Turid Suzanne Berg-Nielsen
Research interests:
- Mental health of preschool children
- Antecedents to development of pscyhosocial problems in children
- Parent-child interaction
- Daycare quality
- Attachment styles in children
- Videobased parent interventions
- Idiographic measures and user-involvement for adolscents with mental health problems in primary care
Current research studies:
- "Thrive by 3". A preventive model of intervention and implementation of quality-building and quality-control in childcare centers to strengthen mental health and development in 1 & 2 year olds. Partners: Professor May Britt Drugli NTNU, researcher Elisabet Solheim at RBUP, assosciate Professor Ratib, Lekhal at BI. Childcare centers in 8 comnunities and municipalities in the Oslo area and Middle-Norway are cluster-randomized. Effects are measured after 1 year intervention on the observed quality in the childcare units, on observed employee-child interaction, child mental health and development and employers' and parents' evaluation of quality-building. Financed by the Norwegian Research Council.
- "The Early Secure in Trondheim" - study. A longitudinal study of early detection and prevention of psychosocial disorders among preschoolers in the community. PhDs: Kristine Viddal &Trude Hamre Sveen. Partners: Professor Lars Wichstrøm, NTNU; Professor Jay Belsky, University of California, Davis. Financed by the Norwegian Research Council.
- "Laughter, tears and nappies" A randomized control trial of videobased parent intervention with vulnerable infants and toddlers. PhD Kjersti Sandnes, Partners MD Magnhild S. Høivik, St. Olavs Hospital; Professor May Britt Drugli, RKBU and leader of unit Marit Bergum Hansen, RBUP Oslo.
- Too much too soon?" A multi-informant, prospective study of predictors, moderators and effects of enduring day care stress on young children's mental health. Partenrs: Professor May Britt Drugli, NTNU; Associate professor Vibeke Moe, RBUP Oslo and University of Oslo; Professor Lieselotte Ahnert, Universität Wien; and Professor Jay Belsky, University of California.
- "What matters to you?" (ASSERT). An RCT study on how to strengthen adolescent user involvement in primary mental health services with systematic idiographic assessment. PhD: Thomas Kristian Tollefsen. Partners: Professor Tine jensen, UiO; and researcher Simon Peter Neumer, RBUP, Oslo.
Sandnes, Kjersti;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Lydersen, Stian;
Berg Kårstad, Silja.
Can mothers' representations of their infants be improved in primary care? A randomized controlled trial of a parenting intervention using video feedback in a predominantly low- to moderate- risk sample.
Frontiers in Psychiatry
Academic article
Sandnes, Kjersti;
Berg Kårstad, Silja;
Lydersen, Stian;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Are changes in mothers’ representations of their infants related to changes in observed mother–infant interaction quality?.
Infant Behavior and Development
Academic article
Buøen, Elisabet Solheim;
Lekhal, Ratib;
Lydersen, Stian;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Drugli, May Britt.
Promoting the Quality of Teacher-Toddler Interactions: A Randomized Controlled Trial of “Thrive by Three” In-Service Professional Development in 187 Norwegian Toddler Classrooms.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Sandnes, Kjersti;
Lydersen, Stian;
Berg Kårstad, Silja;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Measuring mothers' representations of their infants: Psychometric properties of the clinical scales of the working model of the child interview in a low- to moderate-risk sample.
Infant Mental Health Journal
Academic article
Tollefsen, Thomas Kristian;
Darrow, Sabrina Michelle;
Neumer, Simon-Peter;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Adolescents' mental health concerns, reported with an idiographic assessment tool.
BMC Psychology
Academic article
Tollefsen, Thomas Kristian;
Darrow, Sabrina;
Lohne, Vibeke;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Experiences with using an idiographic assessment procedure in primary mental health care services for adolescents.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Academic article
Tollefsen, Thomas Kristian;
Neumer, Simon-Peter;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
“What matters to you?”: A randomized controlled effectiveness trial, Using Systematic Idiographic Assessment as an intervention to Increase Adolescents’ perceived control of their mental health.
