Tor Arne Johansen
Tor Arne Johansen is a professor at the Department of Engineering Cybernetics. He has a MSc (1989) and a PhD (1994) in Engineering Cybernetics from NTNU.
Professor Johansen is also a key scientist at the Centre for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems (AMOS).
See: for more information.
Tengesdal, Trym;
Pedersen, Tom Arne;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Comparative Study of Rapidly-exploring Random Tree Algorithms Applied to Ship Trajectory Planning and Behavior Generation.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Eide, Egil Sverre;
Breivik, Morten;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Wilthil, Erik Falmår;
Helgesen, Øystein Kaarstad.
The Autonomous Urban Passenger Ferry milliAmpere2: Design and Testing.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Sigernes, Fred;
Birkeland, Roger;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Øvrebø, Henrik;
Brovold, Håvard;
Bakken, Sivert.
Near infra-red black silicon pushbroom hyperspectral imager.
Optics Continuum
Academic article
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Langer, Dennis David;
Berg, Simen;
Nieke, Jens;
Ionescu, Radu Tudor;
Kjeldsberg, Per Gunnar.
Hyperspectral Image Segmentation for Optimal Satellite Operations: In-Orbit Deployment of 1D-CNN.
Remote Sensing
Academic article
Løw-Hansen, Bogdan;
Hann, Richard;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Deiler, Christoph.
Modeling and identification of a small fixed-wing UAV using estimated aerodynamic angles.
CEAS Aeronautical Journal
Academic article
Halleland, Vilde;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Tengesdal, Trym.
Implementation and Validation of an MPC-based Mid-Level Collision Avoidance Planning Algorithm.
Masters thesis
Vedeler, Edvard Indrebø;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Tengesdal, Trym.
Uncertainty-aware DRL-based Ship Collision Avoidance and Trajectory Tracking.
Masters thesis
Johansen, Thomas;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sørensen, Asgeir J..
Risk-Based Control of Autonomous Surface Ship.
NTNU Faculty of Engineering
Doctoral dissertation
Myhren, Linn Jeanette;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Tengesdal, Trym.
Dynamic Positioning system for ships operating within offshore wind farms.
Masters thesis
Kristensen, Andreas;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Tengesdal, Trym.
Path planning for ships operating within wind farms.
Masters thesis
Myklebust, Jørgen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Tengesdal, Trym.
Simulation-Based Verification of an Intention-Aware Probabilistic Scenario-Based MPC with Realistic Target Tracking.
Masters thesis
Jaatun, Amalie Rikardsen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Tengesdal, Trym.
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Anti-grounding and Trajectory Tracking in the Presence of Environmental Disturbances.
Masters thesis
Dyrskog, Jørgen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Tengesdal, Trym.
Implementation and Validation of a Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Maritime Collision Avoidance and Anti-Grounding.
Masters thesis
Bakken, Sivert;
Zolich, Artur;
Sørensen, Kai;
Marty, Sabine;
Harvey, E. Therese;
Grant, Stephen Denis.
Initial Field Evaluation of an On-Water Radiometry Robot for Water Quality and Satellite Validation .
Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress
Academic article
Berg, Simen;
Langer, Dennis David;
Chiatante, Corrado;
Birkeland, Roger;
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Onboard classification to guide capture downlink using the HYPSO-1 satellite.
Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress
Academic article
Walthall, R;
David, A;
Farell, J;
Hann, Richard;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Aerospace Developments: Vol. 2.
SAE technical paper series
Feature article
Tran, Celine Uyen Tram;
Øveraas, Henning;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
ROV recovery with wave-motion compensation using model predictive control.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Moreira Fragoso, Glaucia;
Dallolio, Alberto;
Grant, Stephen Denis;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Ellingsen, Ingrid Helene;
Johnsen, Geir.
The Role of Rapid Changes in Weather on Phytoplankton Spring Bloom Dynamics From Mid-Norway Using Multiple Observational Platforms.
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Oceans
Academic article
Hagen, Inger Berge;
Knutsen, Karen Solem;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Brekke, Edmund Førland.
Exploration of COLREG-relevant parameters from historical AIS-data.
Journal of navigation
Academic article
Faltynkova, Andrea;
Deschenes, Catherine;
Zolich, Artur;
Wagner, Martin;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Johnsen, Geir.
Use of an uncrewed surface vehicle and near infrared hyperspectral imaging for sampling and analysis of aquatic microplastics.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Hagen, Inger Berge;
Murvold, Martin Navarsete;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Brekke, Edmund Førland.
Grounding hazard considerations in evaluation of COLREGS collision avoidance algorithms.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Røang, Simen Troye;
Fossen, Thor Inge;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Academic article
Moreira Fragoso, Glaucia;
Dallolio, Alberto;
Grant, Stephen Denis;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Ellingsen, Ingrid Helene;
Johnsen, Geir.
The Role of Rapid Changes in Weather on Phytoplankton Spring Bloom Dynamics Captured by an Autonomous Uncrewed Surface Vehicle.
Earth and Space Science
Academic article
Kristiansen, Bjørn Andreas;
Gravdahl, Jan Tommy;
Gros, Sebastien Nicolas;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Energy Optimal Attitude Control and Task Execution for a Solar-Powered Spacecraft.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Ghita, Alexandru;
Kovac, Daniel;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Georgescu, Mariana-Iuliana;
Gonzalez-Llorente, Jesus.
Semantic Segmentation in Satellite Hyperspectral Imagery by Deep Learning.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
Academic article
Hasler, Oliver Kevin;
Løvås, Håvard Snefjellå;
Oudijk, Adrienne Esmeralda;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
From Do-It-Yourself Design to Discovery: A Comprehensive Approach to Hyperspectral Imaging from Drones.
Remote Sensing
Academic article
Tengesdal, Trym;
Gros, Sebastien Nicolas;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Real-time Feasible Usage of Radial Basis Functions for Representing Unstructured Environments in Optimal Ship Control.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Phased Array Radio Navigation: UAV Field Tests During GNSS Jamming.
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
Academic article
Sbarbaro, Daniel;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Yañez, Jorge.
A Prediction Error Adaptive Kalman filter for online spectral measurement correction and concentration estimation.
Computer-aided chemical engineering
Academic article
Sollie, Martin Lysvand;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Automatic Recovery of Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using Bluetooth Angle-of-Arrival Navigation.
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
Academic article
Mounet, Raphaël Emile Gilbert;
Nielsen, Ulrik Dam;
Brodtkorb, Astrid H.;
Øveraas, Henning;
Dallolio, Alberto;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Data-driven method for hydrodynamic model estimation applied to an unmanned surface vehicle.
Academic article
Okuhara, Mika;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Elevation Angle Redundancy from Barometric Altitude in Multipath-affected Phased Array Radio Navigation of UAVs.
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
Academic article
Langer, Dennis David;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Kristiansen, Bjørn Andreas;
Bakken, Sivert;
Berg, Simen;
Birkeland, Roger.
Agile Maneuvers for Push-Broom Imaging Satellites.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Academic article
Akdağ, Melih;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Prioritizing and Ranking Ships in Multi-encounter Scenarios for Autonomous Navigation.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kovac, Daniel;
Mucha, Jan;
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Mekyska, Jiri;
Galaz, Zoltan;
Novotny, Krystof.
Deep Learning for In-Orbit Cloud Segmentation and Classification in Hyperspectral Satellite Data.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Løw-Hansen, Bogdan;
Hann, Richard;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Deiler, Christoph.
Time-Domain System Identification and Validation of Small Fixed-Wing UAV Dynamics.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tran, Hoang Anh;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Negenborn, Rudy.
Parallel distributed collision avoidance with intention consensus based on ADMM.
Academic article
Tengesdal, Trym;
Rothmund, Sverre Velten;
Basso, Erlend Andreas;
Schmidt-Didlaukies, Henrik;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Obstacle Intention Awareness in Automatic Ship Collision Avoidance: Full-Scale Experiments in Confined Waters.
Field Robotics
Academic article
Larsen, Stefan;
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Walmsness, Jens Emil;
Kufoalor, Giorgio Kwame Minde;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Automatic docking with extended dynamic positioning.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Ghindaoanu, Nadine Adelina;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Reinhardt, Dirk Peter;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Control of Fixed-Wing UAVs in Icing Conditions Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Berg, Simen;
Bakken, Sivert;
Birkeland, Roger;
Chiatante, Corrado;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Ground systems software for automatic operation of the HYPSO-2 hyperspectral imaging satellite.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Sigernes, Fred;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Comparing Filters for Correction of Second Order Diffraction Effects in Hyperspectral Imagers.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Bakken, Sivert;
Luis, Kelly;
Johnsen, Geir;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Evaluating hyperspectral Secchi depth retrieval through hybrid modeling and regression.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Penne, Cameron Louis;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Orlandic, Milica;
Heggebø, Ragna.
Independent component analysis: A tool for algal bloom detection.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Kristiansen, Bjørn Andreas;
Langer, Dennis David;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Berg, Simen;
Gravdahl, Jan Tommy;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Accuracy of a slew maneuver for the HYPSO-1 hyperspectral imaging satellite — in-orbit results.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Bakken, Sivert;
Langer, Dennis David;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Le Moan, Steven Yves;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Spatial Resolution Enhancement of Hyperspectral Images from Miniaturized Sensors.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Reinhardt, Dirk Peter;
Gros, Sebastien Nicolas;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Fixed-Wing UAV Path-Following Control via NMPC on the Lowest Level.
IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA)
Academic article
Hasler, Oliver Kevin;
Winter, Adrian;
Langer, Dennis David;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Lightweight UAV payload for image spectroscopy and atmospheric irradiance measurements.
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium proceedings
Academic article
Lupu, Daniela;
Necoara, Ion;
Ionescu, Tudor C.;
Ghinea, L M;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Dimensionality reduction of hyperspectral images using an ICA-based stochastic second-order optimization algorithm.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Ludvigsen, Martin;
Sivertsen, Eirik Selnæs;
Johnsen, Geir;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Hvem skal samle inn, forvalte og ha tilgang til informasjon om havområdene? .
Feature article
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Ludvigsen, Martin;
Sivertsen, Eirik;
Johnsen, Geir;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Hvem skal samle inn, forvalte og ha tilgang til informasjon om havområdene? .
Feature article
Deschenes, C;
Zolich, Artur;
Wagner, Martin;
Johnsen, Geir;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Faltynkova, Andrea.
Unmanned vehicle and hyperspectral imager for a more rapid microplastics sampling and analysis.
Academic article
Langer, Dennis David;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan.
Method for consistent along-track sharpness in a push-broom imaging system.
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium proceedings
Academic article
Sbarbaro, Daniel;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Yanez, JP.
Adaptive Kalman filter for on-line spectroscopic sensor corrections.
International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT)
Academic article
Grøtte, Mariusz Eivind;
Gravdahl, Jan Tommy;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Constrained Control Allocation and Tuning Scheme for Hybrid Actuators in Spacecraft Attitude Control.
Academic article
Hasler, Oliver Kevin;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Robust Phased Array Navigation in Reflective Prone Areas.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kristiansen, Bjørn Andreas;
Gravdahl, Jan Tommy;
Gros, Sebastien Nicolas;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Energy optimal attitude control of a satellite actuated by magnetorquers in minimum time.
IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA)
Academic article
Hasler, Oliver Kevin;
Løvås, Håvard Snefjellå;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Direct georeferencing for Hyperspectral Imaging of ocean surface.
IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Haugen, Helene Engebakken.
Validation and development of intention model for collision avoidance at sea.
NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Masters thesis
Lycke, Peder;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Situation-dependant tuning of a collision avoidance algorithm for surface vessels with grounding hazard consideration.
NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Masters thesis
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Skålheim, Gunnar.
Path planning and path following for Surface Operating Vessels (SOVs) in offshore wind farms.
NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Masters thesis
Øveraas, Henning;
Dallolio, Alberto;
De La Torre, Pedro R.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Monitoring the Growth of Coastal Algae Blooms in Harsh Weather Conditions Using a Wave-Propelled ASV: Challenges and Lessons Learned.
Field Robotics
Academic article
Negenborn, Rudy;
Goerlandt, Floris;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Slaets, P;
Valdez Banda, O. A;
Vanelslander, Thierry.
Autonomous ships are on the horizon: here’s what we need to know.
Academic article
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Langer, Dennis David;
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Tudor Ionescu, Radu;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
An Open Hyperspectral Dataset with Sea-Land-Cloud Ground-Truth from the HYPSO-1 Satellite.
Academic article
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Georgescu, Mariana-Iuliana;
Tudor Ionescu, Radu;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Sea-Land-Cloud Segmentation in Satellite Hyperspectral Imagery by Deep Learning.
Academic article
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Langer, Dennis David;
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Tudor Ionescu, Radu;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
The HYPSO-1 Sea-Land-Cloud-Labeled Hyperspectral Dataset.
Langer, Dennis David;
Berg, Simen;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Birkeland, Roger;
Bakken, Sivert;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Agile smallsat operation tool-chain development: Hypso-1 hyperspectral earth observation experiences.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Kristiansen, Bjørn Andreas;
Gravdahl, Jan Tommy;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Energy and Time Optimal Spacecraft Attitude Control and Operations.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral theses at NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Haugum, Matias;
Moreira Fragoso, Glaucia;
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Zolich, Artur;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Autonomous Flow-Through RGB and Hyperspectral Imaging for Unmanned Surface Vehicles.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Akdag, Melih;
Pedersen, Tom Arne;
Fossen, Thor Inge;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A decision support system for autonomous ship trajectory planning.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Tengesdal, Trym;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Simulation Framework and Software Environment for Evaluating Automatic Ship Collision Avoidance Algorithms.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Ludvigsen, Martin;
Sivertsen, Eirik Selnæs;
Johnsen, Geir;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Hvem skal samle inn, forvalte og ha tilgang til informasjon om havområdene? .
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Ludvigsen, Martin;
Siversten, Eirik;
Johnsen, Geir;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Who should collect, manage and have access to data from the oceans?.
Feature article
oudijk, AE;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Johnsen, Geir;
Alver, Morten Omholt.
Simulating Hyperspectral Datacubes for Ocean Color: A Foundation for Phytoplankton Recognition in Spectral Signatures.
Academic article
Wallner, Raffael;
Gran, Bjørn Axel;
Pedersen, Tom Arne;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Lundteigen, Mary Ann.
Identifying Test Scenarios for Simulated Safety Demonstration using STPA and CAST.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pahlm, Børge;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Trade-off between accuracy and time consumption in optimization algorithms for thrust allocation.
NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Masters thesis
Lunde, Trym Overrein;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Path Planning and Path Following in Offshore Wind Applications.
NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Masters thesis
Roedelé, Maxime;
Vasstein, Kjetil;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
GNSS-Independent Maritime Navigation Using Monocular Camera Images with Digital Elevation Map.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Navarro-Medina, Fermin;
Oudijk, Adriënne Esmeralda;
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Garcia-Luis, Uxia;
Gomez-San Juan, Alejandro;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Structural thermal optical performance (STOP) analysis and experimental verification of an hyperspectral imager for the HYPSO CubeSat.
Optics and lasers in engineering
Academic article
Blindheim, Simon André Johnsen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer;
Sørensen, Asgeir J..
Risk-aware decision-making and control of autonomous ships.
NTNU Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
Doctoral dissertation
Torben, Tobias Valentin Rye;
Sørensen, Asgeir J.;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Formal approaches to design and verification of safe control systems for autonomous vessels.
NTNU Faculty of Engineering
Doctoral dissertation
Winter, Adrian;
Sokolova, Nadezda;
Morrison, Aiden J;
Hasler, Oliver Kevin;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Low-Cost Angle of Arrival-Based Auxiliary Navigation System for UAV using Signals of Opportunity.
IEEE - ION Position Location and Navigation Symposium
Academic article
Bosdelekidis, Vasileios;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sokolova, Nadezda;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland.
Solution Separation-Based Integrity Monitor for Integrated GNSS/IMU/Camera Navigation: Constraining the Hypothesis Space With Deep Learning.
IEEE - ION Position Location and Navigation Symposium
Academic article
Tran, Hoang Anh;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Negenborn, Rudy.
A collision avoidance algorithm with intention prediction for inland waterways ships.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bosdelekidis, Vasileios;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sokolova, Nadezda.
DNN-based anomaly prediction for the uncertainty in visual SLAM.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Williamson, David Roddan;
Moreira Fragoso, Glaucia;
Majaneva, Sanna Kristiina;
Dallolio, Alberto;
Halvorsen, Daniel Ørnes;
Hasler, Oliver Kevin.
Monitoring Algal Blooms with Complementary Sensors on Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales.
Academic article
Bakken, Sivert;
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Birkeland, Roger;
Langer, Dennis David;
Oudijk, Adriënne Esmeralda;
Berg, Simen.
HYPSO-1 CubeSat: First Images and In-Orbit Characterization.
Remote Sensing
Academic article
Tran, Hoang Anh;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Negenborn, Rudy.
Collision avoidance of autonomous ships in inland waterways – A survey and open research problems.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Bøhn, Eivind Eigil;
Coates, Erlend M.;
Reinhardt, Dirk Peter;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Data-Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning for Attitude Control of Fixed-Wing UAVs: Field Experiments.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
Academic article
Okuhara, Mika;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Phased Array Radio Navigation System on UAVs: In-Flight Calibration.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Blindheim, Simon André Johnsen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer.
Risk-based supervisory control for autonomous ship navigation.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Sollie, Martin Lysvand;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Reducing Ground Reflection Multipath Errors for Bluetooth Angle-of-Arrival Estimation by Combining Independent Antenna Arrays.
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters
Academic article
Navarro-Medina, Fermin;
Oudijk, Adriënne Esmeralda;
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Gjersvik, Amund;
Grønvold, Fredrik Sommerfelt;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Experimental set-up of a thermal vacuum chamber for thermal model in-house correlation and characterization of the HYPSO hyperspectral imager.
CEAS Space Journal
Academic article
Mahipala, Dhanika Chamath Gunarathna;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Model Predictive Control for Path Following and Collision-Avoidance of Autonomous Ships in Inland Waterways.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rothmund, Sverre Velten;
Haugen, Helene Engebakken;
Veglo, Guro Drange;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Validation of ship intention model for maritime collision avoidance control using historical AIS data.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Løw-Hansen, Bogdan;
Müller, Nicolas Carlo;
Coates, Erlend Magnus Lervik;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Hann, Richard.
Identification of an Electric UAV Propulsion System in Icing Conditions.
SAE technical paper series
Academic article
Løw-Hansen, Bogdan;
Hann, Richard;
Stovner, Bård Nagy;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
UAV Icing: A Survey of Recent Developments in Ice Detection Methods.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cheung, Michael;
Hann, Richard;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
UAV Icing: Icing Cases for Validation of Path Planning Method.
SAE technical paper series
Academic article
Okuhara, Mika;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Phased Array Radio Navigation System on UAVs: Real-Time Implementation of In-flight Calibration.
Academic article
Berget, Gunhild Elisabeth;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Alver, Morten Omholt;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Dynamic stochasticmodeling for adaptive sampling of environmental
variables using an AUV.
Autonomous Robots
Academic article
Tran, Celine Uyen Tram;
Gushkov, Ivan Ivanov;
Nordvik, Kristoffer;
Røang, Simen Troye;
Lysthaug, Simen Brodalen;
Ommani, Babak.
Operability analysis of control system for ROV launch-and-recovery from autonomous surface vessel.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Bøhn, Eivind Eigil;
Gros, Sebastien Nicolas;
Moe, Signe;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Optimization of the model predictive control meta-parameters through reinforcement learning.
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Academic article
Blindheim, Simon André Johnsen;
Rokseth, Børge;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Autonomous Machinery Management for Supervisory Risk Control Using Particle Swarm Optimization.
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE)
Academic article
Walmsness, Jens Emil;
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Larsen, Stefan;
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Automatic dock-to-dock control system for surface vessels using bumpless transfer.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Langer, Dennis David;
Orlandic, Milica;
Bakken, Sivert;
Birkeland, Roger;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Robust and Reconfigurable On-Board Processing for a Hyperspectral Imaging Small Satellite.
Remote Sensing
Academic article
Rothmund, Sverre Velten;
Thieme, Christoph Alexander;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Bayesian Approach to Risk-Based Autonomy, with Applications to Contact-Based Drone Inspections.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Johansen, Thomas;
Blindheim, Simon André Johnsen;
Torben, Tobias Valentin Rye;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan.
Development and testing of a risk-based control system for autonomous ships.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Högnadottir, Sif;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Hann, Richard;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Inner-Loop Control of Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Icing Conditions.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hagen, Inger Berge;
Vassbotn, Olav Sigmund;
Skogvold, Morten;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Brekke, Edmund Førland.
Safety and COLREG evaluation for marine collision avoidance algorithms.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Øveraas, Henning;
Halvorsen, Håkon Skogland;
Landstad, Olav;
Smines, Vidar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Dynamic Positioning Using Model Predictive Control With Short-Term Wave Prediction.
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering
Academic article
Hatleskog, Johan;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Bjørne, Elias ;
Utstumo, Trygve.
Line-of-Sight Path Following for Input-Constrained Differential Drive Mobile Robots.
IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA)
Academic article
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Prentice, Elizabeth;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sigernes, Fred.
Pre-Launch Calibration of the HYPSO-1 Cubesat Hyperspectral Imager.
IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Faltynkova, Andrea;
Johnsen, Geir;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Portable Catamaran Drone - an uncrewed sampling vehicle for micro-plastics and aquaculture research.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hagen, Inger Berge;
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Brekke, Edmund Førland.
Scenario-Based Model Predictive Control with Different Numbers of Decision Steps for COLREGS Compliant Ship Collision Avoidance.
Academic article
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Kristiansen, Kjetil Sekse;
Vik, Bjørnar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Quay Contact Detection for Ships using
Motion Sensors and Machine Learning.
Academic article
Langer, Dennis D.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan.
Interactive hyperspectral data inspection during field operations.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Berget, Gunhild Elisabeth;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Alver, Morten;
Py, Frédéric;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Adaptive Underwater Robotic Sampling of Dispersal Dynamics in the Coastal Ocean.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Fonseca Palma, David;
Birkeland, Roger;
Cisek, Krzysztof Piotr;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Wi-Fi based Telecommunication Infrastructure Delivered as a Service by UAV for Emergency Response.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Prentice, Elizabeth Frances;
van Hazendonk, Charlotte Maartje;
Sigernes, Fred;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Do-it-yourself VIS/NIR pushbroom hyperspectral imager with C-mount optics.
Optics Continuum
Academic article
Knutsen, Karen Solem;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Analysis of AIS data for COLREGS compliance.
Masters thesis
Vassbotn, Olav Buset;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Analysis of ship collision risk encounters and COLREG behaviours using machine learning and AIS data.
Masters thesis
Winter, Adrian;
Sokolova, Nadezda;
Morrison, Aiden J;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
GNSS-Denied Navigation using Direction of Arrival from Low-Cost Software Defined Radios and Signals of Opportunity.
EUCASS Proceedings Series
Academic article
Bosdelekidis, Vasileios;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Sokolova, Nadezda;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Navigation Algorithm-Agnostic Integrity Monitoring based on Solution Separation with Constrained Computation Time and Sensor Noise Overbounding.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Ho, Tu Dac;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Path planning for UAV harvesting information from dynamical wireless sensor nodes at sea.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Prentice, Elizabeth;
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn;
Bakken, Sivert;
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Birkeland, Roger;
Hjertenæs, Martine Aasen.
Pre-Launch Assembly, Integration, and Testing Strategy of a Hyperspectral Imaging CubeSat, HYPSO-1.
Remote Sensing
Academic article
Sollie, Martin Lysvand;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Outdoor Navigation Using Bluetooth Angle-of-Arrival Measurements.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Eide, Egil;
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Wilthil, Erik Falmår;
Breivik, Morten;
Skjellaug, Even.
milliAmpere: An Autonomous Ferry Prototype.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Akdag, Melih;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Collaborative Collision Avoidance for Autonomous Ships Using Informed Scenario-Based Model Predictive Control.
Academic article
Rothmund, Sverre Velten;
Tengesdal, Trym;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Intention modeling and inference for autonomous collision avoidance at sea.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Akdag, Melih;
Solnør, Petter;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Collaborative collision avoidance for Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships: A review.
Ocean Engineering
Academic literature review
Tengesdal, Trym;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Grande, Tom Daniel;
Blindheim, Simon André Johnsen.
Ship Collision Avoidance and Anti Grounding Using Parallelized Cost Evaluation in Probabilistic Scenario-Based Model Predictive Control.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Nordvik, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
On compensation for wave-induced roll in dynamic positioning control.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Jellum, Erling Rennemo;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Orlandic, Milica.
The Syncline Model - Analyzing the Impact of Time Synchronization in Sensor Fusion.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Øveraas, Henning;
Heggernes, A;
Dallolio, Alberto;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Predicting the Speed of a Wave-Propelled Autonomous Surface Vehicle Using Metocean Forecasts.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dallolio, Alberto;
Bergh, Thea;
De La Torre, Pedro R.;
Øveraas, Henning;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
ENC-based Anti-Grounding and Anti-Collision System for a Wave-Propelled USV.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Langer, Dennis D.;
Prentice, Elizabeth;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan.
Validation of hyperspectral camera operations with an experimental aircraft.
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium proceedings
Academic article
Thiagarajah, Dinosshan;
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Kjerstad, Øivind Kåre;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Localization for Ships during Automated Docking using a Monocular Camera.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reinhardt, Dirk Peter;
Pedersen, Morten Dinhoff;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Symmetry Calibration Procedure for Sensor-to-Airframe Misalignments in Wind Tunnel Data.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Prentice, Elizabeth;
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Navarro Medina, F;
Gomez San Juan, A.
Characterizing Spectral Response in Thermal Environments, the HYPSO-1 Hyperspectral Imager.
IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Coates, Erlend M.;
Reinhardt, Dirk Peter;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Toward Nonlinear Flight Control for Fixed-Wing UAVs: System Architecture, Field Experiments, and Lessons Learned.
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
Academic article
Kleiven, Ruben;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Robust and Gain-Scheduled Flight Control of Fixed-Wing UAVs in Wind and Icing Conditions.
IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Justo, Jon Alvarez;
Lupu, Daniela;
Orlandic, Milica;
Necoara, Ion;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Comparative Study of Compressive Sensing Algorithms for Hyperspectral Imaging Reconstruction.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jellum, Erling Rennemo;
Orlandic, Milica;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland.
Solving Sparse Assignment Problems on FPGAs.
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO)
Academic article
Reinhardt, Dirk Peter;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Modeling of the Skywalker X8 Fixed-Wing UAV: Flight Tests and System Identification.
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
Academic article
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Fuglestad, Torbjørn;
Cisek, Krzysztof Piotr;
Vik, Bjørnar;
Kjerstad, Øivind Kåre;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Inertial Navigation Aided by Ultra-Wideband Ranging for Ship Docking and Harbor Maneuvering.
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering
Academic article
Blindheim, Simon André Johnsen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Particle Swarm Optimization for Dynamic Risk-Aware Path Following for Autonomous Ships.
Academic article
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Sigernes, Fred;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Closer Look At A Spectrographic Wavelength Calibration.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Bakken, Sivert;
Danielsen, Aksel Skrøvset;
Døsvik, Kristine;
Garrett, Joseph;
Orlandic, Milica;
Langer, Dennis D..
A modular hyperspectral image processing pipeline for cubesats.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Garrett, Joseph;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sigernes, Fred.
Comparing pre- and post-launch images from the HYPSO-1 cubesat hyperspectral imager.
Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress
Academic article
Garrett, Joseph;
Singh, N;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Necoara, Ion.
Accelerating support vector machines for remote platforms by increasing sparsity.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Merz, Mariann;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Towed Endbody Precision Maneuvers using a Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Doctoral dissertation
Högnadottir, Sif;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Hann, Richard;
Gryte, Kristoffer.
Inner Loop Adaptive Control of Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Icing Conditions.
Masters thesis
Stray, Eivind Heldal;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Flight Experiment Based System
Identification of the Skywalker X8
UAV in Icing Conditions.
Masters thesis
Oudijk, Esmée;
Hasler, Oliver Kevin;
Øveraas, Henning;
Marty, Sabine;
Williamson, David Roddan;
Svendsen, Torbjørn Karl.
Campaign For Hyperspectral Data Validation In North Atlantic Coastal Waters.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Birkeland, Roger;
Quintana DÃaz, Gara;
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn;
Ekman, Torbjörn;
Agelet, Fernando Aguado;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Development of a multi-purpose SDR payload for the
HYPSO-2 satellite.
IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Murvold, Martin Navarsete;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Evaluation of COLREGs compliance, when considering grounding hazards.
Masters thesis
Toker, Kadir Atilla;
Sokolova, Nadezda;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Implementation and Test of a Low Cost GBAS Subset Airborne Receiver Experimental Platform for UAVs.
European Space Agency
Ge, Yaolin;
Olaisen, André Julius Hovd;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Jain, Ravinder Praveen Kumar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Long-Horizon Informative Path Planning with Obstacles and Time Constraints.
Academic article
Cheung, Michael;
Hann, Richard;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
UAV Icing: A Unified Icing Severity Index Derived from Performance Degradation.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dallolio, Alberto;
Øveraas, Henning;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Gain-scheduled steering control for a wave-propelled unmanned surface vehicle.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Lupu, Daniela;
Necoara, Ion;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Stochastic Higher-Order Independent Component Analysis for Hyperspectral Dimensionality Reduction.
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging
Academic article
Bakken, Sivert;
Birkeland, Roger;
Garrett, Joseph;
Marton, Per Amund Roaulsson;
Orlandic, Milica;
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn.
Testing of Software-Intensive Hyperspectral Imaging Payload for the HYPSO-1 CubeSat.
IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration
Academic article
Bakken, Sivert;
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn;
Birkeland, Roger;
Orlandic, Milica;
Prentice, Elizabeth Frances;
Garrett, Joseph.
Software Development and Integration of a Hyperspectral Imaging Payload for HYPSO-1.
IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration
Academic article
Dallolio, Alberto;
Øveraas, Henning;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Fossen, Thor Inge;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Design and Validation of a Course Control System for a Wave-Propelled Unmanned Surface Vehicle.
Field Robotics
Academic article
Løw Hansen, Bogdan;
Hann, Richard;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
UAV Icing: Ice Shedding Detection Methods for an Electrothermal De-Icing System.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Prentice, Elizabeth Frances;
Grøtte, Mariusz Eivind;
Sigernes, Fred;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Design of a Hyperspectral Imager using COTS Optics for Small Satellite Applications.
SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering (1185258)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Kim, Jonghyuk;
Guivant, Jose;
Sollie, Martin Lysvand;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Compressed pseudo-SLAM: pseudorange-integrated compressed simultaneous localisation and mapping for unmanned aerial vehicle navigation.
Journal of navigation
Academic article
Nordvik, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Dynamic positioning during launch and recovery for an unmanned autonomous ROV supply vessel.
Masters thesis
Fuglestad, Thomas;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Positioning and Sensor Fusion for Docking of Autonomous Ships.
Masters thesis
Grande, Tom Daniel;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
PSB-MPC Collision Avoidance with Anti-Grounding.
Masters thesis
Knudsen, Simen Krantz;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Model validation and berthing of an autonomous ferry.
Masters thesis
Bergh, Thea Kristine;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
ENC-based Collision and Grounding Avoidance System for a Green-Energy Autonomous Surface Vehicle.
Masters thesis
Kristiansen, Kjetil Sekse;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Contact detection for autonomous boats using machine learning.
Masters thesis
Thiagarajah, Dinosshan;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Localization of Ferries using Monocular Camera, IMU, and GNSS during Automated Docking.
Masters thesis
Hann, Richard;
Enache, Adriana;
Nielsen, Mikkel Cornelius;
Stovner, Bård Nagy;
Van Beeck, Jeroen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Experimental Heat Loads for Electrothermal Anti-Icing and De-Icing on UAVs .
Academic article
Garrett, Joseph;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Orlandic, Milica;
Bashir, Muhammad Ahsan;
Raeissi, Bahman.
Detecting Pinholes in Coatings with Hyperspectral Imaging.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Reinhardt, Dirk Peter;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Control of Fixed-Wing UAV Attitude and Speed based on Embedded Nonlinear Model Predictive Control.
Academic article
Bøhn, Eivind Eigil;
Gros, Sebastien;
Moe, Signe;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Optimization of the Model Predictive Control Update Interval Using Reinforcement Learning.
Academic article
Haaland, Ole Max;
Wenz, Andreas Wolfgang;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Hann, Richard;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Detection and isolation of propeller icing and electric propulsion system faults in fixed-wing UAVs.
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
Academic article
Helgesen, HÃ¥kon Hagen;
Bryne, Torleiv HÃ¥land;
Wilthil, Erik Falmår;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Camera-Based Tracking of Floating Objects using Fixed-wing UAVs.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Borge, Ole Martin;
Bakken, Sivert;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Atmospheric Correction of Hyperspectral Data Over Coastal Waters Based on Machine Learning Models.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Oudijk, Adriënne Esmeralda;
Sigernes, Fred;
Mulders, Hjalmar C. J.;
Bakken, Sivert;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Quality Assessments of Standard Video Compression Techniques Applied to Hyperspectral Data Cubes.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Bakken, Sivert;
Johnsen, Geir;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Analysis and Model Development of Direct Hyperspectral Chlorophyll-A Estimation for Remote Sensing Satellites.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Bøhn, Eivind Eigil;
Gros, Sebastien;
Moe, Signe;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Reinforcement Learning of the Prediction Horizon in Model Predictive Control.
Academic article
Reinhardt, Dirk Peter;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control combined with Geometric Attitude and Speed Control for Fixed-Wing UAVs.
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
Academic article
Coates, Erlend M.;
Griffiths, Jenny Bogen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Robust Reduced-Attitude Control of Fixed-Wing UAVs using a Generalized Multivariable Super-Twisting Algorithm.
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
Academic article
Arnegaard, Ola Tranum;
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Helgesen, HÃ¥kon Hagen;
Kemna, Stephanie;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Detection of objects on the ocean surface from a UAV with visual and thermal cameras: A machine learning approach.
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
Academic article
Landstad, Olav;
Halvorsen, Håkon Skogland;
Ãveraas, Henning;
Smines, Vidar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Dynamic positioning of ROV in the wave zone during launch and recovery from a small surface vessel.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn;
Dallolio, Alberto;
Birkeland, Roger;
Langer, Dennis D.;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
MBSE modeling of a SoS with a small satellite and autonomous surface vessels for persistent coastal monitoring.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hann, Richard;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
UAV icing: the influence of airspeed and chord length on performance degradation.
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology
Academic article
Sollie, Martin Lysvand;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Planning approach trajectories to enable late aborts for fixed-wing UAV recovery on ships.
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
Academic article
Okuhara, Mika;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Phased Array Radio Navigation System on UAVs: GNSS-based Calibration in the Field.
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
Academic article
Garrett, Joseph;
Bakken, Sivert;
Prentice, Elizabeth Frances;
Langer, Dennis D.;
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn.
Hyperspectral Image Processing Pipelines on Multiple Platforms for Coordinated Oceanographic Observation.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Tengesdal, Trym;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Brekke, Edmund Førland.
Ship Collision Avoidance Utilizing the Cross-Entropy Method for Collision Risk Assessment.
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS)
Academic article
Kristiansen, Bjørn Andreas;
Gravdahl, Jan Tommy;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Energy optimal attitude control for a solar-powered spacecraft.
European Journal of Control
Academic article
Grøtte, Mariusz Eivind;
Birkeland, Roger;
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn;
Bakken, Sivert;
Garrett, Joseph;
Prentice, Elizabeth Frances.
Ocean Color Hyperspectral Remote Sensing With High Resolution and Low Latency--The HYPSO-1 CubeSat Mission.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Academic article
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Elkolali, Moustafa;
Al-Tawil, Ahmed;
Alcocer, Alex.
Unmanned Aerial System for deployment and recovery of research equipment at sea.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Sollie, Martin Lysvand;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Control System Architecture for Automatic Recovery of Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in a Moving Arrest System.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Birkeland, Roger;
Orlandic, Milica;
Eriksen, Torkild;
Blix, Kolbjørn.
Forslag til permanent nasjonal forskningsinfrastruktur – småsatellitter til nytte for havrommet.
Blindheim, Simon;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Electronic Navigational Charts for Visualization, Simulation, and Autonomous Ship Control.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Du, Jingjing;
Chen, J;
Li, J;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Multiple Model Predictive Control for nonlinear systems based on Self-balanced Multimodel Decomposition.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Dallolio, Alberto;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Fossen, Thor Inge;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Experimental Validation of a Nonlinear Wave Encounter Frequency Estimator Onboard a Wave-Propelled USV.
Academic article
Dallolio, Alberto;
Quintana Díaz, Gara;
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn;
Garrett, Joseph;
Birkeland, Roger;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Satellite-USV System for Persistent Observation of Mesoscale Oceanographic Phenomena.
Remote Sensing
Academic article
Raeissi, Bahman;
Bashir, Muhammad Ahsan;
Garrett, Joseph;
Orlandic, Milica;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Skramstad, Torbjørn.
Detection of different chemical binders in coatings using hyperspectral imaging.
Journal of Coatings Technology and Research (JCTR)
Academic article
Danielsen, Aksel Skrøvset;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Garrett, Joseph.
