Vladimir Kalashnikov
I work actively in the theory of dissipative solitons and nonlinear dynamics of dissipative systems. The extensive numerical simulations of underlying nonlinear deterministic and stochastic PDEs revealed different dissipative soliton chaotization and destabilization scenarios, including turbulent and rogue wave regimes. The numerical simulations were connected closely with the analytical approaches such as adiabatic and variational integration techniques and a method of moments. The adiabatic integration technique developed by me allowed the reconstruction of the dissipative solitons parametric space (dissipative soliton “master diagram”). The structure of parametric space allowed the formulation of the analytical laws of dissipative soliton energy scaling (harvesting), optical turbulence, temporal thermalization, and spectral condensation. This approach was used to develop state-of-the-art laser technology, providing femtosecond pulse energy scalability. The fundamental limitations on the soliton energy scalability imposed by quantum noise were revealed. As a result, the issue of soliton quantization was raised. The study of soliton interactions with photon and phonon quantum basins revealed new regimes of soliton chaotization and the existence of a new type of dissipative soliton, the so-called Raman dissipative soliton. The issue of quantum properties of nonlinear dissipative systems were studied in the frameworks of the phase-space (Weyl-Wigner) and Langevin representations of quantum phenomenology. The analytical approaches to soliton quantization based on perturbation theory were developed.
The concept of solitonic spectroscopy was developed. It was shown that the spectral sensitivity could be enhanced substantially, especially for a dissipative soliton that could provide realizing micro-chip laser devices for environment sensing.
I was actively involved in the analysis of supercontinuum. The models for stimulated Raman scattering, high-order dispersions, noises, and mode composition of real-world microstructured fibers have been developed and verified experimentally. The statistical properties, coherence, and structure of supercontinuum and high-harmonic generation in bulk material and a fiber supercontinuum were analyzed and interpreted. The space-time dynamics of supercontinuum was investigated in the multimode fiber structures. The models of spectral extra-broadening and “multi-color” generation in both solid-state and fiber mode-locked lasers were developed.
Currently, I am involved in the theoretical study of the nonlinear spatio-temporal dynamics of femtosecond pulses in fibers and bulk materials, including their impact on material modification and microstructure formation. The principal new mechanism of so-called distributed Kerr-lens mode-locking in solid-state and fiber lasers is demonstrated. This mechanism based on the ideas of higher-order mode synthesizing and cleaning enhanced by dissipation provides tools for unprecedented energy harvesting by femtosecond pulses in multi-mode fibers and multichannel amplification systems. Simultaneously, the existence of stable spatio-temporal solitons stabilized by a graded dissipation was conjectured.
I numerically investigated the impact of different nonlinear effects, including plasma formation on the modification of bulk materials (e.g., Si). The strong contribution of nonlinear spherical aberrations and wavelength dependence of modification mechanisms was demonstrated for the mid-IR femtosecond pulses. That could allow the fabrication of different types of micro-resonators and waveguides.
I demonstrated the stabilization of two-dimensional nonlinear wave patterns theoretically using a dissipative confinement potential. That shows a close analogy between a weakly-dissipative Bose-Einstein condensate dynamics and a mode-locked multimode fiber laser operating in the anomalous dispersion regime. Here, I suggest that the close analogy between nonlinear phenomena in atomic and photonic systems makes the latter an ideal testbed for exploring fundamental physics, ranging from plasma to Bose-Einstein condensate.
Demesh, Maksim;
Tolstik, Nikolai;
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Einmo, Eskil.
Control of nonlinearity enables 3D silicon processing.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Demesh, Maksim;
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Einmo, Eskil;
Grivas, Christos;
Tolstik, Nikolai;
Okhrimchuk, Andrey.
Depressed cladding buried waveguide lasers: single-crystal vs. polycrystalline Cr:ZnS.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Sorokina, Irina T.
Energy Scalability Limits of mid-IR Femtosecond Pulse Oscillators.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Kalashnikov, Vladimir.
A variational approach to a waveguide-laser spatial-temporal dissipative soliton: 3D-dissipative confinement.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU
Kalashnikov, Vladimir.
Dissipative Soliton Thermodynamics: Supplementary material.
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Sorokina, Irina T.
Energy Scalability Limits of Dissipative Solitons.
Academic article
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Sorokina, Irina T.
Dissipative spatiotemporal soliton in a driven waveguide laser.
Optics Communications
Academic article
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Okhrimchuk, Andrey;
Tolstik, Nikolai;
Smayev, M.;
Likhov, V.;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir.
Femtosecond laser writing of the depressed cladding buried channel waveguides in ZnS crystal .
Journal of the Optical Society of America. B, Optical physics
Academic article
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Sorokina, Irina T.