Journal of Adolescence
Academic article
Lekhal, Ratib;
Drugli, May Britt;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Buøen, Elisabet Solheim.
A model of intervention and implementation of quality building and quality control in childcare centers to strengthen the mental health and development of 1-3-year olds: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial of thrive by three.
JMIR Research Protocols
Academic article
Steinsbekk, Silje;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Belsky, Jay;
Helland, Elisabeth Berg;
Hågenrud, Marte;
Raballo, Andrea.
Parents' personality-disorder symptoms predict children's symptoms of anxiety and depressive disorders - a prospective cohort study.
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
Academic article
Drugli, May Britt;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Samspillskvalitet mellom ansatte og små barn (1-3 år) i norske barnehager.
Paideia - Tidsskrift for professionel pædagogisk praksis
Academic article
Drugli, May Britt;
Solheim, Elisabet;
Lydersen, Stian;
Moe, Vibeke;
Smith, Lars;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Elevated cortisol levels in Norwegian toddlers in childcare.
Early Child Development and Care
Academic article
Høivik, Magnhild Singstad;
Lydersen, Stian;
Ranøyen, Ingunn;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Maternal personality disorder symptoms in
primary health care: associations with
mother–toddler interactions at one-year
BMC Psychiatry
Academic article
Høivik, Magnhild Singstad;
Lydersen, Stian;
Ranøyen, Ingunn;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Correction to: Maternal personality disorder symptoms in primary health care: associations with mother–toddler interactions at one-year follow-up.
BMC Psychiatry
Drugli, May Britt;
Solheim, Elisabet;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Små barn med lange dager blir mer stresset i barnehagen enn hjemme.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Viddal, Kristine Rensvik;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Belsky, Jay;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Change in Attachment Predicts Change in Emotion Regulation — Particularly among 5-HTTLPR Short-Allele Homozygotes.
Developmental Psychology
Academic article
Drugli, May Britt;
Solheim, Elisabet;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Liten kan bli sliten - en ny norsk studie av stress blant de yngste barnehagebarna.
Første steg
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Høivik, Magnhild Singstad;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Lydersen, Stian.
Early parent - child interaction problems in primary health care:
Screening, video-intervention and parental psychopathology.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2017:42)
Doctoral dissertation
Berg Kårstad, Silja;
Vikan, Arne;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
de Lucena Moreira, Polyana*;
de Abreu, Eloa Losano;
Rique, Julio.
Young Brazilian Children’s Emotion Understanding: A Comparison within and across Cultures.
Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology
Academic article
Sveen, Trude Hamre;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Lydersen, Stian;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Screening for persistent psychopathology in 4-year-old children.
Academic article
Reinfjell, Trude;
Berg Kårstad, Silja;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Luby, J. L.;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Predictors of change in depressive symptoms from preschool to first grade.
Development and Psychopathology
Academic article
Jozefiak, Thomas;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Måleegenskaper ved den norske versjonen av Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Assessment (CAPA) og Preschool Age Psychiatric Assessment (PAPA).
Academic literature review
Li, Zhi;
Hygen, Beate Wold;
Widaman, Keith F;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Belsky, Jay.
Disorganization, COMT, and children's social behavior: The norwegian hypothesis of legacy of disorganized attachment.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Viddal, Kristine Rensvik;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Wan, Ming Wai;
Green, Jonathan;
Hygen, Beate Wold;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Secure attachment promotes the development of effortful control in boys.
Attachment & Human Development
Academic article
Berg Kårstad, Silja;
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Reinfjell, Trude;
Belsky, Jay;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
What enhances the development of emotion understanding in young children? A longitudinal study of interpersonal predictors.
British Journal of Developmental Psychology
Academic article
Høivik, Magnhild Singstad;
Lydersen, Stian;
Drugli, May Britt;
Onsøien, Ragnhild;
Hansen, Marit Bergum;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Video feedback compared to treatment as usual in families with parent–child interactions problems: a randomized controlled trial.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (CAPMH)
Academic article
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Psychiatric disorders in preschoolers: the structure of DSM-IV symptoms and profiles of comorbidity.