Self-organizing maps for clustering hyperspectral images on-board a cubesat.
Remote Sensing
Academic article
Ho, Tu Dac;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
PSO and Kalman Filter-Based Node Motion Prediction for Data
Collection from Ocean Wireless Sensors Network with UAV.
IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics
Academic article
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Haugen, Joakim;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Adaptive sampling for UAV sensor network in oil spill management.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Tengesdal, Trym;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
On Collision Risk Assessment for Autonomous Ships Using Scenario-Based MPC.
Academic article
Rotondo, Damiano;
Efimov, Denis;
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Estimation in uncertain switched systems using a bank of interval observers: local vs glocal approach.
Academic article
Sbarbaro, Daniel;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
On-line calibration of spectroscopic sensors based on state observers.
Academic article
Bøhn, Eivind Eigil;
Moe, Signe;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Accelerating Reinforcement Learning with Suboptimal Guidance.
Academic article
Grøtte, Mariusz Eivind;
Gravdahl, Jan Tommy;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Larsen, Jesper A;
Vidal, Edgar M;
Surma, Egidijus.
Spacecraft Attitude and Angular Rate Tracking using Reaction Wheels and Magnetorquers.
Academic article
Fonseca, Joana;
Wei, Jieqiang;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Johansson, Karl Henrik.
Cooperative circumnavigation for a mobile target using adaptive estimation.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Blindheim, Simon;
Gros, Sebastien;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Risk-Based Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Ship Emergency Management.
Academic article
Ringbäck, R;
Wei, J;
Erstorp, E S;
Kuttenkeuler, Jakob;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Johansson, Karl Henrik.
Multi-Agent Formation Tracking for Autonomous Surface Vehicles.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Pannocchia, Gabriele;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Mönnigmann, Martin;
Kvasnica, Michal;
Klauco, Martin.
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Ruud, Bent Ole.
Characterization of seabed properties from Scholte waves acquired on floating ice on shallow water.
Near Surface Geophysics
Academic article
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland.
Precision control of fixed-wing UAV and robust navigation in GNSS-denied environments.
Doctoral dissertation
Boskovic, Dordije;
Orlandic, Milica;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A reconfigurable multi-mode implementation of hyperspectral target detection algorithms.
Microprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design (MICPRO)
Academic article
Haring, Mark;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
On the stability bounds of Kalman filters for linear deterministic discrete-time systems.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Academic article
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Unmanned Aircraft Flight Control Aided by Phased-Array Radio Navigation.
Journal of Field Robotics (JFR)
Academic article
Narum, Edvard Frimann Løes;
Hann, Richard;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Optimal Mission Planning for Fixed-Wing UAVs with Electro-Thermal Icing Protection and Hybrid-Electric Power Systems.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fortuna, João;
Martens, Harald Aagaard;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Multivariate Image Fusion: A Pipeline For Hyperspectral Data Enhancement.
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems
Academic article
Reinhardt, Dirk Peter;
Coates, Erlend Magnus Lervik;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Hybrid Control of Fixed-Wing UAVs for Large-Angle Attitude Maneuvers on the Two-Sphere.
Academic article
Stovner, Bård Nagy;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Globally exponentially stable wind estimation for small fixed-wing uavs using standard sensors.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wenz, Andreas Wolfgang;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Real-Time Moving Horizon Estimation of Air Data Parameters and Wind Velocities for fixed-wing UAVs.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Olofsson, Harald Lennart Jonatan;
Hendeby, Gustaf;
Lauknes, Tom Rune;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Multi-agent informed path planning using the probability hypothesis density.
Autonomous Robots
Academic article
Hovenburg, Anthony Reinier;
Andrade, Fabio Augusto de Alcantara;
Hann, Richard;
Rodin, Christopher D;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Storvold, Rune.
Long range path planning using an aircraft performance model for battery powered sUAS equipped with icing protection system.
IEEE Journal on Miniaturization for Air and Space Systems (J-MASS)
Academic article
Hung, Nguyen T;
Pascoal, António M.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Cooperative path following of constrained autonomous vehicles with model predictive control and event-triggered communications.
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
Academic article
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Rotondo, Damiano;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
An unknown input observer-based framework for fault and icing detection and accommodation in overactuated unmanned aerial vehicles.
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hung, Nguyen T;
Crasta, Naveena;
Salinas, D M;
Pascoal, António M.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Range-based Target Localization and Pursuit with Autonomous Vehicles: An Approach using Posterior CRLB and Model Predictive Control.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Academic article
Bornebusch, Mads Friis;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Autonomous recovery of a Fixed-wing UAV Using a Line Suspended Between Two Multirotor UAVs.
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
Academic article
Bjørne, Elias ;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Semiglobally Asymptotically Stable Nonlinear Observer for Camera Aided Navigation.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Nikoofard, Amirhossein;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Molaei, A.
Reservoir Characterization in Under-balanced Drilling with Nonlinear Moving Horizon Estimation with Manual and Automatic Control Conditions.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Rogne, Robert Harald;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
On the Usage of Low-Cost MEMS Sensors, Strapdown Inertial Navigation and Nonlinear Estimation Techniques in Dynamic Positioning.
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering
Academic article
Fiskin, R;
Atik, O;
Kisi, H;
Nasibov, E;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Fuzzy domain and meta-heuristic algorithm-based collision avoidance control for ships: Experimental validation in virtual and real environment.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Halvorsen, Håkon Skogland;
Øveraas, Henning;
Landstad, Olav;
Smines, Vidar;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Wave motion compensation in dynamic positioning of small autonomous vessels.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Object Detection, Recognition and Tracking from UAVs using a Thermal Camera.
Journal of Field Robotics (JFR)
Academic article
Mathisen, Siri Gulaker;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Gros, Sebastien;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Precision Deep-Stall Landing of Fixed-Wing UAVs using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Tengesdal, Trym;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Brekke, Edmund Førland.
Risk-based Autonomous Maritime Collision Avoidance Considering Obstacle Intentions.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hann, Richard;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Unsettled Topics in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Icing.
Society of Automotive Engineers
Society of Automotive Engineers
Mathisen, Siri Gulaker;
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Autonomous ballistic airdrop of objects from a small fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle.
Autonomous Robots
Academic article
Bjørne, Elias ;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Delaune, Jeff;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Globally Stable Velocity Estimation Using Normalized Velocity Measurement.
The International Journal of Robotics Research
Academic article
Klausen, Kristian;
Meissen, Chris;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Arcak, Murat;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Cooperative Control for Multirotors Transporting an Unknown Suspended Load under Environmental Disturbances.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Haring, Mark;
Skjong, Espen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Molinas, Marta.
Extremum-Seeking Control for Harmonic Mitigation in Electrical Grids of Marine Vessels.
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics (1982. Print)
Academic article
Binder, Benjamin Julian Tømte;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Improved predictions from measured disturbances in linear model predictive control.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Orlandic, Milica;
Fjeldtvedt, Johan Austlid;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Parallel FPGA Implementation of the CCSDS-123 Compression Algorithm.
Remote Sensing
Academic article
Abdollahpouri, Mohammad;
Batista, Gabriel;
takacs, gergely;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Rohal-Ilkiv, Boris.
Adaptive vibration attenuation with globally convergent parameter estimation.
Mechanical systems and signal processing
Academic article
Skjong, Espen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta.
Distributed control architecture for real-time model predictive control for system-level harmonic mitigation in power systems.
ISA transactions
Academic article
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Wilthil, Erik Falmår;
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Helgesen, Øystein Kaarstad;
Hagen, Inger Berge.
The Autosea project: Developing closed-loop target tracking and collision avoidance systems.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Winter, Adrian;
Hann, Richard;
Wenz, Andreas Wolfgang;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Stability of a Flying Wing UAV in Icing Conditions.
EUCASS Proceedings Series
Academic article
de Alcantara Andrade, Fabio Augusto;
Hovenburg, Anthony Reinier;
Netto de Lima, Luciano;
Dahlin Rodin, Christopher;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Storvold, Rune.
Autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles in search and rescue missions using real-time cooperative model predictive control.
Academic article
Rothmund, Sverre Velten;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Risk-Based Obstacle Avoidance in Unknown Environments using Scenario-Based Predictive Control for an Inspection Drone Equipped with Range Finding Sensors.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dallolio, Alberto;
Bendik Olai, Agdal;
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Long-Endurance Green Energy Autonomous Surface Vehicle Control Architecture.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sollesnes, Erik;
Brokstad, Ole Martin;
Klæboe, Rolf;
Vågen, Bendik;
Carella, Alfredo Raúl;
Alcocer, Alex.
Towards autonomous ocean observing systems using Miniature Underwater Gliders with UAV deployment and recovery capabilities.
Proceedings of the Symposium on Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Technology
Academic article
Hann, Richard;
Borup, Kasper Trolle;
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Sørensen, Kim Lynge;
Vestad, Håvard Nitter;
Steinert, Martin.
Experimental Investigations of an Icing Protection System for UAVs.
SAE technical paper series
Academic article
Wenz, Andreas Wolfgang;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Icing Detection for Small Fixed Wing UAVs using Inflight Aerodynamic Coefficient Estimation.
IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Naderi, Mehdi;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sedigh, Ali K..
A Fault Tolerant Control Scheme Using the Feasible Constrained Control Allocation Strategy.
International Journal of Automation and Computing
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Guidance, Navigation and Control of Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
Bjørne, Elias ;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Delaune, Jeff.
Estimating vector magnitude from its direction and derivative, with application to bearing-only SLAM filter problem.
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Proceedings
Academic article
Cisek, Krzysztof;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Jahangir, Mohammed;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Track-to-track data fusion for Unmanned Traffic Management System.
IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Abdollahpouri, Mohammad;
Quirynen, Rien;
Haring, Mark;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Takacs, Gergely;
Diehl, Moritz.
A homotopy-based moving horizon estimation.
International Journal of Control
Academic article
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Garrett, Joseph;
Prentice, Elizabeth Frances;
Stahl, Annette;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sigernes, Fred.
Real-time Corrections for a Low-cost Hyperspectral Instrument
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Lapadatu, Monica;
Bakken, Sivert;
Grøtte, Mariusz Eivind;
Alver, Morten;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Simulation tool for hyper-spectral imaging from a satellite.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Albrektsen, Sigurd Mørkved;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Field Test Results of GNSS-denied Inertial Navigation aided by Phased-array Radio Systems for UAVs.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Coates, Erlend Magnus Lervik;
Wenz, Andreas Wolfgang;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Propulsion System Modeling for Small Fixed Wing UAVs.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rotondo, Damiano;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
State observer design for quadratic parameter varying (QPV) systems.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Wilthil, Erik Falmår;
Hagen, Inger Berge;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Autonomous COLREGs-Compliant Decision Making using Maritime Radar Tracking and Model Predictive Control.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reinhardt, Dirk Peter;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear Model Predictive Attitude Control for Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle based on a Wind Frame Formulation.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Colored-Noise Tracking of Floating Objects using UAVs with Thermal Cameras.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bøhn, Eivind Eigil;
Coates, Erlend Magnus Lervik;
Moe, Signe;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Deep Reinforcement Learning Attitude Control of Fixed Wing UAVs Using Proximal Policy Optimization.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Borup, Kasper Trolle;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Machine Learning Approach for Estimating Air Data Parameters of Small Fixed-Wing UAVs Using Distributed Pressure Sensors .
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
Academic article
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Hepsø, Arild;
Trnka, Kenan.
Autonomous maritime collision avoidance: Field verification of autonomous surface vehicle behavior in challenging scenarios.
Journal of Field Robotics (JFR)
Academic article
Naderi, Mehdi;
Sedigh, Ali K.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Guaranteed Feasible Control Allocation using Model Predictive Control.
Control Theory and Technology (CTT)
Academic article
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Albrektsen, Sigurd Mørkved;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Real-time Georeferencing of Thermal Images using Small Fixed-Wing UAVs in Maritime Environments.
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (P&RS)
Academic article
Bakken, Sivert;
Orlandic, Milica;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
The effect of dimensionality reduction on signature-based target detection for hyperspectral remote sensing.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Sollie, Martin Lysvand;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Pose Estimation of UAVs Based on INS Aided by Two Independent Low-cost GNSS Receivers.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stovner, Bård Nagy;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
GNSS-antenna lever arm compensation in aided inertial navigation of UAVs.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Borup, Kasper Trolle;
Stovner, Bård Nagy;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Kalman Filters for Air Data System Bias Correction for a Fixed-Wing UAV.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Merz, Mariann;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Control of an End Body Towed by a Circling Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.
Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics
Academic article
Wenz, Andreas Wolfgang;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Moving Horizon Estimation of Air Data Parameters for UAVs.
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
Academic article
Dahlin Rodin, Christopher;
de Alcantara Andrade, Fabio Augusto;
Hovenburg, Anthony Reinier;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A survey of practical design considerations of optical imaging stabilization systems for small unmanned aerial systems.
Academic article
Bjorne, Elias;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Brekke, Edmund Førland.
Cascaded Bearing only SLAM with Uniform Semi-Global Asymptotic Stability.
IEEE Xplore Digital Library
Academic article
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Palma, David;
Kansanen, Kimmo;
Fjørtoft, Kay Endre;
Sousa, João;
Johansson, Karl Henrik.
Survey on Communication and Networks for Autonomous Marine Systems.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Hasan, Agus Ismail;
Skriver, M;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
eXogenous Kalman Filter for State-of-Charge Estimation in Lithium-ion Batteries.
IEEE Control Systems
Academic article
Dahlin Rodin, Christopher;
de Lima, L. N.;
de Alcantara Andrade, Fabio Augusto;
Haddad, D. B.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Storvold, Rune.
Object Classification in Thermal Images using Convolutional Neural Networks for Search and Rescue Missions with Unmanned Aerial Systems.
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
Academic article
Dahlin Rodin, Christopher;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Detectability of objects at the sea surface in visible light and thermal camera images.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
de Alcantara Andrade, Fabio Augusto;
Dahlin Rodin, Christopher;
Hovenburg, Anthony Reinier;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Storvold, Rune.
Path Planning of Multi-UAS Communication Relay by Decentralized MPC.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
jain, praveen;
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Erstorp, E;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Aguiar, A Pedro.
Localization of an Acoustic Fish-Tag using the Time-of-Arrival Measurements: Preliminary results using eXogenous Kalman Filter.
Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra Ivanova;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Distributed Quasi-Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with Contractive Constraint.
Academic article
Borup, Kasper Trolle;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Air Data Estimation for Small Unmanned Aircraft.
NTNU Trondheim
Doctoral dissertation
Haring, Mark;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
On the accuracy of gradient estimation in extremum-seeking control using small perturbations.
Academic article
Abdollahpouri, Mohammad;
Haring, Mark;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Rohal'-Ilkiv, Boris;
takacs, gergely.
Double Moving Horizon Estimation: Linearization by a Nonlinear Transformation.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hansen, Jakob Mahler;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sokolova, Nadezda;
Fossen, Thor I..
Nonlinear Observer for Tightly Coupled Integrated Inertial Navigation Aided by RTK-GNSS Measurements.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Berget, Gunhild Elisabeth;
Fossum, Trygve Olav;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Rajan, Kanna.
Adaptive Sampling of Ocean Processes Using an AUV with a Gaussian Proxy Model.
Academic article
Cisek, Krzysztof;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Aided Inertial Navigation of Small Unmanned Aerial
Vehicles Using an Ultra-Wideband Real Time
Localization System.
IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Albrektsen, Sigurd Mørkved;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Phased array radio system aided inertial navigation for unmanned aerial vehicles.
IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Ferreira, Antonio Sergio;
Costa, Maria;
Py, Frédéric;
Pinto, José;
Silva, Monica A.;
Nimmo-Smith, W. Alex M..
Advancing multi-vehicle deployments in oceanographic field experiments.
Autonomous Robots
Academic article
Fjeldtvedt, Johan Austlid;
Orlandic, Milica;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
An Efficient Real-Time FPGA Implementation of the CCSDS-123 Compression Standard for Hyperspectral Images.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
Academic article
Klausen, Kristian;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Autonomous recovery of a fixed-wing UAV using a net suspended by two multirotor UAVs.
Journal of Field Robotics (JFR)
Academic article
Rotondo, Damiano;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Analysis and design of quadratic parameter varying (QPV) control systems with polytopic attractive region.
Journal of the Franklin Institute
Academic article
Ahmadi Moshkenani, Parisa;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Olaru, Sorin.
Combinatorial approach toward multiparametric quadratic programming based on characterizing adjacent critical regions.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Academic article
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Polycarpou, Marios M.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Fault-Tolerant Control Allocation for Overactuated Nonlinear Systems.
Asian journal of control
Academic article
Rotondo, Damiano;
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Fault tolerant control of uncertain dynamical systems using interval virtual actuators.
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
Academic article
Nikoofard, Amirhossein;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole.
Reservoir characterization in Under-balanced Drilling using Low-Order Lumped Model.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Rotondo, Damiano;
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Nejjari, F;
Puig, V.
State estimation and decoupling of unknown inputs in uncertain LPV systems using interval observers.
International Journal of Control
Academic article
Rogne, Robert Harald;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Redundant MEMS-based Inertial Navigation using Nonlinear Observers.
Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement, and Control
Academic article
Albrektsen, Sigurd Mørkved;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
User-Configurable Timing and Navigation for UAVs.
Academic article
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Hann, Richard;
Alam, Mushfiqul;
Rohac, Jan;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Aerodynamic modeling of the Skywalker X8 Fixed-Wing Unmanned
Aerial Vehicle.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nielsen, Mikkel Cornelius;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Blanke, Mogens.
Cooperative Rendezvous and Docking for Underwater Robots Using Model Predictive Control and Dual Decomposition.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Benders, Sebastian;
Wenz, Andreas Wolfgang;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Adaptive Path Planning for Unmanned Aircraft Using In-flight Wind Velocity Estimation.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hasan, Agus Ismail;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Model-Based Actuator Fault Diagnosis in Multirotor UAVs.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dahlin Rodin, Christopher;
Stahl, Annette;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Skyline Based Camera Attitude Estimation Using a Digital Surface Model.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Albrektsen, Sigurd Mørkved;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Sensor Synchronization and Navigation in GNSS-Denied Environments for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2018:275)
Doctoral dissertation
Albrektsen, Sigurd Mørkved;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Robust and Secure UAV Navigation Using GNSS, Phased-Array Radio System and Inertial Sensor Fusion.
IEEE Control Systems
Academic article
Fortuna, João;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Lightweight Payload for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing using Small UAVS.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Rotondo, Damiano;
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Nejjari, Fatiha;
Puig, Vicenç.
Robust fault and icing diagnosis in unmanned aerial vehicles using LPV interval observers.
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
Academic article
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Proactive Collision Avoidance for ASVs using A Dynamic Reciprocal Velocity Obstacles Method.
Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra Ivanova;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Olaru, Sorin.
Dual-mode distributed Model Predictive Control of a quadruple-tank system.
Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy
Academic article
Hagen, Inger Berge;
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
MPC-based Collision Avoidance Strategy for Existing Marine Vessel Guidance Systems.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Academic article
Stovner, Bård Nagy;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Schjølberg, Ingrid.
Globally Exponentially Stable Filters for Underwater Position Estimation Using an Array of Hydroacoustic Transducers on the Vehicle and A Single Transponder.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Stovner, Bård Nagy;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Schjølberg, Ingrid.
Attitude estimation by multiplicative exogenous Kalman filter.
Academic article
Sigernes, Fred;
Syrjäsuo, Mikko;
Storvold, Rune;
Fortuna, João;
Grøtte, Mariusz Eivind Santora;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Do it yourself hyperspectral imager for handheld to airborne operations.
Optics Express
Academic article
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Rogne, Robert Harald;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A virtual vertical reference concept for aided inertial navigation at the sea surface.
Control Engineering Practice
Academic article
Skjong, Espen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Otimization-based Control in Shipboard Electric Systems.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (139)
Doctoral dissertation
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear Observer Design for Aided Inertial Navigation of Ships.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (86)
Doctoral dissertation
Rogne, Robert Harald;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Observer design for fault-tolerant dynamic positioning using MEMS inertial sensors.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (86)
Doctoral dissertation
Tartaglione, Gaetano;
D'Amato, Egidio;
Ariola, Marco;
Salvo Rossi, Pierluigi;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Model predictive control for a multi-body slung-load system.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Academic article
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Skjetne, Roger;
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Miyazaki, Michel Rejani;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer.
Towards Safer, Smarter and Greener Ships Using Hybrid Marine Power Plants.
IEEE Electrification Magazine
Academic literature review
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Frison, Gianluca;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Jørgensen, JB.
Block factorization of step response model predictive control problems.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Rotondo, Damiano;
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Hassani, Vahid;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Icing diagnosis in unmanned aerial vehicles using an LPV multiple model estimator.
Academic article
Mathisen, Siri Holthe;
Grindheim, Vegard;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Approach Methods for Autonomous Precision Aerial Drop from a Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.
Academic article
Dahl, Andreas Reason;
Skjetne, Roger;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Structure Preserving Power System Frequency Model for Dynamic Positioning Vessels.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vergara, Samuel;
Sbarbaro, Daniel;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Accurate position estimation methods based on electrical impedance tomography measurements.
Measurement Science and Technology
Academic article
Palma, David;
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Jiang, Yuming;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles as Data Mules: An Experimental Assessment.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Nikoofard, Amirhossein;
Aarsnes, Ulf Jakob Flø;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole.
State and Parameter Estimation of a Drift-Flux Model for Underbalanced Drilling Operations.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Hansen, Jakob Mahler;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear observer design for GNSS-aided inertial navigation systems with time-delayed GNSS measurements.
Control Engineering Practice
Academic article
Olofsson, Jonatan;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Cooperative remote sensing of ice using a Spatially Indexed Labeled Multi-Bernoulli filter.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Olofsson, Jonatan;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Spatially indexed clustering for scalable tracking of remotely sensed drift ice.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skjong, Espen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan.
Approaches to Economic Energy Management in Diesel-Electric Marine Vessels.
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
Academic article
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Kuttenkeuler, J;
Erstorp, E.
A Formation of Unmanned Vehicles for Tracking of an Acoustic Fish-Tag.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hann, Richard;
Wenz, Andreas Wolfgang;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Impact of atmospheric icing on UAV aerodynamic performance.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abdollahpouri, Mohammad;
Haring, Mark;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
takacs, gergely;
Rohal-Ilkiv, B.
Nonlinear State and Parameter Estimation using Discrete-Time Double Kalman Filter
Academic article
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Richter, Stefan;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Structure Exploitation of Practical MPC Formulations for speeding up First-Order Methods.
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Proceedings
Academic article
Bjørne, Elias ;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Brekke, Edmund Førland.
Redesign and analysis of globally asymptotically stable bearing only SLAM.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Albrektsen, Sigurd Mørkved;
Sægrov, Atle;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Navigation of UAV using phased array radio.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hovenburg, Anthony Reinier;
De Alcantara Andrade, Fabio Augusto;
Dahlin Rodin, Christopher;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Storvold, Rune.
Contingency Path Planning for Hybrid-electric UAS.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rotondo, Damiano;
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
LPV model reference control for fixed-wing UAVs.
Academic article
Merz, Mariann;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A strategy for robust precision control of an endbody being towed by an orbiting UAV.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sørensen, Kim Lynge;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Flight Test Results for Autonomous Icing Protection Solution for Small Unmanned Aircraft.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hovenburg, Anthony Reinier;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Storvold, Rune.
Mission performance trade-offs of battery-powered sUAS.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
A UAV Ice Tracking Framework for Autonomous Sea Ice Management.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
De Alcantara Andrade, Fabio Augusto;
Storvold, Rune;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Autonomous UAV surveillance of a ship's path with MPC for maritime situational awareness.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørne, Elias ;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Brekke, Edmund Førland.
Cascade Attitude Observer for the SLAM filtering problem.
IEEE Control Systems
Academic article
Merz, Mariann;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Optimal path of a UAV engaged in wind-influenced circular towing.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dahlin Rodin, Christopher;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Accuracy of sea ice floe size observation from an aerial camera at slant angles.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cisek, Krzysztof;
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Klausen, Kristian;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Ultra-wide band Real time Location Systems: Practical implementation and UAV performance evaluation.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wenz, Andreas Wolfgang;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Estimation of wind velocities and aerodynamic coefficients for UAVs using standard autopilot sensors and a Moving Horizon Estimator.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fusini, Lorenzo;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Dead Reckoning of a Fixed-Wing UAV with Inertial Navigation Aided by Optical Flow.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Sægrov, Atle;
Vågsholm, Erlend;
Hovstein, Vegard Evjen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Coordinated maritime missions of unmanned vehicles - network architecture and performance analysis.
IEEE International Conference on Communications
Academic article
Olofsson, Jonatan;
Veibäck, Clas;
Hendeby, Gustaf;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Outline of a system for integrated adaptive ice tracking and multi-agent path planning.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abdollahpouri, Mohammad;
Quirynen, Rien;
Haring, Mark;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Takács, Gergely;
Diehl, Moritz.
A homotopy-based moving horizon estimation.
International Journal of Control
Academic article
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Detection and tracking of floating objects using a UAV with thermal camera.
Lecture notes in control and information sciences
Academic article
Rotondo, Damiano;
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Nejjari, F;
Puig, V.
Diagnosis of icing and actuator faults in UAVs using LPV unknown input observers.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Fusini, Lorenzo;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Non-linear Observers for GNSS- and Camera-Aided Inertial Navigation of a Fixed-Wing UAV.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Klausen, Kristian;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear Control with Swing Damping of a Multirotor UAV with Suspended Load.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Aguiar, A Pedro.
Icing Detection and Identification for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles using Adaptive Nested Multiple Models.
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
Academic article
Du, Jingjing;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Control-relevant nonlinearity measure and integrated multi-model control.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Hansen, Jakob Mahler;
Rogne, Robert Harald;
Sokolova, Nadezda;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear observers for integrated INS\/GNSS navigation: implementation aspects.
IEEE Control Systems
Academic article
Rohac, Jan;
Hansen, Jakob Mahler;
Alam, Mushfiqul;
Sipos, M;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Validation of nonlinear integrated navigation solutions.
Annual Reviews in Control
Academic article
Fusini, Lorenzo;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear Camera- and GNSS-aided INS for Fixed-Wing UAV using the eXogenous Kalman Filter.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Detection and Tracking of Floating Objects using an UAV with Thermal Camera.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Hansen, Jakob Mahler;
Fossen, Thor I..
Nonlinear Observer for Tightly Integrated Inertial Navigation Aided by Pseudo-Range Measurements.
Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement, and Control
Academic article
Stovner, Bård Bakken;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Schjølberg, Ingrid.
Globally Exponentially Stable Aided Inertial Navigation with
hydroacoustic Measurements from A Single Transponder.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Stovner, Bård Bakken;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Hydroacoustically Aided Inertial Navigation for Joint Position and Attitude Estimation in Absence of Magnetic Field Measurements.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
The eXogenous Kalman Filter (XKF).
International Journal of Control
Academic article
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Dynamic Safety Constraints by Scenario Based Economic Model Predictive Control of Marine Electric Power Plants.
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
Academic article
Ahmadi Moshkenani, Parisa;
Olaru, Sorin;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Further Results on the Exploration of Combinatorial Tree in Multi-Parametric Quadratic Programming.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
An unknown input observer based control allocation scheme for icing diagnosis and accommodation in overactuated UAVs.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Nonlinear Filtering with eXogenous Kalman Filter and Double Kalman Filter.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Albrektsen, Sigurd Mørkved;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
SyncBoard - A high accuracy sensor timing board for UAV payloads.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Rogne, Robert Harald;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Inertial Sensors for Risk-Based Redundancy in Dynamic Positioning.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Hansen, Jakob Mahler;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Robust Navigation of UAV using Inertial Sensors Aided by UWB and RTK GPS.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Tracking of Ocean Surface Objects from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with a Pan/Tilt Unit using a Thermal Camera.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Toward Dependable Embedded Model Predictive Control.
IEEE Systems Journal
Academic article
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Design of inertial navigation systems for marine craft with adaptive wave filtering aided by triple-redundant sensor packages.
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
Academic article
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Skøien, Kristoffer Rist.
A communication bridge between underwater sensors and unmanned vehicles using a surface wireless sensor network - design and validation.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rotondo, Damiano;
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Nejjari, Fatiha;
Puig, Vicenç.
Detection of icing and actuators faults in the longitudinal dynamics of small UAVs using an LPV proportional integral unknown input observer.
Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol)
Academic article
Veksler, Aleksander Vladimirovitsj;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Borrelli, Francesco;
Realfsen, Bjørnar.
Dynamic positioning with model predictive control.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Haring, Mark;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Asymptotic stability of perturbation-based extremum-seeking control for nonlinear plants.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Petrova, Valeria.
Distributed Nonlinear Model Predictive Control by Sequential Linearization and Accelerated Gradient Method.
Academic article
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Battery power smoothing control in a marine electric power plant using nonlinear model predictive control.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Rogne, Robert Harald;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Fault detection in lever-arm-compensated position reference systems based on nonlinear attitude observers and inertial measurements in dynamic positioning.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Merz, Mariann;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Feasibility study of a circularly towed cable-body system for UAV applications.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Tracking of Marine Surface Objects from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with a Pan/Tilt Unit using a Thermal Camera and Optical Flow.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Brekke, Edmund Førland.
Globally Exponentially Stable Kalman Filter for SLAM with AHRS.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skjong, Espen;
Gale, Serge;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Data-Driven decision support tool for power quality measures in marine vessel power system.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mathisen, Siri Holthe;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Non-linear Model Predictive Control for Longitudinal and Lateral Guidance of a Small Fixed-Wing UAV in Precision Deep Stall Landing.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wenz, Andreas Wolfgang;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Cristofaro, Andrea.
Combining model-free and model-based angle of attack estimation for small fixed-wing UAVs using a standard sensor suite.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hosen, Jesper;
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Fusini, Lorenzo;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Vision-aided nonlinear observer for fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle navigation.
Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics
Academic article
Hosen, Jesper;
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Fusini, Lorenzo;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A vision-aided nonlinear observer for fixed-wing UAV navigation.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Perez, Tristan.
Ship Collision Avoidance Using Scenario-Based Model Predictive Control.
Academic article
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Rogne, Robert Harald;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Attitude and Heave Estimation for Ships using MEMS-based Inertial Measurements.
Academic article
Rogne, Robert Harald;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
MEMS-based Inertial Navigation on Dynamically Positioned Ships: Dead Reckoning.
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Perez, Tristan.
Unmanned Aerial Surveillance System for Hazard Collision Avoidance in Autonomous Shipping.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wenz, Andreas Wolfgang;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Icing detection for small fixed wing UAVs using inflight aerodynamic coefficient estimation.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skjong, Espen;
Volden, Rune;
Rødskar, Egil;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Cunningham, Joseph.
Past, Present and Future Challenges of the Marine Vessel's Electrical Power System.
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
Academic article
Sørensen, Kim Lynge;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Thermodynamics of a carbon nano-materials based icing protection system for unmanned aerial vehicle.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Perez, Tristan;
Cristofaro, Andrea.
Ship collision avoidance and COLREGS compliance using simulation-based control behavior selection with predictive hazard assessment.
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS)
Academic article
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Motion- and Communication-Planning of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Delay Tolerant Network using Mixed-Integer Linear Programming.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Ahmadi Moshkenani, Parisa;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Olaru, Sorin.
On Degeneracy in Exploration of Combinatorial Tree in Multi-Parametric Quadratic Programming,.
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Proceedings
Academic article
Sousa, João Borges de;
Rajan, Kanna;
Pereira, J.;
Pinto, J;
Lourenco, PC;
Galocha, JM.
Rapid Environmental Picture Atlantic exercise 2015: a field report.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ludvigsen, Martin;
Albrektsen, Sigurd Mørkved;
Cisek, Krzysztof;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Norgren, Petter;
Skjetne, Roger.
Network of heterogeneous autonomous vehicles for marine research and management.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fusini, Lorenzo;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
A globally exponentially stable non-linear velocity observer for vision-aided UAV dead reckoning.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Henriksen, Vegard Wie;
Røine, Audun Gerhardsen;
Skjong, Espen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Three-axis motion compensated crane head control.
Academic article
Hansen, Jakob Mahler;
Rohac, Jan;
Sipos, Martin;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Validation and Experimental Testing of Observers for Robust GNSS-Aided Inertial Navigation.
Klausen, Kristian;
Moe, Jostein Borgen;
van der Horn, Jornel;
Gomola, Alojz;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Coordinated Control Concept for Recovery of a Fixed-Wing UAV on a Ship using a Net Carried by Multirotor UAVs.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Nonlinear Observer for Tightly Coupled Integration of Pseudorange and Inertial Measurements.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Goodwin, Graham C..
Three-stage filter for position estimation using pseudorange measurements.
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
Academic article
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Efficient implementation of step response models for embedded Model Predictive Control.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Hansen, Jakob Mahler;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Tightly Coupled Integrated Inertial and Real-Time-Kinematic Positioning Approach Using Nonlinear Observer.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Borup, Kasper Trolle;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Nonlinear Model-Based Wind Velocity Observer for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Saberi, Ali.
Nonlinear Observer for Attitude, Position and Velocity: Theory and Experiments.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jørgensen, Erlend Kvinge;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Schjølberg, Ingrid.
Enhanced Hydroacoustic Range Robustness of Three-Stage Position Filter based on Long Baseline Measurements with Unknown Wave Speed.
Academic article
Stovner, Bård Bakken;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Schjølberg, Ingrid.
Three-stage filter for position and velocity estimation from long baseline measurements with unknown wave speed.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Sousa, Lara L;
López-Castejón, Francisco;
Gilabert, Javier;
Relvas, Paulo;
Couto, Ana;
Queiroz, Nuno.
Integrated monitoring of Mola mola behaviour in space and time.
Academic article
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Mathiesen, Eirik.
Dynamic consequence analysis of marine electric power plant in dynamic positioning.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Skjetne, Roger.
Scenario- and Optimization-Based Control of Marine Electric Power Systems.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2016:47)
Doctoral dissertation
Skjong, Espen;
Suul, Jon Are Wold;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Optimal Compensation of Harmonic Propagation in a Multi-Bus Microgrid.
The Renewable Energies and Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ)
Academic article
Skjong, Espen;
Suul, Jon Are Wold;
Rygg, Atle;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta.
System-Wide Harmonic Mitigation in a Diesel Electric Ship by Model Predictive Control.
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics (1982. Print)
Academic article
Veksler, Aleksander Vladimirovitsj;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Skjetne, Roger;
Mathiesen, Eirik.
Thrust Allocation with Dynamic Power Consumption Modulation for Diesel-Electric Ships.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
High-performance Embedded Model Predictive Control using Step Response Models.
Academic article
Linder, Jonas;
Enqvist, Martin;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Gustafsson, Fredrik.
Modeling for IMU-based online estimation of a ship's mass and center of mass.
Academic article
Linder, Jonas;
Enqvist, Martin;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Gustafsson, Fredrik.
Online estimation of ship's mass and center of mass using inertial measurements.
Academic article
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Cisek, Krzysztof;
Klausen, Kristian.
Unmanned Aerial System Architecture for Maritime Missions. Design & Hardware Description.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A virtual vertical reference concept for GNSS/INS applications at the sea surface.
Academic article
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Aaker, Vegard;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Eikrem, Gisle Otto.
Automatically generated embedded model predictive control: Moving an industrial PC-based MPC to an embedded platform.
Optimal control applications & methods
Academic article
Fusini, Lorenzo;
Hosen, Jesper;
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Experimental Validation of a Uniformly Semi-globally Exponentially Stable Non-linear Observer for GNSS- and Camera-aided Inertial Navigation for Fixed-wing UAVs.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hansen, Jakob Mahler;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear Observer for INS Aided by Time-Delayed GNSS Measurements - Implementation and UAV Experiments.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Klausen, Kristian;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear control of a multirotor UAV with suspended load.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mathisen, Siri Holthe;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Non-linear model predictive control for guidance of a fixed-wing UAV in precision deep stall landing.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Sørensen, Kim;
Hansen, Jakob Mahler;
Fossen, Thor I..
On Estimation of Wind Velocity, Angle-of-Attack and Sideslip Angle of small UAVs using Standard Sensors.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Barbatei, Remus-Gabriel;
Skavhaug, Amund;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Acquisition and relaying of data from a floating wireless sensor node using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Trnka, Kenan;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Light-Weight Thermal Camera Payload with Georeferencing Capabilities for Small Fixed-Wing UAVs.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sørensen, Kim Lynge;
Blanke, Mogens;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Diagnosis of wing icing through lift and drag coefficient change detection for small unmanned aircraft.
Academic article
Stokkeland, Martin;
Klausen, Kristian;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Autonomous visual navigation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for wind turbine inspection.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Fault-tolerant control allocation with actuator dynamics: finite-time control reconfiguration.
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Proceedings
Academic article
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Dahl, Andreas Reason;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Mathiesen, Eirik;
Rejani Miyazaki, Michel;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Marine vessel and power plant system simulator.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Skjong, Espen;
Rødskar, Egil;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Cunningham, Joseph.
The Marine Vessel’s Electrical Power System: From its Birth to Present Day.