Energy Scalability Limits of mid-IR Femtosecond Pulse Oscillators.
Journal of the Optical Society of America. B, Optical physics
Academic article
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Demesh, Maksim;
Tolstik, Nikolai;
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Sorokina, Irina T.
Chirped pulse waveguide amplifier.
Academic article
Richter, Roland Axel;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Sorokina, Irina T.
Nonlinearity and wavelength control in ultrashort-pulse subsurface material processing.
Physical Review A (PRA)
Academic article
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Sorokina, Irina T.
Dissipative Soliton Resonance: Adiabatic Theory and Thermodynamics.
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics
Academic article
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Sorokina, Irina T.
Thermodynamics of Dissipative Solitons.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Sorokina, Irina.
Dissipative Soliton Resonance: Adiabatic Theory and Thermodynamics.
Academic article
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Demesh, Maksim;
Sorokina, Irina.
Roadmap to Femtosecond Pulse Power/Energy-Scaling in Mid-Infrared Oscillator-Amplifier Laser Systems.
CLEO Europe 2023 Technical digest
Academic article
Sorokina, Irina;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Demesh, Maksim;
Grivas, Christos;
Gusakova, Natali.
En route to next generation high energy high repetition rate ultrafast laser sources in the mid-IR (invited).
Proceedings of the Xth International Symposium "Ultrafast Dynamics and Ultrafast bandgap Photonics"
Academic article
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Demesh, Maksim;
Sorokina, Irina T.
Roadmap to Femtosecond Pulse Power/Energy-Scaling.
Optica/ European Physical Society
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Kalashnikov, Vladimir.
Chirped solitary-pulse solutions of the complex completely cubic-quintic nonlinear Ginzburg-Landau equation.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU
Kalashnikov, Vladimir.
Strongly chirped dissipative soliton of the complex nonlinear cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau equation without a spectral dissipation.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU
Demesh, Maksim;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Gusakova, Natali;
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Sorokina, Irina.
At the threshold of distributed Kerr-lens mode-locking in a Cr:ZnS waveguide laser.
Journal of the Optical Society of America. B, Optical physics
Academic article
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Demesh, Maksim;
Sorokina, Irina.
High peak power and energy scaling in the mid-IR chirped-pulse oscillator-amplifier laser systems.
Optics Express
Academic article
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Tolstik, Nikolai;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Demesh, Maksim;
Sorokina, Irina.
Atmospheric dispersion management in mid-IR mode-locked oscillators.
Optics Express
Academic article
Cherkas, Sergey L.;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir.
Rotational Curves of the Milky Way Galaxy and Andromeda Galaxy in Light of Vacuum Polarization around Eicheon †.
Academic article
Cherkas, Sergey L.;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir.
Scalar Product for a Version of Minisuperspace Model with Grassmann Variables.
Academic article
Sorokina, Irina;
Tolstik, Nikolai;
Richter, Roland Axel;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Sorokin, Evgeni.
Ultrafast mid-IR lasers: making a difference in science and industry (invited).
Proceedings of the VII Ultrafast Dynamics and Metastability & Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics 2022
Academic article
Kalashnikov, Vladimir.
Variational approach to a fiber-laser spatialtemporal
dissipative soliton: 3D-confinement.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU
Cherkas, Sergey L.;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir.
Vacuum Polarization Instead of “Dark Matter” in a Galaxy.
Academic article
Cherkas, Sergey;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir.
Æther as an Inevitable Consequence of Quantum Gravity.
Academic article
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Wabnitz, S..
Stabilization of spatiotemporal dissipative solitons in multimode fiber lasers by external phase modulation.
Laser Physics Letters
Academic article
Sorokina, Irina;
Tolstik, Nikolai;
Richter, Roland Axel;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Sorokin, Evgeni.
Generation, nonlinear conversion, and applications of mid-IR ultrashort pulses (invited).
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)
Academic article
Richter, Roland Axel;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Sorokina, Irina T.
Wavelength-dependent modification of silicon by femtosecond pulses.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Journal publications
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Sorokina, Irina T.
Energy Scalability Limits of Dissipative Solitons.
Academic article
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Sorokina, Irina T.
Dissipative spatiotemporal soliton in a driven waveguide laser.
Optics Communications
Academic article
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Okhrimchuk, Andrey;
Tolstik, Nikolai;
Smayev, M.;
Likhov, V.;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir.
Femtosecond laser writing of the depressed cladding buried channel waveguides in ZnS crystal .
Journal of the Optical Society of America. B, Optical physics
Academic article
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Sorokina, Irina T.
Energy Scalability Limits of mid-IR Femtosecond Pulse Oscillators.
