Skender Elez Redzovic
Dr. Redzovic holds a Ph.D. in organizational psychology from the Department of Psychology at NTNU. He completed his cand.polit. grade with a master in social work from NTNU in Trondheim. He also holds a bachelor's degree in occupational therapy from the University College of Sør-Trøndelag (HiST), intermediate studies in political science from the University of Oslo, practical pedagogical education from Nord University, as well as specialized training in innovation and entrepreneurship from the Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management at NTNU.
Redzovic's career in research and teaching began in 2000 when he was employed as a researcher at HiST. He has held numerous positions of trust through his career both as a student and as a researcher. Redzovic has also held leadership positions such as study director for the Master's program and further education in mental health care at HiST, and department head at the Department of Applied Social Sciences at NTNU. He was a visiting researcher at the University of California, Berkeley from 2010 to 2011.
Dr. Redzovic conducts research using both qualitative and quantitative methods. He also has expertise in the development of interventions, feasibility studies, and randomized controlled trials (RCTs) within organizations. Epidemiological studies are also of interest to him.
He contributes to research and development work in several areas:
- Workplace health
- Mental health
- Organizational culture
- Health services research
- Welfare technology
- Innovation in the health and social sector
- Activity and participation
Below, can you view some of the projects in which he occupies important positions.
Physical activity and mental health (project leader, ongoing)
GoldiCare - Can the workday in home care services be organized in a way that promotes employees` health? (project leader, ongoing)
Nature walk, mental health, and school performance among children and youth in Norway (project leader, ongoing)
Empowering healthy active aging: Enhancing everyday life through technology (project leader, ongoing)
Goldilocks Work in home care services: investigating opportunities for “just right” occupational physical activity in home care workers (project leader)
Learning to innovate with families (LIFE)
Enhancing users copying at supported housing (project leader)
This is how we do it around here": Exploring organizational culture in higher education institutions (project leader)
nHS Næringsretta Høgskolesatsing
Lohne, Fredrik Klæboe;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Palarea-Albaladejo, Javier;
Mathiassen, Svend Erik;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Can home care work be organized to promote musculoskeletal health for workers? Results from the GoldiCare cluster randomized controlled trial.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Fischer, Heike;
Lohne, Fredrik Klæboe;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
“It's a good idea, but…”: a qualitative evaluation of the GoldiCare intervention in Norwegian home care services.
Frontiers in Health Services
Academic article
Lohne, Fredrik Klæboe;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Mathiassen, S.E.;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Fischer, Heike;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
GoldiCare: Kan arbeidsdagen i hjemmetjenesten organiseres slik at den blir helsefremmende for ansatte?.
Lohne, Fredrik Klæboe;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Rasmussen, Charlotte Lund;
Liaset, Ingeborg Frostad;
Fischer, Heike;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Is patients’ activities of daily living self-care score in Norwegian home care a proxy for workers standing at work?.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Lohne, Fredrik Klæboe;
Xu, Kailiang;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Palarea-Albaladejo, Javier;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Association between musculoskeletal pain and exposures to awkward postures during work: a compositional analysis approach.
Annals of Work Exposures and Health
Academic article
Liaset, Ingeborg Frostad;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Mathiassen, Svend Erik;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
On the move: understanding home care workers’ experiences of using various modes of transportation at work in an occupational health perspective.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Lys opp hovedbygget til NTNU med rødt, svart, hvitt og grønt!.
Feature article
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Atten ubehagelige spørsmål om konsekvensene av krigen i Ukraina som bør debatteres.
Feature article
Redzovic, Skender Elez;
Vereijken, Beatrix;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Aging at home: factors associated with independence in activities of daily living among older adults in Norway—a HUNT study.
Frontiers in Public Health
Academic article
Liaset, Ingeborg Frostad;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Mathiassen, Svend Erik;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Can home care work be organized to promote health among the workers while maintaining productivity? An investigation into stakeholders’ perspectives on organizational work redesign concepts based on the Goldilocks Work principles.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Den perfekte stormen.
Feature article
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Er en ny verdensorden hovedmålet til Putin?.