Proceedings of the IEEE
Academic literature review
Sbarbaro, Daniel;
Vauhkonen, M;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
State estimation and inverse problems in Electrical Impedance Tomography: observability, convergence and regularization.
Inverse Problems
Academic article
Polóni, Tomáš;
Rohal-Ilkiv, B;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Moving horizon estimation for integrated navigation filtering.
Academic article
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Efficient implementation of step response prediction models for embedded model predictive control.
Academic article
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
An unknown input observer approach to icing detection for unmanned aerial vehicles.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Dahl, Andreas Reason;
Rejani Miyazaki, Michel;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Rokseth, Børge.
Real-Time Marine Vessel and Power Plant Simulation.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nikoofard, Amirhossein;
Aarsnes, Ulf Jakob Flø;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole.
Estimation of states and parameters of a drift-flux model with unscented kalman filter.
Academic article
Nikoofard, Amirhossein;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole.
Evaluation of Lyapunov-based adaptive observer using low-order lumped model for estimation of production index in Under-Balanced Drilling.
Academic article
Malik, Abdul Waheed;
Thörnberg, Benny;
Anwar, Qaisar;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Shahzad, Khurram.
Real time decoding of color symbol for optical positioning system.
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (IJARS)
Academic article
Skjong, Espen;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Volden, Rune.
Shaping the current waveform of an active filter for optimized system level harmonic conditioning.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ho, Dac-Tu;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Sujit, P.B.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sousa, Joao Borges.
Optimization of Wireless Sensor Network and UAV Data Acquisition.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Skulstad, Robert;
Syversen, Christoffer Lie;
Merz, Mariann;
Sokolova, Nadezda;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Autonomous net recovery of fixed-wing UAV with single-frequency carrier-phase differential GNSS.
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine
Academic article
Du, Jingjing;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Integrated Multilinear Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Systems Based on Gap Metric.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Skjong, Espen;
Ochoa-Gimenez, Miguel;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Management of harmonic propagation in a marine vessel by use of optimization.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skjong, Espen;
Nundal, Stian Aas;
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Autonomous search and tracking of objects using model predictive control of unmanned aerial vehicle and gimbal: Hardware-in-the-loop simulation of payload and avionics.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Klausen, Kristian;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Aguiar, A. P..
Cooperative path-following for multirotor UAVs with a suspended payload.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rotondo, Damiano;
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Nejjari, Fathia;
Puig, Vicenc.
Icing detection in unmanned aerial vehicles with longitudinal motion
using an LPV unknown input observer.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Binder, Benjamin Julian Tømte;
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Scalability of QP solvers for embedded model predictive control applied to a subsea petroleum production system.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Polycarpou, Marios;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control allocation for a class of
nonlinear systems with redundant inputs.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rogne, Robert Harald;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
On attitude observers and inertial navigation for reference system fault detection and isolation in dynamic positioning.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Seron, María M.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
De Dona, Josè A.;
Cristofaro, Andrea.
Detection and estimation of icing in unmanned aerial vehicles using a bank of unknown input observers.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Nonlinear Observer for Inertial Navigation Aided by Pseudo-Range and Range-Rate Measurements.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Binder, Benjamin Julian Tømte;
Ferreau, Hans Joachim;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Diehl, M.
Automatic Deployment of Industrial Embedded Model Predictive Control Using qpOASES.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Aguiar, A. P..
Icing Detection and Identification for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sørensen, Kim Lynge;
Strand Helland, Andreas;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Carbon Nanomaterial-Based Wing Temperature Control
System for In-Flight Anti-Icing and De-Icing of
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
An unknown input observer approach to icing detection for unmanned aerial vehicles with linearized longitudinal motion.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Skulstad, Robert;
Syversen, Christoffer Lie;
Merz, Mariann;
Sokolova, Nadezda;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Net Recovery of UAV with Single-Frequency RTK GPS.
IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Binder, Benjamin Julian Tømte;
Pavlov, Alexey;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Estimation of Flow Rate and Viscosity in a Well with an Electric Submersible Pump using Moving Horizon Estimation.
Academic article
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Automatic detection, classification and tracking of objects in the ocean surface from UAVs using a thermal camera.
IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Skjong, Espen;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Optimized current reference generation for system-level harmonic mitigation in a diesel-electric ship using non-linear model predictive control.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Mathiesen, Eirik;
Veksler, Aleksander Vladimirovitsj;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan.
Dynamic Positioning System as Dynamic Energy Storage on Diesel-Electric Ships.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Hansen, Torkel;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan.
Unmanned aerial vehicle as communication relay for autonomous underwater vehicle — Field tests
IEEE Global Communications Conference, Exhibition, & Industry Forum (GLOBECOM)
Academic article
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Fault tolerant control allocation using unknown input observers.
Short communication
Nikoofard, Amirhossein;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole.
Design and comparison of adaptive estimators for Under-Balanced Drilling.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Nikoofard, Amirhossein;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alberding, Matthaus;
Tjønnås, Johannes;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Integration of vehicle yaw stabilisation and rollover prevention through nonlinear hierarchical control allocation.
Vehicle System Dynamics
Academic article
Binder, Benjamin Julian Tømte;
Kufoalor, Kwame Minde;
Pavlov, Alexey;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Embedded Model Predictive Control for an Electric Submersible Pump on a Programmable Logic Controller.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Academic article
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear Observer with Time-Varying Gains for Inertial Navigation Aided by Satellite Reference Systems in Dynamic Positioning.
Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED)
Academic article
Nikoofard, Amirhossein;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Mahdianfar, Hessam;
Pavlov, A.
Design and Comparison of Constrained MPC with PID Controller for Heave Disturbance Attenuation in Offshore Managed Pressure Drilling Systems.
Marine Technology Society journal
Academic article
Kufoalor, Kwame Minde;
Richter, S;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Morari, Manfred;
Eikrem, Gisle Otto.
Embedded Model Predictive Control on a PLC Using a Primal-Dual First-Order Method for a Subsea Separation Process.
Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED)
Academic article
Du, Jingjing;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Integrated multimodel control of nonlinear systems based on gap metric and stability margin.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Ho, Dac-Tu;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Sujit, P.B.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sousa, João.
Performance Evaluation of Cooperative Relay and Particle Swarm Optimization Path Planning for UAV and Wireless Sensor Network.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Ho, Dac-Tu;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
UAVs Trajectory Planning by Distributed MPC under Radio Communication Path Loss Constraints.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Saberi, Ali.
Globally Exponentially Stable Attitude and Gyro Bias Estimation with Application to GNSS/INS Integration.
Academic article
Rogne, Robert Harald;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Observer and IMU-based Detection and Isolation of Faults in Position Reference Systems and Gyrocompasses with Dual Redundancy in Dynamic Positioning.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Academic article
Andersen, Jørn Harald S.;
Storvold, Rune;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Jamtli, Bent-Ove.
Droner i Arktis.
Polóni, Tomáš;
Rohal'-Ilkiv, Boris;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Mass flow estimation with model bias correction for a turbocharged Diesel engine.
Control Engineering Practice
Academic article
Du, Jingjing;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A gap metric based weighting method for multimodel predictive control of MIMO nonlinear systems.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Dynamic Safety Constraints by Scenario Based Economic Model Predictive Control.
IFAC Papers Online
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sui, Dan;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Linear constrained moving horizon estimator with pre-estimating observer.
Systems & control letters (Print)
Academic article
Dæhlen, Jon;
Eikrem, Gisle Otto;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear model predictive control using trust-region derivative-free optimization.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Hovstein, Vegard Evjen;
Sægrov, Atle;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Experiences with coastal and maritime UAS BLOS operation with phased-array antenna digital payload data link.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Veksler, Aleksander Vladimirovitsj;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Skjetne, Roger;
Mathiesen, Eirik.
Reducing power transients in diesel-electric dynamically positioned ships using re-positioning.
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON)
Academic article
Faria, Margarida;
Pinto, José;
Py, Frédéric;
Fortuna, João;
Dias, Hugo;
Martins, Ricardo.
Coordinating UAVs and AUVs for Oceanographic Field Experiments: Challenges and Lessons Learned.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Academic article
Fusini, Lorenzo;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Uniformly Semiglobally Exponentially Stable Nonlinear Observer for GNSS- and Camera-Aided Inertial Navigation.
Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED)
Academic article
Klausen, Kristian;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Suspended Load Motion Control using Multicopters.
Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED)
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Distributed Model Predictive Control of Interconnected Nonlinear Systems by Dynamic Dual Decomposition.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Veksler, Aleksander Vladimirovitsj;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Optimization-based control of diesel-electric ships in dynamic positioning.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (302)
Doctoral dissertation
Veksler, Aleksander Vladimirovitsj;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Borrelli, Francesco;
Realfsen, Bjørnar.
Cartesian thrust allocation algorithm with variable direction thrusters, turn rate limits and singularity avoidance.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Academic article
Nornes, Stein Melvær;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar.
Optimal trajectory planning for robotized tiling of floors.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Control Allocation - A Survey.
Academic article
Veksler, Aleksander;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Mathiesen, Eirik;
Skjetne, Roger.
Governor principle for increased safety and economy on vessels with diesel-electric propulsion.
European Union Control Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Feller, Christian;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Explicit MPC of higher-order linear processes via combinatorial multi-parametric quadratic programming.
European Union Control Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Scenario-Based Fault-Tolerant Model Predictive Control for Diesel-Electric Marine Power Plant.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Saberi, Ali.
Nonlinear Observer for GNSS-Aided Inertial Navigation with Quaternion-Based Attitude Estimation.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sui, Dan;
Nybø, Roar.
Regularized Nonlinear Moving-Horizon Observer With Robustness to Delayed and Lost Data.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Ho, Dac-Tu;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Heuristic Algorithm and Cooperative Relay for Energy Efficient Data Collection with a UAV and WSN.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Forsmo, Erik Johannes;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Optimal search mission with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles using Mixed Integer Linear Programming.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ho, Dac-Tu;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Sujit, P.B.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sousa, João.
Cluster-Based Communication Topology Selection and UAV Path Planning in Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Feller, Christian;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Olaru, Sorin.
An improved algorithm for combinatorial multi-parametric quadratic programming.
Academic article
poloni, tomas;
Rohal-Ilkiv, B;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Parallel Numerical Optimization for Fast Adaptive Nonlinear Moving Horizon Estimation.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bayat, Farhad;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Multi-Resolution Explicit Model Predictive Control: Delta-Model Formulation and Approximation.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Academic article
Nikoofard, Amirhossein;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Mahdianfar, Hessam;
Pavlov, Alexey.
Constrained MPC Design for Heave Disturbance Attenuation in Offshore Drilling Systems.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rindarøy, Martin;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Fuel Optimal Thrust Allocation in Dynamic Positioning.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Fault-tolerant control allocation: an Unknown Input Observer based approach with constrained output fault directions.
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Proceedings
Academic article
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Mathiesen, Eirik.
Unit Commitment of Generator Sets During Dynamic Positioning Operation Based on Consequence Simulation.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Rotary-Wing UAVs Trajectory Planning by Distributed Linear MPC with Reconfigurable Communication Network Topologies.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Poloni, T;
Eielsen, Arnfinn Aas;
Rohal'-Ilkiv, B.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Adaptive Model Estimation of Vibration Motion for a Nanopositioner With Moving Horizon Optimized Extended Kalman Filter.
Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement, and Control
Academic article
Hlava, J.;
Opalka, J.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Model predictive control of power plant superheater — Comparison of multi model and nonlinear approaches.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kufoalor, Kwame Minde;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Reconfigurable Fault Tolerant Flight Control based on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Hosseini, Seyed Mohammad Ali;
Fatehi, Alireza;
Sedigh, Ali K.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Automatic model bank selection in multiple model identification of gas turbine dynamics.
Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part I, journal of systems and control engineering
Academic article
Veksler, Aleksander;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Skjetne, Roger.
Thrust allocation with power management functionality on dynamically positioned vessels.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Veksler, Aleksander;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Skjetne, Roger.
Transient power control in dynamic positioning - governor feedforward and dynamic thrust allocation.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Path Planning for UAVs Under Communication Constraints Using SPLAT! and MILP.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Saberi, Ali;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Observers for interconnected nonlinear and linear systems.
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Saberi, Ali.
Attitude Estimation Using Biased Gyro and Vector Measurements With Time-Varying Reference Vectors.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Academic article
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Skjetne, Roger;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Veksler, Aleksander Vladimirovitsj.
Dynamic model predictive control (MPC) for load sharing in electric power plants for ships.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Saberi, Ali.
A Nonlinear Observer for Integration of GNSS and IMU Measurements with Gyro Bias Estimation.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ho, Dac-Tu;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Shimamoto, S;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Optimal Relay Path Selection and Cooperative Communication Protocol for a Swarm of UAVs.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Veksler, Aleksander;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Skjetne, Roger.
Transient power control in dynamic positioning - governor feedforward and dynamic thrust allocation.
IFAC Papers Online
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Explicit Nonlinear Model Predictive Control.
Lecture notes in control and information sciences (429)
Academic monograph
Sui, Dan;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
On the Exponential Stability of Moving Horizon Observer for Globally N-Detectable Nonlinear Systems.
Asian journal of control
Academic article
poloni, tomas;
Rohal-Ilkiv, B;
alberer, D;
del Re, Luigi;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Comparison of Sensor Configurations for Mass Flow Estimation of Turbocharged Diesel Engines.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sui, Dan;
Nybø, Roar;
Hovland, Svein;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Moving Horizon Observer for Estimation of Bottomhole Pressure during Drilling.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Langjord, Hege;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Adaptive nonlinear observer for electro-pneumatic clutch actuator with position sensor.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Path planning for UAVs under Communication Constraints using SPLAT! and MILP.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Feller, Christian;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Olaru, Sorin.
Combinatorial multi-parametric quadratic programming with saturation matrix based pruning.
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Proceedings
Academic article
Wang, Xu;
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Saberi, Ali;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A new low-and-high gain feedback design using MPC for global stabilization of linear systems subject to input saturation.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Task assignment for cooperating UAVs under radio propagation path loss constraints.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Suboptimality analysis of distributed quasi-nonlinear model predictive control.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Distributed MPC-Based Path Planning for UAVs under Radio Communication Path Loss Constraints.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
poloni, tomas;
Eielsen, Arnfinn Aas;
Rohal-Ilkiv, B;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Moving Horizon Observer for Vibration Dynamics with Plant Uncertainties in Nanopositioning System Estimation.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Distributed Path Planning for a UAV Communication Chain by Dual Decomposition.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Sbarbaro, Daniel;
Vauhkonen, M;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Linear inverse problems and state estimation: Regularization, Observability and Convergence.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Hosseini, SeyedMehrdad;
Fatehi, A;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sedigh, AK.
Multiple model bank selection based on nonlinearity measure and H-gap metric.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Glaria, T;
Sbárbaro, D.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Pena, Roberto Javier.
Observer design for linear processes model with implicit nonlinear output map.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Bayat, Farhad;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Jalali, A A.
Flexible Piecewise Function Evaluation Methods Based on Truncated Binary Search Trees and Lattice Representation in Explicit MPC.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Feng, Le;
Gutvik, Christian Ragnar;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sui, Dan;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Approximate Explicit Nonlinear Receding Horizon Control for Decompression of Divers.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Path- and data transmission planning for cooperating UAVs in delay tolerant network.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Veksler, Aleksander;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Skjetne, Roger.
Thrust allocation with power management functionality on dynamically positioned vessels.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bayat, Farhad;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Jalali, A A.
Using hash tables to manage the time-storage complexity in a point location problem: Application to explicit model predictive control.
Academic article
Gutvik, Christian Ragnar;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Optimal Decompression of Divers Procedures for Constraining Predicted Bubble Growth.
Control Systems Magazine
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
kocijan, jus;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Explicit output-feedback nonlinear predictive control based on black-box models.
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Academic article
Hosseini, SeyedMehrdad;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fatehi, A.
Comparison of Nonlinearity Measures based on Time Series Analysis for Nonlinearity Detection.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Saberi, Ali;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Estimation of states and parameters for linear systems with nonlinearly parameterized perturbations.
Systems & control letters (Print)
Academic article
Eielsen, Arnfinn Aas;
poloni, tomas;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Gravdahl, Jan Tommy.
Experimental Comparison of Online Parameter Identification Schemes for a Nanopositioning Stage with Variable Mass.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hanger, Martin Bøgseth;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Mykland, Geir Kåre;
Skullestad, Åge.
Dynamic Model Predictive Control Allocation using CVXGEN.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Saberi, Ali;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Observers for Cascaded Nonlinear and Linear Systems.
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Proceedings
Academic article
Huba, Mikulás;
Skogestad, Sigurd;
Fikar, Miroslav;
Hovd, Morten;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Rohal-Ilkiv, B.
Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control - Workbook.
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Distributed Quasi-Nonlinear Model Predictive Control by Dual Decomposition.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Introduction to Nonlinear Model Predictive Control and Moving Horizon Estimation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Langjord, Hege;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Adaptive observer-based switched control for electropneumatic clutch actuator with position sensor.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Bayat, Farhad;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Jalali, A A.
Flexible piecewise function evaluation methods with application to explicit model predictive control.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bayat, Farhad;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Jalali, A A.
Combining Truncated Binary Search Tree and Direct Search for Flexible Piecewise Function Evaluation for Explicit MPC in Embedded Microcontrollers.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Paasche, Marcel;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Estimation of Bottomhole Pressure during Oil Well Drilling Using Regularized Adaptive Nonlinear Moving Horizon Observer.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Huba, Mikulás;
Skogestad, Sigurd;
Fikar, Miroslav;
Hovd, Morten;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Rohal-Ilkiv, B.
Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Saberi, Ali;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
State and Parameter Estimation for Nonlinearly Parameterized Systems: An H-infinity-Based Approach.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Sui, Dan;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Regularized Nonlinear Moving Horizon Observer – Theory and application to automotive friction estimation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Huba, Mikulás;
Skogestad, Sigurd;
Fikar, Miroslav;
Hovd, Morten;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Rohal-Ilkiv, B.
Preprints of the NIL workshop on Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Sui, Dan;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Exponential Stability of Regularized Moving Horizon Observer for N-Detectable Nonlinear Systems.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sui, Dan;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Moving horizon observer with regularisation for detectable systems without persistence of excitation.
International Journal of Control
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Design and Comparison of Explicit Model Predictive Controllers for an Electropneumatic Clutch Actuator Using ON/OFF Valves.
IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics
Academic article
Langjord, Hege;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear Observer and Control Design for Electropneumatic Clutch Actuation.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (54)
Doctoral dissertation
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Topics in State and Parameter Estimation for Nonlinear and Uncertain Systems.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (88)
Doctoral dissertation
Sui, Dan;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Feng, Le.
Linear Moving Horizon Estimation With Pre-Estimating Observer.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A computational approach to explicit feedback stochastic nonlinear model predictive control.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Langjord, Hege;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear observer and parameter estimation for electropneumatic clutch actuator.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Bakke, Morten;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Skogestad, Sigurd.
Effect of Varying Controller Parameters in Closed-Loop Subspace Identification,.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Feng, Le;
Gutvik, Christian Ragnar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Optimal Decompression Through Multi-parametric Nonlinear Programming.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Bayat, Farhad;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Jalali, A A.
Managing time-storage complexity in point location problem: Application to Explicit Model Predictive Control.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
poloni, tomas;
Rohal-Ilkiv, B;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Damped One-Mode Vibration Model State and Parameter Estimation via Pre-Filtered Moving Horizon Observer.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Sui, Dan;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Moving Horizon Estimation for Tire-Road Friction During Braking.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Kocijan, J;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Dual-mode Explicit Output-feedback Predictive Control Based on Neural Network Models.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Sui, Dan;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Regularized Nonlinear Moving Horizon Observer for Detectable Systems.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Langjord, Hege;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Dual-Mode Switched Control of an Electropneumatic Clutch Actuator.
IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics
Academic article
Elgsæter, Steinar Morisbak;
Slupphaug, Olav;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A structured approach to optimizing offshore oil and gas production with uncertain models.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Tjønnås, Johannes;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Stabilization of Automotive Vehicles Using Active Steering and Adaptive Brake Control Allocation.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole.
Parameter estimation and compensation in systems with nonlinearly parameterized perturbations.
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Hovd, Morten.
The Department of Engineering Cybernetics at NTNU: From 1994 Into the Future.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Le, Feng;
Gutvik, Christian Ragnar;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sui, Dan.
Barrier Function Nonlinear Optimization for Optimal Decompression of Divers.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Saberi, Ali;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
State and Parameter Estimation for Linear Systems with Nonlinearly Parameterized Perturbations.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Imsland, L;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Kalkkuhl, Jens;
Suissa, Avshalom.
Estimation of Road Inclination and Bank Angle in Automotive Vehicles.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Ottermo, Maria Vatshaug;
Stavdahl, Øyvind;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A remote palpation instrument for laparoscopic surgery: Design and performance.
MITAT. Minimally invasive therapy & allied technologies
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Computation, approximation and stability of explicit feedback min-max nonlinear model predictive control.
Academic article
Spjøtvold, Jørgen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Fault Tolerant Control Allocation for a Thruster-Controlled Floating Platform using Parametric Programming.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Spjøtvold, Jørgen;
Kerrigan, Eric C;
Mayne, David Q;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Inf-sup control of discontinuous piecewise affine systems.
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
Academic article
Pivano, Luca;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Smogeli, ON.
A Four-Quadrant Thrust Estimation Scheme for Marine Propellers: Theory and Experiments.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Imsland, L;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Kalkkuhl, Jens;
Suissa, A.
Vehicle Sideslip Estimation: Design, implementation, and experimental validation.
Control Systems Magazine
Academic article
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Perez, Tristan.
A Survey of Control Allocation Methods for Underwater Vehicles.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Approaches to Explicit Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with Reduced Partition Complexity.
European Union Control Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alberding, Matthaus;
Tjønnås, Johannes;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear Hierarchical Control Allocation for Vehicle Yaw Stabilization and Rollover Prevention.
European Union Control Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Explicit Model Predictive Control of an Electropneumatic Clutch Actuator Using On/Off Valves and Pulse-width Modulation.
European Union Control Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Langjord, Hege;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Bratli, Christian.
Dual-mode switched control of an electropneumatic clutch actuator with input restrictions.
European Union Control Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Explicit Approximate Model Predictive Control of Constrained Nonlinear Systems with Quantized Inputs.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pivano, Luca;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Smogeli, ON.
A Four-Quadrant Thrust Controller for Marine Propellers With Loss Estimation and Anti-Spin: Theory and Experiments.
Marine Technology
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Imsland, L.
Estimation and Control for Systems with Nonlinearly Parameterized Perturbations.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Bakkeheim, Jostein;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Smogeli, Øyvind Notland;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan.
Lyapunov-based integrator resetting with application to marine thruster control.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Elgsæter, Steinar Morisbak;
Slupphaug, Olav;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Oil and gas production optimization: Lost potential due to uncertainty.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Langjord, Hege;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Snare, Sten Roar;
Bratli, Christian.
Estimation of electro-pneumatic clutch actuator load characteristics.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Pivano, Luca;
Bakkeheim, Jostein;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Smogeli, Øyvind Notland.
A four-quadrant thrust controller for marine propellers with loss estimation and anti-spin.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Tjønnås, Johannes;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Adaptive Control Allocation.
Academic article
Ottermo, Maria Vatshaug;
Stavdahl, Øyvind;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Design and Performance of a Prototype Tactile Display for Minimally Invasive Surgery.
Academic article
poloni, tomas;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Rohal-Ilkiv, B.
Modeling of air-fuel ratio dynamics of gasoline combustion engine with ARX network.
Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement, and Control
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fuglseth, Thomas Pagaard;
Tøndel, Johan Petter;
Fossen, Thor I..
Optimal constrained control allocation in marine surface vessels with rudders.
Control Engineering Practice
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Kocijan, J;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Explicit stochastic predictive control of combustion plants based on Gaussian process models.
Academic article
Tjønnås, Johannes;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear and Adaptive Dynamic Control Allocation.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (65)
Doctoral dissertation
Bakkeheim, Jostein;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Improved Transient Performance by Lyapunov-based Reset of Dynamic Controllers.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (38)
Doctoral dissertation
Elgsæter, Steinar Morisbak;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Modeling and Optimizing the Offshore Production of Oil and Gas under Uncertainty.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (267)
Doctoral dissertation
Spjøtvold, Jørgen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Parametric Programming in Control Theory.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (94)
Doctoral dissertation
Pivano, Luca;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Thrust Estimation and Control of Marine Propellers in Four-Quadrant Operations.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (20)
Doctoral dissertation
Radan, Damir;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Ådnanes, Alf Kåre;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Reducing power load fluctuations on ships using power redistribution control.
Marine Technology
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Kalkkuhl, Jens;
Suissa, Avshalom.
Nonlinear Observer for Vehicle Velocity with Friction and Road Bank Angle Adaptation - Validation and Comparison with an Extended Kalman Filter.
Society of Automotive Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Kalkkuhl, Jens C.;
Suissa, Avshalom.
Nonlinear vehicle side-slip estimation with friction adaptation.
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Hvor fort går det?.
AMNYTT Magazine
Popular scientific article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Hvor fort går det?.
Automatisering & Industridata
Popular scientific article
Tjønnås, Johannes;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Optimizing Adaptive Control Allocation with Actuator Dynamics.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Tjønnås, Johannes;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
On Optimizing Nonlinear Adaptive Control Allocation With Actuator Dynamics.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Sande, Hege;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole;
Snare, Sten Roar;
Bratli, Christian.
Switched backstepping control of an electropneumatic clutch actuator using on/off valves.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Imsland, L;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
On nonlinear unknown input observers - applied to lateral vehicle velocity estimation on banked roads.
International Journal of Control
Academic article
Bakkeheim, Jostein;
Pivano, Luca;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Smogeli, Øyvind Notland.
Integrator Reset Anti-spin for Marine Thrusters Operating in Four-Quadrants and Extreme Sea Conditions.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
poloni, tomas;
Rohal-Ilkiv, B;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Multiple ARX model-based air-fuel ratio predictive control for SI engines.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Bieker, Hans Petter;
Slupphaug, Olav;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Real time production optimization of offshore oil and gas production systems: A technology survey.
SPE Production & Operations
Academic article
Pivano, Luca;
Whitcomb, Louis L.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Preliminary Simulation Studies of a New Four-Quadrant Propeller Thrust Controller Applied to Underwater Vehicles.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Blanke, Mogens;
Pivano, Luca;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
An Efficiency Optimizing Propeller Speed Control for Ships in Moderate Seas - Model Experiments and Simulation.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Pivano, Luca;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Smogeli, Øyvind Notland;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Nonlinear Thrust Controller for Marine Propellers in Four-Quadrant Operations.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
van de Ven, PWJ;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Flanagan, C;
Toal, D.
Neural network augmented identification of underwater vehicle models.
Control Engineering Practice
Academic article
Bieker, Hans Petter;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Topics in Offshore Oil Production Optimization using Real-Time Data.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (148)
Doctoral dissertation
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Tøndel, Johan Petter.
Computational Aspects of Approximate Explicit Nonlinear Model Predictive Control.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Børhaug, Even;
Pivano, Luca;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad.
A Model-based Ocean Current Obeserver for 6DOF Underwater Vehicles.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Jackson, W;
Schreiber, R;
Tøndel, Johan Petter.
Hardware synthesis of explicit model predictive controllers.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Spjøtvold, Jørgen;
Tøndel, Johan Petter;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Continuous selection and unique polyhedral representation of solutions to convex parametric quadratic programs.
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
Academic article
Radan, Damir;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Inertial Control of Marine Engines and Propellers.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Tjønnås, Johannes;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Optimizing nonlinear adaptive control allocation.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Tjønnås, Johannes;
Chaillet, Antoine;
Panteley, Elena;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Cascade lemma for set-stable systems.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Sparbaro, Daniel;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Analysis of Artificial Neural Networks for Pattern-Based Adaptive Control.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
Academic article
Bakkeheim, Jostein;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Transient performance, estimator resetting and filtering in nonlinear multiple model adaptive backstepping control.
IEE Proceedings - Control Theory and Applications
Academic article
Bakkeheim, Jostein;
Smogeli, Øyvind Notland;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan.
Improved Transient Performance by Lyapunov-based Integrator Reset of PI Thruster Control in Extreme Seas.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Tjønnås, Johannes;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Adaptive optimizing dynamic control allocation algorithm for yaw stabilisation of an automotive vehicle using brakes.
IEEE conference proceedings
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Ottermo, Maria Vatshaug;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Virtual Palpation Gripper.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (95)
Doctoral dissertation
Idsø, Einar Skavland;
Saunders, Benjamin A;
Duffell, Lynsey;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Hunt, Kenneth J..
Quantitative assessment of force distribution for FES cycling.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Jackson, Warren;
Schrieber, Robert;
Tøndel, Johan Petter.
Hardware Architecture Design for Explicit Model Predictive Control.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Van de Ven, Pepijn W.J.;
Refsnes, Jon E. Gorset;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Flanagan, Colin;
Toal, Daniel.
Identification of MineSniper's Damping Parameters using Neural Networks.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Radan, Damir;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Ådnanes, Alf Kåre.
Prabability Based Generator commitment. Optimization in Ship Power System Design.
WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Spjøtvold, Jørgen;
Rakovic, Sasa V;
Tøndel, Petter;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Utilizing Reachability Analysis in Point Location Problems.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Explicit Approximate Approach to Feedback Min-Max Model Predictive Control of Constrained Nonlinear Systems.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Spjøtvold, Jørgen;
Kerrigan, Eric C;
Jones, Colin N.;
Tøndel, Johan Petter;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
On the Facet-to-Facet Property of Solutions to Convex Parametric Quadratic Programs.
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor Inge;
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Kalkkuhl, Jens;
Suissa, Avshalom.
Vehicle velocity estimation using nonlinear observers.
Academic article
Ottermo, Maria Vatshaug;
Øvstedal, Marit;
Langø, Thomas;
Stavdahl, Øyvind;
Yavuz, Yunus;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
The role of tactile feedback in laparoscopic surgery.
Surgical laparoscopy, endoscopy & percutaneous techniques
Academic article
Pivano, Luca;
Smogeli, Øyvind Notland;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Marine Propeller Thrust Estimation Scheme in Four-Quadrant Operations.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Imsland, Lars;
Johansen, Tor A.;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Kalkkuhl, Jens C.;
Suissa, Avshalom.
Nonlinear Vehicle Velocity Observer with Road-Tire Friction Adaptation.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Pivano, Luca;
Fossen, Thor Inge;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Pivano, Luca;
Smogeli, Øyvind Notland;
Fossen, Thor Inge;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Survey of explicit approaches to constrained optimal control.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Survey of explicit approaches to constrained optimal control.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Tjønnås, Johannes;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Adaptive Optimizing Nonlinear Control Allocation.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Radan, Damir;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Ådnanes, Alf Kåre.
Optimization Of Load Dependent Start Tables in Marine Power Management Systems with Blackout Prevention.
WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sbarbaro, Daniel.
Lyapunov-based Optimizing Control of Nonlinear Blending Processes.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor Inge;
Kalkkuhl, J.C.;
Suissa, Avshalom.
Vehicle Velocity Estimation using Nonlinear Observers.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Spjøtvold, Jørgen;
Tøndel, Johan Petter;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Method for Obtaining Continuous Solutions to Multiparametric Linear Programs.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor Inge;
Tøndel, Johan Petter.
Efficient optimal constrained control allocation via multiparametric programming.
Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics
Academic article
Hansen, Jostein;
Murray-Smith, Roderick;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonparametric Identification of Linearizations and Uncertainty using Gaussian Process Models - Application to Robust Wheel Slip Control.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Explicit min-max model predictive control of constrained nonlinear systems with model uncertainty.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Journal publications
Tengesdal, Trym;
Pedersen, Tom Arne;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Comparative Study of Rapidly-exploring Random Tree Algorithms Applied to Ship Trajectory Planning and Behavior Generation.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Eide, Egil Sverre;
Breivik, Morten;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Wilthil, Erik Falmår;
Helgesen, Øystein Kaarstad.
The Autonomous Urban Passenger Ferry milliAmpere2: Design and Testing.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Sigernes, Fred;
Birkeland, Roger;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Øvrebø, Henrik;
Brovold, Håvard;
Bakken, Sivert.
Near infra-red black silicon pushbroom hyperspectral imager.
Optics Continuum
Academic article
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Langer, Dennis David;
Berg, Simen;
Nieke, Jens;
Ionescu, Radu Tudor;
Kjeldsberg, Per Gunnar.
Hyperspectral Image Segmentation for Optimal Satellite Operations: In-Orbit Deployment of 1D-CNN.
Remote Sensing
Academic article
Løw-Hansen, Bogdan;
Hann, Richard;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Deiler, Christoph.
Modeling and identification of a small fixed-wing UAV using estimated aerodynamic angles.
CEAS Aeronautical Journal
Academic article
Bakken, Sivert;
Zolich, Artur;
Sørensen, Kai;
Marty, Sabine;
Harvey, E. Therese;
Grant, Stephen Denis.
Initial Field Evaluation of an On-Water Radiometry Robot for Water Quality and Satellite Validation .
Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress
Academic article
Berg, Simen;
Langer, Dennis David;
Chiatante, Corrado;
Birkeland, Roger;
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Onboard classification to guide capture downlink using the HYPSO-1 satellite.
Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress
Academic article
Walthall, R;
David, A;
Farell, J;
Hann, Richard;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Aerospace Developments: Vol. 2.
SAE technical paper series
Feature article
Tran, Celine Uyen Tram;
Øveraas, Henning;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
ROV recovery with wave-motion compensation using model predictive control.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Moreira Fragoso, Glaucia;
Dallolio, Alberto;
Grant, Stephen Denis;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Ellingsen, Ingrid Helene;
Johnsen, Geir.
The Role of Rapid Changes in Weather on Phytoplankton Spring Bloom Dynamics From Mid-Norway Using Multiple Observational Platforms.
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Oceans
Academic article
Hagen, Inger Berge;
Knutsen, Karen Solem;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Brekke, Edmund Førland.
Exploration of COLREG-relevant parameters from historical AIS-data.
Journal of navigation
Academic article
Faltynkova, Andrea;
Deschenes, Catherine;
Zolich, Artur;
Wagner, Martin;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Johnsen, Geir.
Use of an uncrewed surface vehicle and near infrared hyperspectral imaging for sampling and analysis of aquatic microplastics.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Hagen, Inger Berge;
Murvold, Martin Navarsete;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Brekke, Edmund Førland.
Grounding hazard considerations in evaluation of COLREGS collision avoidance algorithms.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Røang, Simen Troye;
Fossen, Thor Inge;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Academic article
Moreira Fragoso, Glaucia;
Dallolio, Alberto;
Grant, Stephen Denis;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Ellingsen, Ingrid Helene;
Johnsen, Geir.
The Role of Rapid Changes in Weather on Phytoplankton Spring Bloom Dynamics Captured by an Autonomous Uncrewed Surface Vehicle.
Earth and Space Science
Academic article
Kristiansen, Bjørn Andreas;
Gravdahl, Jan Tommy;
Gros, Sebastien Nicolas;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Energy Optimal Attitude Control and Task Execution for a Solar-Powered Spacecraft.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Ghita, Alexandru;
Kovac, Daniel;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Georgescu, Mariana-Iuliana;
Gonzalez-Llorente, Jesus.
Semantic Segmentation in Satellite Hyperspectral Imagery by Deep Learning.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
Academic article
Hasler, Oliver Kevin;
Løvås, Håvard Snefjellå;
Oudijk, Adrienne Esmeralda;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
From Do-It-Yourself Design to Discovery: A Comprehensive Approach to Hyperspectral Imaging from Drones.
Remote Sensing
Academic article
Tengesdal, Trym;
Gros, Sebastien Nicolas;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Real-time Feasible Usage of Radial Basis Functions for Representing Unstructured Environments in Optimal Ship Control.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Phased Array Radio Navigation: UAV Field Tests During GNSS Jamming.
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
Academic article
Sbarbaro, Daniel;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Yañez, Jorge.
A Prediction Error Adaptive Kalman filter for online spectral measurement correction and concentration estimation.
Computer-aided chemical engineering
Academic article
Sollie, Martin Lysvand;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Automatic Recovery of Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using Bluetooth Angle-of-Arrival Navigation.
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
Academic article
Mounet, Raphaël Emile Gilbert;
Nielsen, Ulrik Dam;
Brodtkorb, Astrid H.;
Øveraas, Henning;
Dallolio, Alberto;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Data-driven method for hydrodynamic model estimation applied to an unmanned surface vehicle.
Academic article
Okuhara, Mika;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Elevation Angle Redundancy from Barometric Altitude in Multipath-affected Phased Array Radio Navigation of UAVs.
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
Academic article
Langer, Dennis David;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Kristiansen, Bjørn Andreas;
Bakken, Sivert;
Berg, Simen;
Birkeland, Roger.
Agile Maneuvers for Push-Broom Imaging Satellites.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Academic article
Tran, Hoang Anh;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Negenborn, Rudy.
Parallel distributed collision avoidance with intention consensus based on ADMM.
Academic article
Tengesdal, Trym;
Rothmund, Sverre Velten;
Basso, Erlend Andreas;
Schmidt-Didlaukies, Henrik;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Obstacle Intention Awareness in Automatic Ship Collision Avoidance: Full-Scale Experiments in Confined Waters.
