Susann Anett Pedersen
I am a medieval historian with a particular interest in social and economic history. In my postdoctoral research, I study the credit institution in medieval Norway (more info below). I am also interested in gender history and investigated women’s economic agency in my Ph.D. thesis, Choice and Consequence. Propertied Women's Economic Agency in Norway c. 1400-1550 (2021).
Starting in February 2022, I am a visiting scholar at Campop (The Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure) at the University of Cambridge.
Member of Centre for Medieval Studies at NTNU.
Credit and creditability – a new approach to Norwegian economic history c. 1250-1570 (postdoctoral project funded by the Research council of Norway)
This project explores credit’s economic and social role in medieval Norway. By studying why, how and when different actors entered credit relations, I seek to gain new knowledge about restrictions and opportunities embedded in the economic system of the time, and study whether credit made the economy more flexible in a period of economic change. Furthermore, I wish to explore credit’s social role. Medieval credit was to large extent based on personal bonds of trust between debtor and creditor, and a person who was indebted to one person was often creditor to another. A likely consequence was the existence of large networks of credit, and I wish to explore to what extent these personal bonds functioned as a social link between people of both genders with different social backgrounds and from different geographical areas. This aspect is particular interesting, as networks of credit could stretch from the northernmost periphery of Europe to the very core of international trade.
Pedersen, Susann Anett.
Propertied Women’s Economic Agency in Norway c.1400-1550.
Brill Academic Publishers
The Northern World. North Europe and the Baltic c. 400-1700 AD. Peoples, Economies and Culture (95)
Academic monograph
Pedersen, Susann Anett;
Wærdahl, Randi Bjørshol.
Choice and Consequence. Propertied Women's Economic Agency in Norway c. 1400-1550.
Doctoral dissertation
Pedersen, Susann Anett.
Landed property as marital gifts: women and landownership in fifteenth-century Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pedersen, Susann Anett.
Marriage, law and property: Married noblewomen's role in property management in fifteenth-century Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pedersen, Susann Anett;
Wærdahl, Randi Bjørshol.
I kjølvatnet av staðamál - Årsaker til konflikt mellom ’lek og lærd’ på Island ca 1297-1390.
Masters thesis
Pedersen, Susann Anett.
Propertied Women’s Economic Agency in Norway c.1400-1550.
Brill Academic Publishers
The Northern World. North Europe and the Baltic c. 400-1700 AD. Peoples, Economies and Culture (95)
Academic monograph
Part of book/report
Pedersen, Susann Anett.
Landed property as marital gifts: women and landownership in fifteenth-century Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pedersen, Susann Anett.
Marriage, law and property: Married noblewomen's role in property management in fifteenth-century Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pedersen, Susann Anett;
Wærdahl, Randi Bjørshol.
Choice and Consequence. Propertied Women's Economic Agency in Norway c. 1400-1550.
Doctoral dissertation
Pedersen, Susann Anett;
Wærdahl, Randi Bjørshol.
I kjølvatnet av staðamál - Årsaker til konflikt mellom ’lek og lærd’ på Island ca 1297-1390.