Feature article
Tjøsvoll, Svein Ove;
Wiggen, Øystein;
Gonzalez, Victor;
Seeberg, Trine Margrethe;
Redzovic, Skender Elez;
Liaset, Ingeborg Frostad.
Assessment of Physical Work Demands of Home Care Workers in Norway: An Observational Study Using Wearable Sensor Technology.
Annals of Work Exposures and Health
Academic article
Lohne, Fredrik Klæboe;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Mathiassen, Svend Erik;
Fischer, Heike;
Gellein, Trine Minde.
Can home care work be organized to promote musculoskeletal health for workers? Study protocol for the Norwegian GoldiCare cluster randomized controlled trial.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Grasmo, Sunniva Grønoset;
Liaset, Ingeborg Frostad;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Home health aides’ experiences of their occupational health: a qualitative meta-synthesis.
Home Health Care Services Quarterly
Academic article
Grasmo, Sunniva Grønoset;
Liaset, Ingeborg Frostad;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Home care workers’ experiences of work conditions related to their occupational health: a qualitative study.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Redzovic, Skender Elez;
Tjora, Aksel Hagen.
Er Vesten hevet over loven?.
Reader opinion piece
Midjo, Turid;
Redzovic, Skender Elez;
Carstensen, Tove.
The complexity of work expectations of staff in supported housing.
Social Work in Mental Health
Academic article
Redzovic, Skender Elez;
Clifford, Graham.
Dødskamp eller seiersdans? Akademisering av profesjonsutdanningene innen helse- og sosialfag.
Scandinavian Academic Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johansen, Kristoffer;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Fysisk aktivitet for rusavhengige - en kvalitativ studie.
Fontene forskning
Academic article
Uwizera, Ariane;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Sykepleieres opplevelse og mestring i møte med dødsfall på sykehjem.
Geriatrisk sykepleie
Academic article
Redzovic, Skender Elez;
Eide, Arne Henning.
Culture and participation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørlykhaug, Knut Ivar;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Borte bra, hjemme best? En kvalitativ studie av voksne brukeres opplevelser i møte med ambulante akutteam og ambulante oppfølgingsteam i psykisk helsevern.
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid
Academic article
Journal publications
Lohne, Fredrik Klæboe;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Palarea-Albaladejo, Javier;
Mathiassen, Svend Erik;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Can home care work be organized to promote musculoskeletal health for workers? Results from the GoldiCare cluster randomized controlled trial.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Fischer, Heike;
Lohne, Fredrik Klæboe;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
“It's a good idea, but…”: a qualitative evaluation of the GoldiCare intervention in Norwegian home care services.
Frontiers in Health Services
Academic article
Lohne, Fredrik Klæboe;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Rasmussen, Charlotte Lund;
Liaset, Ingeborg Frostad;
Fischer, Heike;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Is patients’ activities of daily living self-care score in Norwegian home care a proxy for workers standing at work?.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Lohne, Fredrik Klæboe;
Xu, Kailiang;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Palarea-Albaladejo, Javier;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Association between musculoskeletal pain and exposures to awkward postures during work: a compositional analysis approach.
Annals of Work Exposures and Health
Academic article
Liaset, Ingeborg Frostad;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Mathiassen, Svend Erik;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
On the move: understanding home care workers’ experiences of using various modes of transportation at work in an occupational health perspective.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Lys opp hovedbygget til NTNU med rødt, svart, hvitt og grønt!.
Feature article
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Atten ubehagelige spørsmål om konsekvensene av krigen i Ukraina som bør debatteres.
Feature article
Redzovic, Skender Elez;
Vereijken, Beatrix;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Aging at home: factors associated with independence in activities of daily living among older adults in Norway—a HUNT study.
Frontiers in Public Health
Academic article
Liaset, Ingeborg Frostad;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Mathiassen, Svend Erik;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Can home care work be organized to promote health among the workers while maintaining productivity? An investigation into stakeholders’ perspectives on organizational work redesign concepts based on the Goldilocks Work principles.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Den perfekte stormen.
Feature article
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Er en ny verdensorden hovedmålet til Putin?.