Field Robotics
Academic article
Larsen, Stefan;
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Walmsness, Jens Emil;
Kufoalor, Giorgio Kwame Minde;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Automatic docking with extended dynamic positioning.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Berg, Simen;
Bakken, Sivert;
Birkeland, Roger;
Chiatante, Corrado;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Ground systems software for automatic operation of the HYPSO-2 hyperspectral imaging satellite.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Sigernes, Fred;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Comparing Filters for Correction of Second Order Diffraction Effects in Hyperspectral Imagers.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Bakken, Sivert;
Luis, Kelly;
Johnsen, Geir;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Evaluating hyperspectral Secchi depth retrieval through hybrid modeling and regression.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Penne, Cameron Louis;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Orlandic, Milica;
Heggebø, Ragna.
Independent component analysis: A tool for algal bloom detection.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Kristiansen, Bjørn Andreas;
Langer, Dennis David;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Berg, Simen;
Gravdahl, Jan Tommy;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Accuracy of a slew maneuver for the HYPSO-1 hyperspectral imaging satellite — in-orbit results.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Bakken, Sivert;
Langer, Dennis David;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Le Moan, Steven Yves;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Spatial Resolution Enhancement of Hyperspectral Images from Miniaturized Sensors.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Reinhardt, Dirk Peter;
Gros, Sebastien Nicolas;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Fixed-Wing UAV Path-Following Control via NMPC on the Lowest Level.
IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA)
Academic article
Hasler, Oliver Kevin;
Winter, Adrian;
Langer, Dennis David;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Lightweight UAV payload for image spectroscopy and atmospheric irradiance measurements.
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium proceedings
Academic article
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Ludvigsen, Martin;
Sivertsen, Eirik Selnæs;
Johnsen, Geir;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Hvem skal samle inn, forvalte og ha tilgang til informasjon om havområdene? .
Feature article
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Ludvigsen, Martin;
Sivertsen, Eirik;
Johnsen, Geir;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Hvem skal samle inn, forvalte og ha tilgang til informasjon om havområdene? .
Feature article
Deschenes, C;
Zolich, Artur;
Wagner, Martin;
Johnsen, Geir;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Faltynkova, Andrea.
Unmanned vehicle and hyperspectral imager for a more rapid microplastics sampling and analysis.
Academic article
Langer, Dennis David;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan.
Method for consistent along-track sharpness in a push-broom imaging system.
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium proceedings
Academic article
Sbarbaro, Daniel;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Yanez, JP.
Adaptive Kalman filter for on-line spectroscopic sensor corrections.
International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT)
Academic article
Grøtte, Mariusz Eivind;
Gravdahl, Jan Tommy;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Constrained Control Allocation and Tuning Scheme for Hybrid Actuators in Spacecraft Attitude Control.
Academic article
Kristiansen, Bjørn Andreas;
Gravdahl, Jan Tommy;
Gros, Sebastien Nicolas;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Energy optimal attitude control of a satellite actuated by magnetorquers in minimum time.
IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA)
Academic article
Hasler, Oliver Kevin;
Løvås, Håvard Snefjellå;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Direct georeferencing for Hyperspectral Imaging of ocean surface.
IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Øveraas, Henning;
Dallolio, Alberto;
De La Torre, Pedro R.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Monitoring the Growth of Coastal Algae Blooms in Harsh Weather Conditions Using a Wave-Propelled ASV: Challenges and Lessons Learned.
Field Robotics
Academic article
Negenborn, Rudy;
Goerlandt, Floris;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Slaets, P;
Valdez Banda, O. A;
Vanelslander, Thierry.
Autonomous ships are on the horizon: here’s what we need to know.
Academic article
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Langer, Dennis David;
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Tudor Ionescu, Radu;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
An Open Hyperspectral Dataset with Sea-Land-Cloud Ground-Truth from the HYPSO-1 Satellite.
Academic article
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Georgescu, Mariana-Iuliana;
Tudor Ionescu, Radu;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Sea-Land-Cloud Segmentation in Satellite Hyperspectral Imagery by Deep Learning.
Academic article
Langer, Dennis David;
Berg, Simen;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Birkeland, Roger;
Bakken, Sivert;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Agile smallsat operation tool-chain development: Hypso-1 hyperspectral earth observation experiences.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Akdag, Melih;
Pedersen, Tom Arne;
Fossen, Thor Inge;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A decision support system for autonomous ship trajectory planning.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Ludvigsen, Martin;
Sivertsen, Eirik Selnæs;
Johnsen, Geir;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Hvem skal samle inn, forvalte og ha tilgang til informasjon om havområdene? .
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Ludvigsen, Martin;
Siversten, Eirik;
Johnsen, Geir;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Who should collect, manage and have access to data from the oceans?.
Feature article
oudijk, AE;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Johnsen, Geir;
Alver, Morten Omholt.
Simulating Hyperspectral Datacubes for Ocean Color: A Foundation for Phytoplankton Recognition in Spectral Signatures.
Academic article
Navarro-Medina, Fermin;
Oudijk, Adriënne Esmeralda;
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Garcia-Luis, Uxia;
Gomez-San Juan, Alejandro;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Structural thermal optical performance (STOP) analysis and experimental verification of an hyperspectral imager for the HYPSO CubeSat.
Optics and lasers in engineering
Academic article
Winter, Adrian;
Sokolova, Nadezda;
Morrison, Aiden J;
Hasler, Oliver Kevin;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Low-Cost Angle of Arrival-Based Auxiliary Navigation System for UAV using Signals of Opportunity.
IEEE - ION Position Location and Navigation Symposium
Academic article
Bosdelekidis, Vasileios;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sokolova, Nadezda;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland.
Solution Separation-Based Integrity Monitor for Integrated GNSS/IMU/Camera Navigation: Constraining the Hypothesis Space With Deep Learning.
IEEE - ION Position Location and Navigation Symposium
Academic article
Williamson, David Roddan;
Moreira Fragoso, Glaucia;
Majaneva, Sanna Kristiina;
Dallolio, Alberto;
Halvorsen, Daniel Ørnes;
Hasler, Oliver Kevin.
Monitoring Algal Blooms with Complementary Sensors on Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales.
Academic article
Bakken, Sivert;
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Birkeland, Roger;
Langer, Dennis David;
Oudijk, Adriënne Esmeralda;
Berg, Simen.
HYPSO-1 CubeSat: First Images and In-Orbit Characterization.
Remote Sensing
Academic article
Tran, Hoang Anh;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Negenborn, Rudy.
Collision avoidance of autonomous ships in inland waterways – A survey and open research problems.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Bøhn, Eivind Eigil;
Coates, Erlend M.;
Reinhardt, Dirk Peter;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Data-Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning for Attitude Control of Fixed-Wing UAVs: Field Experiments.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
Academic article
Okuhara, Mika;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Phased Array Radio Navigation System on UAVs: In-Flight Calibration.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Blindheim, Simon André Johnsen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer.
Risk-based supervisory control for autonomous ship navigation.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Sollie, Martin Lysvand;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Reducing Ground Reflection Multipath Errors for Bluetooth Angle-of-Arrival Estimation by Combining Independent Antenna Arrays.
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters
Academic article
Navarro-Medina, Fermin;
Oudijk, Adriënne Esmeralda;
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Gjersvik, Amund;
Grønvold, Fredrik Sommerfelt;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Experimental set-up of a thermal vacuum chamber for thermal model in-house correlation and characterization of the HYPSO hyperspectral imager.
CEAS Space Journal
Academic article
Løw-Hansen, Bogdan;
Müller, Nicolas Carlo;
Coates, Erlend Magnus Lervik;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Hann, Richard.
Identification of an Electric UAV Propulsion System in Icing Conditions.
SAE technical paper series
Academic article
Cheung, Michael;
Hann, Richard;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
UAV Icing: Icing Cases for Validation of Path Planning Method.
SAE technical paper series
Academic article
Okuhara, Mika;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Phased Array Radio Navigation System on UAVs: Real-Time Implementation of In-flight Calibration.
Academic article
Berget, Gunhild Elisabeth;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Alver, Morten Omholt;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Dynamic stochasticmodeling for adaptive sampling of environmental
variables using an AUV.
Autonomous Robots
Academic article
Tran, Celine Uyen Tram;
Gushkov, Ivan Ivanov;
Nordvik, Kristoffer;
Røang, Simen Troye;
Lysthaug, Simen Brodalen;
Ommani, Babak.
Operability analysis of control system for ROV launch-and-recovery from autonomous surface vessel.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Bøhn, Eivind Eigil;
Gros, Sebastien Nicolas;
Moe, Signe;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Optimization of the model predictive control meta-parameters through reinforcement learning.
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Academic article
Blindheim, Simon André Johnsen;
Rokseth, Børge;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Autonomous Machinery Management for Supervisory Risk Control Using Particle Swarm Optimization.
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE)
Academic article
Walmsness, Jens Emil;
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Larsen, Stefan;
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Automatic dock-to-dock control system for surface vessels using bumpless transfer.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Langer, Dennis David;
Orlandic, Milica;
Bakken, Sivert;
Birkeland, Roger;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Robust and Reconfigurable On-Board Processing for a Hyperspectral Imaging Small Satellite.
Remote Sensing
Academic article
Rothmund, Sverre Velten;
Thieme, Christoph Alexander;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Bayesian Approach to Risk-Based Autonomy, with Applications to Contact-Based Drone Inspections.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Johansen, Thomas;
Blindheim, Simon André Johnsen;
Torben, Tobias Valentin Rye;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan.
Development and testing of a risk-based control system for autonomous ships.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Hagen, Inger Berge;
Vassbotn, Olav Sigmund;
Skogvold, Morten;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Brekke, Edmund Førland.
Safety and COLREG evaluation for marine collision avoidance algorithms.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Øveraas, Henning;
Halvorsen, Håkon Skogland;
Landstad, Olav;
Smines, Vidar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Dynamic Positioning Using Model Predictive Control With Short-Term Wave Prediction.
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering
Academic article
Hatleskog, Johan;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Bjørne, Elias ;
Utstumo, Trygve.
Line-of-Sight Path Following for Input-Constrained Differential Drive Mobile Robots.
IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA)
Academic article
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Prentice, Elizabeth;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sigernes, Fred.
Pre-Launch Calibration of the HYPSO-1 Cubesat Hyperspectral Imager.
IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Hagen, Inger Berge;
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Brekke, Edmund Førland.
Scenario-Based Model Predictive Control with Different Numbers of Decision Steps for COLREGS Compliant Ship Collision Avoidance.
Academic article
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Kristiansen, Kjetil Sekse;
Vik, Bjørnar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Quay Contact Detection for Ships using
Motion Sensors and Machine Learning.
Academic article
Langer, Dennis D.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan.
Interactive hyperspectral data inspection during field operations.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Prentice, Elizabeth Frances;
van Hazendonk, Charlotte Maartje;
Sigernes, Fred;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Do-it-yourself VIS/NIR pushbroom hyperspectral imager with C-mount optics.
Optics Continuum
Academic article
Winter, Adrian;
Sokolova, Nadezda;
Morrison, Aiden J;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
GNSS-Denied Navigation using Direction of Arrival from Low-Cost Software Defined Radios and Signals of Opportunity.
EUCASS Proceedings Series
Academic article
Bosdelekidis, Vasileios;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Sokolova, Nadezda;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Navigation Algorithm-Agnostic Integrity Monitoring based on Solution Separation with Constrained Computation Time and Sensor Noise Overbounding.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Prentice, Elizabeth;
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn;
Bakken, Sivert;
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Birkeland, Roger;
Hjertenæs, Martine Aasen.
Pre-Launch Assembly, Integration, and Testing Strategy of a Hyperspectral Imaging CubeSat, HYPSO-1.
Remote Sensing
Academic article
Sollie, Martin Lysvand;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Outdoor Navigation Using Bluetooth Angle-of-Arrival Measurements.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Eide, Egil;
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Wilthil, Erik Falmår;
Breivik, Morten;
Skjellaug, Even.
milliAmpere: An Autonomous Ferry Prototype.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Akdag, Melih;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Collaborative Collision Avoidance for Autonomous Ships Using Informed Scenario-Based Model Predictive Control.
Academic article
Rothmund, Sverre Velten;
Tengesdal, Trym;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Intention modeling and inference for autonomous collision avoidance at sea.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Akdag, Melih;
Solnør, Petter;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Collaborative collision avoidance for Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships: A review.
Ocean Engineering
Academic literature review
Tengesdal, Trym;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Grande, Tom Daniel;
Blindheim, Simon André Johnsen.
Ship Collision Avoidance and Anti Grounding Using Parallelized Cost Evaluation in Probabilistic Scenario-Based Model Predictive Control.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Nordvik, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
On compensation for wave-induced roll in dynamic positioning control.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Langer, Dennis D.;
Prentice, Elizabeth;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan.
Validation of hyperspectral camera operations with an experimental aircraft.
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium proceedings
Academic article
Prentice, Elizabeth;
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Navarro Medina, F;
Gomez San Juan, A.
Characterizing Spectral Response in Thermal Environments, the HYPSO-1 Hyperspectral Imager.
IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Coates, Erlend M.;
Reinhardt, Dirk Peter;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Toward Nonlinear Flight Control for Fixed-Wing UAVs: System Architecture, Field Experiments, and Lessons Learned.
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
Academic article
Kleiven, Ruben;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Robust and Gain-Scheduled Flight Control of Fixed-Wing UAVs in Wind and Icing Conditions.
IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Jellum, Erling Rennemo;
Orlandic, Milica;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland.
Solving Sparse Assignment Problems on FPGAs.
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO)
Academic article
Reinhardt, Dirk Peter;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Modeling of the Skywalker X8 Fixed-Wing UAV: Flight Tests and System Identification.
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
Academic article
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Fuglestad, Torbjørn;
Cisek, Krzysztof Piotr;
Vik, Bjørnar;
Kjerstad, Øivind Kåre;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Inertial Navigation Aided by Ultra-Wideband Ranging for Ship Docking and Harbor Maneuvering.
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering
Academic article
Blindheim, Simon André Johnsen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Particle Swarm Optimization for Dynamic Risk-Aware Path Following for Autonomous Ships.
Academic article
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Sigernes, Fred;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Closer Look At A Spectrographic Wavelength Calibration.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Bakken, Sivert;
Danielsen, Aksel Skrøvset;
Døsvik, Kristine;
Garrett, Joseph;
Orlandic, Milica;
Langer, Dennis D..
A modular hyperspectral image processing pipeline for cubesats.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Garrett, Joseph;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sigernes, Fred.
Comparing pre- and post-launch images from the HYPSO-1 cubesat hyperspectral imager.
Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress
Academic article
Garrett, Joseph;
Singh, N;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Necoara, Ion.
Accelerating support vector machines for remote platforms by increasing sparsity.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Oudijk, Esmée;
Hasler, Oliver Kevin;
Øveraas, Henning;
Marty, Sabine;
Williamson, David Roddan;
Svendsen, Torbjørn Karl.
Campaign For Hyperspectral Data Validation In North Atlantic Coastal Waters.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Birkeland, Roger;
Quintana DÃaz, Gara;
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn;
Ekman, Torbjörn;
Agelet, Fernando Aguado;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Development of a multi-purpose SDR payload for the
HYPSO-2 satellite.
IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Ge, Yaolin;
Olaisen, André Julius Hovd;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Jain, Ravinder Praveen Kumar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Long-Horizon Informative Path Planning with Obstacles and Time Constraints.
Academic article
Dallolio, Alberto;
Øveraas, Henning;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Gain-scheduled steering control for a wave-propelled unmanned surface vehicle.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Lupu, Daniela;
Necoara, Ion;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Stochastic Higher-Order Independent Component Analysis for Hyperspectral Dimensionality Reduction.
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging
Academic article
Bakken, Sivert;
Birkeland, Roger;
Garrett, Joseph;
Marton, Per Amund Roaulsson;
Orlandic, Milica;
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn.
Testing of Software-Intensive Hyperspectral Imaging Payload for the HYPSO-1 CubeSat.
IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration
Academic article
Bakken, Sivert;
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn;
Birkeland, Roger;
Orlandic, Milica;
Prentice, Elizabeth Frances;
Garrett, Joseph.
Software Development and Integration of a Hyperspectral Imaging Payload for HYPSO-1.
IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration
Academic article
Dallolio, Alberto;
Øveraas, Henning;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Fossen, Thor Inge;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Design and Validation of a Course Control System for a Wave-Propelled Unmanned Surface Vehicle.
Field Robotics
Academic article
Kim, Jonghyuk;
Guivant, Jose;
Sollie, Martin Lysvand;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Compressed pseudo-SLAM: pseudorange-integrated compressed simultaneous localisation and mapping for unmanned aerial vehicle navigation.
Journal of navigation
Academic article
Hann, Richard;
Enache, Adriana;
Nielsen, Mikkel Cornelius;
Stovner, Bård Nagy;
Van Beeck, Jeroen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Experimental Heat Loads for Electrothermal Anti-Icing and De-Icing on UAVs .
Academic article
Garrett, Joseph;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Orlandic, Milica;
Bashir, Muhammad Ahsan;
Raeissi, Bahman.
Detecting Pinholes in Coatings with Hyperspectral Imaging.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Reinhardt, Dirk Peter;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Control of Fixed-Wing UAV Attitude and Speed based on Embedded Nonlinear Model Predictive Control.
Academic article
Bøhn, Eivind Eigil;
Gros, Sebastien;
Moe, Signe;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Optimization of the Model Predictive Control Update Interval Using Reinforcement Learning.
Academic article
Haaland, Ole Max;
Wenz, Andreas Wolfgang;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Hann, Richard;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Detection and isolation of propeller icing and electric propulsion system faults in fixed-wing UAVs.
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
Academic article
Helgesen, HÃ¥kon Hagen;
Bryne, Torleiv HÃ¥land;
Wilthil, Erik Falmår;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Camera-Based Tracking of Floating Objects using Fixed-wing UAVs.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Borge, Ole Martin;
Bakken, Sivert;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Atmospheric Correction of Hyperspectral Data Over Coastal Waters Based on Machine Learning Models.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Oudijk, Adriënne Esmeralda;
Sigernes, Fred;
Mulders, Hjalmar C. J.;
Bakken, Sivert;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Quality Assessments of Standard Video Compression Techniques Applied to Hyperspectral Data Cubes.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Bakken, Sivert;
Johnsen, Geir;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Analysis and Model Development of Direct Hyperspectral Chlorophyll-A Estimation for Remote Sensing Satellites.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Bøhn, Eivind Eigil;
Gros, Sebastien;
Moe, Signe;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Reinforcement Learning of the Prediction Horizon in Model Predictive Control.
Academic article
Reinhardt, Dirk Peter;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control combined with Geometric Attitude and Speed Control for Fixed-Wing UAVs.
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
Academic article
Coates, Erlend M.;
Griffiths, Jenny Bogen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Robust Reduced-Attitude Control of Fixed-Wing UAVs using a Generalized Multivariable Super-Twisting Algorithm.
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
Academic article
Arnegaard, Ola Tranum;
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Helgesen, HÃ¥kon Hagen;
Kemna, Stephanie;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Detection of objects on the ocean surface from a UAV with visual and thermal cameras: A machine learning approach.
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
Academic article
Landstad, Olav;
Halvorsen, Håkon Skogland;
Ãveraas, Henning;
Smines, Vidar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Dynamic positioning of ROV in the wave zone during launch and recovery from a small surface vessel.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Hann, Richard;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
UAV icing: the influence of airspeed and chord length on performance degradation.
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology
Academic article
Sollie, Martin Lysvand;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Planning approach trajectories to enable late aborts for fixed-wing UAV recovery on ships.
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
Academic article
Okuhara, Mika;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Phased Array Radio Navigation System on UAVs: GNSS-based Calibration in the Field.
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
Academic article
Garrett, Joseph;
Bakken, Sivert;
Prentice, Elizabeth Frances;
Langer, Dennis D.;
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn.
Hyperspectral Image Processing Pipelines on Multiple Platforms for Coordinated Oceanographic Observation.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Tengesdal, Trym;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Brekke, Edmund Førland.
Ship Collision Avoidance Utilizing the Cross-Entropy Method for Collision Risk Assessment.
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS)
Academic article
Kristiansen, Bjørn Andreas;
Gravdahl, Jan Tommy;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Energy optimal attitude control for a solar-powered spacecraft.
European Journal of Control
Academic article
Grøtte, Mariusz Eivind;
Birkeland, Roger;
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn;
Bakken, Sivert;
Garrett, Joseph;
Prentice, Elizabeth Frances.
Ocean Color Hyperspectral Remote Sensing With High Resolution and Low Latency--The HYPSO-1 CubeSat Mission.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Academic article
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Sollie, Martin Lysvand;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Control System Architecture for Automatic Recovery of Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in a Moving Arrest System.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Blindheim, Simon;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Electronic Navigational Charts for Visualization, Simulation, and Autonomous Ship Control.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Du, Jingjing;
Chen, J;
Li, J;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Multiple Model Predictive Control for nonlinear systems based on Self-balanced Multimodel Decomposition.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Dallolio, Alberto;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Fossen, Thor Inge;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Experimental Validation of a Nonlinear Wave Encounter Frequency Estimator Onboard a Wave-Propelled USV.
Academic article
Dallolio, Alberto;
Quintana Díaz, Gara;
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn;
Garrett, Joseph;
Birkeland, Roger;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Satellite-USV System for Persistent Observation of Mesoscale Oceanographic Phenomena.
Remote Sensing
Academic article
Raeissi, Bahman;
Bashir, Muhammad Ahsan;
Garrett, Joseph;
Orlandic, Milica;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Skramstad, Torbjørn.
Detection of different chemical binders in coatings using hyperspectral imaging.
Journal of Coatings Technology and Research (JCTR)
Academic article
Danielsen, Aksel Skrøvset;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Garrett, Joseph.
Self-organizing maps for clustering hyperspectral images on-board a cubesat.
Remote Sensing
Academic article
Ho, Tu Dac;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
PSO and Kalman Filter-Based Node Motion Prediction for Data
Collection from Ocean Wireless Sensors Network with UAV.
IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics
Academic article
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Haugen, Joakim;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Adaptive sampling for UAV sensor network in oil spill management.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Tengesdal, Trym;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
On Collision Risk Assessment for Autonomous Ships Using Scenario-Based MPC.
Academic article
Rotondo, Damiano;
Efimov, Denis;
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Estimation in uncertain switched systems using a bank of interval observers: local vs glocal approach.
Academic article
Sbarbaro, Daniel;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
On-line calibration of spectroscopic sensors based on state observers.
Academic article
Bøhn, Eivind Eigil;
Moe, Signe;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Accelerating Reinforcement Learning with Suboptimal Guidance.
Academic article
Grøtte, Mariusz Eivind;
Gravdahl, Jan Tommy;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Larsen, Jesper A;
Vidal, Edgar M;
Surma, Egidijus.
Spacecraft Attitude and Angular Rate Tracking using Reaction Wheels and Magnetorquers.
Academic article
Blindheim, Simon;
Gros, Sebastien;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Risk-Based Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Ship Emergency Management.
Academic article
Ringbäck, R;
Wei, J;
Erstorp, E S;
Kuttenkeuler, Jakob;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Johansson, Karl Henrik.
Multi-Agent Formation Tracking for Autonomous Surface Vehicles.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Pannocchia, Gabriele;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Mönnigmann, Martin;
Kvasnica, Michal;
Klauco, Martin.
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Ruud, Bent Ole.
Characterization of seabed properties from Scholte waves acquired on floating ice on shallow water.
Near Surface Geophysics
Academic article
Boskovic, Dordije;
Orlandic, Milica;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A reconfigurable multi-mode implementation of hyperspectral target detection algorithms.
Microprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design (MICPRO)
Academic article
Haring, Mark;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
On the stability bounds of Kalman filters for linear deterministic discrete-time systems.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Academic article
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Unmanned Aircraft Flight Control Aided by Phased-Array Radio Navigation.
Journal of Field Robotics (JFR)
Academic article
Fortuna, João;
Martens, Harald Aagaard;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Multivariate Image Fusion: A Pipeline For Hyperspectral Data Enhancement.
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems
Academic article
Reinhardt, Dirk Peter;
Coates, Erlend Magnus Lervik;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Hybrid Control of Fixed-Wing UAVs for Large-Angle Attitude Maneuvers on the Two-Sphere.
Academic article
Olofsson, Harald Lennart Jonatan;
Hendeby, Gustaf;
Lauknes, Tom Rune;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Multi-agent informed path planning using the probability hypothesis density.
Autonomous Robots
Academic article
Hovenburg, Anthony Reinier;
Andrade, Fabio Augusto de Alcantara;
Hann, Richard;
Rodin, Christopher D;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Storvold, Rune.
Long range path planning using an aircraft performance model for battery powered sUAS equipped with icing protection system.
IEEE Journal on Miniaturization for Air and Space Systems (J-MASS)
Academic article
Hung, Nguyen T;
Pascoal, António M.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Cooperative path following of constrained autonomous vehicles with model predictive control and event-triggered communications.
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
Academic article
Hung, Nguyen T;
Crasta, Naveena;
Salinas, D M;
Pascoal, António M.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Range-based Target Localization and Pursuit with Autonomous Vehicles: An Approach using Posterior CRLB and Model Predictive Control.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Academic article
Bornebusch, Mads Friis;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Autonomous recovery of a Fixed-wing UAV Using a Line Suspended Between Two Multirotor UAVs.
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
Academic article
Bjørne, Elias ;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Semiglobally Asymptotically Stable Nonlinear Observer for Camera Aided Navigation.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Nikoofard, Amirhossein;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Molaei, A.
Reservoir Characterization in Under-balanced Drilling with Nonlinear Moving Horizon Estimation with Manual and Automatic Control Conditions.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Rogne, Robert Harald;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
On the Usage of Low-Cost MEMS Sensors, Strapdown Inertial Navigation and Nonlinear Estimation Techniques in Dynamic Positioning.
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering
Academic article
Fiskin, R;
Atik, O;
Kisi, H;
Nasibov, E;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Fuzzy domain and meta-heuristic algorithm-based collision avoidance control for ships: Experimental validation in virtual and real environment.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Halvorsen, Håkon Skogland;
Øveraas, Henning;
Landstad, Olav;
Smines, Vidar;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Wave motion compensation in dynamic positioning of small autonomous vessels.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Object Detection, Recognition and Tracking from UAVs using a Thermal Camera.
Journal of Field Robotics (JFR)
Academic article
Mathisen, Siri Gulaker;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Gros, Sebastien;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Precision Deep-Stall Landing of Fixed-Wing UAVs using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Mathisen, Siri Gulaker;
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Autonomous ballistic airdrop of objects from a small fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle.
Autonomous Robots
Academic article
Bjørne, Elias ;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Delaune, Jeff;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Globally Stable Velocity Estimation Using Normalized Velocity Measurement.
The International Journal of Robotics Research
Academic article
Klausen, Kristian;
Meissen, Chris;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Arcak, Murat;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Cooperative Control for Multirotors Transporting an Unknown Suspended Load under Environmental Disturbances.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Haring, Mark;
Skjong, Espen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Molinas, Marta.
Extremum-Seeking Control for Harmonic Mitigation in Electrical Grids of Marine Vessels.
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics (1982. Print)
Academic article
Binder, Benjamin Julian Tømte;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Improved predictions from measured disturbances in linear model predictive control.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Orlandic, Milica;
Fjeldtvedt, Johan Austlid;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Parallel FPGA Implementation of the CCSDS-123 Compression Algorithm.
Remote Sensing
Academic article
Abdollahpouri, Mohammad;
Batista, Gabriel;
takacs, gergely;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Rohal-Ilkiv, Boris.
Adaptive vibration attenuation with globally convergent parameter estimation.
Mechanical systems and signal processing
Academic article
Skjong, Espen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta.
Distributed control architecture for real-time model predictive control for system-level harmonic mitigation in power systems.
ISA transactions
Academic article
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Wilthil, Erik Falmår;
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Helgesen, Øystein Kaarstad;
Hagen, Inger Berge.
The Autosea project: Developing closed-loop target tracking and collision avoidance systems.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Winter, Adrian;
Hann, Richard;
Wenz, Andreas Wolfgang;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Stability of a Flying Wing UAV in Icing Conditions.
EUCASS Proceedings Series
Academic article
de Alcantara Andrade, Fabio Augusto;
Hovenburg, Anthony Reinier;
Netto de Lima, Luciano;
Dahlin Rodin, Christopher;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Storvold, Rune.
Autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles in search and rescue missions using real-time cooperative model predictive control.
Academic article
Sollesnes, Erik;
Brokstad, Ole Martin;
Klæboe, Rolf;
Vågen, Bendik;
Carella, Alfredo Raúl;
Alcocer, Alex.
Towards autonomous ocean observing systems using Miniature Underwater Gliders with UAV deployment and recovery capabilities.
Proceedings of the Symposium on Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Technology
Academic article
Hann, Richard;
Borup, Kasper Trolle;
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Sørensen, Kim Lynge;
Vestad, Håvard Nitter;
Steinert, Martin.
Experimental Investigations of an Icing Protection System for UAVs.
SAE technical paper series
Academic article
Wenz, Andreas Wolfgang;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Icing Detection for Small Fixed Wing UAVs using Inflight Aerodynamic Coefficient Estimation.
IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Naderi, Mehdi;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sedigh, Ali K..
A Fault Tolerant Control Scheme Using the Feasible Constrained Control Allocation Strategy.
International Journal of Automation and Computing
Academic article
Bjørne, Elias ;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Delaune, Jeff.
Estimating vector magnitude from its direction and derivative, with application to bearing-only SLAM filter problem.
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Proceedings
Academic article
Cisek, Krzysztof;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Jahangir, Mohammed;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Track-to-track data fusion for Unmanned Traffic Management System.
IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Abdollahpouri, Mohammad;
Quirynen, Rien;
Haring, Mark;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Takacs, Gergely;
Diehl, Moritz.
A homotopy-based moving horizon estimation.
International Journal of Control
Academic article
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Garrett, Joseph;
Prentice, Elizabeth Frances;
Stahl, Annette;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sigernes, Fred.
Real-time Corrections for a Low-cost Hyperspectral Instrument
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Lapadatu, Monica;
Bakken, Sivert;
Grøtte, Mariusz Eivind;
Alver, Morten;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Simulation tool for hyper-spectral imaging from a satellite.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Borup, Kasper Trolle;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Machine Learning Approach for Estimating Air Data Parameters of Small Fixed-Wing UAVs Using Distributed Pressure Sensors .
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
Academic article
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Hepsø, Arild;
Trnka, Kenan.
Autonomous maritime collision avoidance: Field verification of autonomous surface vehicle behavior in challenging scenarios.
Journal of Field Robotics (JFR)
Academic article
Naderi, Mehdi;
Sedigh, Ali K.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Guaranteed Feasible Control Allocation using Model Predictive Control.
Control Theory and Technology (CTT)
Academic article
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Albrektsen, Sigurd Mørkved;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Real-time Georeferencing of Thermal Images using Small Fixed-Wing UAVs in Maritime Environments.
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (P&RS)
Academic article
Bakken, Sivert;
Orlandic, Milica;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
The effect of dimensionality reduction on signature-based target detection for hyperspectral remote sensing.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Borup, Kasper Trolle;
Stovner, Bård Nagy;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Kalman Filters for Air Data System Bias Correction for a Fixed-Wing UAV.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Merz, Mariann;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Control of an End Body Towed by a Circling Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.
Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics
Academic article
Wenz, Andreas Wolfgang;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Moving Horizon Estimation of Air Data Parameters for UAVs.
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
Academic article
Dahlin Rodin, Christopher;
de Alcantara Andrade, Fabio Augusto;
Hovenburg, Anthony Reinier;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A survey of practical design considerations of optical imaging stabilization systems for small unmanned aerial systems.
Academic article
Bjorne, Elias;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Brekke, Edmund Førland.
Cascaded Bearing only SLAM with Uniform Semi-Global Asymptotic Stability.
IEEE Xplore Digital Library
Academic article
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Palma, David;
Kansanen, Kimmo;
Fjørtoft, Kay Endre;
Sousa, João;
Johansson, Karl Henrik.
Survey on Communication and Networks for Autonomous Marine Systems.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Hasan, Agus Ismail;
Skriver, M;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
eXogenous Kalman Filter for State-of-Charge Estimation in Lithium-ion Batteries.
IEEE Control Systems
Academic article
Dahlin Rodin, Christopher;
de Lima, L. N.;
de Alcantara Andrade, Fabio Augusto;
Haddad, D. B.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Storvold, Rune.
Object Classification in Thermal Images using Convolutional Neural Networks for Search and Rescue Missions with Unmanned Aerial Systems.
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
Academic article
jain, praveen;
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Erstorp, E;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Aguiar, A Pedro.
Localization of an Acoustic Fish-Tag using the Time-of-Arrival Measurements: Preliminary results using eXogenous Kalman Filter.
Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra Ivanova;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Distributed Quasi-Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with Contractive Constraint.
Academic article
Haring, Mark;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
On the accuracy of gradient estimation in extremum-seeking control using small perturbations.
Academic article
Hansen, Jakob Mahler;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sokolova, Nadezda;
Fossen, Thor I..
Nonlinear Observer for Tightly Coupled Integrated Inertial Navigation Aided by RTK-GNSS Measurements.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Berget, Gunhild Elisabeth;
Fossum, Trygve Olav;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Rajan, Kanna.
Adaptive Sampling of Ocean Processes Using an AUV with a Gaussian Proxy Model.
Academic article
Cisek, Krzysztof;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Aided Inertial Navigation of Small Unmanned Aerial
Vehicles Using an Ultra-Wideband Real Time
Localization System.
IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Albrektsen, Sigurd Mørkved;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Phased array radio system aided inertial navigation for unmanned aerial vehicles.
IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Ferreira, Antonio Sergio;
Costa, Maria;
Py, Frédéric;
Pinto, José;
Silva, Monica A.;
Nimmo-Smith, W. Alex M..
Advancing multi-vehicle deployments in oceanographic field experiments.
Autonomous Robots
Academic article
Fjeldtvedt, Johan Austlid;
Orlandic, Milica;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
An Efficient Real-Time FPGA Implementation of the CCSDS-123 Compression Standard for Hyperspectral Images.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
Academic article
Klausen, Kristian;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Autonomous recovery of a fixed-wing UAV using a net suspended by two multirotor UAVs.
Journal of Field Robotics (JFR)
Academic article
Rotondo, Damiano;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Analysis and design of quadratic parameter varying (QPV) control systems with polytopic attractive region.
Journal of the Franklin Institute
Academic article
Ahmadi Moshkenani, Parisa;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Olaru, Sorin.
Combinatorial approach toward multiparametric quadratic programming based on characterizing adjacent critical regions.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Academic article
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Polycarpou, Marios M.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Fault-Tolerant Control Allocation for Overactuated Nonlinear Systems.
Asian journal of control
Academic article
Rotondo, Damiano;
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Fault tolerant control of uncertain dynamical systems using interval virtual actuators.
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
Academic article
Nikoofard, Amirhossein;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole.
Reservoir characterization in Under-balanced Drilling using Low-Order Lumped Model.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Rotondo, Damiano;
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Nejjari, F;
Puig, V.
State estimation and decoupling of unknown inputs in uncertain LPV systems using interval observers.
International Journal of Control
Academic article
Rogne, Robert Harald;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Redundant MEMS-based Inertial Navigation using Nonlinear Observers.
Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement, and Control
Academic article
Albrektsen, Sigurd Mørkved;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
User-Configurable Timing and Navigation for UAVs.
Academic article
Albrektsen, Sigurd Mørkved;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Robust and Secure UAV Navigation Using GNSS, Phased-Array Radio System and Inertial Sensor Fusion.
IEEE Control Systems
Academic article
Fortuna, João;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Lightweight Payload for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing using Small UAVS.
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Rotondo, Damiano;
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Nejjari, Fatiha;
Puig, Vicenç.
Robust fault and icing diagnosis in unmanned aerial vehicles using LPV interval observers.
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
Academic article
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Proactive Collision Avoidance for ASVs using A Dynamic Reciprocal Velocity Obstacles Method.
Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra Ivanova;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Olaru, Sorin.
Dual-mode distributed Model Predictive Control of a quadruple-tank system.
Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy
Academic article
Hagen, Inger Berge;
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
MPC-based Collision Avoidance Strategy for Existing Marine Vessel Guidance Systems.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Academic article
Stovner, Bård Nagy;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Schjølberg, Ingrid.
Globally Exponentially Stable Filters for Underwater Position Estimation Using an Array of Hydroacoustic Transducers on the Vehicle and A Single Transponder.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Stovner, Bård Nagy;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Schjølberg, Ingrid.
Attitude estimation by multiplicative exogenous Kalman filter.
Academic article
Sigernes, Fred;
Syrjäsuo, Mikko;
Storvold, Rune;
Fortuna, João;
Grøtte, Mariusz Eivind Santora;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Do it yourself hyperspectral imager for handheld to airborne operations.
Optics Express
Academic article
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Rogne, Robert Harald;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A virtual vertical reference concept for aided inertial navigation at the sea surface.