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Academic article
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Belsky, Jay;
Jozefiak, Thomas;
Sourander, Andre;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Predicting Service Use for Mental Health Problems Among Young Children.
Academic article
Hygen , Beate Wold;
Guzey, Ismail Cuneyt;
Belsky, Jay;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Catechol-O-methyltransferase Val158Met genotype moderates the effect of disorganized attachment on social development in young children.
Development and Psychopathology
Academic article
Berg Kårstad, Silja;
Kvello, Øyvind;
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
What do parents know about their children's comprehension of emotions? Accuracy of parental estimates in a community sample of pre-schoolers.
Child: Care, Health and Development
Academic article
Høivik, Magnhild Singstad;
Burkeland, Nina Annie;
Linaker, Olav Morten;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
The Mother and Baby Interaction Scale: a valid broadband instrument for efficient screening of postpartum interaction? A preliminary validation in a Norwegian community sample.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
Academic article
Solheim, Elisabet;
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Belsky, Jay;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Do Time in Child Care and Peer Group Exposure Predict Poor Socioemotional Adjustment in Norway?.
Child Development
Academic article
Steinsbekk, Silje;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Sleep Disorders in Preschoolers: Prevalence and Comorbidity with Psychiatric Symptoms.
Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
Academic article
Sveen, Trude Hamre;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Lydersen, Stian;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Detecting Psychiatric Disorders in Preschoolers: Screening With the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire.
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Academic article
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Belsky, Jay;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Preschool predictors of childhood anxiety disorders: a prospective community study.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Academic article
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Solheim, Elisabet;
Belsky, Jay;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Preschoolers' psychosocial problems: In the eyes of the beholder? Adding teacher characteristics as determinants of discrepant parent-teacher reports.
Child Psychiatry and Human Development
Academic article
Solheim, Elisabet;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
The three dimensions of the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale: CFA validation in a preschool sample.
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment
Academic article
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Angold, Adrian;
Egger, Helen L.;
Solheim, Elisabet;
Sveen, Trude Hamre.
Prevalence of psychiatric disorders in preschoolers.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Academic article
Ellis, Lise Carol;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Lydersen, Stian;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Smoking during pregnancy and psychiatric disorders in preschoolers.
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Academic article
Rimehaug, Tormod;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Wallander, Jan Lance.
Change in self-reported emotional distress and parenting among parents referred to inpatient child psychiatric family treatment.
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry
Academic article
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
The mental health of preschoolers in a Norwegian population-based study when their parents have symptoms of borderline, antisocial, and narcissitic personality disorders: at the mercy of unpredictability.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (CAPMH)
Academic article
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Angold, Adrian.
About 7% of 4-year-olds in Norway meet criteria for a psychiatric diagnosis.
Evidence-Based Mental Health
Rimehaug, Tormod;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Emotional distress and parenting among community and clinic parents.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (54)
Doctoral dissertation
Rimehaug, Tormod;
Wallander, Jan Lance;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Group and Individual Stability of Three Parenting Dimensions.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (CAPMH)
Academic article
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Barn av foreldre med Cluster B personlighetsforstyrrelser. Prisgitt det uberegnelige.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Følsom, formbar og uferdig. Epigenetikk, utvikling av hjernen og stressbarhet.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Befring, Edvard;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Haugli, Trude;
Ekeland, Tor-Johan;
Jacobsen, Inger;
Oterholm, Inger.
Kompetanseutvikling i barnevernet Kvalifisering til arbeid i barnevernet gjennom praksisnær og forskningsbasert utdanning.
NOU - Norges offentlige utredninger
Academic literature review
Berg-Nielsen, Turid;
Holen, Are.