Feature article
Tjøsvoll, Svein Ove;
Wiggen, Øystein;
Gonzalez, Victor;
Seeberg, Trine Margrethe;
Redzovic, Skender Elez;
Liaset, Ingeborg Frostad.
Assessment of Physical Work Demands of Home Care Workers in Norway: An Observational Study Using Wearable Sensor Technology.
Annals of Work Exposures and Health
Academic article
Lohne, Fredrik Klæboe;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Mathiassen, Svend Erik;
Fischer, Heike;
Gellein, Trine Minde.
Can home care work be organized to promote musculoskeletal health for workers? Study protocol for the Norwegian GoldiCare cluster randomized controlled trial.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Grasmo, Sunniva Grønoset;
Liaset, Ingeborg Frostad;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Home health aides’ experiences of their occupational health: a qualitative meta-synthesis.
Home Health Care Services Quarterly
Academic article
Grasmo, Sunniva Grønoset;
Liaset, Ingeborg Frostad;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Home care workers’ experiences of work conditions related to their occupational health: a qualitative study.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Redzovic, Skender Elez;
Tjora, Aksel Hagen.
Er Vesten hevet over loven?.
Reader opinion piece
Midjo, Turid;
Redzovic, Skender Elez;
Carstensen, Tove.
The complexity of work expectations of staff in supported housing.
Social Work in Mental Health
Academic article
Johansen, Kristoffer;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Fysisk aktivitet for rusavhengige - en kvalitativ studie.
Fontene forskning
Academic article
Uwizera, Ariane;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Sykepleieres opplevelse og mestring i møte med dødsfall på sykehjem.
Geriatrisk sykepleie
Academic article
Bjørlykhaug, Knut Ivar;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Borte bra, hjemme best? En kvalitativ studie av voksne brukeres opplevelser i møte med ambulante akutteam og ambulante oppfølgingsteam i psykisk helsevern.
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid
Academic article
Part of book/report
Redzovic, Skender Elez;
Clifford, Graham.
Dødskamp eller seiersdans? Akademisering av profesjonsutdanningene innen helse- og sosialfag.
Scandinavian Academic Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Redzovic, Skender Elez;
Eide, Arne Henning.
Culture and participation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lohne, Fredrik Klæboe;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Mathiassen, S.E.;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Fischer, Heike;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
GoldiCare: Kan arbeidsdagen i hjemmetjenesten organiseres slik at den blir helsefremmende for ansatte?.
Dr. Redzovic teaches in several subject areas and has developed many courses at the bachelor's and master's levels in innovation and entrepreneurship, health and welfare technology, mental health, and occupational therapy. He has also participated in the working group that developed the international master's program in physical activity and health at NTNU.
Redzovic has held various roles as program leader for the master's in activity and movement, responsible for the specialization in occupational science in the international master's program in physical activity and health, as well as participating as a member of the program council and elected employee representative in extended management meetings. Throughout his career, he has also been responsible for comprehensive quality management of several study programs as program leader for the master's in mental health work and as department head at the Department of Applied Social Sciences.
He has conducted development work to implement problem-based learning as a method and has used portfolio assessment in the evaluation of courses in health sciences.
Dr. Redzovic has also contributed as an external examiner/supervisory examiner at the bachelor's and master's levels at several colleges and universities in Norway.
Redzovic has extensive experience in mentoring students at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels.