Control Engineering Practice
Academic article
Tartaglione, Gaetano;
D'Amato, Egidio;
Ariola, Marco;
Salvo Rossi, Pierluigi;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Model predictive control for a multi-body slung-load system.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Academic article
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Skjetne, Roger;
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Miyazaki, Michel Rejani;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer.
Towards Safer, Smarter and Greener Ships Using Hybrid Marine Power Plants.
IEEE Electrification Magazine
Academic literature review
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Frison, Gianluca;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Jørgensen, JB.
Block factorization of step response model predictive control problems.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Rotondo, Damiano;
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Hassani, Vahid;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Icing diagnosis in unmanned aerial vehicles using an LPV multiple model estimator.
Academic article
Mathisen, Siri Holthe;
Grindheim, Vegard;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Approach Methods for Autonomous Precision Aerial Drop from a Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.
Academic article
Vergara, Samuel;
Sbarbaro, Daniel;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Accurate position estimation methods based on electrical impedance tomography measurements.
Measurement Science and Technology
Academic article
Palma, David;
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Jiang, Yuming;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles as Data Mules: An Experimental Assessment.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Nikoofard, Amirhossein;
Aarsnes, Ulf Jakob Flø;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole.
State and Parameter Estimation of a Drift-Flux Model for Underbalanced Drilling Operations.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Hansen, Jakob Mahler;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear observer design for GNSS-aided inertial navigation systems with time-delayed GNSS measurements.
Control Engineering Practice
Academic article
Skjong, Espen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan.
Approaches to Economic Energy Management in Diesel-Electric Marine Vessels.
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
Academic article
Abdollahpouri, Mohammad;
Haring, Mark;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
takacs, gergely;
Rohal-Ilkiv, B.
Nonlinear State and Parameter Estimation using Discrete-Time Double Kalman Filter
Academic article
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Richter, Stefan;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Structure Exploitation of Practical MPC Formulations for speeding up First-Order Methods.
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Proceedings
Academic article
Rotondo, Damiano;
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
LPV model reference control for fixed-wing UAVs.
Academic article
Bjørne, Elias ;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Brekke, Edmund Førland.
Cascade Attitude Observer for the SLAM filtering problem.
IEEE Control Systems
Academic article
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Sægrov, Atle;
Vågsholm, Erlend;
Hovstein, Vegard Evjen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Coordinated maritime missions of unmanned vehicles - network architecture and performance analysis.
IEEE International Conference on Communications
Academic article
Abdollahpouri, Mohammad;
Quirynen, Rien;
Haring, Mark;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Takács, Gergely;
Diehl, Moritz.
A homotopy-based moving horizon estimation.
International Journal of Control
Academic article
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Detection and tracking of floating objects using a UAV with thermal camera.
Lecture notes in control and information sciences
Academic article
Rotondo, Damiano;
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Nejjari, F;
Puig, V.
Diagnosis of icing and actuator faults in UAVs using LPV unknown input observers.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Fusini, Lorenzo;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Non-linear Observers for GNSS- and Camera-Aided Inertial Navigation of a Fixed-Wing UAV.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Klausen, Kristian;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear Control with Swing Damping of a Multirotor UAV with Suspended Load.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Aguiar, A Pedro.
Icing Detection and Identification for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles using Adaptive Nested Multiple Models.
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
Academic article
Du, Jingjing;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Control-relevant nonlinearity measure and integrated multi-model control.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Hansen, Jakob Mahler;
Rogne, Robert Harald;
Sokolova, Nadezda;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear observers for integrated INS\/GNSS navigation: implementation aspects.
IEEE Control Systems
Academic article
Rohac, Jan;
Hansen, Jakob Mahler;
Alam, Mushfiqul;
Sipos, M;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Validation of nonlinear integrated navigation solutions.
Annual Reviews in Control
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Hansen, Jakob Mahler;
Fossen, Thor I..
Nonlinear Observer for Tightly Integrated Inertial Navigation Aided by Pseudo-Range Measurements.
Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement, and Control
Academic article
Stovner, Bård Bakken;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Schjølberg, Ingrid.
Globally Exponentially Stable Aided Inertial Navigation with
hydroacoustic Measurements from A Single Transponder.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Stovner, Bård Bakken;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Hydroacoustically Aided Inertial Navigation for Joint Position and Attitude Estimation in Absence of Magnetic Field Measurements.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
The eXogenous Kalman Filter (XKF).
International Journal of Control
Academic article
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Dynamic Safety Constraints by Scenario Based Economic Model Predictive Control of Marine Electric Power Plants.
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
Academic article
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Tracking of Ocean Surface Objects from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with a Pan/Tilt Unit using a Thermal Camera.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Toward Dependable Embedded Model Predictive Control.
IEEE Systems Journal
Academic article
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Design of inertial navigation systems for marine craft with adaptive wave filtering aided by triple-redundant sensor packages.
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
Academic article
Rotondo, Damiano;
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Nejjari, Fatiha;
Puig, Vicenç.
Detection of icing and actuators faults in the longitudinal dynamics of small UAVs using an LPV proportional integral unknown input observer.
Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol)
Academic article
Veksler, Aleksander Vladimirovitsj;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Borrelli, Francesco;
Realfsen, Bjørnar.
Dynamic positioning with model predictive control.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Haring, Mark;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Asymptotic stability of perturbation-based extremum-seeking control for nonlinear plants.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Petrova, Valeria.
Distributed Nonlinear Model Predictive Control by Sequential Linearization and Accelerated Gradient Method.
Academic article
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Battery power smoothing control in a marine electric power plant using nonlinear model predictive control.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Rogne, Robert Harald;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Fault detection in lever-arm-compensated position reference systems based on nonlinear attitude observers and inertial measurements in dynamic positioning.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Hosen, Jesper;
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Fusini, Lorenzo;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Vision-aided nonlinear observer for fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle navigation.
Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Perez, Tristan.
Ship Collision Avoidance Using Scenario-Based Model Predictive Control.
Academic article
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Rogne, Robert Harald;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Attitude and Heave Estimation for Ships using MEMS-based Inertial Measurements.
Academic article
Rogne, Robert Harald;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
MEMS-based Inertial Navigation on Dynamically Positioned Ships: Dead Reckoning.
Academic article
Skjong, Espen;
Volden, Rune;
Rødskar, Egil;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Cunningham, Joseph.
Past, Present and Future Challenges of the Marine Vessel's Electrical Power System.
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Perez, Tristan;
Cristofaro, Andrea.
Ship collision avoidance and COLREGS compliance using simulation-based control behavior selection with predictive hazard assessment.
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS)
Academic article
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Motion- and Communication-Planning of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Delay Tolerant Network using Mixed-Integer Linear Programming.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Ahmadi Moshkenani, Parisa;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Olaru, Sorin.
On Degeneracy in Exploration of Combinatorial Tree in Multi-Parametric Quadratic Programming,.
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Proceedings
Academic article
Henriksen, Vegard Wie;
Røine, Audun Gerhardsen;
Skjong, Espen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Three-axis motion compensated crane head control.
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Nonlinear Observer for Tightly Coupled Integration of Pseudorange and Inertial Measurements.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Goodwin, Graham C..
Three-stage filter for position estimation using pseudorange measurements.
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
Academic article
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Efficient implementation of step response models for embedded Model Predictive Control.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Borup, Kasper Trolle;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Nonlinear Model-Based Wind Velocity Observer for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
Academic article
Jørgensen, Erlend Kvinge;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Schjølberg, Ingrid.
Enhanced Hydroacoustic Range Robustness of Three-Stage Position Filter based on Long Baseline Measurements with Unknown Wave Speed.
Academic article
Stovner, Bård Bakken;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Schjølberg, Ingrid.
Three-stage filter for position and velocity estimation from long baseline measurements with unknown wave speed.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Sousa, Lara L;
López-Castejón, Francisco;
Gilabert, Javier;
Relvas, Paulo;
Couto, Ana;
Queiroz, Nuno.
Integrated monitoring of Mola mola behaviour in space and time.
Academic article
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Mathiesen, Eirik.
Dynamic consequence analysis of marine electric power plant in dynamic positioning.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Skjong, Espen;
Suul, Jon Are Wold;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Optimal Compensation of Harmonic Propagation in a Multi-Bus Microgrid.
The Renewable Energies and Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ)
Academic article
Skjong, Espen;
Suul, Jon Are Wold;
Rygg, Atle;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta.
System-Wide Harmonic Mitigation in a Diesel Electric Ship by Model Predictive Control.
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics (1982. Print)
Academic article
Veksler, Aleksander Vladimirovitsj;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Skjetne, Roger;
Mathiesen, Eirik.
Thrust Allocation with Dynamic Power Consumption Modulation for Diesel-Electric Ships.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
High-performance Embedded Model Predictive Control using Step Response Models.
Academic article
Linder, Jonas;
Enqvist, Martin;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Gustafsson, Fredrik.
Modeling for IMU-based online estimation of a ship's mass and center of mass.
Academic article
Linder, Jonas;
Enqvist, Martin;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Gustafsson, Fredrik.
Online estimation of ship's mass and center of mass using inertial measurements.
Academic article
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A virtual vertical reference concept for GNSS/INS applications at the sea surface.
Academic article
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Aaker, Vegard;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Eikrem, Gisle Otto.
Automatically generated embedded model predictive control: Moving an industrial PC-based MPC to an embedded platform.
Optimal control applications & methods
Academic article
Sørensen, Kim Lynge;
Blanke, Mogens;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Diagnosis of wing icing through lift and drag coefficient change detection for small unmanned aircraft.
Academic article
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Fault-tolerant control allocation with actuator dynamics: finite-time control reconfiguration.
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Proceedings
Academic article
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Dahl, Andreas Reason;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Mathiesen, Eirik;
Rejani Miyazaki, Michel;
Pedersen, Eilif.
Marine vessel and power plant system simulator.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Skjong, Espen;
Rødskar, Egil;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Cunningham, Joseph.
The Marine Vessel’s Electrical Power System: From its Birth to Present Day.
Proceedings of the IEEE
Academic literature review
Sbarbaro, Daniel;
Vauhkonen, M;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
State estimation and inverse problems in Electrical Impedance Tomography: observability, convergence and regularization.
Inverse Problems
Academic article
Polóni, Tomáš;
Rohal-Ilkiv, B;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Moving horizon estimation for integrated navigation filtering.
Academic article
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Efficient implementation of step response prediction models for embedded model predictive control.
Academic article
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
An unknown input observer approach to icing detection for unmanned aerial vehicles.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Nikoofard, Amirhossein;
Aarsnes, Ulf Jakob Flø;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole.
Estimation of states and parameters of a drift-flux model with unscented kalman filter.
Academic article
Nikoofard, Amirhossein;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole.
Evaluation of Lyapunov-based adaptive observer using low-order lumped model for estimation of production index in Under-Balanced Drilling.
Academic article
Malik, Abdul Waheed;
Thörnberg, Benny;
Anwar, Qaisar;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Shahzad, Khurram.
Real time decoding of color symbol for optical positioning system.
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (IJARS)
Academic article
Ho, Dac-Tu;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Sujit, P.B.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sousa, Joao Borges.
Optimization of Wireless Sensor Network and UAV Data Acquisition.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Skulstad, Robert;
Syversen, Christoffer Lie;
Merz, Mariann;
Sokolova, Nadezda;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Autonomous net recovery of fixed-wing UAV with single-frequency carrier-phase differential GNSS.
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine
Academic article
Du, Jingjing;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Integrated Multilinear Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Systems Based on Gap Metric.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Sørensen, Kim Lynge;
Strand Helland, Andreas;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Carbon Nanomaterial-Based Wing Temperature Control
System for In-Flight Anti-Icing and De-Icing of
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
An unknown input observer approach to icing detection for unmanned aerial vehicles with linearized longitudinal motion.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Skulstad, Robert;
Syversen, Christoffer Lie;
Merz, Mariann;
Sokolova, Nadezda;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Net Recovery of UAV with Single-Frequency RTK GPS.
IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Binder, Benjamin Julian Tømte;
Pavlov, Alexey;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Estimation of Flow Rate and Viscosity in a Well with an Electric Submersible Pump using Moving Horizon Estimation.
Academic article
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Automatic detection, classification and tracking of objects in the ocean surface from UAVs using a thermal camera.
IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Mathiesen, Eirik;
Veksler, Aleksander Vladimirovitsj;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan.
Dynamic Positioning System as Dynamic Energy Storage on Diesel-Electric Ships.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Hansen, Torkel;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan.
Unmanned aerial vehicle as communication relay for autonomous underwater vehicle — Field tests
IEEE Global Communications Conference, Exhibition, & Industry Forum (GLOBECOM)
Academic article
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Fault tolerant control allocation using unknown input observers.
Short communication
Nikoofard, Amirhossein;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole.
Design and comparison of adaptive estimators for Under-Balanced Drilling.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Alberding, Matthaus;
Tjønnås, Johannes;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Integration of vehicle yaw stabilisation and rollover prevention through nonlinear hierarchical control allocation.
Vehicle System Dynamics
Academic article
Binder, Benjamin Julian Tømte;
Kufoalor, Kwame Minde;
Pavlov, Alexey;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Embedded Model Predictive Control for an Electric Submersible Pump on a Programmable Logic Controller.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Academic article
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear Observer with Time-Varying Gains for Inertial Navigation Aided by Satellite Reference Systems in Dynamic Positioning.
Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED)
Academic article
Nikoofard, Amirhossein;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Mahdianfar, Hessam;
Pavlov, A.
Design and Comparison of Constrained MPC with PID Controller for Heave Disturbance Attenuation in Offshore Managed Pressure Drilling Systems.
Marine Technology Society journal
Academic article
Kufoalor, Kwame Minde;
Richter, S;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Morari, Manfred;
Eikrem, Gisle Otto.
Embedded Model Predictive Control on a PLC Using a Primal-Dual First-Order Method for a Subsea Separation Process.
Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED)
Academic article
Du, Jingjing;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Integrated multimodel control of nonlinear systems based on gap metric and stability margin.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Ho, Dac-Tu;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
UAVs Trajectory Planning by Distributed MPC under Radio Communication Path Loss Constraints.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Saberi, Ali.
Globally Exponentially Stable Attitude and Gyro Bias Estimation with Application to GNSS/INS Integration.
Academic article
Rogne, Robert Harald;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Observer and IMU-based Detection and Isolation of Faults in Position Reference Systems and Gyrocompasses with Dual Redundancy in Dynamic Positioning.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Academic article
Polóni, Tomáš;
Rohal'-Ilkiv, Boris;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Mass flow estimation with model bias correction for a turbocharged Diesel engine.
Control Engineering Practice
Academic article
Du, Jingjing;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A gap metric based weighting method for multimodel predictive control of MIMO nonlinear systems.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Sui, Dan;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Linear constrained moving horizon estimator with pre-estimating observer.
Systems & control letters (Print)
Academic article
Dæhlen, Jon;
Eikrem, Gisle Otto;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear model predictive control using trust-region derivative-free optimization.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Veksler, Aleksander Vladimirovitsj;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Skjetne, Roger;
Mathiesen, Eirik.
Reducing power transients in diesel-electric dynamically positioned ships using re-positioning.
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON)
Academic article
Faria, Margarida;
Pinto, José;
Py, Frédéric;
Fortuna, João;
Dias, Hugo;
Martins, Ricardo.
Coordinating UAVs and AUVs for Oceanographic Field Experiments: Challenges and Lessons Learned.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Academic article
Fusini, Lorenzo;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Uniformly Semiglobally Exponentially Stable Nonlinear Observer for GNSS- and Camera-Aided Inertial Navigation.
Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED)
Academic article
Klausen, Kristian;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Suspended Load Motion Control using Multicopters.
Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED)
Academic article
Veksler, Aleksander Vladimirovitsj;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Borrelli, Francesco;
Realfsen, Bjørnar.
Cartesian thrust allocation algorithm with variable direction thrusters, turn rate limits and singularity avoidance.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Control Allocation - A Survey.
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sui, Dan;
Nybø, Roar.
Regularized Nonlinear Moving-Horizon Observer With Robustness to Delayed and Lost Data.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Feller, Christian;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Olaru, Sorin.
An improved algorithm for combinatorial multi-parametric quadratic programming.
Academic article
Bayat, Farhad;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Multi-Resolution Explicit Model Predictive Control: Delta-Model Formulation and Approximation.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Academic article
Rindarøy, Martin;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Fuel Optimal Thrust Allocation in Dynamic Positioning.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Fault-tolerant control allocation: an Unknown Input Observer based approach with constrained output fault directions.
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Proceedings
Academic article
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Mathiesen, Eirik.
Unit Commitment of Generator Sets During Dynamic Positioning Operation Based on Consequence Simulation.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Rotary-Wing UAVs Trajectory Planning by Distributed Linear MPC with Reconfigurable Communication Network Topologies.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Poloni, T;
Eielsen, Arnfinn Aas;
Rohal'-Ilkiv, B.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Adaptive Model Estimation of Vibration Motion for a Nanopositioner With Moving Horizon Optimized Extended Kalman Filter.
Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement, and Control
Academic article
Kufoalor, Kwame Minde;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Reconfigurable Fault Tolerant Flight Control based on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Hosseini, Seyed Mohammad Ali;
Fatehi, Alireza;
Sedigh, Ali K.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Automatic model bank selection in multiple model identification of gas turbine dynamics.
Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part I, journal of systems and control engineering
Academic article
Veksler, Aleksander;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Skjetne, Roger.
Thrust allocation with power management functionality on dynamically positioned vessels.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Veksler, Aleksander;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Skjetne, Roger.
Transient power control in dynamic positioning - governor feedforward and dynamic thrust allocation.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Path Planning for UAVs Under Communication Constraints Using SPLAT! and MILP.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Saberi, Ali;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Observers for interconnected nonlinear and linear systems.
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Saberi, Ali.
Attitude Estimation Using Biased Gyro and Vector Measurements With Time-Varying Reference Vectors.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Academic article
Sui, Dan;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
On the Exponential Stability of Moving Horizon Observer for Globally N-Detectable Nonlinear Systems.
Asian journal of control
Academic article
Sui, Dan;
Nybø, Roar;
Hovland, Svein;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Moving Horizon Observer for Estimation of Bottomhole Pressure during Drilling.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Langjord, Hege;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Adaptive nonlinear observer for electro-pneumatic clutch actuator with position sensor.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Feller, Christian;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Olaru, Sorin.
Combinatorial multi-parametric quadratic programming with saturation matrix based pruning.
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Proceedings
Academic article
Wang, Xu;
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Saberi, Ali;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A new low-and-high gain feedback design using MPC for global stabilization of linear systems subject to input saturation.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Task assignment for cooperating UAVs under radio propagation path loss constraints.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Suboptimality analysis of distributed quasi-nonlinear model predictive control.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Distributed MPC-Based Path Planning for UAVs under Radio Communication Path Loss Constraints.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
poloni, tomas;
Eielsen, Arnfinn Aas;
Rohal-Ilkiv, B;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Moving Horizon Observer for Vibration Dynamics with Plant Uncertainties in Nanopositioning System Estimation.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Distributed Path Planning for a UAV Communication Chain by Dual Decomposition.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Sbarbaro, Daniel;
Vauhkonen, M;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Linear inverse problems and state estimation: Regularization, Observability and Convergence.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Hosseini, SeyedMehrdad;
Fatehi, A;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sedigh, AK.
Multiple model bank selection based on nonlinearity measure and H-gap metric.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Glaria, T;
Sbárbaro, D.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Pena, Roberto Javier.
Observer design for linear processes model with implicit nonlinear output map.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Bayat, Farhad;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Jalali, A A.
Flexible Piecewise Function Evaluation Methods Based on Truncated Binary Search Trees and Lattice Representation in Explicit MPC.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Feng, Le;
Gutvik, Christian Ragnar;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sui, Dan;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Approximate Explicit Nonlinear Receding Horizon Control for Decompression of Divers.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Bayat, Farhad;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Jalali, A A.
Using hash tables to manage the time-storage complexity in a point location problem: Application to explicit model predictive control.
Academic article
Gutvik, Christian Ragnar;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Optimal Decompression of Divers Procedures for Constraining Predicted Bubble Growth.
Control Systems Magazine
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
kocijan, jus;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Explicit output-feedback nonlinear predictive control based on black-box models.
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Academic article
Hosseini, SeyedMehrdad;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fatehi, A.
Comparison of Nonlinearity Measures based on Time Series Analysis for Nonlinearity Detection.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Saberi, Ali;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Estimation of states and parameters for linear systems with nonlinearly parameterized perturbations.
Systems & control letters (Print)
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Saberi, Ali;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Observers for Cascaded Nonlinear and Linear Systems.
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Proceedings
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Distributed Quasi-Nonlinear Model Predictive Control by Dual Decomposition.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Langjord, Hege;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Adaptive observer-based switched control for electropneumatic clutch actuator with position sensor.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Bayat, Farhad;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Jalali, A A.
Combining Truncated Binary Search Tree and Direct Search for Flexible Piecewise Function Evaluation for Explicit MPC in Embedded Microcontrollers.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Paasche, Marcel;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Estimation of Bottomhole Pressure during Oil Well Drilling Using Regularized Adaptive Nonlinear Moving Horizon Observer.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Saberi, Ali;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
State and Parameter Estimation for Nonlinearly Parameterized Systems: An H-infinity-Based Approach.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Sui, Dan;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Moving horizon observer with regularisation for detectable systems without persistence of excitation.
International Journal of Control
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Design and Comparison of Explicit Model Predictive Controllers for an Electropneumatic Clutch Actuator Using ON/OFF Valves.
IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics
Academic article
Sui, Dan;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Feng, Le.
Linear Moving Horizon Estimation With Pre-Estimating Observer.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A computational approach to explicit feedback stochastic nonlinear model predictive control.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Langjord, Hege;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear observer and parameter estimation for electropneumatic clutch actuator.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Bakke, Morten;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Skogestad, Sigurd.
Effect of Varying Controller Parameters in Closed-Loop Subspace Identification,.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Feng, Le;
Gutvik, Christian Ragnar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Optimal Decompression Through Multi-parametric Nonlinear Programming.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
poloni, tomas;
Rohal-Ilkiv, B;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Damped One-Mode Vibration Model State and Parameter Estimation via Pre-Filtered Moving Horizon Observer.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Sui, Dan;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Moving Horizon Estimation for Tire-Road Friction During Braking.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Kocijan, J;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Dual-mode Explicit Output-feedback Predictive Control Based on Neural Network Models.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Sui, Dan;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Regularized Nonlinear Moving Horizon Observer for Detectable Systems.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Langjord, Hege;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Dual-Mode Switched Control of an Electropneumatic Clutch Actuator.
IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics
Academic article
Elgsæter, Steinar Morisbak;
Slupphaug, Olav;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A structured approach to optimizing offshore oil and gas production with uncertain models.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Tjønnås, Johannes;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Stabilization of Automotive Vehicles Using Active Steering and Adaptive Brake Control Allocation.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole.
Parameter estimation and compensation in systems with nonlinearly parameterized perturbations.
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Hovd, Morten.
The Department of Engineering Cybernetics at NTNU: From 1994 Into the Future.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Le, Feng;
Gutvik, Christian Ragnar;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sui, Dan.
Barrier Function Nonlinear Optimization for Optimal Decompression of Divers.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Saberi, Ali;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
State and Parameter Estimation for Linear Systems with Nonlinearly Parameterized Perturbations.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Imsland, L;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Kalkkuhl, Jens;
Suissa, Avshalom.
Estimation of Road Inclination and Bank Angle in Automotive Vehicles.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Ottermo, Maria Vatshaug;
Stavdahl, Øyvind;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A remote palpation instrument for laparoscopic surgery: Design and performance.
MITAT. Minimally invasive therapy & allied technologies
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Computation, approximation and stability of explicit feedback min-max nonlinear model predictive control.
Academic article
Spjøtvold, Jørgen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Fault Tolerant Control Allocation for a Thruster-Controlled Floating Platform using Parametric Programming.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Spjøtvold, Jørgen;
Kerrigan, Eric C;
Mayne, David Q;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Inf-sup control of discontinuous piecewise affine systems.
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
Academic article
Pivano, Luca;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Smogeli, ON.
A Four-Quadrant Thrust Estimation Scheme for Marine Propellers: Theory and Experiments.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Imsland, L;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Kalkkuhl, Jens;
Suissa, A.
Vehicle Sideslip Estimation: Design, implementation, and experimental validation.
Control Systems Magazine
Academic article
Pivano, Luca;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Smogeli, ON.
A Four-Quadrant Thrust Controller for Marine Propellers With Loss Estimation and Anti-Spin: Theory and Experiments.
Marine Technology
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Imsland, L.
Estimation and Control for Systems with Nonlinearly Parameterized Perturbations.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Bakkeheim, Jostein;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Smogeli, Øyvind Notland;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan.
Lyapunov-based integrator resetting with application to marine thruster control.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Elgsæter, Steinar Morisbak;
Slupphaug, Olav;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Oil and gas production optimization: Lost potential due to uncertainty.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Langjord, Hege;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Snare, Sten Roar;
Bratli, Christian.
Estimation of electro-pneumatic clutch actuator load characteristics.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Pivano, Luca;
Bakkeheim, Jostein;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Smogeli, Øyvind Notland.
A four-quadrant thrust controller for marine propellers with loss estimation and anti-spin.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Tjønnås, Johannes;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Adaptive Control Allocation.
Academic article
Ottermo, Maria Vatshaug;
Stavdahl, Øyvind;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Design and Performance of a Prototype Tactile Display for Minimally Invasive Surgery.
Academic article
poloni, tomas;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Rohal-Ilkiv, B.
Modeling of air-fuel ratio dynamics of gasoline combustion engine with ARX network.
Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement, and Control
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fuglseth, Thomas Pagaard;
Tøndel, Johan Petter;
Fossen, Thor I..
Optimal constrained control allocation in marine surface vessels with rudders.
Control Engineering Practice
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Kocijan, J;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Explicit stochastic predictive control of combustion plants based on Gaussian process models.
Academic article
Radan, Damir;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Ådnanes, Alf Kåre;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Reducing power load fluctuations on ships using power redistribution control.
Marine Technology
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Kalkkuhl, Jens C.;
Suissa, Avshalom.
Nonlinear vehicle side-slip estimation with friction adaptation.
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Hvor fort går det?.
AMNYTT Magazine
Popular scientific article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Hvor fort går det?.
Automatisering & Industridata
Popular scientific article
Tjønnås, Johannes;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Optimizing Adaptive Control Allocation with Actuator Dynamics.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Tjønnås, Johannes;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
On Optimizing Nonlinear Adaptive Control Allocation With Actuator Dynamics.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Sande, Hege;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole;
Snare, Sten Roar;
Bratli, Christian.
Switched backstepping control of an electropneumatic clutch actuator using on/off valves.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Imsland, L;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
On nonlinear unknown input observers - applied to lateral vehicle velocity estimation on banked roads.
International Journal of Control
Academic article
Bakkeheim, Jostein;
Pivano, Luca;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Smogeli, Øyvind Notland.
Integrator Reset Anti-spin for Marine Thrusters Operating in Four-Quadrants and Extreme Sea Conditions.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
poloni, tomas;
Rohal-Ilkiv, B;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Multiple ARX model-based air-fuel ratio predictive control for SI engines.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Bieker, Hans Petter;
Slupphaug, Olav;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Real time production optimization of offshore oil and gas production systems: A technology survey.
SPE Production & Operations
Academic article
Pivano, Luca;
Whitcomb, Louis L.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Preliminary Simulation Studies of a New Four-Quadrant Propeller Thrust Controller Applied to Underwater Vehicles.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Blanke, Mogens;
Pivano, Luca;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
An Efficiency Optimizing Propeller Speed Control for Ships in Moderate Seas - Model Experiments and Simulation.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Pivano, Luca;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Smogeli, Øyvind Notland;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Nonlinear Thrust Controller for Marine Propellers in Four-Quadrant Operations.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
van de Ven, PWJ;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Flanagan, C;
Toal, D.
Neural network augmented identification of underwater vehicle models.
Control Engineering Practice
Academic article
Børhaug, Even;
Pivano, Luca;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad.
A Model-based Ocean Current Obeserver for 6DOF Underwater Vehicles.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Jackson, W;
Schreiber, R;
Tøndel, Johan Petter.
Hardware synthesis of explicit model predictive controllers.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Spjøtvold, Jørgen;
Tøndel, Johan Petter;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Continuous selection and unique polyhedral representation of solutions to convex parametric quadratic programs.
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
Academic article
Radan, Damir;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Inertial Control of Marine Engines and Propellers.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Tjønnås, Johannes;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Optimizing nonlinear adaptive control allocation.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Tjønnås, Johannes;
Chaillet, Antoine;
Panteley, Elena;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Cascade lemma for set-stable systems.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Sparbaro, Daniel;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Analysis of Artificial Neural Networks for Pattern-Based Adaptive Control.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
Academic article
Bakkeheim, Jostein;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Transient performance, estimator resetting and filtering in nonlinear multiple model adaptive backstepping control.
IEE Proceedings - Control Theory and Applications
Academic article
Bakkeheim, Jostein;
Smogeli, Øyvind Notland;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan.
Improved Transient Performance by Lyapunov-based Integrator Reset of PI Thruster Control in Extreme Seas.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Jackson, Warren;
Schrieber, Robert;
Tøndel, Johan Petter.
Hardware Architecture Design for Explicit Model Predictive Control.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Van de Ven, Pepijn W.J.;
Refsnes, Jon E. Gorset;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Flanagan, Colin;
Toal, Daniel.
Identification of MineSniper's Damping Parameters using Neural Networks.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Radan, Damir;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Ådnanes, Alf Kåre.
Prabability Based Generator commitment. Optimization in Ship Power System Design.
WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Spjøtvold, Jørgen;
Rakovic, Sasa V;
Tøndel, Petter;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Utilizing Reachability Analysis in Point Location Problems.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Explicit Approximate Approach to Feedback Min-Max Model Predictive Control of Constrained Nonlinear Systems.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Spjøtvold, Jørgen;
Kerrigan, Eric C;
Jones, Colin N.;
Tøndel, Johan Petter;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
On the Facet-to-Facet Property of Solutions to Convex Parametric Quadratic Programs.
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor Inge;
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Kalkkuhl, Jens;
Suissa, Avshalom.
Vehicle velocity estimation using nonlinear observers.
Academic article
Ottermo, Maria Vatshaug;
Øvstedal, Marit;
Langø, Thomas;
Stavdahl, Øyvind;
Yavuz, Yunus;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
The role of tactile feedback in laparoscopic surgery.
Surgical laparoscopy, endoscopy & percutaneous techniques
Academic article
Pivano, Luca;
Smogeli, Øyvind Notland;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Marine Propeller Thrust Estimation Scheme in Four-Quadrant Operations.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Imsland, Lars;
Johansen, Tor A.;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Kalkkuhl, Jens C.;
Suissa, Avshalom.
Nonlinear Vehicle Velocity Observer with Road-Tire Friction Adaptation.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Pivano, Luca;
Fossen, Thor Inge;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Pivano, Luca;
Smogeli, Øyvind Notland;
Fossen, Thor Inge;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Survey of explicit approaches to constrained optimal control.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Tjønnås, Johannes;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Adaptive Optimizing Nonlinear Control Allocation.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Radan, Damir;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Ådnanes, Alf Kåre.
Optimization Of Load Dependent Start Tables in Marine Power Management Systems with Blackout Prevention.
WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sbarbaro, Daniel.
Lyapunov-based Optimizing Control of Nonlinear Blending Processes.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor Inge;
Kalkkuhl, J.C.;
Suissa, Avshalom.
Vehicle Velocity Estimation using Nonlinear Observers.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Spjøtvold, Jørgen;
Tøndel, Johan Petter;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Method for Obtaining Continuous Solutions to Multiparametric Linear Programs.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor Inge;
Tøndel, Johan Petter.
Efficient optimal constrained control allocation via multiparametric programming.
Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics
Academic article
Hansen, Jostein;
Murray-Smith, Roderick;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonparametric Identification of Linearizations and Uncertainty using Gaussian Process Models - Application to Robust Wheel Slip Control.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Explicit min-max model predictive control of constrained nonlinear systems with model uncertainty.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Prentice, Elizabeth Frances;
Grøtte, Mariusz Eivind;
Sigernes, Fred;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Design of a Hyperspectral Imager using COTS Optics for Small Satellite Applications.
SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering (1185258)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Explicit Nonlinear Model Predictive Control.
Lecture notes in control and information sciences (429)
Academic monograph
Huba, Mikulás;
Skogestad, Sigurd;
Fikar, Miroslav;
Hovd, Morten;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Rohal-Ilkiv, B.
Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control - Workbook.
Huba, Mikulás;
Skogestad, Sigurd;
Fikar, Miroslav;
Hovd, Morten;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Rohal-Ilkiv, B.
Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Huba, Mikulás;
Skogestad, Sigurd;
Fikar, Miroslav;
Hovd, Morten;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Rohal-Ilkiv, B.
Preprints of the NIL workshop on Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Tjønnås, Johannes;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Adaptive optimizing dynamic control allocation algorithm for yaw stabilisation of an automotive vehicle using brakes.
IEEE conference proceedings
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Akdağ, Melih;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Prioritizing and Ranking Ships in Multi-encounter Scenarios for Autonomous Navigation.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kovac, Daniel;
Mucha, Jan;
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Mekyska, Jiri;
Galaz, Zoltan;
Novotny, Krystof.
Deep Learning for In-Orbit Cloud Segmentation and Classification in Hyperspectral Satellite Data.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Løw-Hansen, Bogdan;
Hann, Richard;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Deiler, Christoph.
Time-Domain System Identification and Validation of Small Fixed-Wing UAV Dynamics.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ghindaoanu, Nadine Adelina;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Reinhardt, Dirk Peter;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Control of Fixed-Wing UAVs in Icing Conditions Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lupu, Daniela;
Necoara, Ion;
Ionescu, Tudor C.;
Ghinea, L M;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Dimensionality reduction of hyperspectral images using an ICA-based stochastic second-order optimization algorithm.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hasler, Oliver Kevin;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Robust Phased Array Navigation in Reflective Prone Areas.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haugum, Matias;
Moreira Fragoso, Glaucia;
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Zolich, Artur;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Autonomous Flow-Through RGB and Hyperspectral Imaging for Unmanned Surface Vehicles.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tengesdal, Trym;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Simulation Framework and Software Environment for Evaluating Automatic Ship Collision Avoidance Algorithms.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wallner, Raffael;
Gran, Bjørn Axel;
Pedersen, Tom Arne;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Lundteigen, Mary Ann.
Identifying Test Scenarios for Simulated Safety Demonstration using STPA and CAST.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Roedelé, Maxime;
Vasstein, Kjetil;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
GNSS-Independent Maritime Navigation Using Monocular Camera Images with Digital Elevation Map.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tran, Hoang Anh;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Negenborn, Rudy.
A collision avoidance algorithm with intention prediction for inland waterways ships.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bosdelekidis, Vasileios;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sokolova, Nadezda.
DNN-based anomaly prediction for the uncertainty in visual SLAM.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mahipala, Dhanika Chamath Gunarathna;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Model Predictive Control for Path Following and Collision-Avoidance of Autonomous Ships in Inland Waterways.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rothmund, Sverre Velten;
Haugen, Helene Engebakken;
Veglo, Guro Drange;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Validation of ship intention model for maritime collision avoidance control using historical AIS data.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Løw-Hansen, Bogdan;
Hann, Richard;
Stovner, Bård Nagy;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
UAV Icing: A Survey of Recent Developments in Ice Detection Methods.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Högnadottir, Sif;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Hann, Richard;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Inner-Loop Control of Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Icing Conditions.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Faltynkova, Andrea;
Johnsen, Geir;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Portable Catamaran Drone - an uncrewed sampling vehicle for micro-plastics and aquaculture research.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Berget, Gunhild Elisabeth;
Eidsvik, Jo;
Alver, Morten;
Py, Frédéric;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Adaptive Underwater Robotic Sampling of Dispersal Dynamics in the Coastal Ocean.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Fonseca Palma, David;
Birkeland, Roger;
Cisek, Krzysztof Piotr;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Wi-Fi based Telecommunication Infrastructure Delivered as a Service by UAV for Emergency Response.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ho, Tu Dac;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Path planning for UAV harvesting information from dynamical wireless sensor nodes at sea.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jellum, Erling Rennemo;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Orlandic, Milica.
The Syncline Model - Analyzing the Impact of Time Synchronization in Sensor Fusion.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Øveraas, Henning;
Heggernes, A;
Dallolio, Alberto;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Predicting the Speed of a Wave-Propelled Autonomous Surface Vehicle Using Metocean Forecasts.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dallolio, Alberto;
Bergh, Thea;
De La Torre, Pedro R.;
Øveraas, Henning;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
ENC-based Anti-Grounding and Anti-Collision System for a Wave-Propelled USV.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thiagarajah, Dinosshan;
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Kjerstad, Øivind Kåre;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Localization for Ships during Automated Docking using a Monocular Camera.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reinhardt, Dirk Peter;
Pedersen, Morten Dinhoff;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Symmetry Calibration Procedure for Sensor-to-Airframe Misalignments in Wind Tunnel Data.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Justo, Jon Alvarez;
Lupu, Daniela;
Orlandic, Milica;
Necoara, Ion;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Comparative Study of Compressive Sensing Algorithms for Hyperspectral Imaging Reconstruction.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Toker, Kadir Atilla;
Sokolova, Nadezda;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Implementation and Test of a Low Cost GBAS Subset Airborne Receiver Experimental Platform for UAVs.
