Tiffany Lussier
T05.402 Akrinn Kalvskinnet, Trondheim
My tasks at NTNU Conferences:
- Setting up professional registration sites with payment
- Processing of conference participants
- Processing of abstract and paper submissions
- Setting up NTNU Conferences Event App
- Execution of hybrid and physical conferences
- Ordering and following up with suppliers
- Consulting during conference planning
Master's thesis
Lussier, T. (2020). Extended Sexuality in Hormonal Contraception Users: Implications of synthetic hormones and relationship investment on women's sexuality [Master's thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology]. NTNU Open.
Lussier, Tiffany;
Tangen, Jon Harald Quindao;
Eik-Nes, Trine Tetlie;
Karlsen, Håvard Rudi;
Berg, Kjersti Hognes;
Fiskum, Charlotte.
Testing the validity of the Norwegian translation of the modified weight bias internalization scale.
Journal of Eating Disorders
Academic article
Journal publications
Lussier, Tiffany;
Tangen, Jon Harald Quindao;
Eik-Nes, Trine Tetlie;
Karlsen, Håvard Rudi;
Berg, Kjersti Hognes;
Fiskum, Charlotte.
Testing the validity of the Norwegian translation of the modified weight bias internalization scale.
Journal of Eating Disorders
Academic article
Managing Masterpieces: The Art of Abstract and Presenter Coordination
At a conference for EventsAir users (AirTime 2024), I presented a typical case of how we at NTNU Conferences set up the abstract submission system for conferences in EventsAir.
Psypodden på drægvoll
Podkast basert på pensummateriell fra PSY1125 Innføring i utviklingspsykologi
Utviklingspodden - Emosjonsutvikling (Del 1) fra 24. oktober, 2021
Utviklingspodden - Emosjonsutvikling (Del 1) fra 30. oktober, 2021