LectureRedzovic, Skender Elez. (2024) GoldiCare: Hva kan vi lære av resultater fra en randomisert kontrollert studie ved hjemmetjenesten i Trondheim kommune?. Trondheim kommune Nytt digitalt planleggingsverktøy for hjemmetjenesten i Trondheim kommune – hva bør det inneholde? , Trondheim 2024-09-11 - 2024-09-11
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender Elez. (2024) Kan arbeidsdagen i hjemmetjenesten organiseres slik at den fysiske belastningen for de ansatte blir balansert?. NAV Kunnskapsdagen , Oslo 2024-06-21 - 2024-06-21
LectureRedzovic, Skender Elez. (2024) GoldiCare: Resultater fra en randomisert kontrollert studie ved hjemmetjenesten i Trondeheim kommune. Trondheim kommune Ledermøte , Trondheim 2024-08-21 - 2024-08-21
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender Elez. (2023) GoldiCare - Kan arbeidsdagen i hjemmetjenesten organiseres slik at den blir helsefremmende?. NAV Frokostmøte NAV , Oslo 2023-11-20 - 2023-11-20
LectureRedzovic, Skender Elez. (2023) Masteroppgaven: inkludering av masterstudenter i større faglige fellesskap kan skape et ønske om å lære mer. . Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet Årskonferanse ved Senter for integrert og transfaglig undervisning I planlegging , Ås 2023-10-25 - 2023-10-25
LectureRedzovic, Skender Elez. (2023) The physical activity paradox. Forskerforbundet Forkerforbundets markering , Trondheim 2023-04-26 - 2023-04-26
InterviewRedzovic, Skender Elez. (2023) GoldiCare-prosjektet vil gjøre arbeidshverdagen helsefremmende. Ergoterapeuten Ergoterapeuten [Business/trade/industry journal] 2023-10-29
Popular scientific lectureRedzovic, Skender Elez; Cumella, Martin; Martinsen, Edgar. (2019) Innovation toolkit in social work with multi challenged families . Cervia Municipality Learning to Inovate with Families (LIFE) , Cervia 2019-03-19 - 2019-03-21
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender Elez. (2019) Goldilocks i hjemmetjenesten!. Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø Goldilock prinsippet for helsefremmende arbeidsmiljø. , København 2019-05-08 - 2019-05-09
LectureClifford, Graham; Davidsson, Bo; Redzovic, Skender Elez. (2018) Evaluation of innovation training programme for social workers that provide social services to multichallenged families. Associação de Paralisia Cerebral de Coimbra InnovationTraining Program , Coimbra 2018-11-26 - 2018-11-29
PosterRedzovic, Skender Elez; Eide, Arne Henning. (2018) Culture and participation – mapping the terrain. . World Federation Of Occupational Therapists World Federation Of Occupational Therapists Congress , Cape Town 2018-05-21 - 2018-05-25
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender Elez. (2018) Toward User-Centered Practice Designing Guidelines for Employees within Supported Housing Sections in Trondheim, Norway. World Federation Of Occupational Therapists World Federation Of Occupational Therapists Congress , Cape Town 2018-05-21 - 2018-05-25
Academic lectureClifford, Graham; Lichtwarck, Willy; Martinsen, Edgar; Redzovic, Skender Elez; Ulfseth, Lena Augusta; Røkkum, Nina Helen Aas. (2018) LIFE Research design. University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Work InnovationTraining Program , Ljubljana 2018-01-29 - 2018-02-01
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender Elez. (2018) What do we mean with innovation? Competence and skills required for work with multi challenged families. University of Ljubljana Learning to innovate with families (LIFE) - Innovation training , Ljubljana 2018-01-29 - 2018-02-01
LectureRedzovic, Skender Elez. (2017) Reflections about innovation processes. Learning to innovate with Families (LIFE) Transnational partnership meeting for the LIFE project , Trondheim 2017-02-07 - 2017-02-09
Popular scientific lectureRedzovic, Skender Elez. (2017) Utenforskap og muligheter. Barnevernsambandet Sør-Trøndelag Barnevernskonferansen 2017 , Stjørdal 2017-03-01 - 2017-03-02
LectureRedzovic, Skender Elez. (2015) Innovasjon og entreprenørskap i bachelorutdanningen. Program for audiografutdanning, Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag Kvavlitet i høgere utdanning , Trondheim 2015-03-10 - 2015-03-10
LectureRedzovic, Skender Elez. (2015) Med brukers mestring i fokus. Trondheim kommune Fagig konferanse om brukers mestring i Trondheim kommune , Trondheim 2015-11-17 - 2015-11-17
LectureRedzovic, Skender Elez. (2015) Motivasjon - et aktivitetsperspektiv. Trondheim kommune Fagig konferanse om brukers mestring i Trondheim kommune , Trondheim 2015-11-17 - 2015-11-17