European Space Agency
Cheung, Michael;
Hann, Richard;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
UAV Icing: A Unified Icing Severity Index Derived from Performance Degradation.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Løw Hansen, Bogdan;
Hann, Richard;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
UAV Icing: Ice Shedding Detection Methods for an Electrothermal De-Icing System.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn;
Dallolio, Alberto;
Birkeland, Roger;
Langer, Dennis D.;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
MBSE modeling of a SoS with a small satellite and autonomous surface vessels for persistent coastal monitoring.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Elkolali, Moustafa;
Al-Tawil, Ahmed;
Alcocer, Alex.
Unmanned Aerial System for deployment and recovery of research equipment at sea.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fonseca, Joana;
Wei, Jieqiang;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Johansson, Karl Henrik.
Cooperative circumnavigation for a mobile target using adaptive estimation.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Narum, Edvard Frimann Løes;
Hann, Richard;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Optimal Mission Planning for Fixed-Wing UAVs with Electro-Thermal Icing Protection and Hybrid-Electric Power Systems.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stovner, Bård Nagy;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Globally exponentially stable wind estimation for small fixed-wing uavs using standard sensors.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wenz, Andreas Wolfgang;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Real-Time Moving Horizon Estimation of Air Data Parameters and Wind Velocities for fixed-wing UAVs.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Rotondo, Damiano;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
An unknown input observer-based framework for fault and icing detection and accommodation in overactuated unmanned aerial vehicles.
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tengesdal, Trym;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Brekke, Edmund Førland.
Risk-based Autonomous Maritime Collision Avoidance Considering Obstacle Intentions.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rothmund, Sverre Velten;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Risk-Based Obstacle Avoidance in Unknown Environments using Scenario-Based Predictive Control for an Inspection Drone Equipped with Range Finding Sensors.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dallolio, Alberto;
Bendik Olai, Agdal;
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Long-Endurance Green Energy Autonomous Surface Vehicle Control Architecture.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Guidance, Navigation and Control of Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Albrektsen, Sigurd Mørkved;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Field Test Results of GNSS-denied Inertial Navigation aided by Phased-array Radio Systems for UAVs.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Coates, Erlend Magnus Lervik;
Wenz, Andreas Wolfgang;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Propulsion System Modeling for Small Fixed Wing UAVs.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rotondo, Damiano;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
State observer design for quadratic parameter varying (QPV) systems.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Wilthil, Erik Falmår;
Hagen, Inger Berge;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Autonomous COLREGs-Compliant Decision Making using Maritime Radar Tracking and Model Predictive Control.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reinhardt, Dirk Peter;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear Model Predictive Attitude Control for Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle based on a Wind Frame Formulation.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Colored-Noise Tracking of Floating Objects using UAVs with Thermal Cameras.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bøhn, Eivind Eigil;
Coates, Erlend Magnus Lervik;
Moe, Signe;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Deep Reinforcement Learning Attitude Control of Fixed Wing UAVs Using Proximal Policy Optimization.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sollie, Martin Lysvand;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Pose Estimation of UAVs Based on INS Aided by Two Independent Low-cost GNSS Receivers.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stovner, Bård Nagy;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
GNSS-antenna lever arm compensation in aided inertial navigation of UAVs.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dahlin Rodin, Christopher;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Detectability of objects at the sea surface in visible light and thermal camera images.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
de Alcantara Andrade, Fabio Augusto;
Dahlin Rodin, Christopher;
Hovenburg, Anthony Reinier;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Storvold, Rune.
Path Planning of Multi-UAS Communication Relay by Decentralized MPC.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abdollahpouri, Mohammad;
Haring, Mark;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Rohal'-Ilkiv, Boris;
takacs, gergely.
Double Moving Horizon Estimation: Linearization by a Nonlinear Transformation.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Hann, Richard;
Alam, Mushfiqul;
Rohac, Jan;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Aerodynamic modeling of the Skywalker X8 Fixed-Wing Unmanned
Aerial Vehicle.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nielsen, Mikkel Cornelius;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Blanke, Mogens.
Cooperative Rendezvous and Docking for Underwater Robots Using Model Predictive Control and Dual Decomposition.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Benders, Sebastian;
Wenz, Andreas Wolfgang;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Adaptive Path Planning for Unmanned Aircraft Using In-flight Wind Velocity Estimation.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hasan, Agus Ismail;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Model-Based Actuator Fault Diagnosis in Multirotor UAVs.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dahlin Rodin, Christopher;
Stahl, Annette;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Skyline Based Camera Attitude Estimation Using a Digital Surface Model.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dahl, Andreas Reason;
Skjetne, Roger;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Structure Preserving Power System Frequency Model for Dynamic Positioning Vessels.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Olofsson, Jonatan;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Cooperative remote sensing of ice using a Spatially Indexed Labeled Multi-Bernoulli filter.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Olofsson, Jonatan;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Spatially indexed clustering for scalable tracking of remotely sensed drift ice.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Kuttenkeuler, J;
Erstorp, E.
A Formation of Unmanned Vehicles for Tracking of an Acoustic Fish-Tag.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hann, Richard;
Wenz, Andreas Wolfgang;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Impact of atmospheric icing on UAV aerodynamic performance.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørne, Elias ;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Brekke, Edmund Førland.
Redesign and analysis of globally asymptotically stable bearing only SLAM.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Albrektsen, Sigurd Mørkved;
Sægrov, Atle;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Navigation of UAV using phased array radio.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hovenburg, Anthony Reinier;
De Alcantara Andrade, Fabio Augusto;
Dahlin Rodin, Christopher;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Storvold, Rune.
Contingency Path Planning for Hybrid-electric UAS.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Merz, Mariann;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A strategy for robust precision control of an endbody being towed by an orbiting UAV.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sørensen, Kim Lynge;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Flight Test Results for Autonomous Icing Protection Solution for Small Unmanned Aircraft.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hovenburg, Anthony Reinier;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Storvold, Rune.
Mission performance trade-offs of battery-powered sUAS.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
A UAV Ice Tracking Framework for Autonomous Sea Ice Management.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
De Alcantara Andrade, Fabio Augusto;
Storvold, Rune;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Autonomous UAV surveillance of a ship's path with MPC for maritime situational awareness.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Merz, Mariann;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Optimal path of a UAV engaged in wind-influenced circular towing.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dahlin Rodin, Christopher;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Accuracy of sea ice floe size observation from an aerial camera at slant angles.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cisek, Krzysztof;
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Klausen, Kristian;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Ultra-wide band Real time Location Systems: Practical implementation and UAV performance evaluation.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wenz, Andreas Wolfgang;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Estimation of wind velocities and aerodynamic coefficients for UAVs using standard autopilot sensors and a Moving Horizon Estimator.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fusini, Lorenzo;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Dead Reckoning of a Fixed-Wing UAV with Inertial Navigation Aided by Optical Flow.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Olofsson, Jonatan;
Veibäck, Clas;
Hendeby, Gustaf;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Outline of a system for integrated adaptive ice tracking and multi-agent path planning.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fusini, Lorenzo;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear Camera- and GNSS-aided INS for Fixed-Wing UAV using the eXogenous Kalman Filter.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Detection and Tracking of Floating Objects using an UAV with Thermal Camera.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ahmadi Moshkenani, Parisa;
Olaru, Sorin;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Further Results on the Exploration of Combinatorial Tree in Multi-Parametric Quadratic Programming.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
An unknown input observer based control allocation scheme for icing diagnosis and accommodation in overactuated UAVs.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Nonlinear Filtering with eXogenous Kalman Filter and Double Kalman Filter.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Albrektsen, Sigurd Mørkved;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
SyncBoard - A high accuracy sensor timing board for UAV payloads.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Rogne, Robert Harald;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Inertial Sensors for Risk-Based Redundancy in Dynamic Positioning.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Hansen, Jakob Mahler;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Robust Navigation of UAV using Inertial Sensors Aided by UWB and RTK GPS.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Alfredsen, Jo Arve;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Skøien, Kristoffer Rist.
A communication bridge between underwater sensors and unmanned vehicles using a surface wireless sensor network - design and validation.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Merz, Mariann;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Feasibility study of a circularly towed cable-body system for UAV applications.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Tracking of Marine Surface Objects from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with a Pan/Tilt Unit using a Thermal Camera and Optical Flow.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Brekke, Edmund Førland.
Globally Exponentially Stable Kalman Filter for SLAM with AHRS.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skjong, Espen;
Gale, Serge;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Data-Driven decision support tool for power quality measures in marine vessel power system.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mathisen, Siri Holthe;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Non-linear Model Predictive Control for Longitudinal and Lateral Guidance of a Small Fixed-Wing UAV in Precision Deep Stall Landing.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wenz, Andreas Wolfgang;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Cristofaro, Andrea.
Combining model-free and model-based angle of attack estimation for small fixed-wing UAVs using a standard sensor suite.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hosen, Jesper;
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Fusini, Lorenzo;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A vision-aided nonlinear observer for fixed-wing UAV navigation.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Perez, Tristan.
Unmanned Aerial Surveillance System for Hazard Collision Avoidance in Autonomous Shipping.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wenz, Andreas Wolfgang;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Icing detection for small fixed wing UAVs using inflight aerodynamic coefficient estimation.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sørensen, Kim Lynge;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Thermodynamics of a carbon nano-materials based icing protection system for unmanned aerial vehicle.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sousa, João Borges de;
Rajan, Kanna;
Pereira, J.;
Pinto, J;
Lourenco, PC;
Galocha, JM.
Rapid Environmental Picture Atlantic exercise 2015: a field report.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ludvigsen, Martin;
Albrektsen, Sigurd Mørkved;
Cisek, Krzysztof;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Norgren, Petter;
Skjetne, Roger.
Network of heterogeneous autonomous vehicles for marine research and management.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fusini, Lorenzo;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
A globally exponentially stable non-linear velocity observer for vision-aided UAV dead reckoning.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hansen, Jakob Mahler;
Rohac, Jan;
Sipos, Martin;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Validation and Experimental Testing of Observers for Robust GNSS-Aided Inertial Navigation.
Klausen, Kristian;
Moe, Jostein Borgen;
van der Horn, Jornel;
Gomola, Alojz;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Coordinated Control Concept for Recovery of a Fixed-Wing UAV on a Ship using a Net Carried by Multirotor UAVs.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hansen, Jakob Mahler;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Tightly Coupled Integrated Inertial and Real-Time-Kinematic Positioning Approach Using Nonlinear Observer.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Saberi, Ali.
Nonlinear Observer for Attitude, Position and Velocity: Theory and Experiments.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zolich, Artur Piotr;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Cisek, Krzysztof;
Klausen, Kristian.
Unmanned Aerial System Architecture for Maritime Missions. Design & Hardware Description.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fusini, Lorenzo;
Hosen, Jesper;
Helgesen, Håkon Hagen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Experimental Validation of a Uniformly Semi-globally Exponentially Stable Non-linear Observer for GNSS- and Camera-aided Inertial Navigation for Fixed-wing UAVs.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hansen, Jakob Mahler;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear Observer for INS Aided by Time-Delayed GNSS Measurements - Implementation and UAV Experiments.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Klausen, Kristian;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear control of a multirotor UAV with suspended load.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mathisen, Siri Holthe;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Non-linear model predictive control for guidance of a fixed-wing UAV in precision deep stall landing.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Sørensen, Kim;
Hansen, Jakob Mahler;
Fossen, Thor I..
On Estimation of Wind Velocity, Angle-of-Attack and Sideslip Angle of small UAVs using Standard Sensors.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Barbatei, Remus-Gabriel;
Skavhaug, Amund;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Acquisition and relaying of data from a floating wireless sensor node using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Trnka, Kenan;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
A Light-Weight Thermal Camera Payload with Georeferencing Capabilities for Small Fixed-Wing UAVs.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stokkeland, Martin;
Klausen, Kristian;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Autonomous visual navigation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for wind turbine inspection.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Dahl, Andreas Reason;
Rejani Miyazaki, Michel;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Rokseth, Børge.
Real-Time Marine Vessel and Power Plant Simulation.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skjong, Espen;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Volden, Rune.
Shaping the current waveform of an active filter for optimized system level harmonic conditioning.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skjong, Espen;
Ochoa-Gimenez, Miguel;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Management of harmonic propagation in a marine vessel by use of optimization.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skjong, Espen;
Nundal, Stian Aas;
Leira, Frederik Stendahl;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Autonomous search and tracking of objects using model predictive control of unmanned aerial vehicle and gimbal: Hardware-in-the-loop simulation of payload and avionics.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Klausen, Kristian;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Aguiar, A. P..
Cooperative path-following for multirotor UAVs with a suspended payload.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rotondo, Damiano;
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Nejjari, Fathia;
Puig, Vicenc.
Icing detection in unmanned aerial vehicles with longitudinal motion
using an LPV unknown input observer.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Binder, Benjamin Julian Tømte;
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Scalability of QP solvers for embedded model predictive control applied to a subsea petroleum production system.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Polycarpou, Marios;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control allocation for a class of
nonlinear systems with redundant inputs.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rogne, Robert Harald;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
On attitude observers and inertial navigation for reference system fault detection and isolation in dynamic positioning.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Seron, María M.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
De Dona, Josè A.;
Cristofaro, Andrea.
Detection and estimation of icing in unmanned aerial vehicles using a bank of unknown input observers.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I..
Nonlinear Observer for Inertial Navigation Aided by Pseudo-Range and Range-Rate Measurements.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Binder, Benjamin Julian Tømte;
Ferreau, Hans Joachim;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Diehl, M.
Automatic Deployment of Industrial Embedded Model Predictive Control Using qpOASES.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cristofaro, Andrea;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Aguiar, A. P..
Icing Detection and Identification for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skjong, Espen;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Optimized current reference generation for system-level harmonic mitigation in a diesel-electric ship using non-linear model predictive control.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nikoofard, Amirhossein;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ho, Dac-Tu;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Sujit, P.B.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sousa, João.
Performance Evaluation of Cooperative Relay and Particle Swarm Optimization Path Planning for UAV and Wireless Sensor Network.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Dynamic Safety Constraints by Scenario Based Economic Model Predictive Control.
IFAC Papers Online
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hovstein, Vegard Evjen;
Sægrov, Atle;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Experiences with coastal and maritime UAS BLOS operation with phased-array antenna digital payload data link.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Distributed Model Predictive Control of Interconnected Nonlinear Systems by Dynamic Dual Decomposition.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Veksler, Aleksander;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Mathiesen, Eirik;
Skjetne, Roger.
Governor principle for increased safety and economy on vessels with diesel-electric propulsion.
European Union Control Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Feller, Christian;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Explicit MPC of higher-order linear processes via combinatorial multi-parametric quadratic programming.
European Union Control Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Scenario-Based Fault-Tolerant Model Predictive Control for Diesel-Electric Marine Power Plant.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Saberi, Ali.
Nonlinear Observer for GNSS-Aided Inertial Navigation with Quaternion-Based Attitude Estimation.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ho, Dac-Tu;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Heuristic Algorithm and Cooperative Relay for Energy Efficient Data Collection with a UAV and WSN.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Forsmo, Erik Johannes;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Optimal search mission with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles using Mixed Integer Linear Programming.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ho, Dac-Tu;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Sujit, P.B.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sousa, João.
Cluster-Based Communication Topology Selection and UAV Path Planning in Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
poloni, tomas;
Rohal-Ilkiv, B;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Parallel Numerical Optimization for Fast Adaptive Nonlinear Moving Horizon Estimation.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nikoofard, Amirhossein;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Mahdianfar, Hessam;
Pavlov, Alexey.
Constrained MPC Design for Heave Disturbance Attenuation in Offshore Drilling Systems.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hlava, J.;
Opalka, J.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Model predictive control of power plant superheater — Comparison of multi model and nonlinear approaches.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Saberi, Ali.
A Nonlinear Observer for Integration of GNSS and IMU Measurements with Gyro Bias Estimation.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ho, Dac-Tu;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Shimamoto, S;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Optimal Relay Path Selection and Cooperative Communication Protocol for a Swarm of UAVs.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Veksler, Aleksander;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Skjetne, Roger.
Transient power control in dynamic positioning - governor feedforward and dynamic thrust allocation.
IFAC Papers Online
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
poloni, tomas;
Rohal-Ilkiv, B;
alberer, D;
del Re, Luigi;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Comparison of Sensor Configurations for Mass Flow Estimation of Turbocharged Diesel Engines.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Path planning for UAVs under Communication Constraints using SPLAT! and MILP.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Path- and data transmission planning for cooperating UAVs in delay tolerant network.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Veksler, Aleksander;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Skjetne, Roger.
Thrust allocation with power management functionality on dynamically positioned vessels.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Eielsen, Arnfinn Aas;
poloni, tomas;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Gravdahl, Jan Tommy.
Experimental Comparison of Online Parameter Identification Schemes for a Nanopositioning Stage with Variable Mass.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hanger, Martin Bøgseth;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Mykland, Geir Kåre;
Skullestad, Åge.
Dynamic Model Predictive Control Allocation using CVXGEN.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Introduction to Nonlinear Model Predictive Control and Moving Horizon Estimation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bayat, Farhad;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Jalali, A A.
Flexible piecewise function evaluation methods with application to explicit model predictive control.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sui, Dan;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Regularized Nonlinear Moving Horizon Observer – Theory and application to automotive friction estimation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sui, Dan;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Exponential Stability of Regularized Moving Horizon Observer for N-Detectable Nonlinear Systems.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bayat, Farhad;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Jalali, A A.
Managing time-storage complexity in point location problem: Application to Explicit Model Predictive Control.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Perez, Tristan.
A Survey of Control Allocation Methods for Underwater Vehicles.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Approaches to Explicit Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with Reduced Partition Complexity.
European Union Control Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alberding, Matthaus;
Tjønnås, Johannes;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear Hierarchical Control Allocation for Vehicle Yaw Stabilization and Rollover Prevention.
European Union Control Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Explicit Model Predictive Control of an Electropneumatic Clutch Actuator Using On/Off Valves and Pulse-width Modulation.
European Union Control Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Langjord, Hege;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Bratli, Christian.
Dual-mode switched control of an electropneumatic clutch actuator with input restrictions.
European Union Control Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Explicit Approximate Model Predictive Control of Constrained Nonlinear Systems with Quantized Inputs.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Kalkkuhl, Jens;
Suissa, Avshalom.
Nonlinear Observer for Vehicle Velocity with Friction and Road Bank Angle Adaptation - Validation and Comparison with an Extended Kalman Filter.
Society of Automotive Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Tøndel, Johan Petter.
Computational Aspects of Approximate Explicit Nonlinear Model Predictive Control.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Idsø, Einar Skavland;
Saunders, Benjamin A;
Duffell, Lynsey;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Hunt, Kenneth J..
Quantitative assessment of force distribution for FES cycling.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Survey of explicit approaches to constrained optimal control.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Halleland, Vilde;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Tengesdal, Trym.
Implementation and Validation of an MPC-based Mid-Level Collision Avoidance Planning Algorithm.
Masters thesis
Vedeler, Edvard Indrebø;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Tengesdal, Trym.
Uncertainty-aware DRL-based Ship Collision Avoidance and Trajectory Tracking.
Masters thesis
Johansen, Thomas;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sørensen, Asgeir J..
Risk-Based Control of Autonomous Surface Ship.
NTNU Faculty of Engineering
Doctoral dissertation
Myhren, Linn Jeanette;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Tengesdal, Trym.
Dynamic Positioning system for ships operating within offshore wind farms.
Masters thesis
Kristensen, Andreas;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Tengesdal, Trym.
Path planning for ships operating within wind farms.
Masters thesis
Myklebust, Jørgen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Tengesdal, Trym.
Simulation-Based Verification of an Intention-Aware Probabilistic Scenario-Based MPC with Realistic Target Tracking.
Masters thesis
Jaatun, Amalie Rikardsen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Tengesdal, Trym.
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Anti-grounding and Trajectory Tracking in the Presence of Environmental Disturbances.
Masters thesis
Dyrskog, Jørgen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Tengesdal, Trym.
Implementation and Validation of a Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Maritime Collision Avoidance and Anti-Grounding.
Masters thesis
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Haugen, Helene Engebakken.
Validation and development of intention model for collision avoidance at sea.
NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Masters thesis
Lycke, Peder;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Situation-dependant tuning of a collision avoidance algorithm for surface vessels with grounding hazard consideration.
NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Masters thesis
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Skålheim, Gunnar.
Path planning and path following for Surface Operating Vessels (SOVs) in offshore wind farms.
NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Masters thesis
Kristiansen, Bjørn Andreas;
Gravdahl, Jan Tommy;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Energy and Time Optimal Spacecraft Attitude Control and Operations.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral theses at NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Pahlm, Børge;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Trade-off between accuracy and time consumption in optimization algorithms for thrust allocation.
NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Masters thesis
Lunde, Trym Overrein;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Path Planning and Path Following in Offshore Wind Applications.
NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Masters thesis
Blindheim, Simon André Johnsen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer;
Sørensen, Asgeir J..
Risk-aware decision-making and control of autonomous ships.
NTNU Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
Doctoral dissertation
Torben, Tobias Valentin Rye;
Sørensen, Asgeir J.;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Formal approaches to design and verification of safe control systems for autonomous vessels.
NTNU Faculty of Engineering
Doctoral dissertation
Knutsen, Karen Solem;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Analysis of AIS data for COLREGS compliance.
Masters thesis
Vassbotn, Olav Buset;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Analysis of ship collision risk encounters and COLREG behaviours using machine learning and AIS data.
Masters thesis
Merz, Mariann;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Towed Endbody Precision Maneuvers using a Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Doctoral dissertation
Högnadottir, Sif;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Hann, Richard;
Gryte, Kristoffer.
Inner Loop Adaptive Control of Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Icing Conditions.
Masters thesis
Stray, Eivind Heldal;
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Flight Experiment Based System
Identification of the Skywalker X8
UAV in Icing Conditions.
Masters thesis
Murvold, Martin Navarsete;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Evaluation of COLREGs compliance, when considering grounding hazards.
Masters thesis
Nordvik, Kristoffer;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Dynamic positioning during launch and recovery for an unmanned autonomous ROV supply vessel.
Masters thesis
Fuglestad, Thomas;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Positioning and Sensor Fusion for Docking of Autonomous Ships.
Masters thesis
Grande, Tom Daniel;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
PSB-MPC Collision Avoidance with Anti-Grounding.
Masters thesis
Knudsen, Simen Krantz;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Model validation and berthing of an autonomous ferry.
Masters thesis
Bergh, Thea Kristine;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
ENC-based Collision and Grounding Avoidance System for a Green-Energy Autonomous Surface Vehicle.
Masters thesis
Kristiansen, Kjetil Sekse;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Contact detection for autonomous boats using machine learning.
Masters thesis
Thiagarajah, Dinosshan;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Localization of Ferries using Monocular Camera, IMU, and GNSS during Automated Docking.
Masters thesis
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Birkeland, Roger;
Orlandic, Milica;
Eriksen, Torkild;
Blix, Kolbjørn.
Forslag til permanent nasjonal forskningsinfrastruktur – småsatellitter til nytte for havrommet.
Gryte, Kristoffer;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland.
Precision control of fixed-wing UAV and robust navigation in GNSS-denied environments.
Doctoral dissertation
Hann, Richard;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Unsettled Topics in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Icing.
Society of Automotive Engineers
Society of Automotive Engineers
Borup, Kasper Trolle;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Air Data Estimation for Small Unmanned Aircraft.
NTNU Trondheim
Doctoral dissertation
Albrektsen, Sigurd Mørkved;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Sensor Synchronization and Navigation in GNSS-Denied Environments for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2018:275)
Doctoral dissertation
Skjong, Espen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Otimization-based Control in Shipboard Electric Systems.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (139)
Doctoral dissertation
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear Observer Design for Aided Inertial Navigation of Ships.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (86)
Doctoral dissertation
Rogne, Robert Harald;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Observer design for fault-tolerant dynamic positioning using MEMS inertial sensors.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (86)
Doctoral dissertation
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Skjetne, Roger.
Scenario- and Optimization-Based Control of Marine Electric Power Systems.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2016:47)
Doctoral dissertation
Andersen, Jørn Harald S.;
Storvold, Rune;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Jamtli, Bent-Ove.
Droner i Arktis.
Veksler, Aleksander Vladimirovitsj;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Optimization-based control of diesel-electric ships in dynamic positioning.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (302)
Doctoral dissertation
Nornes, Stein Melvær;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar.
Optimal trajectory planning for robotized tiling of floors.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen;
Skjetne, Roger;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Veksler, Aleksander Vladimirovitsj.
Dynamic model predictive control (MPC) for load sharing in electric power plants for ships.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Langjord, Hege;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear Observer and Control Design for Electropneumatic Clutch Actuation.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (54)
Doctoral dissertation
Grip, Håvard Fjær;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Topics in State and Parameter Estimation for Nonlinear and Uncertain Systems.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (88)
Doctoral dissertation
Tjønnås, Johannes;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Nonlinear and Adaptive Dynamic Control Allocation.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (65)
Doctoral dissertation
Bakkeheim, Jostein;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Improved Transient Performance by Lyapunov-based Reset of Dynamic Controllers.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (38)
Doctoral dissertation
Elgsæter, Steinar Morisbak;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Modeling and Optimizing the Offshore Production of Oil and Gas under Uncertainty.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (267)
Doctoral dissertation
Spjøtvold, Jørgen;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Parametric Programming in Control Theory.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (94)
Doctoral dissertation
Pivano, Luca;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Thrust Estimation and Control of Marine Propellers in Four-Quadrant Operations.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (20)
Doctoral dissertation
Bieker, Hans Petter;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Topics in Offshore Oil Production Optimization using Real-Time Data.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (148)
Doctoral dissertation
Ottermo, Maria Vatshaug;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Virtual Palpation Gripper.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (95)
Doctoral dissertation
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Langer, Dennis David;
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Tudor Ionescu, Radu;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
The HYPSO-1 Sea-Land-Cloud-Labeled Hyperspectral Dataset.
Academic lectureUtne, Ingrid Bouwer; Johansen, Tor Arne; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan. (2025) Towards risk-based rationality in autonomous systems and operations. RAMS 2025-01-26 - 2025-01-30
LectureSingh, Asmita; Sanchez Puerto, Nicolas; Moreira Fragoso, Glaucia; Garrett, Joseph Landon; Johnsen, Geir; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2024) The Observational Pyramid: Unravelling the Physical and Biogeochemical Processes in the Remote Polar Oceans. National Institute of Oceanography Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere (SOLAS) conference , Goa, India 2024-11-10 - 2024-11-14
PosterSingh, Asmita; Sanchez Puerto, Nicolas; Moreira Fragoso, Glaucia; Garrett, Joseph Landon; Johnsen, Geir; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2024) Decoding Oceanic Mysteries: The Observational Pyramid for Insights into the Physical and Biogeochemical Changes in the Remote Polar Oceans. Framsenteret, Norsk Polarinstitutt Antarktisseminaret 2024 , Tromsø, Norge 2024-05-07 - 2024-05-08
Academic lectureBakken, Sivert; Zolich, Artur; Sørensen, Kai; Marty, Sabine; Harvey, E. Therese; Grant, Stephen Denis. (2024) Initial Field Evaluation of an On-Water Radiometry Robot for Water Quality and Satellite Validation . IAC Congress , Milano 2024-10-14 - 2024-10-18
Academic lectureBerg, Simen; Langer, Dennis David; Chiatante, Corrado; Birkeland, Roger; Alvarez Justo, Jon; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2024) Onboard classification to guide capture downlink using the HYPSO-1 satellite. IAC Congress , Milano 2024-10-14 - 2024-10-18
Academic lectureGhindaoanu, N. Adelina; Gryte, Kristoffer; Reinhardt, Dirk Peter; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2024) Control of Fixed-Wing UAVs in Icing Conditions Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. European Control Conference 2024 2024-06-25 - 2024-06-28
Academic lectureBakken, Sivert; Johnsen, Geir; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2024) First Look at Mondrian Forests for Hyperspectral Secchi Depth Estimation. EARSeL 13th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy , Valencia, Spain 2024-04-16 - 2024-04-18
PosterSingh, Asmita; Sanchez Puerto, Nicolas; Moreira Fragoso, Glaucia; Garrett, Joseph Landon; Johnsen, Geir; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2024) Enhancing Remote Polar Ocean Monitoring: Applying the Observational Pyramid for Improved Climate Insights. Digital Life Norway Digital Life Norway: Research School Conference , Oslo, Norge 2024-10-14 - 2024-10-16
InterviewOftedahl, Live; Tung, Karianne Oldernes; Johansen, Tor Arne; Udnæs, Frank. (2024) – Dette er en bragd av NTNU. NTNU Nyheter NTNU Nyheter [Internet] 2024-11-06
Academic lectureAkdağ, Melih; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2024) Prioritizing and Ranking Ships in Multi-encounter Scenarios for Autonomous Navigation. Proc. SCIS & ISIS 2024-11-09 - 2024-11-12
Academic lectureKovac, D; Mucha, J; Alvarez Justo, Jon; Melkyska, J; Galaz, Z; Novotny, K. (2024) Deep Learning for In-Orbit Cloud Segmentation and Classification in Hyperspectral Satellite Data. 9th International Conference on Frontiers of Signal Processing , Paris 2024-09-12 - 2024-09-14
LectureBerg, Simen; Sivertsen, Eirik Selnæs; Kristiansen, Bjørn Andreas; Bakken, Sivert; Birkeland, Roger; Chiatante, Corrado. (2024) Eksempler og live-demonstrasjon av noe av det vi kan gjøre med norske mikrosatellitter. luftkrigsskolen Luftmaktseminaret 2024 , Luftkrigsskolen 2024-02-07 - 2024-02-08