From clinical towards research interview: Parenting problems with troubled adolescents.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Academic article
Berg-Nielsen, Turid;
Vikan, Arne;
Dahl, Alv A.
Specific parenting problems related to adolescents' emotional and behavioral problems.
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry
Academic article
Vikan, Arne;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid;
Dahl, Alv A.
Parenting related to child and parental psychopathology: A descriptive review of the literature.
Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Academic article
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Parenting practices and mentally disordered adolescents.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Dissertations at the Faculty of Medicine, NTNU (dr.philos) (214)
Doctoral dissertation
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Gode nok foreldre? Klinisk vurdering av foreldrefungering.
Medicinsk årbog varianttittel: Medisinsk årbok
Academic article
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Evaluering av vedvarende voldelige personer med psykiatriske symptomer.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Academic literature review
Journal publications
Sandnes, Kjersti;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Lydersen, Stian;
Berg Kårstad, Silja.
Can mothers' representations of their infants be improved in primary care? A randomized controlled trial of a parenting intervention using video feedback in a predominantly low- to moderate- risk sample.
Frontiers in Psychiatry
Academic article
Sandnes, Kjersti;
Berg Kårstad, Silja;
Lydersen, Stian;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Are changes in mothers’ representations of their infants related to changes in observed mother–infant interaction quality?.
Infant Behavior and Development
Academic article
Buøen, Elisabet Solheim;
Lekhal, Ratib;
Lydersen, Stian;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Drugli, May Britt.
Promoting the Quality of Teacher-Toddler Interactions: A Randomized Controlled Trial of “Thrive by Three” In-Service Professional Development in 187 Norwegian Toddler Classrooms.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Sandnes, Kjersti;
Lydersen, Stian;
Berg Kårstad, Silja;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Measuring mothers' representations of their infants: Psychometric properties of the clinical scales of the working model of the child interview in a low- to moderate-risk sample.
Infant Mental Health Journal
Academic article
Tollefsen, Thomas Kristian;
Darrow, Sabrina Michelle;
Neumer, Simon-Peter;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Adolescents' mental health concerns, reported with an idiographic assessment tool.
BMC Psychology
Academic article
Tollefsen, Thomas Kristian;
Darrow, Sabrina;
Lohne, Vibeke;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Experiences with using an idiographic assessment procedure in primary mental health care services for adolescents.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Academic article
Tollefsen, Thomas Kristian;
Neumer, Simon-Peter;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
“What matters to you?”: A randomized controlled effectiveness trial, Using Systematic Idiographic Assessment as an intervention to Increase Adolescents’ perceived control of their mental health.
Journal of Adolescence
Academic article
Lekhal, Ratib;
Drugli, May Britt;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Buøen, Elisabet Solheim.
A model of intervention and implementation of quality building and quality control in childcare centers to strengthen the mental health and development of 1-3-year olds: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial of thrive by three.
JMIR Research Protocols
Academic article
Steinsbekk, Silje;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Belsky, Jay;
Helland, Elisabeth Berg;
Hågenrud, Marte;
Raballo, Andrea.
Parents' personality-disorder symptoms predict children's symptoms of anxiety and depressive disorders - a prospective cohort study.
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
Academic article
Drugli, May Britt;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Samspillskvalitet mellom ansatte og små barn (1-3 år) i norske barnehager.
Paideia - Tidsskrift for professionel pædagogisk praksis
Academic article
Drugli, May Britt;
Solheim, Elisabet;
Lydersen, Stian;
Moe, Vibeke;
Smith, Lars;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Elevated cortisol levels in Norwegian toddlers in childcare.
Early Child Development and Care
Academic article
Høivik, Magnhild Singstad;
Lydersen, Stian;
Ranøyen, Ingunn;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Maternal personality disorder symptoms in
primary health care: associations with
mother–toddler interactions at one-year
BMC Psychiatry
Academic article
Høivik, Magnhild Singstad;
Lydersen, Stian;
Ranøyen, Ingunn;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Correction to: Maternal personality disorder symptoms in primary health care: associations with mother–toddler interactions at one-year follow-up.