Masters thesis
Knowledge Transfer
Academic lecturePedersen, Susann Anett. (2024) Presentasjon av bokprosjekt: Land, people, and credit in Norway c.1250-1400. Middelaldersenteret, NTNU Internseminar , NTNU 2024-03-14 - 2024-03-14
LecturePedersen, Susann Anett. (2024) Kvinner og arv i norsk mellomalder. Olavsfest Lov, makt og rett etter Landsloven av 1274 , Erkebispegården, Trondheim 2024-07-30 - 2024-07-30
LecturePedersen, Susann Anett. (2024) Lån og gjeld i norsk mellomalder. Institutt for historiske studier Historielab , NTNU Dragvoll 2024-08-15 - 2024-08-15
Academic lecturePedersen, Susann Anett. (2024) Credit, marriage, and the household economy in fourteenth century Norway. Lund University Household Economy in the Nordics (16th to 20th centuries) , Lund 2024-06-04 - 2024-06-05
Academic lecturePedersen, Susann Anett. (2023) Kvinner sitt økonomiske handlingsrom i Noreg ca. 1400-1550. Medeltidskommittén Nya doktorsavhandlingar inom Medeltidsforskning , Göteborgs Universitet 2023-05-15 - 2023-05-15
Academic lecturePedersen, Susann Anett. (2023) Munkeliv kloster som kredittinstitusjon i høgmellomalderen. Institutt for historiske studier Instituttseminar , NTNU 2023-05-04 - 2023-05-04
Academic lecturePedersen, Susann Anett. (2023) The social implications of credit in medieval Norway. Campop Brown coffee seminar , University of Cambridge 2023-07-13 - 2023-07-13
Academic lecturePedersen, Susann Anett. (2023) Elites and networks of credit in late medieval Norway. Leeds University International Medieval Congress in Leeds , Leeds 2023-07-03 - 2023-07-06
Academic lecturePedersen, Susann Anett. (2023) Mortgage credit and generational transfers of wealth in sixteenth century Norway. Gender Differences in European Legal Cultures (research network) Pass on. Generational Transfers of Wealth from the 16th to the 20th Century , Free University of Bozen-Bolzano 2023-10-26 - 2023-10-28
Academic lecturePedersen, Susann Anett. (2022) Credit in medieval Norway - The case of Munkeliv abbey. The Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure Brown Coffee Seminar , University of Cambridge 2022-05-26 - 2022-05-26
LecturePedersen, Susann Anett. (2022) "Choice and consequence" Presentasjon av avhandling. Collegium Medievale Årsmøte, Collegium Medievale 2022-03-15 - 2022-03-15
LecturePedersen, Susann Anett. (2018) A heroine within my discipline - Christine de Pizan. NTNU Tipping the Balance: academic career symposium 2018-04-09 - 2018-04-10
Academic lecturePedersen, Susann Anett. (2018) Worthless promises of valuable gifts? Widows' recovery of marital gifts in fifteenth century Norway. The German Historical Institute Movable Goods and Immovable Property. Gender, Law and Material Culture in Early Modern Europe (1450-1850) , London 2018-07-19 - 2018-07-21
Popular scientific lecturePedersen, Susann Anett. (2017) Sjølvstendig eller avhengig? Kvinner sitt økonomiske handlingsrom i norsk seinmellomalder. Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum Sommeråpning av Austråttborga , Austråttborga, Ørlandet 2017-06-18 - 2017-06-18
LecturePedersen, Susann Anett. (2017) Kvinnelige godseigarar i Noreg 1350-1537 - presentasjon av doktorgradsprosjekt. Institutt for historiske studier, NTNU Lunsjseminar ved Institutt for historiske studier, NTNU , Trondheim 2017-04-19 -
Academic lecturePedersen, Susann Anett. (2016) Legal practices and practical solutions – Aristocratic women and management of landed property in late medieval Norway. Gender, Power and Materiality in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1800 2016-04-07 - 2016-04-09
Academic lecturePedersen, Susann Anett. (2016) Marriage, law and property - Noblewomen's economic opportunities and limitations in late medieval Norway. North vs. south? Gender, law and economy in early modern and modern Eutope (15th - 19th c.) , Universitetet i Rouen 2016-11-17 - 2016-11-19
Academic lecturePedersen, Susann Anett. (2016) Transgressing legal boundaries – Female landowners and their opportunities in late medieval Norway. University of St Andrews Gender and Transgression in the Middle Ages , University of St Andrews 2016-04-26 - 2016-04-28
Academic lecturePedersen, Susann Anett. (2015) Foreign Bishops and Local Elites in Late Medieval Iceland . International Medieval Congress Leeds International Medieval Congress 2015 , Leeds 2015-07-06 - 2015-07-09