LectureBerg, Simen; Birkeland, Roger; Bakken, Sivert; Chiatante, Corrado; Kristiansen, Bjørn Andreas; Langer, Dennis David. (2024) Experiences and data collected from HYPSO-1’s second year in orbit. Aalto University Winter Satellite Workshop 2024 , Aalto University, Espoo, Finland 2024-01-17 - 2024-01-19
Academic lectureBirkeland, Roger; Orlandic, Milica; Johansen, Tor Arne; Kohfeldt, Anja; Røed, Ketil; Berger, Tor. (2024) An update on Norwegian Space Education. Aalto University Finnish Satellite Workshop. 2024 , Espoo 2024-01-17 - 2024-01-19
LectureHaugum, Matias; Annette, Stahl; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2023) In-situ Segmentation and Post-Processing of Phytoplankton Image Data Captured Onboard an Autonomous Surface Vehicle. 20th Int. Conference on Harmful Algae (ICHA), Hiroshima, Japan 2023-11-05 - 2024-11-10
Academic lectureKristiansen, Bjørn Andreas; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy; Gros, Sebastien Nicolas; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2023) Energy optimal attitude control of a satellite actuated by magnetorquers in minimum time. IEEE Control Systems Society 7th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications , Bridgetown, Barbados 2023-11-01 - 2023-11-01
PosterKristiansen, Bjørn Andreas; Langer, Dennis David; Garrett, Joseph Landon; Berg, Simen; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2023) Accuracy of a slew maneuver for the HYPSO-1 hyperspectral imaging satellite — in-orbit results. IEEE 13th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Signal Processing , Athens, Greece 2023-11-01 - 2023-11-01
Popular scientific lectureMurray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki; Frank, Tina; Ferguson, Sam; Bakken, Sivert; Sivertsen, Eirik Selnæs; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2023) Deep Dark Oceans Music Video project - datavisualisation of Hyperspectral data in collaboration with Department of Engineering Cybernetics and Creativity and Cognition Studios, University of Technology Sydney. NTNU Ocean , Trondheim 2023-05-02 - 2023-05-03
PosterLanger, Dennis David; Berg, Simen; Garrett, Joseph Landon; Birkeland, Roger; Bakken, Sivert; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2023) Agile smallsat operation tool-chain development: Hypso-1 hyperspectral earth observation experiences. IEEE 13th Workshop on Hyperspectral Imaging and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing 2023 , Athen 2023-10-31 - 2023-11-02
Academic lectureEide, Egil Sverre; Breivik, Morten; Brekke, Edmund Førland; Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung; Wilthil, Erik Falmår; Thyri, Emil Hjelseth. (2023) Development and operation of the autonomous urban passenger ferry milliampere2. ICMASS 2023 , Rotterdam 2023-11-07 - 2023-11-09
Academic lectureGrøtte, Mariusz Eivind Santora; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2023) A Constrained Control Allocation and Tuning Scheme for Hybrid Actuators in Spacecraft Attitude Control. IFAC IFAC World Congress , Yokohama, Japan 2023-07-09 - 2023-07-14
Academic lectureWallner, Raffael Andrea; Gran, Bjørn Axel; Pedersen, Tom Arne; Johansen, Tor Arne; Lundteigen, Mary Ann. (2023) Identifying Test Scenarios for Simulated Safety Demonstration using STPA and CAST. European Safety and Reliability Association (ESRA) 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference , Southampton 2023-09-03 - 2023-09-07
PosterPenne, Cameron Louis; Garrett, Joseph Landon; Johansen, Tor Arne; Orlandic, Milica; Heggebø, Ragna. (2023) Independent component analysis: A tool for algal bloom detection. Vincent Couturier-Doux and Audrey Dibilio 2023 13th Workshop on Hyperspectral Imaging and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS) , Athens, Greece 2023-10-31 - 2023-11-02
Academic lectureBerg, Simen; Bakken, Sivert; Birkeland, Roger; Chiatante, Corrado; Garrett, Joseph Landon; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2023) Ground systems software for automatic operation of the HYPSO-2 hyperspectral imaging satellite. SPIE Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites XXVII , Rai Amsterdam 2023-10-15 - 2023-10-19
Academic lectureRothmund, Sverre Velten; Haugen, Helene Engebakken; Veglo, Guro Drange; Brekke, Edmund Førland; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2023) Validation of ship intention model for maritime collision avoidance control using historical AIS data. European Control Association European Control Conference 2023 , Bucharesti, Romania 2023-06-13 - 2023-06-16
Academic lectureHögnadottir, Sif; Gryte, Kristoffer; Hann, Richard; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2023) Inner-Loop Control of Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Icing Conditions. AIAA AIAA SciTech Conference , National Harbor, Maryland 2023-01-23 - 2023-01-27
LectureHaugum, Matias; Fragoso, Glaucia; Stahl, Annette; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2023) In-situ segmentation and post-processing of phytoplankton image data suitable for an autonomous surface vehicle. 20th International Conference on Harmful Algae 2023-11-05 - 2023-11-10
Academic lectureØveraas, Henning; Heggernes, A; Dallolio, Alberto; Bryne, Torleiv Håland; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2022) Predicting the Speed of a Wave-Propelled Autonomous Surface Vehicle Using Metocean Forecasts. IEEE/MTS Oceans 2022-02-21 - 2022-02-24
Academic lecturePrentice, Elizabeth; Henriksen, Marie Bøe; Johansen, Tor Arne; Navarro Medina, F; Gomez San Juan, A. (2022) Characterizing Spectral Response in Thermal Environments, the HYPSO-1 Hyperspectral Imager. IEEE Aerospace Conference 2022-03-05 - 2022-03-12
Academic lectureHagen, Inger Berge; Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde; Johansen, Tor Arne; Brekke, Edmund Førland. (2022) Scenario-Based Model Predictive Control with Different Numbers of Decision Steps for COLREGS Compliant Ship Collision Avoidance. 14th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics, and Vehicles, Copenhagen 2022-09-14 - 2022-09-16
Academic lectureHelgesen, Håkon Hagen; Kristiansen, K S; Vik, Bjørnar; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2022) Detection of Contact with Quay for Ships using Motion Sensors and Machine Learning. 14th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics, and Vehicles, Copenhagen 2022-09-14 - 2022-09-16
Academic lectureBakken, Sivert; Danielsen, Aksel; Døsvik, K; Garrett, Joseph; Orlandic, Milica; Langer, Dennis D.. (2022) A modular hyperspectral image processing pipeline for cubesats. 12th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS), Rome 2022-09-13 - 2022-09-16
Academic lectureBosdelekidis, Vasileios; Johansen, Tor Arne; Sokolova, Nadezda. (2022) DNN-based anomaly prediction for the uncertainty in visual SLAM. 17th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), Singapore 2022-12-11 - 2022-12-13
Academic lectureLanger, Dennis D.; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2022) Interactive hyperspectral data inspection during field operations. 12th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS), Rome 2022-09-13 - 2022-09-16
Academic lectureHenriksen, Marie Bøe; Garrett, Joseph; Johansen, Tor Arne; Sigernes, Fred. (2022) Comparing pre- and post-launch images from the HYPSO-1 cubesat hyperspectral imager. 73rd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Paris 2022-09-18 - 2022-09-22
LectureOudijk, Esmée; Hasler, Oliver Kevin; Overaas, H; Marty, Sabine; Williamson, David; Svendsen, T. (2022) Campaign For Hyperspectral Data Validation In North Atlantic Coastal Waters. 2022 12th Workshop on Hyperspectral Imaging and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS) 2022-10-13 - 2022-10-16
LectureZolich, Artur Piotr; Faltynkova, Andrea; Johnsen, Geir; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2022) Portable Catamaran Drone - an uncrewed sampling vehicle for micro-plastics and aquaculture research. MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2022-10-17 - 2022-10-20
Academic lectureJellum, Erling Rennemo; Bryne, Torleiv Håland; Johansen, Tor Arne; Orlandic, Milica. (2022) The Syncline Model - Analyzing the Impact of Time Synchronization in Sensor Fusion. 6th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications 2022-08-23 - 2022-08-25
Academic lectureReinhardt, Dirk Peter; Gryte, Kristoffer; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2022) Modeling of the Skywalker X8 Fixed-Wing UAV: Flight Tests and System Identification. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), Dubrovnik 2022-06-21 - 2022-06-24
Academic lectureCoates, Erlend M.; Reinhardt, Dirk Peter; Gryte, Kristoffer; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2022) Toward Nonlinear Flight Control for Fixed-Wing UAVs: System Architecture, Field Experiments, and Lessons Learned. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), Dubrovnik 2022-06-21 - 2022-06-24
Academic lectureDallolio, Alberto; Bergh, Thea; De La Torre, Pedro R.; Øveraas, Henning; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2022) ENC-based Anti-Grounding and Anti-Collision System for a Wave-Propelled USV. IEEE/MTS Oceans 2022-02-21 - 2022-02-24
Academic lectureLanger, Dennis D.; Prentice, Elizabeth; Johansen, Tor Arne; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan. (2022) Validation of hyperspectral camera operations with an experimental aircraft. The International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22
Academic lectureThiagarajah, Dinosshan; Helgesen, Håkon Hagen; Kjerstad, Øivind Kåre; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2022) Localization for Ships during Automated Docking using a Monocular Camera. European Control Conference 2022-07-12 - 2022-07-15
Academic lectureReinhardt, Dirk Peter; Pedersen, Morten Dinhoff; Gryte, Kristoffer; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2022) A Symmetry Calibration Procedure for Sensor-to-Airframe Misalignments in Wind Tunnel Data. 6th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications 2022-08-23 - 2022-08-25
Academic lectureKleiven, Ruben; Gryte, Kristoffer; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2022) Robust and Gain Scheduled Flight Control of Fixed-Wing UAVs in Wind and Icing Conditions. IEEE Aerospace Conference 2022-03-05 - 2022-03-12
Academic lectureHenriksen, Marie Bøe; Prentice, Elizabeth; Sigernes, Fred; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2022) Pre-Launch Calibration of the HYPSO-1 Cubesat Hyperspectral Payload. IEEE Aerospace Conference 2022-03-05 - 2022-03-12
Academic lectureBlindheim, Simon André Johnsen; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2022) Particle Swarm Optimization for Dynamic Risk-Aware Path Following for Autonomous Ships. 14th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics, and Vehicles, Copenhagen 2022-09-14 - 2022-09-16
Academic lectureHenriksen, Marie Bøe; Sigernes, Fred; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2022) A closer look at a spectrographic wavelength calibration. 12th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS), Rome 2022-09-13 - 2022-09-16
Academic lectureGarrett, Joseph; Singh, N; Johansen, Tor Arne; Necoara, Ion. (2022) Accelerating support vector machines for remote platforms by increasing sparsity. 12th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS), Rome 2022-09-13 - 2022-09-16
Academic lectureAkdag, Melih; Fossen, Thor I.; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2022) Collaborative Collision Avoidance for Autonomous Ships Using Informed Scenario-Based Model Predictive Control. Technical University of Denmark 14th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems , Technical University of Denmark - Kongens Lyngby 2022-09-14 - 2022-09-16
Academic lectureBirkeland, Roger; Quintana DÃaz, Gara; Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn; Ekman, Torbjörn; Aguado, Fernando; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2022) A Multi-purpose Software Defined Radio Payload for the HYPSO-2 Satellite. IEEE IEEE Aerospace Conference , Big Sky, Montana 2022-03-05 - 2022-03-12
Academic lectureHonoré-Livermore, Evelyn; Dallolio, Alberto; Birkeland, Roger; Langer, Dennis D.; Haskins, Cecilia; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2021) MBSE modeling of a SoS with a small satellite and autonomous surface vessels for persistent coastal monitoring. 2021 16th International Conference of System of Systems Engineering (SoSE) , Virtuelt 2021-06-14 - 2021-06-18
Academic lectureDallolio, Alberto; Alfredsen, Jo Arve; Fossen, Thor Inge; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2021) Experimental Validation of a Nonlinear Wave Encounter Frequency Estimator Onboard a Wave-Propelled USV. IFAC 13th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics, and Vehicles , Online Conference - Oldenburg, Germany 2021-09-22 - 2021-09-24
Academic lectureKristiansen, Bjørn Andreas; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2021) Energy optimal attitude control for a solar-powered spacecraft. European Control Conference 2021 , Rotterdam (virtuelt) 2021-06-29 - 2021-07-02
Academic lectureBøhn, Eivind Eigil; Gros, Sebastien; Moe, Signe; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2021) Optimization of the Model Predictive Control Update Interval Using Reinforcement Learning. MICNON 2021-09-15 - 2021-09-17
Academic lectureSollie, Martin Lysvand; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2021) Planning approach trajectories to enable late aborts for fixed-wing UAV recovery on ships. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) 2021-06-15 - 2021-06-18
Academic lectureCoates, Erlend M.; Griffiths, Jenny Bogen; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2021) Robust Reduced-Attitude Control of Fixed-Wing UAVs using a Generalized Multivariable Super-Twisting Algorithm. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) 2021-06-15 - 2021-06-18
Academic lectureGrøtli, Esten Ingar; Haugen, Joakim; Johansen, Tor Arne; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2021) Adaptive sampling for UAV sensor network in oil spill management. American Automatic Control Council American Control Conference 2021 , New Orleans 2021-05-25 - 2021-05-28
Academic lectureGarrett, Joseph; Johansen, Tor Arne; Orlandic, Milica; Bashir, Muhammad Ahsan; Raeissi, Bahman. (2021) Detecting Pinholes in Coatings with Hyperspectral Imaging. 11th Workshop on Hyperspectral Imaging and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS) 2021-03-24 - 2021-03-26
Academic lectureHo, Tu Dac; Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2021) PSO and Kalman Filter-Based Node Motion Prediction for Data Collection from Ocean Wireless Sensors Network with UAV. IEEE Consumer Electronics Society , Digital 2021-01-10 - 2021-01-12
Academic lectureStovner, Bård Nagy; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2020) Globally exponentially stable wind estimation for small fixed-wing UAVs using standard sensors. AIAA Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control 2020-01-05 - 2020-01-10
Academic lectureReinhardt, Dirk Peter; Coates, Erlend Magnus Lervik; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2020) Hybrid Control of Fixed-Wing UAVs for Large-Angle Attitude Maneuvers on the Two-Sphere. IFAC World Congress 2020-07-11 - 2020-07-17
Academic lectureSbarbaro, Daniel; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2020) On-line calibration of spectroscopic sensors based on nonlinear observers. IFAC World Congress 2020-07-11 - 2020-07-17
Academic lectureBakken, Sivert; Wei, J; Lee, Z; Johnsen, Geir; Johansen, Tor Arne; Montoya, J. (2020) Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of the Amazon River Plume. Ocean Science Meeting 2020-02-16 - 2020-02-21
Academic lectureBøhn, Eivind Eigil; Moe, Signe; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2020) Accelerating Reinforcement Learning with Suboptimal Guidance. IFAC World Congress 2020-07-11 - 2020-07-17
Academic lectureWenz, Andreas Wolfgang; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2020) Real-Time Moving Horizon Estimation of Air Data Parameters and Wind Velocities for fixed-wing UAVs. Int. Conf. Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) 2020-09-01 - 2020-09-04
Academic lectureFonseca, J F G; Wei, J; Johansen, Tor Arne; Johansson, Karl Henrik. (2020) Cooperative circumnavigation for a mobile target using adaptive estimation. CONTROLO 2020-07-01 - 2020-07-03
Academic lectureGrøtte, Mariusz Eivind; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy; Johansen, Tor Arne; Larsen, Jesper A; Vidal, Edgar M; Surma, Egidijus. (2020) Spacecraft Attitude and Angular Rate Tracking using Reaction Wheels and Magnetorquers. IFAC World Congress 2020-07-11 - 2020-07-17
Academic lectureBlindheim, Simon; Gros, Sebastien; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2020) Risk-Based Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Ship Emergency Management. International Federation of Automatic Control 1st virtual IFAC World Congress 2020 , Berlin 2020-07-13 - 2020-07-17
Academic lectureKim, Jonghyuk; Byun, H; Guivant, J; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2020) Compressed Pseudo-SLAM: Pseudorange Integrated Generalised Compressed SLAM. Australian Conf. Robotics and Automation 2020-12-08 - 2020-12-10
Academic lectureKim, Jonghyuk; Bhambhani, Y; Byun, H; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2020) Cascaded Nonlinear Attitude Observer and Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping. Australian Conference on Robotics and Automation 2020-12-08 - 2020-12-10
Academic lectureHonoré-Livermore, Evelyn; Johansen, Tor Arne; Bakken, Sivert; Prentice, Elizabeth Frances. (2020) A Norwegian Research Mission to Protect the Oceans. 6th High-Level Industry-Science-Government Dialogue on Atlantic Interactions 2020-10-05 - 2020-10-09
LectureRotondo, Damiano; Efimov, Denis; Cristofaro, Andrea; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2020) Estimation in uncertain switched systems using a bank of interval observers: local vs glocal approach. IFAC IFAC World Congress , Berlin (Virtual) 2020-07-11 - 2020-07-17
LectureTranseth, Aksel Andreas; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan; Johansen, Tor Arne; Storvold, Rune; Rustad, Anne Marthine. (2019) A drone and small satellite innovation center? . Droner i Norge 2019 2019-04-09 - 2019-04-10
Academic lectureHenriksen, Marie Bøe; Garrett, Joseph; Prentice, Elizabeth Frances; Sigernes, Fred; Stahl, Annette; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2019) Real-time Corrections for a Low-cost Hyperspectral Instrument . IEEE WHISPERS , Amsterdam 2019-09-24 - 2019-09-26
Academic lectureBošković, D; Orlandic, Milica; Bakken, Sivert; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2019) HW/SW Implementation of Hyperspectral Target Detection Algorithm. 8th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing – MECO 2019-06-10 - 2019-06-14
Academic lectureRothmund, Sverre Velten; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2019) Risk-Based Obstacle Avoidance in Unknown Environments using Scenario-Based Predictive Control for an Inspection Drone Equipped with Range Finding Sensors. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) , Atlanta - Georgia 2019-06-11 - 2019-06-14
Academic lectureBakken, Sivert; Orlandic, Milica; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2019) The effect of dimensionality reduction on signature-based target detection for hyperspectral remote sensing. CubeSats and SmallSats for Remote Sensing III, SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications , San Diego 2019-08-11 - 2019-08-15
Academic lectureBøhn, Eivind Eigil; Coates, Erlend Magnus Lervik; Moe, Signe; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2019) Deep Reinforcement Learning Attitude Control of Fixed Wing UAVs Using Proximal Policy Optimization. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) 2019-06-11 - 2019-06-14
Academic lectureBjørne, Elias ; Johansen, Tor Arne; Brekke, Edmund Førland. (2019) Cascaded Bearing Only SLAM with Uniform Semi-Global Asymptotic Stability. 22nd Int. Conf. Information Fusion (FUSION) 2019-07-02 - 2019-07-05
Academic lectureAvagian, Karine; Orlandic, Milica; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2019) An FPGA-oriented HW/SW Codesign of Lucy-Richardson Deconvolution Algorithm for Hyperspectral Images. 8th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing – MECO 2019-06-10 - 2019-06-14
Academic lectureReinhardt, Dirk Peter; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2019) Nonlinear Model Predictive Attitude Control for Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) 2019-06-11 - 2019-06-14
Academic lectureGryte, Kristoffer; Bryne, Torleiv Håland; Albrektsen, Sigurd Mørkved; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2019) Field Test Results of GNSS-denied Inertial Navigation aided by Phased-array Radio Systems for UAVs. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) 2019-06-11 - 2019-06-14
Academic lectureHelgesen, Håkon Hagen; Leira, Frederik Stendahl; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2019) Colored-Noise Tracking of Floating Objects using UAVs with Thermal Cameras. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) 2019-06-11 - 2019-06-14
Academic lectureSollie, Martin Lysvand; Bryne, Torleiv Håland; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2019) Pose Estimation of UAVs Based on INS Aided by Two Independent Low-cost GNSS Receivers. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) 2019-06-11 - 2019-06-14
Academic lectureRotondo, Damiano; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2019) State observer design for quadratic parameter varying (QPV) systems. European Control Conference , Napoli 2019-06-25 - 2019-06-28
Academic lectureStovner, Bård Nagy; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2019) GNSS-antenna lever arm compensation in aided inertial navigation of UAVs. European Control Conference , Napoli 2019-06-25 - 2019-06-28
Academic lectureDallolio, Alberto; Bertino, Laurent; Chrpa, Lukas; Johansen, Tor Arne; Ludvigsen, Martin; Orvik, Kjell Arild. (2019) Long-duration Autonomy for Open Ocean Exploration. RSS 2019 Workshop on Robots in the Wild: Challenges in Deploying Robust Autonomy for Robotic Exploration , Freiburg 2019-06-22 - 2019-06-26
Academic lectureCoates, Erlend Magnus Lervik; Wenz, Andreas Wolfgang; Gryte, Kristoffer; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2019) Propulsion System Modeling for Small Fixed Wing UAVs. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) 2019-06-11 - 2019-06-14
Academic lectureFonesca, Joana; Wei, Jieqiang; Johansson, Karl Henrik; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2019) Cooperative decentralised circumnavigation with application to algal bloom tracking. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2019-11-04 - 2019-11-08
Academic lectureLapadatu, Monica; Bakken, Sivert; Grøtte, Mariusz Eivind; Alver, Morten; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2019) Simulation tool for hyper-spectral imaging from a satellite. 10th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS) , Amsterdam 2019-09-24 - 2019-09-26
Academic lectureDallolio, Alberto; Agdal, Bendik; Zolich, Artur Piotr; Alfredsen, Jo Arve; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2019) Long-Endurance Green Energy Autonomous Surface Vehicle Control Architecture. IEEE/MTS OCEANS 2019 , Seattle 2019-10-27 - 2019-10-31
Academic lectureSigernes, Fred; Henriksen, Marie Bøe; Syrjäsuo, Mikko; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2019) Hyper Spectral Imagers for Drones and micro Satellites. 19th International EISCAT Symposium and 46th Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods 2019-08-19 - 2019-08-23
Academic lectureKufoalor, D. Kwame Minde; Wilthil, Erik Falmår; Hagen, Inger Berge; Brekke, Edmund Førland; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2019) Autonomous COLREGs-Compliant Decision Making using Maritime Radar Tracking and Model Predictive Control. European Control Conference , Napoli 2019-06-25 - 2019-06-28
Academic lectureHasan, Agus Ismail; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2018) Model-Based Actuator Fault Diagnosis in Multirotor UAVs, International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems 2018-06-12 - 2018-06-15
Academic lectureAndrade, Fabio; Rodin, Christopher D; Hovenburg, Anthony Reinier; Johansen, Tor Arne; Storvold, Rune. (2018) Path Planning of Multi-UAS Communication Relay by Decentralized MPC. 2018 OCEANS - MTS/IEEE Kobe Techno-Oceans (OTO) 2018-05-29 - 2018-05-31
Academic lectureRodin, Christopher D; de Lima, L. N.; Andrade, Fabio; Haddad, D. B.; Johansen, Tor Arne; Storvold, Rune. (2018) Object Classification in Thermal Images using Convolutional Neural Networks for Search and Rescue Missions with Unmanned Aerial Systems. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Rio de Janeiro 2018-07-08 - 2018-07-13
Academic lectureBerget, Gunhild Elisabeth; Fossum, Trygve Olav; Johansen, Tor Arne; Eidsvik, Jo; Rajan, Kanna. (2018) Adaptive Sampling of Ocean Processes Using a Gaussian Proxy Model Onboard an AUV. 11th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics, and Vehicles 2018-09-10 - 2018-09-12
Academic lectureFortuna, João; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2018) A lightweight payload for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing using small UAVs. 9th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing 2018-09-23 - 2018-09-26
Academic lectureKufoalor, D. Kwame Minde; Brekke, Edmund Førland; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2018) Proactive Collision Avoidance for ASVs using A Dynamic Reciprocal Velocity Obstacles. IEEE/RSJ 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2018) , Madrid 2018-10-01 - 2018-10-05
Academic lectureGryte, Kristoffer; Hann, Richard; Alam, Mushfiqul; Rohac, Jan; Johansen, Tor Arne; Fossen, Thor I.. (2018) Aerodynamic modeling of the Skywalker X8 Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. 2018 International Conference on Unmanned Aerial Systems , Dallas, TX 2018-06-12 - 2018-06-15
Academic lectureHovenburg, Anthony Reinier; de Alcantara Andrade, Fabio Augusto; Rodin, Christopher D; Johansen, Tor Arne; Storvold, Rune. (2018) Inclusion of Horizontal Wind Maps in Path Planning Optimization of UAS. ICUAS 2018 2018-06-12 - 2018-06-15
Academic lectureBjørne, Elias ; Delaune, jeff; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2018) Estimating vector magnitude from its direction and derivative, with application to bearing-only SLAM filter problem. IEEE CSS 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) , Miami 2018-12-17 - 2018-12-19
Academic lectureAbdollahpouri, Mohammad; Haring, Mark; Johansen, Tor Arne; Takács, Gergely; Rohal'-Ilkiv, Boris. (2018) Double Moving Horizon Estimation: Linearization by a Nonlinear Transformation. 2018 European Control Conference , Limassol 2018-06-12 - 2018-06-15
Academic lectureSollesnes, Erik; Brokstad, Ole Martin; Klaeboe, Rolf; Vågen, Bendik; Carella, Alfredo Raúl; Alcocer, Alex. (2018) Towards autonomous ocean observing systems using Miniature Underwater Gliders with UAV deployment and recovery capabilities. IEEE OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Symposium , Porto 2018-11-06 -
Academic lectureRodin, Christopher D; Stahl, Annette; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2018) Skyline Based Camera Attitude Estimation Using a Digital Surface Model. 15th Int.Workshop on Advanced Motion Control 2018-03-09 - 2018-03-11
Academic lecturejain, praveen; Zolich, Artur Piotr; Erstorp, E; Johansen, Tor Arne; Alfredsen, Jo Arve; Aguiar, A Pedro. (2018) Localization of an Acoustic Fish-Tag using the Time-of-Arrival Measurements: Preliminary results using eXogenous Kalman Filter. IEEE IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) , Madrid 2018-10-01 - 2018-10-05
Academic lectureHasan, Agus Ismail; Skriver, M; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2018) eXogenous Kalman Filter for State-of-Charge Estimation in Lithium-ion Batteries. IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications 2018-08-19 - 2018-08-21
Academic lectureBenders, Sebastian; Wenz, Andreas Wolfgang; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2018) Adaptive path planning for unmanned aircrafts using inflight wind velocity estimation. IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems , Dallas 2018-06-12 - 2018-06-15
Academic lectureHovenburg, Anthony Reinier; Andrade, Fabio; Rodin, Christopher D; Johansen, Tor Arne; Storvold, Rune. (2018) Adaptive path planning for unmanned aircrafts using inflight wind velocity estimation. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems 2018-06-12 - 2018-06-15
Academic lectureRodin, Christopher D; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2018) Detectability of Objects at the Sea Surface in Visible Light and Thermal Camera Images. 2018 OCEANS - MTS/IEEE Kobe Techno-Oceans (OTO) 2018-05-28 - 2018-05-31
Academic lectureHagen, Inger Berge; Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde; Brekke, Edmund Førland; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2018) MPC-based Collision Avoidance Strategy for Existing Marine Vessel Guidance Systems. ICRA , Brisbane 2018-05-21 - 2018-05-25
Academic lectureAlbrektsen, Sigurd Mørkved; Bryne, Torleiv Håland; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2018) Phased Array Radio System Aided Inertial Navigation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. IEEE Aerospace Conference 2018-03-03 - 2018-03-10
Academic lectureAlbrektsen, Sigurd Mørkved; Bryne, Torleiv Håland; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2018) Robust and secure UAV navigation using GNSS, phased-array radio system and inertial sensor fusion. IEEE IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications , Conference 2018-08-21 - 2018-08-24
Academic lectureHann, Richard; Wenz, Andreas Wolfgang; Gryte, Kristoffer; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2017) Impact of Atmospheric Icing on UAV Aerodynamic Performance. Linköping Workshop on Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial Systems (RED-UAS) , IEEE 2017-10-03 - 2017-10-05
Academic lectureBjørne, Elias ; Johansen, Tor Arne; Brekke, Edmund Førland. (2017) Redesign and Analysis of Globally Asymptotically Stable Bearing Only SLAM. 20th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION) , Xian 2017-07-10 - 2017-07-13
Academic lectureAbdollahpouri, Mohammad; Haring, Mark; Johansen, Tor Arne; takacs, gergely; Rohal-Ilkiv, B. (2017) Nonlinear State and Parameter Estimation using Discrete-Time Double Kalman Filter . IFAC World Congress 2017-07-09 - 2017-07-14
Academic lectureBjørne, Elias ; Johansen, Tor Arne; Brekke, Edmund Førland. (2017) Cascade Attitude Observer for the SLAM filtering problem. IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications 2017-08-27 - 2017-08-30
Academic lectureMathisen, Siri Gulaker; Johansen, Tor Arne; Grindheim, Vegard. (2017) Approach Methods for Autonomous Precision Aerial Drop from a Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. IFAC World Congress 2017-07-09 - 2017-07-14
Academic lectureHovenburg, Anthony Reinier; Andrade, Fabio; Rodin, Christopher D; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2017) Contingency Path Planning for Hybrid-electric UAS. Workshop on Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial Systems (RED-UAS) 2017-10-03 - 2017-10-05
Academic lectureCisek, Krzysztof; Zolich, Artur Piotr; Klausen, Kristian; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2017) Ultra-Wide Band Real Time Location Systems: Practical Implementation and Performance Evaluation. Workshop on Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial Systems (RED-UAS) , Linköping 2017-10-03 - 2017-10-05
Academic lectureRotondo, Damiano; Cristofaro, Andrea; Gryte, Kristoffer; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2017) LPV model reference control for fixed-wing UAVs. IFAC IFAC World Congress , Toulouse 2017-07-09 - 2017-07-14
Academic lectureZolich, Artur Piotr; Johansen, Tor Arne; Sægrov, Atle; Vågsholm, Erlend; Hovstein, Vegard Evjen. (2017) Coordinated maritime missions of unmanned vehicles - network architecture and performance analysis. IEEE ICC 2017 Mobile and Wireless Networking , Paris 2017-05-21 - 2017-05-25
Academic lectureSørensen, Kim Lynge; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2017) Flight Test Results for Autonomous Icing Protection Solution for Small Unmanned Aircraft. Int. Conf. Unmanned Aircraft Systems 2017-06-13 - 2017-06-16
Academic lectureHovenburg, Anthony Reinier; Johansen, Tor Arne; Storvold, Rune. (2017) Mission Performance Trade-offs of Battery-powered sUAS. Int. Conf. Unmanned Aircraft Systems 2017-06-13 - 2017-06-16
Academic lectureKufoalor, D. Kwame Minde; Richter, Stefan; Imsland, Lars Struen; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2017) Structure Exploitation of Practical MPC Formulations for speeding up First-Order Methods. CSS IEEE 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2017) , Melbourne 2017-12-12 - 2017-12-15
Academic lectureMerz, Mariann; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2017) Optimal Path of a UAV Engaged in Wind-influenced Circular Towing. Workshop on Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial Systems (RED-UAS) , Linköping 2017-10-03 - 2017-10-05
Academic lectureAlbrektsen, Sigurd Mørkved; Sægrov, Atle; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2017) Navigation of UAV using Phased Array Radio. Workshop on Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial Systems (RED-UAS) , Linköping 2017-10-03 - 2017-10-05
Academic lectureZolich, Artur Piotr; Johansen, Tor Arne; Alfredsen, Jo Arve; Kuttenkeuler, J; Erstorp, E. (2017) A Formation of Unmanned Vehicles for Tracking of an Acoustic Fish-Tag. IEEE IEEE OCEANS , Anchorage 2017-09-18 - 2017-09-21
Academic lectureWenz, Andreas Wolfgang; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2017) Estimation of Wind Velocities and Aerodynamic Coefficients for UAVs using standard Autopilot Sensors and a Moving Horizon Estimator. Int. Conf. Unmanned Aircraft Systems , Miami 2017-06-13 - 2017-06-16
Academic lectureFusini, Lorenzo; Johansen, Tor Arne; Fossen, Thor I.. (2017) Dead Reckoning of a Fixed-Wing UAV with Inertial Navigation Aided by Optical Flow. IEEE Int. Conf. Unmanned Aircraft Systems , Miami 2017-06-13 - 2017-06-16
Academic lectureRodin, Christopher D; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2017) Accuracy of Sea Ice Floe Size Observation from an Aerial Camera at Slant Angles. Workshop on Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial Systems (RED-UAS) , Linköping 2017-10-03 - 2017-10-05
Academic lectureLeira, Frederik Stendahl; Johansen, Tor Arne; Fossen, Thor I.. (2017) A UAV Ice Tracking Framework for Autonomous Sea Ice Management. Int. Conf. Unmanned Aircraft Systems 2017-06-13 - 2017-06-16
Academic lectureBryne, Torleiv Håland; Rogne, Robert Harald; Fossen, Thor I.; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2017) Inertial Sensors for Risk-Based Redundancy in Dynamic Positioning. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (AMSE) ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering , Trondheim 2017-06-25 - 2017-06-30
Academic lectureGryte, Kristoffer; Hansen, Jakob Mahler; Johansen, Tor Arne; Fossen, Thor I.. (2017) Robust Navigation of UAV using Inertial Sensors Aided by UWB and RTK GPS. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, AIAA SciTech Forum , Grapevine, Texas 2017-01-09 - 2017-01-13
Academic lectureMathisen, Siri Holthe; Gryte, Kristoffer; Johansen, Tor Arne; Fossen, Thor I.. (2016) Non-linear Model Predictive Control for Longitudinal and Lateral Guidance of a Small Fixed-Wing UAV in Precision Deep Stall Landing. AIAA Scitech Forum AIAA Infotech @ Aerospace, 2016 , San Diego, California 2016-01-04 - 2016-01-08
Academic lectureRogne, Robert Harald; Bryne, Torleiv Håland; Fossen, Thor I.; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2016) Fault Detection in Lever-arm-compensated Position Reference Systems based on Nonlinear Attitude Observers and Inertial Measurements in Dynamic Positioning. American Control Conference (ACC) , Boston 2016-07-06 - 2016-07-08
Academic lectureLudvigsen, Martin; Dias, Paulo Sousa; ferreira, sergio; Fossum, Trygve Olav; Hovstein, Vegard Evjen; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2016) Autonomous Network of Heterogeneous Vehicles for Marine Research and Management. IEEE/MTS OCEANS , Monterrey 2016-09-19 - 2016-09-23
Academic lectureHelgesen, Håkon Hagen; Leira, Frederik Stendahl; Johansen, Tor Arne; Fossen, Thor I.. (2016) Tracking of Marine Surface Objects from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with a Pan/Tilt Unit using a Thermal Camera and Optical Flow. IEEE 2016 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) , Washington, DC 2016-06-07 - 2016-06-10
Academic lectureJohansen, Tor Arne; Fossen, Thor I.. (2016) Nonlinear Filtering with eXogenous Kalman Filter and Double Kalman Filter. European Control Conference 2016-06-29 - 2016-07-01
Academic lectureJohansen, Tor Arne; Brekke, Edmund Førland. (2016) Globally Exponentially Stable Kalman Filter for SLAM with AHRS. FUSION 2016-07-05 - 2016-07-08
Academic lecturePy, Frederic; Pinto, J; Silva, MA; Johansen, Tor Arne; Sousa, João Borges de; Rajan, Kanna. (2016) EUROPtus: A mixed-initiative controller for multi-vehicle oceanographic field experiments. Int. Symp. Experimental Robotics (ISER) , Tokyo 2016-10-03 - 2016-10-06
Academic lectureCristofaro, Andrea; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2016) An unknown input observer based control allocation scheme for icing diagnosis and accommodation in overactuated UAVs. European Control Conference , Aalborg 2016-06-29 - 2016-07-01
Academic lectureJohansen, Tor Arne; Perez, Tristan. (2016) Unmanned Aerial Surveillance System for Hazard Collision Avoidance in Autonomous Shipping. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems , Washington DC 2016-06-07 - 2016-06-10
Academic lectureWenz, Andreas Wolfgang; Johansen, Tor Arne; Cristofaro, Andrea. (2016) Estimation of airflow variables and aerodynamic parameters for small fixed-wing UAVs and application to icing detection. ReCAMPWorkshop , Tromsø 2016-04-05 - 2016-04-06
Academic lectureBryne, Torleiv Håland; Rogne, Robert Harald; Fossen, Thor I.; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2016) Attitude and Heave Determination on Ships using MEMS-based Inertial Measurements. 10th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems , Trondheim 2016-09-13 - 2016-09-16
Academic lectureRogne, Robert Harald; Bryne, Torleiv Håland; Fossen, Thor I.; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2016) MEMS-based Inertial Navigation on Dynamically Positioned Ships: Dead Reckoning. 10th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems , Trondheim 2016-09-13 - 2016-09-16
Academic lectureJohansen, Tor Arne; Cristofaro, Andrea; Perez, Tristan. (2016) Ship Collision Avoidance Using Scenario-Based Model Predictive Control. 10th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems , Trondheim 2016-09-13 - 2016-09-16
Academic lectureAhmadi Moshkenani, Parisa; Olaru, Sorin; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2016) Further Results on the Exploration of Combinatorial Tree in Multi-Parametric Quadratic Programming. European Control Conference , Aalborg 2016-06-29 - 2016-07-01
LectureKufoalor, D. Kwame Minde; Imsland, Lars Struen; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2016) Efficient Quadratic Programming Frameworks for Industrial Embedded Model Predictive Control. European Control Conference, ECC 2016 , Aalborg 2016-06-29 - 2016-07-01
Academic lectureRotondo, Damiano; Cristofaro, Andrea; Johansen, Tor Arne; Nejjari, Fatiha; Puig, Vicenç. (2016) Detection of icing and actuators faults in the longitudinal dynamics of small UAVs using an LPV proportional integral unknown input observer. 3rd Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol) , Barcelona 2016-09-07 - 2016-09-09
Academic lectureKlausen, Kristian; Moe, Jostein Borgen; van der Horn, Jornel; Gomola, Alojz; Fossen, Thor I.; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2016) Coordinated Control Concept for Recovery of a Fixed-Wing UAV on a Ship using a Net Carried by Multirotor UAVs. IEEE 2016 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) , Washington, DC 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-19
Academic lectureBorup, Kasper Trolle; Fossen, Thor I.; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2016) A Nonlinear Model-Based Wind Velocity Observer for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. IFAC 10th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control System (NOLCOS´16) , Monterey, CA 2016-08-23 - 2016-08-25
Academic lectureBryne, Torleiv Håland; Fossen, Thor I.; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2015) A Virtual Vertical Reference Concept for GNSS/INS Applications at the Sea Surface. IFAC MCMC 2015 , Lyngby 2015-08-24 - 2015-08-26
Academic lectureMathisen, Siri Holthe; Fossen, Thor I.; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2015) Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Guidance of a Fixed-Wing UAV in Precision Deep Stall Landing. 2015 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS'15) , Denver, Colorado 2015-07-09 - 2015-07-12
Academic lectureZolich, Artur Piotr; Johansen, Tor Arne; Cisek, Krzysztof; Klausen, Kristian. (2015) Unmanned Aerial System Architecture for Maritime Missions. Design & Hardware Description. IEEE Workshop on Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial Systems 2015-11-23 - 2015-11-25
Academic lectureLinder, J.; Enqvist, Martin; Fossen, Thor I.; Johansen, Tor Arne; Gustafsson, Fredrik. (2015) Online Estimation of Ship's Mass and Center of Mass Using Inertial Measurements. IFAC Conference on Maneuvering and Control of Marine Craft 2015-08-24 - 2015-08-26
Academic lectureStokkeland, Martin; Klausen, Kristian; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2015) Autonomous visual navigation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for wind turbine inspection . 2015 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) 2015-06-08 - 2015-06-10
Academic lectureSeron, María M.; Johansen, Tor Arne; De Doná, José A.; Cristofaro, Andrea. (2015) Detection and Estimation of Icing in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles using a Bank of Unknown Input Observers. Australian Control Conference 2015-11-03 - 2015-11-05
Academic lectureRotondo, Damiano; Cristofaro, Andrea; Johansen, Tor Arne; Nejjari, F; Puig, V. (2015) Icing detection in unmanned aerial vehicles with longitudinal motion using an LPV unknown input observer. IEEE IEEE Multi-Conference Systems Control , Sydney 2015-09-21 - 2015-09-23
PosterKufoalor, D. Kwame Minde; Binder, Benjamin Julian Tømte; Imsland, Lars Struen; Johansen, Tor Arne; Eikrem, Gisle Otto; Pavlov, Alexey. (2015) Enabling High-performance Industrial Embedded Model Predictive Control using Code Generation and High-speed solvers. Nordic Process Control Workshop , Trondheim - Bodø 2015-01-15 - 2015-01-16
Academic lecturePolóni, Tomáš; Rohal-Ilkiv, B; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2015) Moving Horizon Estimation for Integrated Navigation Filtering. IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control 2015-09-17 - 2015-09-20
Academic lectureKufoalor, D. Kwame Minde; Imsland, Lars Struen; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2015) Efficient Implementation of Step Response Prediction Models for Embedded Model Predictive Control. IFAC Conference on Nonlinaer Model Predictive Control 2015-09-17 - 2015-09-20