BMC Psychiatry
Drugli, May Britt;
Solheim, Elisabet;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Små barn med lange dager blir mer stresset i barnehagen enn hjemme.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Viddal, Kristine Rensvik;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Belsky, Jay;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Change in Attachment Predicts Change in Emotion Regulation — Particularly among 5-HTTLPR Short-Allele Homozygotes.
Developmental Psychology
Academic article
Drugli, May Britt;
Solheim, Elisabet;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Liten kan bli sliten - en ny norsk studie av stress blant de yngste barnehagebarna.
Første steg
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Berg Kårstad, Silja;
Vikan, Arne;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
de Lucena Moreira, Polyana*;
de Abreu, Eloa Losano;
Rique, Julio.
Young Brazilian Children’s Emotion Understanding: A Comparison within and across Cultures.
Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology
Academic article
Sveen, Trude Hamre;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Lydersen, Stian;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Screening for persistent psychopathology in 4-year-old children.
Academic article
Reinfjell, Trude;
Berg Kårstad, Silja;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Luby, J. L.;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Predictors of change in depressive symptoms from preschool to first grade.
Development and Psychopathology
Academic article
Jozefiak, Thomas;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Måleegenskaper ved den norske versjonen av Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Assessment (CAPA) og Preschool Age Psychiatric Assessment (PAPA).
Academic literature review
Li, Zhi;
Hygen, Beate Wold;
Widaman, Keith F;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Belsky, Jay.
Disorganization, COMT, and children's social behavior: The norwegian hypothesis of legacy of disorganized attachment.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Viddal, Kristine Rensvik;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Wan, Ming Wai;
Green, Jonathan;
Hygen, Beate Wold;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Secure attachment promotes the development of effortful control in boys.
Attachment & Human Development
Academic article
Berg Kårstad, Silja;
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Reinfjell, Trude;
Belsky, Jay;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
What enhances the development of emotion understanding in young children? A longitudinal study of interpersonal predictors.
British Journal of Developmental Psychology
Academic article
Høivik, Magnhild Singstad;
Lydersen, Stian;
Drugli, May Britt;
Onsøien, Ragnhild;
Hansen, Marit Bergum;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Video feedback compared to treatment as usual in families with parent–child interactions problems: a randomized controlled trial.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (CAPMH)
Academic article
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Psychiatric disorders in preschoolers: the structure of DSM-IV symptoms and profiles of comorbidity.
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Academic article
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Belsky, Jay;
Jozefiak, Thomas;
Sourander, Andre;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Predicting Service Use for Mental Health Problems Among Young Children.
Academic article
Hygen , Beate Wold;
Guzey, Ismail Cuneyt;
Belsky, Jay;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Catechol-O-methyltransferase Val158Met genotype moderates the effect of disorganized attachment on social development in young children.
Development and Psychopathology
Academic article
Berg Kårstad, Silja;
Kvello, Øyvind;
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
What do parents know about their children's comprehension of emotions? Accuracy of parental estimates in a community sample of pre-schoolers.
Child: Care, Health and Development
Academic article
Høivik, Magnhild Singstad;
Burkeland, Nina Annie;
Linaker, Olav Morten;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
The Mother and Baby Interaction Scale: a valid broadband instrument for efficient screening of postpartum interaction? A preliminary validation in a Norwegian community sample.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
Academic article
Solheim, Elisabet;
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Belsky, Jay;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Do Time in Child Care and Peer Group Exposure Predict Poor Socioemotional Adjustment in Norway?.
Child Development
Academic article
Steinsbekk, Silje;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Sleep Disorders in Preschoolers: Prevalence and Comorbidity with Psychiatric Symptoms.
Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
Academic article
Sveen, Trude Hamre;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Lydersen, Stian;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Detecting Psychiatric Disorders in Preschoolers: Screening With the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire.
