Irene Wormdahl
Wormdahl, Irene;
Husum, Tonje Lossius;
Kjus, Solveig Helene;
Rugkåsa, Jorun;
Hatling, Trond;
Rise, Marit By.
Between No Help and Coercion: Toward Referral to Involuntary Psychiatric Admission. A Qualitative Interview Study of Stakeholders' Perspectives.
Frontiers in Psychiatry
Academic article
Wormdahl, Irene;
Husum, Tonje Lossius;
Rugkåsa, Jorun;
Rise, Marit By.
Professionals’ perspectives on factors within primary mental health services that can affect pathways to involuntary psychiatric admissions.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
Academic article
Karlsen, Ragnhild Krogvig;
Wormdahl, Irene.
100 råd som fremmer recovery - en veiledning for psykisk helsepersonell, 2. utgave.
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS - Nasjonalt kompetansesenter for psykisk helsearbeid
Book Translation
Wormdahl, Irene;
Karlsen, Ragnhild Krogvig.
100 råd som fremmer recovery - en veiledning for psykisk helsepersonell.
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS
Book Translation
Journal publications
Wormdahl, Irene;
Husum, Tonje Lossius;
Kjus, Solveig Helene;
Rugkåsa, Jorun;
Hatling, Trond;
Rise, Marit By.
Between No Help and Coercion: Toward Referral to Involuntary Psychiatric Admission. A Qualitative Interview Study of Stakeholders' Perspectives.
Frontiers in Psychiatry
Academic article
Wormdahl, Irene;
Husum, Tonje Lossius;
Rugkåsa, Jorun;
Rise, Marit By.
Professionals’ perspectives on factors within primary mental health services that can affect pathways to involuntary psychiatric admissions.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
Academic article
Karlsen, Ragnhild Krogvig;
Wormdahl, Irene.
100 råd som fremmer recovery - en veiledning for psykisk helsepersonell, 2. utgave.
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS - Nasjonalt kompetansesenter for psykisk helsearbeid
Book Translation
Wormdahl, Irene;
Karlsen, Ragnhild Krogvig.
100 råd som fremmer recovery - en veiledning for psykisk helsepersonell.
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS
Book Translation
InterviewWormdahl, Irene. (2021) Hva kjennetegner veien mot en tvangsinnleggelse?. [Internet] 2021-09-20
PosterWormdahl, Irene. (2021) The ReCoN intervention. Strategies to reduce involuntary admissions. FOSTREN, EViPRG Risk Factors for Coercion in Mental Health Services. The FOSTREN-EViPRG Training School 2021 , Middelfart 2021-09-20 - 2021-09-23
InterviewKarlsen, Ragnhild Krogvig; Wormdahl, Irene. (2020) Forsker på kommunale tjenester for å redusere tvang i psykiatrien. Nasjonalt kompetansesenter for psykisk helsearbeid Nasjonalt kompetansesenter for psykisk helsearbeid [Internet] 2020-11-30
Academic lectureWormdahl, Irene; Hatling, Trond. (2019) Can structured interventions at the community service-level reduce involuntary admissions to specialist mental Health services?. European Assertive Outreach Foundation Shaping the Future of Community Mental Health Care , University of Verona 2019-09-05 - 2019-09-07
LectureWormdahl, Irene; Hoxmark, Ellen Margrethe. (2017) Boosting fidelity through education of the ACT/FACT-teams. EAOF 2017 2017-09-13 -
PosterWormdahl, Irene; Olsø, Turid Møller; Borg, Marit; Karlsson, Bengt. (2014) Recovery-oriented practices - A systematic literature review. King's College, Institute of Psychiatry, London Refocus on Recovery 2014 , London 2014-06-02 - 2014-06-03