LectureKlausen, Kristian; Fossen, Thor I.; Johansen, Tor Arne; Aguiar, A. P.. (2015) Cooperative path-following for multirotor UAVs with a suspended payload. 2015 IEEE Conference on Control Applications 2015-09-21 - 2015-09-23
Academic lectureKlausen, Kristian; Fossen, Thor I.; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2015) Nonlinear control of a multirotor UAV with suspended load . 2015 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) 2015-06-08 - 2015-06-10
Academic lectureCristofaro, Andrea; Polycarpou, Marios; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2015) Fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control allocation for a class of nonlinear systems with redundant inputs. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2015-12-14 - 2015-12-16
Academic lectureBinder, Benjamin Julian Tømte; Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2015) Scalability of QP-solvers for Embedded Model Predictive Control Applied to a Subsea Petroleum Production System. IEEE Multi-Conference Systems and Control 2015-09-21 - 2015-09-23
Academic lectureKufoalor, D. Kwame Minde; Imsland, Lars Struen; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2015) High-performance Embedded Model Predictive Control using Step Response Models. IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization 2015-10-06 - 2015-10-09
Academic lectureLinder, J.; Enqvist, Martin; Fossen, Thor I.; Johansen, Tor Arne; Gustafsson, Fredrik. (2015) Modeling for IMU-based Online Estimation of a Ship's Mass and Center of Mass. IFAC Conference on Maneuvering and Control of Marine Craft 2015-08-24 - 2015-08-26
Academic lectureNikoofard, Amirhossein; Johansen, Tor Arne; Kaasa, Glenn-Ole. (2015) Evaluation of Lyapunov-based Adaptive Observer using Low-Order Lumped Model for Estimation of Production Index in Under-balanced Drilling. IFAC 9th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM) , Whistler, British Columbia 2015-06-07 - 2015-06-10
Academic lectureNikoofard, Amirhossein; Aarsnes, Ulf Jakob Flø; Johansen, Tor Arne; Kaasa, Glenn-Ole. (2015) Estimation of States and Parameters of Drift-Flux Model with Unscented Kalman Filter. IFAC 2nd IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control in Offshore Oil and Gas Production , Florianópolis 2015-05-27 - 2015-05-29
Academic lectureJohansen, Tor Arne; Fossen, Thor I.. (2015) Nonlinear Observer for Inertial Navigation Aided by Pseudo-Range and Range-Rate Measurements. European Control Conference (ECC'15) , Linz 2015-07-15 - 2015-07-17
Academic lectureJohansen, Tor Arne; Cristofaro, Andrea; Sørensen, Kim; Hansen, Jakob Mahler; Fossen, Thor I.. (2015) On Estimation of Wind Velocity, Angle-of-Attack and Sideslip Angle of small UAVs using Standard Sensors. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS'15) , Denver 2015-07-09 - 2015-07-12
Academic lectureHansen, Jakob Mahler; Fossen, Thor I.; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2015) Nonlinear Observer for INS Aided by Time-Delayed GNSS Measurements - Implementation and UAV Experiments. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS'15) , Denver 2015-07-09 - 2015-07-12
Academic lectureKufoalor, D. Kwame Minde; Binder, Benjamin Julian Tømte; Ferreau, Hans Joachim; Imsland, Lars Struen; Johansen, Tor Arne; Diehl, Moritz. (2015) Automatic Deployment of Industrial Embedded Model Predictive Control Using qpOASES. European Control Association European Control Conference 2015 , Linz 2015-07-15 - 2015-07-17
Academic lectureBinder, Benjamin Julian Tømte; Pavlov, Alexey; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2015) Estimation of Flow Rate and Viscosity in a Well with an Electric Submersible Pump using Moving Horizon Estimation. IFAC 2nd IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control in Offshore Oil and Gas Production , Florianopolis 2015-05-27 - 2015-05-29
Academic lectureSørensen, Kim Lynge; Strand Helland, Andreas; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2015) Carbon Nanomaterial-Based Wing Temperature Control System for In-Flight Anti-Icing and De-Icing of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. IEEE Aerospace Conference 2015 2015-03-07 - 2015-03-14
Academic lectureSørensen, Kim Lynge; Blanke, Mogens; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2015) Diagnosis of Wing Icing Through Lift and Drag Coefficient Change Detection for Small Unmanned Aircraft. Proc. 9th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes , Paris 2015-09-02 - 2015-09-04
Academic lectureFusini, Lorenzo; Hosen, Jesper; helgesen, håkon hagen; Johansen, Tor Arne; Fossen, Thor I.. (2015) Experimental Validation of a Uniformly Semi-globally Exponentially Stable Non-linear Observer for GNSS- and Camera-aided Inertial Navigation for Fixed-wing UAVs. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS'15) , Denver 2015-06-09 - 2015-06-12
Academic lectureCristofaro, Andrea; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2015) An unknown input observer approach to icing detection for unmanned aerial vehicles. American Control Conference 2015-07-01 - 2015-07-03
Academic lectureRogne, Robert Harald; Johansen, Tor Arne; Fossen, Thor I.. (2015) On Attitude Observers in Inertial Navigation Based Fault Detection and Isolation in Dynamic Positioning. European Control Conference (ECC'15) , Linz 2015-07-15 - 2015-07-17
Academic lectureCristofaro, Andrea; Aguiar, A. P.; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2015) Icing Detection and Identification for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation. European Control Conference 2015-07-15 - 2015-07-17
Academic lectureLeira, Frederik Stendahl; Johansen, Tor Arne; Fossen, Thor I.. (2015) Automatic detection, classification and tracking of objects in the ocean surface from UAVs using a thermal camera. IEEE Aerospace Conference , Big Sky, Montana 2015-03-07 - 2015-03-14
Academic lectureLeira, Frederik Stendahl; Trnka, Kenan; Fossen, Thor I.; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2015) A Ligth-Weight Thermal Camera Payload with Georeferencing Capabilities for Small Fixed-Wing UAVs. Int. Conf. Unmanned Aerial Systems 2015-06-09 - 2015-06-12
Academic lectureSkulstad, R; Syversen, Christoffer Lie; Merz, Mariann; Sokolova, Nadezda; Fossen, Thor I.; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2015) Net Recovery of UAV with Single-Frequency RTK GPS. IEEE Aerospace Conference 2015-03-07 - 2015-03-14
Academic lectureJohansen, Tor Arne; Zolich, Artur Piotr; Hansen, Torkel; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan. (2014) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle as Communication Relay for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle - Field Tests. IEEE Globecom Workshop - Wireless Networking and Control for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles 2014-12-12 - 2014-12-12
Academic lectureCristofaro, Andrea; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2014) Fault-tolerant input allocation with actuator dynamics: finite-time control reconfiguration. Proc. 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Los Angeles, 2014-12-15 - 2014-12-17
Academic lectureFaria, Margarida; Pinto, José; Py, Frédéric; Fortuna, João; Dias, Hugo; Martins, Ricardo. (2014) Coordinating UAVs and AUVs for Oceanographic Field Experiments: Challenges and Lessons Learned. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2014) , Hong Kong 2014-05-31 - 2014-06-07
Academic lectureKufoalor, Kwame Minde; Richter, Stefan; Imsland, Lars Struen; Johansen, Tor Arne; Morari, Manfred; Eikrem, Gisle Otto. (2014) Embedded Model Predictive Control on a PLC Using a Primal-Dual First-Order Method for a Subsea Separation Process. Mediterranean Control Association 22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation MED'14 , Palermo 2014-06-16 - 2014-06-19
Academic lectureNikoofard, Amirhossein; Johansen, Tor Arne; Kaasa, Glenn-Ole. (2014) NONLINEAR MOVING HORIZON OBSERVER FOR ESTIMATION OF STATES AND PARAMETERS IN UNDER-BALANCED DRILLING OPERATIONS. ASME ASME 2014 Dynamic Systems and Control (DSC) Conference , San Antonio 2014-10-22 - 2014-10-24
Academic lectureRogne, Robert Harald; Johansen, Tor Arne; Fossen, Thor I.. (2014) Observer and IMU-based Detection of Faults in Position Reference Systems and Gyrocompasses with Dual Redundancy in Dynamic Positioning. IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control , Antibes 2014-10-08 - 2014-10-10
Academic lectureBø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2014) Dynamic Safety Constraints by Scenario Based Economic Model Predictive Control. International Federation of Automatic Control 9th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control , Cape Town 2014-08-24 - 2014-08-29
Academic lectureHovstein, Vegard Evjen; Sægrov, Atle; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2014) Experiences with coastal and maritime UAS BLOS operation with phased-array antenna digital payload data link. Int. Conf. Unmanned Aerial Systems (ICUAS) , Orlando 2014-05-27 - 2014-05-30
Academic lectureVeksler, Aleksander Vladimirovitsj; Johansen, Tor Arne; Skjetne, Roger; Mathiesen, Eirik. (2014) Reducing power transients in diesel-electric dynamically positioned ships using re-positioning. IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference , Dallas 2014-10-29 - 2014-11-01
Academic lectureBinder, Benjamin Julian Tømte; Kufoalor, Kwame Minde; Pavlov, Alexey; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2014) Embedded Model Predictive Control for an Electric Submersible Pump on a Programmable Logic Controller. IEEE 2014 IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control (MSC) , Antibes 2014-10-08 - 2014-10-10
Academic lectureVeksler, Aleksander Vladimirovitsj; Johansen, Tor Arne; Borrelli, Francesco; Realfsen, Bjørnar. (2014) Cartesian thrust allocation algorithm with variable direction thrusters, turn rate limits and singularity avoidance. IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control 2014-10-08 - 2014-10-10
Academic lectureKlausen, Kristian; Fossen, Thor I.; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2014) Suspended Load Motion Control using Multicopters. IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED'14) 2014-07-16 - 2014-07-19
Academic lectureFusini, Lorenzo; Fossen, Thor I.; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2014) A Uniformly Semiglobally Exponentially Stable Nonlinear Observer for GNSS- and Camera-Aided Inertial Navigation. IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED'14) 2014-07-16 - 2014-07-19
Academic lectureBryne, Torleiv Håland; Fossen, Thor I.; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2014) Nonlinear Observer with Time-Varying Gains for Inertial Navigation Aided by Satellite Reference Systems in Dynamic Positioning. IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED'14) 2014-07-16 - 2014-07-19
Academic lectureFeller, Christian; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2013) Explicit MPC of higher-order linear processes via combinatorial multi-parametric quadratic programming. European Control Conference 2013-07-17 - 2013-07-19
Academic lectureJohansen, Tor Arne. (2013) Embedded MPC - Current technology, applications and challenges. Workshop on Optimal and Model Predictive Control – OMPC , Bayreuth 2013-09-11 - 2013-09-13
Academic lectureKufoalor, Kwame Minde; Aaker, Vegard; Johansen, Tor Arne; Imsland, Lars Struen; Eikrem, Gisle Otto. (2013) Embedded Model Predictive Control: Moving an Industrial PC‐based MPC to an Embedded Platform. Nordic Process Control Workshop 2013-08-20 - 2013-08-21
Academic lectureHo, Dac-Tu; Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Sujit, P.B.; Johansen, Tor Arne; Sousa, João. (2013) Performance Evaluation of Cooperative Relay and Particle Swarm Optimization Path Planning for UAV and Wireless Sensor Network. IEEE IEEE Globecom 2013 Workshop - Wireless Networking and Control for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles , Atlanta 2013-12-08 - 2013-12-13
PosterGrancharova, Alexandra; Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2013) Rotary-Wing UAVs Trajectory Planning by Distributed Linear MPC with Reconfigurable Communication Network Topologies. IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems , Koblenz 2013-09-25 - 2013-09-26
Academic lectureHo, Dac-Tu; Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Sujit, P.B.; Johansen, Tor Arne; Sousa, João. (2013) Cluster-Based Communication Topology Selection and UAV Path Planning in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE International conference on Unmanned Aerial Systems , Atlanta, US 2013-05-28 - 2013-05-31
Academic lectureNikoofard, Amirhossein; Johansen, Tor Arne; Mahdianfar, Hessam; Pavlov, Alexey. (2013) Constrained MPC Design for Heave Disturbance Attenuation in Offshore Drilling Systems. IEEE/MTS IEEE/MTS OCEANS 2013 , Bergen 2013-06-10 - 2013-06-13
LectureForsmo, Erik Johannes; Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Fossen, Thor I.; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2013) Optimal search mission with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles using Mixed Integer Linear Programming. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems 2013-05-28 - 2013-05-31
Academic lectureGrip, Håvard Fjær; Fossen, Thor I.; Johansen, Tor Arne; Saberi, Ali. (2013) Nonlinear Observer for GNSS-Aided Inertial Navigation with Quaternion-Based Attitude Estimation. American Control Conference , Montreal 2013-06-17 - 2013-06-19
Academic lectureHo, Dac-Tu; Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2013) Heuristic Algorithm and Cooperative Relay for Energy Efficient Data Collection with a UAV and WSN. IEEE International Conference on Computing, Management and Telecommunications , Ho Chi Minh 2013-01-21 - 2013-01-24
Academic lecturepoloni, tomas; Rohal-Ilkiv, B; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2013) Parallel Numerical Optimization for Fast Adaptive Nonlinear Moving Horizon Estimation. IEEE International Conference on Networking Sensing and Control, Paris 2013-04-10 - 2013-04-12
Academic lectureCristofaro, Andrea; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2013) Fault-tolerant control allocation: an Unknown Input Observer based approach with constrained output fault directions. IEEE Conf. Decision and Control 2013-12-10 - 2013-12-13
Academic lectureRindarøy, Martin; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2013) Fuel Optimal Thrust Allocation in Dynamic Positioning. 9th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Osaka, Japan 2013-09-17 - 2013-09-20
Academic lectureVeksler, Aleksander; Johansen, Tor Arne; Mathiesen, Eirik; Skjetne, Roger. (2013) Governor principle for increased safety and economy on vessels with diesel-electric propulsion. European Control Association 2013 European Control Conference , Zurich 2013-07-17 - 2013-07-19
Academic lectureBø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen; Johansen, Tor Arne; Mathiesen, Eirik. (2013) Unit Commitment of Generator Sets During Dynamic Positioning Operation Based on Consequence Simulation. The 9th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems 2013 , Osaka 2013-09-17 - 2013-09-20
Academic lectureHlava, J.; Opalka, J.; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2013) Model predictive control of power plant superheater — Comparison of multi model and nonlinear approaches. The 18th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics 2013-08-26 - 2013-08-29
Academic lectureKufoalor, Kwame Minde; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2013) Reconfigurable Fault Tolerant Flight Control based on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. American Control Conference 2013-06-17 - 2013-06-19
Academic lectureBø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2013) Scenario-Based Fault-Tolerant Model Predictive Control for Diesel-Electric Marine Power Plant. OCEANS'13 MTS/IEEE BERGEN , Bergen 2013-06-10 - 2013-06-13
Academic lectureVeksler, Aleksander; Johansen, Tor Arne; Skjetne, Roger. (2012) Thrust allocation with power management functionality on dynamically positioned vessels. AACC American Control Conference , Montréal 2012-06-27 - 2012-06-29
Academic lectureVeksler, Aleksander; Johansen, Tor Arne; Skjetne, Roger. (2012) Transient power control in dynamic positioning - governor feedforward and dynamic thrust allocation. International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) 9th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC 2012) , Arenzano 2012-09-19 - 2012-09-21
Academic lectureHO, Dac-Tu; Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Shimamoto, S; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2012) Optimal Relay Path Selection and Cooperative Communication Protocol for a Swarm of UAVs. The 3rd International Workshop on Wireless Networking & Control for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles: Architectures, Protocols and Applications (GC'12 Workshop - Wi-UAV) 2012-12-07 - 2012-12-07
Academic lectureGrøtli, Esten Ingar; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2012) Path- and data transmission planning for cooperating UAVs in delay tolerant network. The 3rd International Workshop on Wireless Networking & Control for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles: Architectures, Protocols and Applications (GC'12 Workshop - Wi-UAV) 2012-12-07 - 2012-12-07
Academic lectureGrancharova, Alexandra; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2012) Suboptimality analysis of distributed quasi-nonlinear model predictive control. IFAC IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control , Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands 2012-08-23 - 2012-08-27
Academic lectureFeller, Christian; Johansen, Tor Arne; Olaru, Sorin. (2012) Combinatorial multi-parametric quadratic programming with saturation matrix based pruning. IEEE IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Maui 2012-12-10 - 2012-12-13
Academic lectureGrancharova, Alexandra; Johansen, Tor Arne; Grøtli, Esten Ingar. (2012) Distributed Path Planning for a UAV Communication Chain by Dual Decomposition. IFAC 2nd IFAC Workshop on Multivehicle Systems , Espoo 2012-10-03 - 2012-10-05
Academic lecturePoloni, Tomas; Eielsen, Arnfinn Aas; Rohal-Ilkiv, B; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2012) Moving Horizon Observer for Vibration Dynamics with Plant Uncertainties in Nanopositioning System Estimation. American Control Conference 2012-06-27 - 2012-06-29
Academic lectureGrøtli, Esten Ingar; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2012) Task assignment for cooperating UAVs under radio propagation path loss constraints. American Control Conference 2012-06-27 - 2012-06-29
Academic lectureGrip, Håvard Fjær; Fossen, Thor I.; Johansen, Tor Arne; Saberi, Ali. (2012) A Nonlinear Observer for Integration of GNSS and IMU Measurements with Gyro Bias Estimation. American Control Conference 2012-06-27 - 2012-06-29
Academic lectureWang, Xu; Grip, Håvard Fjær; Saberi, Ali; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2012) A new low-and-high gain feedback design using MPC for global stabilization of linear systems subject to input saturation. American Control Conference 2012-06-27 - 2012-06-29
Academic lectureSbarbaro, Daniel; Vauhkonen, M; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2012) Linear inverse problems and state estimation: Regularization, Observability and Convergence. IFAC 15th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization , Rimini 2012-09-13 - 2012-09-16
Academic lectureGrancharova, Alexandra; Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2012) Distributed Model Predictive Control of UAVs under Radio Communication Path Loss Constraints. IFAC IFAC Conference on Embedded Systems, Computational Intelligence and Telematics in Control , Wuerzburg 2012-04-03 - 2012-04-05
Academic lectureEielsen, Arnfinn Aas; poloni, tomas; Johansen, Tor Arne; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy. (2011) Experimental Comparison of Online Parameter Identification Schemes for a Nanopositioning Stage with Variable Mass. IEEE IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics , Budapest 2011-07-03 - 2011-07-07
Academic lectureSui, Dan; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2011) Exponential Stability of Regularized Moving Horizon Observer for N-Detectable Nonlinear Systems. IEEE IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation (ICCA’11) , Santiago 2011-12-19 - 2011-12-21
Academic lectureGrip, Håvard Fjær; Saberi, Ali; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2011) Observers for Cascaded Nonlinear and Linear Systems. IEEE IEEE Conference Decision and Control, 2011 , Orlando 2011-12-12 - 2011-12-14
Academic lectureGrancharova, Alexandra; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2011) Distributed Quasi-Nonlinear Model Predictive Control by Dual Decomposition. IFAC IFAC World Congress , Milano 2011-08-28 - 2011-09-02
Academic lectureLangjord, Hege; Kaasa, Glenn-Ole; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2011) Adaptive observer-based switched control for electropneumatic clutch actuator with position sensor. IFAC IFAC World Congress , Milano 2011-08-28 - 2011-09-02
Academic lectureBayat, Farhad; Johansen, Tor Arne; Jalali, A A. (2011) Combining Truncated Binary Search Tree and Direct Search for Flexible Piecewise Function Evaluation for Explicit MPC in Embedded Microcontrollers. IFAC IFAC World Congress , Milano 2011-08-28 - 2011-09-02
Academic lectureGrancharova, Alexandra; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2011) Explicit Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Based оn Orthogonal Partition: а Review. Anniversary Conference "40 Years of Department of Automation" at the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia , Sofia 2011-01-12 -
Academic lecturePaasche, Marcel; Johansen, Tor Arne; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2011) Estimation of Bottomhole Pressure during Oil Well Drilling Using Regularized Adaptive Nonlinear Moving Horizon Observer. IFAC IFAC World Congress , Milano 2011-08-28 - 2011-09-02
Academic lectureGrøtli, Esten Ingar; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2011) Path planning for UAVs under communication constraints using SPLAT! and MILP. 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UNMANNED AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS , Denver 2011-05-24 - 2011-05-27
Academic lectureHanger, Martin Bøgseth; Johansen, Tor Arne; Mykland, Geir Kåre; Skullestad, Åge. (2011) Dynamic Model Predictive Control Allocation using CVXGEN. IEEE 9th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation (ICCA’11) , Santiago 2011-12-19 - 2011-12-21
Academic lectureGrip, Håvard Fjær; Saberi, Ali; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2011) State and Parameter Estimation for Nonlinearly Parameterized Systems: An H-infinity-Based Approach. IFAC IFAC World Congress , Milano 2011-08-28 - 2011-09-02
Academic lectureBayat, Farhad; Johansen, Tor Arne; Jalali, A A. (2011) Flexible piecewise function evaluation methods with application to explicit model predictive control. IEEE IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics , Istanbul 2011-04-13 - 2011-04-15
Academic lecturepoloni, tomas; Rohal-Ilkiv, B; alberer, D; del Re, Luigi; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2010) Comparison of Sensor Configurations for Mass Flow Estimation of Turbocharged Diesel Engines. Workshop on Identification for Automotive Systems , Linz 2010-07-15 - 2010-07-16
Academic lecturepoloni, tomas; Rohal-Ilkiv, B; alberer, D; del Re, Luigi; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2010) Comparison of Sensor Configurations for Mass Flow Estimation of Turbocharged Diesel Engines. Workshop on Identification for Automotive Systems , Linz 2010-07-15 - 2010-07-16
Academic lecturepoloni, tomas; Rohal-Ilkiv, B; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2010) Damped One-Mode Vibration Model State and Parameter Estimation via Pre-Filtered Moving Horizon Observer. IFAC 5th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems , Atlanta 2010-09-13 - 2010-09-15
Academic lectureGrancharova, Alexandra; Kocijan, J; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2010) Dual-mode Explicit Output-feedback Predictive Control Based on Neural Network Models. IFAC NOLCOS , Bologna 2010-09-01 - 2010-09-03
Academic lectureBayat, Farhad; Johansen, Tor Arne; Jalali, A A. (2010) Managing time-storage complexity in point location problem: Application to Explicit Model Predictive Control. IEEE 18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation , Marrakech 2010-06-23 - 2010-06-25
Academic lectureBakke, Morten; Johansen, Tor Arne; Skogestad, Sigurd. (2010) Effect of Varying Controller Parameters in Closed-Loop Subspace Identification. IFAC DYCOPS , Leuven 2010-07-05 - 2010-07-07
Academic lectureFeng, Le; Gutvik, Christian Ragnar; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2010) Optimal Decompression Through Multi-parametric Nonlinear Programming. IFAC NOLCOS , Bologna 2010-09-01 - 2010-09-03
Academic lectureGrancharova, Alexandra; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2010) A computational approach to explicit feedback stochastic nonlinear model predictive control. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2010-12-15 - 2010-12-17
Academic lectureSui, Dan; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2010) Regularized Nonlinear Moving Horizon Observer for Detectable Systems. IFAC NOLCOS , Bologna 2010-09-01 - 2010-09-03
Academic lectureLangjord, Hege; Kaasa, Glenn-Ole; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2010) Nonlinear observer and parameter estimation for electropneumatic clutch actuator. IFAC NOLCOS , Bologna 2010-09-01 - 2010-09-03
Academic lectureSui, Dan; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2010) Moving Horizon Estimation for Tire-Road Friction During Braking. IEEE Multi-conference of Systems and Control , Yokohama 2010-09-08 - 2010-09-10
Academic lectureJohansen, Tor Arne; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan. (2009) Experiences with HIL simulator testing of power management systems. MTS Dynamic Positioning Conference , Houston 2009-10-13 - 2009-10-14
Academic lectureSpjøtvold, Jørgen; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2009) Fault Tolerant Control Allocation for a Thruster-Controlled Floating Platform using Parametric Programming. IEEE IEEE Conf. Decision and Control , Shanghai 2009-12-16 - 2009-12-18
Academic lectureGrip, Håvard Fjær; Saberi, Ali; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2009) State and Parameter Estimation for Linear Systems with Nonlinearly Parameterized Perturbations. IEEE IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Shanghai 2009-12-16 - 2009-12-18
Academic lectureAlberding, Matthaus; Tjønnås, Johannes; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2009) Nonlinear Hierarchical Control Allocation for Vehicle Yaw Stabilization and Rollover Prevention. European Union Control Association European Control Conference , Budapest 2009-08-23 - 2009-08-26
Academic lectureGrip, Håvard Fjær; Imsland, Lars Struen; Johansen, Tor Arne; Kalkkuhl, Jens; Suissa, Avshalom. (2009) Estimation of Road Inclination and Bank Angle in Automotive Vehicles. American Control Conference , St. Louis, MO 2009-06-10 - 2009-06-12
Academic lectureGrancharova, Alexandra; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2009) Explicit Model Predictive Control of an Electropneumatic Clutch Actuator Using On/Off Valves and Pulse-width Modulation. European Union Control Association European Control Conference , Budapest 2009-08-23 - 2009-08-26
Academic lectureGrancharova, Alexandra; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2009) Approaches to Explicit Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with Reduced Partition Complexity. European Union Control Association European Control Conference , Budapest 2009-08-23 - 2009-08-26
Academic lectureJohansen, Tor Arne. (2009) Numerical computations in optimal estimation and control. Forelesning Technical University Bratislava 2009-12-01 - 2009-12-01
Academic lecture
Academic lectureLangjord, Hege; Johansen, Tor Arne; Bratli, Christian. (2009) Dual-mode switched control of an electropneumatic clutch actuator with input restrictions. European Union Control Association European Control Conference , Budapest 2009-08-24 - 2009-08-26
Academic lectureLe, Feng; Gutvik, Christian Ragnar; Johansen, Tor Arne; Sui, Dan. (2009) Barrier Function Nonlinear Optimization for Optimal Decompression of Divers. IEEE IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Shanghai 2009-12-16 - 2009-12-18
Academic lectureGrip, Håvard Fjær; Johansen, Tor Arne; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2008) Estimation and Control for Systems with Nonlinearly Parameterized Perturbations. International Federation of Automatic Control IFAC World Congress , Seoul 2008-07-06 - 2008-07-11
Academic lectureGrancharova, Alexandra; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2008) Explicit solution of regulation control problems for nonlinear systems with quantized inputs. International Conference on Automatics and Informatics , Sofia 2008-10-01 - 2008-10-04
Academic lectureLangjord, Hege; Johansen, Tor Arne; Hespanha, Joao p. (2008) Switched control of an electro-pneumatic clutch actuator using on/off valves. American Control Conference , Seattle 2008-06-11 - 2008-06-13
Academic lectureGrancharova, Alexandra; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2008) explicit approximate model predictive control of constrained nonlinear systems with quantized inputs. International Workshop on Assessment and Future Directions of NMPC , Pavia 2008-09-05 - 2008-09-08
Academic lectureLangjord, Hege; Johansen, Tor Arne; Snare, Sten Roar; Bratli, Christian. (2008) Estimation of electro-pneumatic clutch actuator load charateristics. IFAC IFAC World Congress , Seoul 2008-07-06 - 2008-07-11
Academic lecturePivano, Luca; Bakkeheim, Jostein; Johansen, Tor Arne; Smogeli, ON. (2008) A four-quadrant thrust controller for marine propellers with loss estimation and anti-spin. IFAC IFAC World Congress , Seoul 2008-07-06 - 2008-07-11
Academic lectureElgsæter, Steinar Morisbak; Slupphaug, Olav; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2008) Production optimization: System identification and uncertainty estimation. SPE Intelligent Energy Conference , Amsterdam 2008-02-25 - 2008-02-27
Academic lectureElgsæter, Steinar Morisbak; Slupphaug, Olav; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2008) Oil and gas production optimization: Lost potential due to uncertainty. IFAC IFAC World Congress , Seoul 2008-07-06 - 2008-07-11
Academic lectureBørhaug, Even; Pivano, Luca; Johansen, Tor Arne; Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad. (2007) A Model-based Ocean Current Obeserver for 6DOF Underwater Vehicles. IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems 2007-09-19 - 2007-09-21
Academic lecturePivano, Luca; Johansen, Tor Arne; Smogeli, Øyvind Notland; Fossen, Thor Inge. (2007) Nonlinear Thrust Controller for Marine Propellers in Four-Quadrant Operations. American Control Conference 2007 , New York 2007-07-11 - 2007-07-13
Academic lecturepoloni, tomas; Rohal-Ilkiv, B; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2007) Multiple ARX model-based air-fuel ratio predictive control for SI engines. IFAC Workshop on Advanced Fuzzy and Neural Control , Valenciennes 2007-10-29 -
Academic lectureImsland, L; Grip, Håvard Fjær; Johansen, Tor Arne; Fossen, Thor Inge; Kalkkuhl, Jens; Suissa, Avshalom. (2007) Nonlinear observer for lateral velocity with friction and road bank adaptation. SAE World Congress , Detroit 2007-04-16 -
Academic lectureSpjøtvold, Jørgen; Kerrigan, Eric C; Rakovic, Sasa V; Mayne, David Q; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2007) Constrained Optimal Control of Discontinuous Piecewise Affine Systems with Disturbances. European Control Conference , Kos 2007-07-02 -
Academic lectureBieker, Hans Petter; Slupphaug, Olav; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2007) Well management under uncertain gas or water oil ratios. SPE Digital Energy , Houston 2007-04-11 -
Academic lectureGrancharova, Alexandra; kocijan, jus; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2007) Explicit stochastic nonlinear model predictive control based on Gaussian processes. European Control Conference , Kos 2007-07-02 -
Academic lectureGrancharova, Alexandra; kocijan, jus; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2007) Explicit approximate nonlinear predictive control based on neural network models. Automation and Informatics , Sofia 2007-10-03 -
Academic lectureBlanke, Mogens; Pivano, Luca; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2007) An efficiency optimizing propeller speed control for ships in moderate seas- model experiments and simulation. IFAC IFAC Conference CAMS'07 , Bol 2007-09-19 - 2007-09-21
Academic lectureBakkeheim, Jostein; Pivano, Luca; Johansen, Tor Arne; Smogeli, Øyvind Notland. (2007) Integrator Reset Anti-spin for Marine Thrusters Operating in Four-Quadrants and Extreme Sea Conditions. IFAC CAMS'07 , Bol 2007-09-19 - 2007-09-21
Academic lectureSande, Hege; Johansen, Tor Arne; Kaasa, Glenn-Ole; Snare, Sten Roar; Bratli, Christian. (2007) Switched backstepping control of an electropneumatic clutch actuator using on/off valves. American control conference 2007-07-11 - 2007-07-13
Academic lectureTjønnås, Johannes; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2007) Optimizing Adaptive Control Allocation with Actuator Dynamics. 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2007-12-12 - 2007-12-14
Academic lectureElgsæter, Steinar; Slupphaug, Olav; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2007) Challenges in Parameter Estimation of Models for Offshore Oil and Gas Production Optimization. Society of Petroleum Engineers International Petroleum Technology Conference , Dubai 2007-12-04 - 2007-12-07
Academic lectureTjønnås, Johannes; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2007) On Optimizing Nonlinear Adaptive Control Allocation With Actuator Dynamics. 7th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems 2007-08-21 - 2007-08-24
Academic lectureTjønnås, Johannes; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2006) Adaptive optimizing dynamic control allocation algorithm for yaw stabilization of an automotive vehicle using brakes. The 14th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation MED06 2006-05-28 - 2006-05-30
Academic lectureBieker, Hans Petter; Olav, Slupphaug; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2006) Optimal Well-Testing Strategy for Production Optimization: A Monte Carlo Simulation Approach. SPE 2006 SPE Eastern Regional Meeting , Canton, Ohio 2006-10-11 - 2006-10-13
Academic lectureGrip, Håvard Fjær; Imsland, Lars; Johansen, Tor A.; Fossen, Thor I.; Kalkkuhl, Jens C.; Suissa, Avshalom. (2006) Nonlinear Vehicle Velocity Observer with Road-Tire Friction Adaptation. IEEE 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , San Diego, California 2006-12-13 - 2006-12-15
Academic lectureSpjøtvold, Jørgen; Kerrigan, Eric C; Jones, Colin N.; Tøndel, Johan Petter; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2006) On the Facet-to-Facet Property of Solutions to Convex Parametric Quadratic Programs and a New Exploration Strategy. 17th International Symposium of Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems 2006-07-24 - 2006-07-28
Academic lectureGrancharova, Alexandra; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2006) Explicit Approximate Approach to Feedback Min-Max Model Predictive Control of Constrained Nonlinear Systems. IEEE The 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2006-12-13 - 2006-12-15
Academic lectureSpjøtvold, Jørgen; Tøndel, Johan Petter; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2006) Decomposing Linear Control Allocation Problems. 17th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems 2006-07-24 - 2006-07-28
Academic lectureJohansen, Tor Arne; Jackson, Warren; Schrieber, Robert; Tøndel, Petter. (2006) Hardware Architecture Design for Explicit Model Predictive Control. 2006 American Control Conference 2006-06-14 - 2006-06-16
Academic lectureImsland, Lars Struen; Johansen, Tor Arne; Fossen, Thor Inge; Kalkkuhl, Jens; Suissa, Avshalom. (2006) Nonlinear observer for vehicle velocity estimation. SAE International 2006 SAE World Congress , Detroit, Michigan 2006-04-03 - 2006-04-06
Academic lectureGrancharova, Alexandra; Johansen, Tor Arne; Tøndel, Johan Petter. (2006) Input-to-state stability of constrained approximate explicit model predictive control with uncertainty. IFAC IFAC Workshop on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Fast Systems , Grenoble 2006-10-09 - 2006-10-11
Academic lectureTjønnås, Johannes; Chaillet, Antoine; Panteley, Elena; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2006) Cascade lemma for set-stable systems. Conference on decision and control 2006-12-13 - 2006-12-15
Academic lectureImsland, Lars; Grip, Håvard Fjær; Böhm, Christoph; Johansen, Tor A.; Fossen, Thor I.; Kalkkuhl, Jens C.. (2006) Nonlinear Observer for Vehicle Lateral Velocity. HYCON & CEmACS Workshop on Automotive Systems and Control 2006-06-01 - 2006-06-02
Academic lectureBieker, Hans Petter; Slupphaug, Olav; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2006) Real Time Production Optimization of Offshore Oil and Gas Production Systems: A Technology Survey. SPE 2006 SPE Intelligent Energy Conference and Exhibition , Amsterdam 2006-04-11 - 2006-04-13
Academic lectureFossen, Thor Inge; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2006) A Survey of Control Allocation Methods for Ships and Underwater Vehicles. 14th IEEE Mediterriaen Conference on Control and Automation , Ancona 2006-06-28 - 2006-06-30
Academic lecturePivano, Luca; Fossen, Thor Inge; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2006) NONLINEAR MODEL IDENTIFICATION OF A MARINE PROPELLER OVER FOUR-QUADRANT OPERATIONS. IFAC 14th IFAC Symposium on System Identification 2006-03-29 - 2006-03-31
Academic lecturePivano, Luca; Smogeli, Øyvind Notland; Fossen, Thor Inge; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2006) EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION OF A MARINE PROPELLER THRUST ESTIMATION SCHEME. 7th IFAC Conference on Maneuvring and Control of Marine Craft 2006-09-20 - 2006-09-22
Academic lecturePivano, Luca; Smogeli, Øyvind Notland; Johansen, Tor Arne; Fossen, Thor Inge. (2006) Marine Propeller Thrust Estimation in Four-Quadrant Operations. 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2006-12-13 - 2006-12-15
PosterBakkeheim, Jostein; Smogeli, Øyvind Notland; Johansen, Tor Arne; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan. (2006) Improved Transient Performance by Lyapunov-based Integrator Reset of PI Thruster Control in Extreme Seas. CDC 2006-12-13 - 2006-12-15
PosterBieker, Hans Petter; Slupphaug, Olav; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2006) Global Optimization of Multiphase Flow Networks in Oil and Gas Production Systems. AIChE 2006 AIChE Annual Meeting , San Francisco, California 2006-11-11 - 2006-11-16
PosterIdsø, Einar Skavland; Saunders, Benjamin A; Duffell, Lynsey; Johansen, Tor Arne; Hunt, Kenneth J.. (2006) Quantitative assessment of force distribution for FES cycling. International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society 11th Annual IFESS Conference , Miyagi-Zao 2006-09-12 - 2006-09-15
PosterSpjøtvold, Jørgen; Rakovic, Sasa V; Tøndel, Petter; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2006) Utilizing Reachability Analysis in Point Location Problems. International Conference on Decision and Control 2006-12-13 - 2006-12-15
PosterOttermo, Maria Vatshaug; Stavdahl, Øyvind; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2006) A Remote Palpation Instrument for Laparoscopic Surgery: Design and Performance. Biomedical Engineering Society BMES 2006 Annual Meeting , Chicago 2006-10-11 - 2006-10-14
Academic lectureVan de Ven, Pepijn W.J.; Refsnes, Jon E Gorset; Johansen, Tor Arne; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan; Flanagan, Colin; Toal, Daniel. (2006) Identification of MineSniper's Damping Parameters using Neural Networks. 14th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, SYSID 2006 2006-03-29 - 2006-03-31
Academic lectureImsland, Lars Struen; Johansen, Tor Arne; Fossen, Thor Inge; Kalkkuhl, J.C.; Suissa, Avshalom. (2005) Vehicle Velocity Estimation using Nonlinear Observers. IEEE CDC-ECC-2005 , Seville 2005-12-12 - 2005-12-15
Academic lectureSpjøtvold, Jørgen; Tøndel, Johan Petter; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2005) Unique Polyhedral Representations of Continuous Selections for Convex Multiparametric Quadratic Programs. American Control Conference 2005-06-08 - 2005-06-10
Academic lectureJohansen, Tor Arne. (2005) Hardware-in-the-loop simulation for testing of embedded control systems. SIMS 46th Conference on Simulation and Modeling , Trondheim 2005-10-13 - 2005-10-14
Academic lectureGrancharova, Alexandra; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2005) Explicit min-max model predictive control of constrained nonlinear systems with model uncertainty. IFAC IFAC World Congress , Praha 2005-07-01 - 2005-07-05
Academic lectureTøndel, Johan Petter; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2005) Control Allocation for Yaw Stabilization in Automotive Vehicles using Multiparametric Nonlinear Programming. American Control Conference , Portland, Oregon 2005-06-08 - 2005-06-10
Academic lectureGrancharova, Alexandra; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2005) Explicit Min-Max Model Predictive Control of Constrained Nonlinear Systems with Model Uncertainty. International Workshop Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control , Freudenstadt-Lauterbad 2005-08-26 - 2005-08-30
Academic lectureRadan, Damir; Johansen, Tor Arne; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan; Ådnanes, Alf Kåre. (2005) Optimization of Load Dependent Start Tables in Marine Power Management Systems with Blackout Prevention. 2nd WSEAS/IASME Int. Conf. Electroscience and Technology for Naval Engineering and All-Electric Ship , Miami, Florida 2005-11-17 - 2005-11-19
Academic lectureJohansen, Tor Arne. (2005) Hardware-in-the-loop simulation for testing and verification of control systems on ships and offshore rigs. NFA - Norsk Forening for Automatisering Servomøtet 2005 , Trondheim 2005-10-25 - 2005-10-26
Academic lectureTjønnås, Johannes; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2005) Adaptive Optimizing Nonlinear Control Allocation. 16th IFAC World Congress 2005-07-03 - 2005-07-08
Academic lectureHansen, Jostein; Murray-Smith, Roderick; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2005) Nonparametric Identification of Linearizations and Uncertainty using Gaussian Process Models - Application to Robust Wheel Slip Control. CDC and ECC , Seville 2005-12-12 - 2005-12-15
PosterSpjøtvold, Jørgen; Tøndel, Johan Petter; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2005) A Method for Obtaining Continuous Solutions to Multiparametric Linear Programs. IFAC World Conference 2005-07-03 - 2005-07-08
PosterOttermo, Maria Vatshaug; Stavdahl, Øyvind; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2005) Electromechanical Design of a Miniature Tactile Shape Display for Minimally Invasive Surgery. IEEE Computer Society, VGTC WorldHaptics , Pisa 2005-03-18 - 2005-03-20