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Academic article
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Belsky, Jay;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Preschool predictors of childhood anxiety disorders: a prospective community study.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Academic article
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Solheim, Elisabet;
Belsky, Jay;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Preschoolers' psychosocial problems: In the eyes of the beholder? Adding teacher characteristics as determinants of discrepant parent-teacher reports.
Child Psychiatry and Human Development
Academic article
Solheim, Elisabet;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
The three dimensions of the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale: CFA validation in a preschool sample.
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment
Academic article
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Angold, Adrian;
Egger, Helen L.;
Solheim, Elisabet;
Sveen, Trude Hamre.
Prevalence of psychiatric disorders in preschoolers.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Academic article
Ellis, Lise Carol;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Lydersen, Stian;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Smoking during pregnancy and psychiatric disorders in preschoolers.
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Academic article
Rimehaug, Tormod;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Wallander, Jan Lance.
Change in self-reported emotional distress and parenting among parents referred to inpatient child psychiatric family treatment.
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry
Academic article
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
The mental health of preschoolers in a Norwegian population-based study when their parents have symptoms of borderline, antisocial, and narcissitic personality disorders: at the mercy of unpredictability.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (CAPMH)
Academic article
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Angold, Adrian.
About 7% of 4-year-olds in Norway meet criteria for a psychiatric diagnosis.
Evidence-Based Mental Health
Rimehaug, Tormod;
Wallander, Jan Lance;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Group and Individual Stability of Three Parenting Dimensions.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (CAPMH)
Academic article
Befring, Edvard;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Haugli, Trude;
Ekeland, Tor-Johan;
Jacobsen, Inger;
Oterholm, Inger.
Kompetanseutvikling i barnevernet Kvalifisering til arbeid i barnevernet gjennom praksisnær og forskningsbasert utdanning.
NOU - Norges offentlige utredninger
Academic literature review
Berg-Nielsen, Turid;
Holen, Are.
From clinical towards research interview: Parenting problems with troubled adolescents.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Academic article
Berg-Nielsen, Turid;
Vikan, Arne;
Dahl, Alv A.
Specific parenting problems related to adolescents' emotional and behavioral problems.
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry
Academic article
Vikan, Arne;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid;
Dahl, Alv A.
Parenting related to child and parental psychopathology: A descriptive review of the literature.
Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Academic article
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Gode nok foreldre? Klinisk vurdering av foreldrefungering.
Medicinsk årbog varianttittel: Medisinsk årbok
Academic article
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Evaluering av vedvarende voldelige personer med psykiatriske symptomer.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Academic literature review
Part of book/report
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Barn av foreldre med Cluster B personlighetsforstyrrelser. Prisgitt det uberegnelige.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Følsom, formbar og uferdig. Epigenetikk, utvikling av hjernen og stressbarhet.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Høivik, Magnhild Singstad;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne;
Lydersen, Stian.
Early parent - child interaction problems in primary health care:
Screening, video-intervention and parental psychopathology.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2017:42)
Doctoral dissertation
Rimehaug, Tormod;
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Emotional distress and parenting among community and clinic parents.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (54)
Doctoral dissertation
Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne.