Journal of the Optical Society of America. B, Optical physics
Academic article
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Demesh, Maksim;
Tolstik, Nikolai;
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Sorokina, Irina T.
Chirped pulse waveguide amplifier.
Academic article
Richter, Roland Axel;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Sorokina, Irina T.
Nonlinearity and wavelength control in ultrashort-pulse subsurface material processing.
Physical Review A (PRA)
Academic article
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Sorokina, Irina T.
Dissipative Soliton Resonance: Adiabatic Theory and Thermodynamics.
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics
Academic article
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Sorokina, Irina.
Dissipative Soliton Resonance: Adiabatic Theory and Thermodynamics.
Academic article
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Demesh, Maksim;
Sorokina, Irina.
Roadmap to Femtosecond Pulse Power/Energy-Scaling in Mid-Infrared Oscillator-Amplifier Laser Systems.
CLEO Europe 2023 Technical digest
Academic article
Sorokina, Irina;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Demesh, Maksim;
Grivas, Christos;
Gusakova, Natali.
En route to next generation high energy high repetition rate ultrafast laser sources in the mid-IR (invited).
Proceedings of the Xth International Symposium "Ultrafast Dynamics and Ultrafast bandgap Photonics"
Academic article
Demesh, Maksim;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Gusakova, Natali;
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Sorokina, Irina.
At the threshold of distributed Kerr-lens mode-locking in a Cr:ZnS waveguide laser.
Journal of the Optical Society of America. B, Optical physics
Academic article
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Demesh, Maksim;
Sorokina, Irina.
High peak power and energy scaling in the mid-IR chirped-pulse oscillator-amplifier laser systems.
Optics Express
Academic article
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Tolstik, Nikolai;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Demesh, Maksim;
Sorokina, Irina.
Atmospheric dispersion management in mid-IR mode-locked oscillators.
Optics Express
Academic article
Cherkas, Sergey L.;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir.
Rotational Curves of the Milky Way Galaxy and Andromeda Galaxy in Light of Vacuum Polarization around Eicheon †.
Academic article
Cherkas, Sergey L.;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir.
Scalar Product for a Version of Minisuperspace Model with Grassmann Variables.
Academic article
Sorokina, Irina;
Tolstik, Nikolai;
Richter, Roland Axel;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Sorokin, Evgeni.
Ultrafast mid-IR lasers: making a difference in science and industry (invited).
Proceedings of the VII Ultrafast Dynamics and Metastability & Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics 2022
Academic article
Cherkas, Sergey L.;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir.
Vacuum Polarization Instead of “Dark Matter” in a Galaxy.
Academic article
Cherkas, Sergey;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir.
Æther as an Inevitable Consequence of Quantum Gravity.
Academic article
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Wabnitz, S..
Stabilization of spatiotemporal dissipative solitons in multimode fiber lasers by external phase modulation.
Laser Physics Letters
Academic article
Sorokina, Irina;
Tolstik, Nikolai;
Richter, Roland Axel;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Sorokin, Evgeni.
Generation, nonlinear conversion, and applications of mid-IR ultrashort pulses (invited).
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)
Academic article
Demesh, Maksim;
Tolstik, Nikolai;
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Einmo, Eskil.
Control of nonlinearity enables 3D silicon processing.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Demesh, Maksim;
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Einmo, Eskil;
Grivas, Christos;
Tolstik, Nikolai;
Okhrimchuk, Andrey.
Depressed cladding buried waveguide lasers: single-crystal vs. polycrystalline Cr:ZnS.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Sorokina, Irina T.
Energy Scalability Limits of mid-IR Femtosecond Pulse Oscillators.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Sorokin, Evgeni;
Demesh, Maksim;
Sorokina, Irina T.
Roadmap to Femtosecond Pulse Power/Energy-Scaling.
Optica/ European Physical Society
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Richter, Roland Axel;
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Sorokina, Irina T.
Wavelength-dependent modification of silicon by femtosecond pulses.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Kalashnikov, Vladimir;
Rudenkov, Alexander;
Sorokina, Irina T.
Thermodynamics of Dissipative Solitons.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kalashnikov, Vladimir.
A variational approach to a waveguide-laser spatial-temporal dissipative soliton: 3D-dissipative confinement.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU
Kalashnikov, Vladimir.
Dissipative Soliton Thermodynamics: Supplementary material.
Kalashnikov, Vladimir.
Chirped solitary-pulse solutions of the complex completely cubic-quintic nonlinear Ginzburg-Landau equation.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU
Kalashnikov, Vladimir.
Strongly chirped dissipative soliton of the complex nonlinear cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau equation without a spectral dissipation.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU
Kalashnikov, Vladimir.
