facilities with cleanliness ranging from ISO7 to ISO5 and vibration reduced zones at VCF-level. The cleanroom is also built according to GMO laboratory class 2 requirements. 

Micro and Nanoscale Design

Micro and Nanoscale Design Lab

Graphic element Micro and Nanoscale Design.

The Micro- and Nanoscale Design Laboratory addresses functional materials from the nano- to the mesoscale. The lab has various atomic layer deposition tools with in situ characterization capabilities to fabricate and characterize catalytic layers. Furthermore the lab have chemical mechanical polishing and 3D printing options to prototype various components of the fuel cell.


Norwegian fuel cell and hydrogen centre

Norwegian fuel cell and hydrogen centre

A person in working in a laboratory. Photo: SINTEF/Werner Juvik

The Norwegian fuel cell and hydrogen centres main goal is to be an operative centre of advanced laboratories with the required instrumentation and personnel to facilitate high quality research and development of components and testing and validation of systems for fuel cells and electrolysers.

Stakeholders NFCHC

Partners Norwegian fuel cell and hydrogen centre