Parenting practices and mentally disordered adolescents.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Dissertations at the Faculty of Medicine, NTNU (dr.philos) (214)
Doctoral dissertation
Knowledge Transfer
PosterTollefsen, Thomas Kristian; Neumer, Simon-Peter; Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2019) “What Matters to You?” Using Systematic Idiographic Assessment as an Intervention to Increase Adolescents’ Perceived Control of their Mental Health. SCT SCT 40th Annual Meeting , New Orleans 2019-05-19 - 2019-05-22
PosterTollefsen, Thomas Kristian; Neumer, Simon-Peter; Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2019) “What Matters to You?”: A Randomized Controlled Effectiveness Trial, Using Systematic Idiographic Assessment as an Intervention to Increase Adolescents’ Perceived Control of their Mental Health . Konferanse 2019-05-19 - 2019-05-21
InterviewBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2018) Foreldrepermisjon. NRK Dagsnytt 18 NRK Dagsnytt 18 [TV] 2018-01-24
PosterDrugli, May Britt; Solheim, Elisabet; Lydersen, Stian; Moe, Vibeke; Smith, Lars; Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2018) Elevated cortisol levels in Norwegian toddlers in childcare. Waimh 16 Waimh world congress , Roma 2018-05-26 - 2018-05-29
PosterBerg Kårstad, Silja; Wichstrøm, Lars; Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne; Kvello, Øyvind. (2017) What do parents know about their children`s understanding of emotions? Accuracy of parental mentalization in a community sample of pre-schoolers. International Attachment Conference , London 2017-06-29 - 2017-07-01
LectureSolheim, Elisabet; Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2016) Den utviklingsstøttende barnehagen: Kvalitet. Sandnes kommune Fagdag for barnehageansatte i Sandnes kommune , Sandnes 2016-06-14 - 2016-06-15
Popular scientific lectureDavanger, Svend; Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2016) Giftig stress setter spor i hjernen. Acem Åpent møte. Populærvitenskapelig foredrag , Oslo 2016-09-29 - 2016-09-29
InterviewBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2015) Bløte i hodet og tynne i huden. barnehage.no barnehage.no [Internet] 2015-05-13
InterviewBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2015) Isolert kjernefamilie ikke det beste for barna. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2015-05-23
Academic lectureBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2014) Epigenetiske prosesser og foreldrefunksjoner. Bioteknologirådet Assistert befruktning, hva er til beste for barnet? , Oslo 2014-06-12 - 2014-06-12
Academic lectureBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2014) Epigenetikk, stress og barns tidlige utvikling. Barne- og Likestillingsdepartementet Vitenskapelig innlegg for statsråden , Oslo 2014-04-23 -
Academic lectureBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2014) En oppdatering på relevant forskning. Hva er implikasjonene for praksis?. Bufetat region øst Nasjonal konferanse for meklere , Oslo 2014-03-19 -
Academic lectureBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2014) The mental health of preschoolers in a Norwegian population-based study when their parents have symptoms of personality disorders. International Ass. for Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 21st World Congress , Durban 2014-08-11 - 2014-08-15
Academic lectureReinfjell, Trude; Berg Kårstad, Silja; Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne; Wichstrøm, Lars. (2014) Preschool predictors of change in symptoms of depression in first grade. The International Association for Child & Adolescent Psychiatry & Allied Professions (IACAPAP) , Durban 2014-08-11 - 2014-08-15
Academic lectureHøivik, Magnhild Singstad; Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne; Lydersen, Stian; Bergum Hansen, Marit. (2013) Samspillsbehandling i familier der mor har depressive symptom -foreløpige resultat fra en norsk RCT-studie. RBUP Øst/Sør Psyisk helse i tiden rundt fødsel. , Oslo 2013-10-21 - 2013-10-22
InterviewWichstrøm, Lars; Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2013) Større risiko for psykiske lidelser hos småbarn med aleneforeldre. TV2.no TV2.no [Internet] 2013-04-14
InterviewBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2013) Baby Mary Lynne gråter av morens ansiktsuttrykk. abcnyheter.no abcnyheter.no [Internet] 2013-11-01
InterviewBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2013) Barn under ett år kan bli stresset av å være borte fra mor. NRK NRK [Radio] 2013-01-29
InterviewBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2013) Pappaperm kan være stressende for barnet. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2013-01-30
InterviewBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2013) Større risiko for psykiske lidelser hos småbarn med aleneforeldre. TV2.no TV2.no [Internet] 2013-04-14
InterviewBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2013) Skilsmissebarn sliter mer psykisk. barnehage.no barnehage.no [Internet] 2013-04-15
InterviewBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2013) Mor klandres uansett. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2013-06-15
InterviewBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2013) Slik får du feriefred i baksetet: - masingen begynner på Sinsen. Dagens Næringsliv Dagens Næringsliv [Newspaper] 2013-06-18
InterviewBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2013) Generasjonen med livet i lomma. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2013-02-23
InterviewBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2013) Ble hetset av mammapolitiet. Aftenposten Aftenposten [Newspaper] 2013-08-04
InterviewBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2013) Pappaperm er mandag hele uka. foreldre.no foreldre.no [Internet] 2013-06-18
InterviewBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2013) Advarsel: nytt søsken. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2013-04-06
Academic lectureHøivik, Magnhild Singstad; Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne; Lydersen, Stian; Bergum Hansen, Marit. (2013) A randomized controlled efficacy study of the Marte meo method in the context of parent-infant interactions. A presentation of the study and preliminary results. RBUP Øst/Sør Marte meo-konferanse , Oslo 2013-06-03 - 2013-06-04
InterviewBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2012) Ett års dagen etter Utøya massakren: Reaksjoner hos unge som ikke var direkte berørt, hos overlevende og etterlatte. P3 P3 [Radio] 2012-07-22
InterviewBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne; Wichstrøm, Lars. (2012) Sju prosent av småbarna lider psykisk. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2012-02-13
InterviewBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2012) NTNU vil sjekke de minste i barnehagen. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2012-06-15
PosterHøivik, Magnhild Singstad; Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne; Lydersen, Stian; Onsøien, Ragnhild; Drugli, May Britt; Hansen, Marit Bergum. (2012) Presentation of Videofeedback of Infant-Parent Interaction (VIPI). Effects and perspectives. WAIMH WAIMH: 13th World Congress , Cape Town 2012-04-17 -
PosterRimehaug, Tormod; Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2012) Parents of mentally ill children - a non-clinical group in clinics?. IACAPAP IACAPAP 20th World Congress 2012 , Paris 2012-07-21 - 2012-07-25
InterviewBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2012) Foreldre må unngå å vise frykt. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2012-10-04
DocumentaryBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2012) Kronikk: Det forstenede barnet. Bergens Tidende Bergens Tidende [Newspaper] 2012-10-05
Programme participationBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2011) Råd til unge om håndtering av terroraksjonen 22/7-11. NRK P3 NRK P3 [Radio] 2011-07-23
InterviewBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2011) Emosjonelle ettervirkninger hos unge etter terroraksjonen. NRK P3 NRK P3 [Radio] 2011-07-26
Academic lectureBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2011) An early voice of the inner working model? Preschoolers' accounts of parenting related to child attachment classification in a population based study. 5th International Attachment Conference , Oslo 2011-08-19 - 2011-08-21
Academic lectureRimehaug, Tormod; Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne; Wallander, Jan Lance. (2011) Parents of mentally ill children – parental emotional symptoms and parenting dimensions before and during child treatment. World Federation of Mental Health World Congress of Mental Health 2011 , Cape Town 2011-10-17 - 2011-10-19
InterviewBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2011) Lite søvn hemmer barns utvikling. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2011-06-04
Programme participationBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2010) Debattdeltager om effekten av tidlig start og mye tid i barnehagen. NRK P2 Dagsnytt 18 NRK P2 Dagsnytt 18 [Radio] 2010-09-08
InterviewBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2010) Intervju om barn som er vitne til familievold. Radioadressa Radioadressa [Radio] 2010-09-02
Academic lectureBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2010) Tidlig trygg i Trondheim studien. Foreløbige funn fra en populasjonsstudie av 4-åringers psykiske helse. Norges Forskningsråd og RBUP øst/sør Foredrag , RBUP øst/sør 2010-06-08 - 2010-06-09
Academic lectureBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (2008) A Randomized Clinical Trial Study of Marte Meo Intervention of Parent-Infant Interaction. World Association for Infant Mental Health 11th World Congress WAIMH , Yokohama 2008-08-01 - 2008-08-05
Academic lectureBerg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne. (1998) Dysfunctional Parenting: A review of the past 10 years. 14th International Congress of International Association for Ch ild and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions , Stockholm