Variational approach to a fiber-laser spatialtemporal
dissipative soliton: 3D-confinement.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU
Academic lectureSorokina, Irina T; Demesh, Maksim; Rudenkov, Alexander; Gusakova, Natali; Einmo, Eskil; Kalashnikov, Vladimir. (2024) Ultrafast 2-3 micron laser sources: towards silicon photonics integration and applications. XI Ultrafast Dynamics and Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics , Heraklion, Crete, Greece 2024-06-16 - 2024-06-21
Academic lectureKalashnikov, Vladimir; Rudenkov, Alexander; Sorokin, Evgeni; Sorokina, Irina T. (2024) Energy scalability limits of dissipative solitons: a thermodynamic view on an old problem. International Congress Photon 2024 , Swansea, Wales 2024-09-03 - 2024-09-09
Academic lectureKalashnikov, Vladimir; Rudenkov, Alexander; Sorokin, Evgeni; Sorokina, Irina T. (2024) Energy Scalability Limits of mid-IR Femtosecond Pulse Oscillators. 17th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference , Chania, Crete 2024-06-11 - 2024-06-14
Academic lectureDemesh, Maksim; Tolstik, Nikolai; Sorokin, Evgeni; Kalashnikov, Vladimir; Rudenkov, Alexander; Einmo, Eskil. (2024) Control of nonlinearity enables 3D silicon processing. Optica Publishing Group High-Brightness Sources and Light-Driven Interactions Congress , Vienna 2024-03-12 - 2024-03-14
Academic lectureKalashnikov, Vladimir; Rudenkov, Alexander; Sorokin, Evgeni; Sorokina, Irina T. (2024) Energy Scalability Limits of mid-IR Femtosecond Pulse Oscillators. High-Brightness Sources and Light-Driven Interactions Congress , Vienna 2024-03-11 - 2024-03-14
Academic lectureKalashnikov, Vladimir; Sorokin, Evgeni; Rudenkov, Alexander; Sorokina, Irina T. (2024) Dissipative Soliton Thermodynamics: "hot" Soliton versus "hot" Vacuum. 17th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference , Chania, Crete 2024-06-11 - 2024-06-14
PosterDemesh, Maksim; Sorokin, Evgeni; Einmo, Eskil; Grivas, Christos; Tolstik, Nikolai; Okhrimchuk, Andrey. (2024) Depressed cladding buried waveguide lasers: single-crystal vs. polycrystalline Cr:ZnS. Optica Publishing Group High-Brightness Sources and Light-Driven Interactions Congress , Vienna 2024-03-12 - 2024-03-14
Academic lectureRudenkov, Alexander; Kalashnikov, Vladimir; Sorokin, Evgeni; Demesh, Maksim; Sorokina, Irina T. (2024) Roadmap to Femtosecond Pulse Power/Energy-Scaling. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC) , Munich 2024-06-26 - 2024-06-30
Academic lectureRudenkov, Alexander; Kalashnikov, Vladimir; Sorokin, E.; Demesh, Maksim; Sorokina, Irina. (2023) High peak power and energy scaling in the mid-IR chirped-pulse oscillator-amplifier laser systems. European Physical Society Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC) , Munich, Germany 2023-06-26 - 2023-06-30
Academic lectureSorokina, Irina; Kalashnikov, Vladimir; Rudenkov, Alexander; Demesh, Maksim; Gusakova, Natali; Grivas, Christos. (2023) En route to next generation high energy high repetition rate ultrafast laser sources in the mid-IR. US Naval Research Laboratory & University Of Crete Proceedings of the Xth International Symposium "Ultrafast Dynamics and Ultrafast bandgap Photonics" , Hersonissos, Crete, Greece 2023-06-04 - 2023-06-10
Academic lectureKalashnikov, Vladimir; Rudenkov, Alexander; Sorokina, Irina. (2023) Thermodynamics of Dissipative Solitons. Hellenic Mediterranean University 16th International Conference on Chaotic Modeling and Simulation , Heraklion, Crete, Greece 2023-06-13 - 2023-06-16
Academic lectureSorokina, Irina; Tolstik, Nikolai; Richter, Roland Axel; Kalashnikov, Vladimir; Rudenkov, Alexander; Sorokin, Evgeni. (2022) Ultrafast mid-IR lasers: making a difference in science and industry. US Naval Research Laboratory & University Of Crete Ultrafast Dynamics and Metastability & Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics Conference , Hersonissos, Crete, Greece 2022-06-04 - 2022-06-10
Academic lectureRichter, Roland Axel; Kalashnikov, Vladimir; Sorokina, Irina. (2021) Wavelength-dependent modification of silicon by femtosecond pulses. European Physical Society Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) , San Hose, USA 2021-05-09 - 2021-05-14