Academic lectureLysaght, Rosemary; Jakobsen, Klara; Lillefjell, Monica; Redzovic, Skender Elez; Krupa, Terry. (2014) Identifying factors promoting work participation of people with reduced functional capacity. WFOT World conference Occupational Therpy (WFOT) , Yokohama, Japan 2014-06-16 - 2014-06-20
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender Elez. (2014) Organizational norms and employees`participation at work in individualistic and collectivistic cultures. World Federation of Occupational Therapists 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists , Yokohama 2014-06-18 - 2014-06-21
LectureRedzovic, Skender Elez. (2014) Om motivasjon og arbeidsglede. Trondheim kommune Fagseminar i Trondheim kommune , Trondheim 2014-03-14 - 2014-03-14
Academic lectureNakrem, Sigrid; Redzovic, Skender. (2012) Innovasjon og entreprenørskap i helse- og sosialfagutdanningene - erfaringer fra prosjekt ved HiST. Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag og NTNU Innovasjon i helse- og sosialfagutdanningene , Trondheim 2012-05-03 - 2012-05-03
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender. (2010) Psychosocial foundations of organizational norms?. 15th Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists , Santiago 2010-05-04 - 2010-05-07
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender. (2007) Er fysisk aktivitet mer enn "en kropp i bevegelse"?. Nasjonal kongress i psykisk helse , Trondheim 2007-01-22 - 2007-01-22
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender. (2007) Absence and presence factors in working environment at psychiatric institutions. Scandinavian Congress in occupational Therapy , Stockholm 2007-04-20 - 2007-04-22
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender. (2007) Brukerperspektiv og brukermedvirkning i undervisning om psykisk helse innen helse- og sosialfag. Nasjonal kongress i psykisk helse , Trondheim 2007-01-21 - 2007-01-22
PosterRedzovic, Skender. (2007) Globalization and social justice through income distribution : opportunities and challenges. International workshop , Dubrovnik 2007-06-06 - 2007-06-06
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender. (2006) Absence and presence factors in working environment : an dynamic approach. 14th Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists , Sydney 2006-06-24 - 2006-06-28
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender. (2006) Innovasjon og entreprenørskap ved helse- og sosialfaglige utdanninger. Workshop om innovasjon og entreprenørskap ved høgskolene , Trondheim 2006-02-09 - 2006-02-09
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender. (2006) Promotion of innovative and entrepreneurial processes within health technology in the region with Sør-Trøndelag University College as an active participant. 14th Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists , Sydney 2006-06-24 - 2006-06-28
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender. (2006) Mellom intensjoner og virkeligheten : bruk av mappevurdering i undervisning. Diakonhjemmets høgskole utenTitteltekst , Stavanger 2006-08-16 - 2006-08-16
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender. (2005) Promotion of innovative and entrepreneurial processes within health technology in Sør-Trøndelag University College. Skole og samfunn i samhandling , Tønsberg 2005-06-03 - 2005-06-03
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender. (2005) Mappevurdering : teori og erfaringer. Universitetet i Stavanger Pedagogisk seminar , Stavanger 2005-06-14 - 2005-06-14
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender. (2005) Arbeidsmiljø : et dynamisk perspektiv. Norsk fagkongress i ergoterapi , Lillehammer 2005-09-21 - 2005-09-22
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender. (2005) Det nye arbeidsmiljøet : trender i arbeidsmiljøutvikling. Norsk fagkongress i ergoterapi , Lillehammer 2005-09-21 - 2005-09-22
Popular scientific lectureRedzovic, Skender. (2004) Innovasjon og entreprenørskap i helse- og sosialsektoren. Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag utenTitteltekst , Trondheim 2004-09-25 - 2004-09-25
PosterRedzovic, Skender; Hårstad, Ingvild. (2004) Innovasjon og entrepenørskap i helse- og sosialsektoren. Forskningsdagene HiST , Trondheim 2004-09-22 - 2004-09-22
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender. (2004) What is activity : a scientific approach. University College of Cupria utenTitteltekst , Cuprija, Serbia and Montenegro 2004-10-27 - 2004-10-27
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender. (2004) Problem based learning as pedagogical methods. University College of Cupria utenTitteltekst , Cuprija, Serbia and Montenegro 2004-03-30 - 2004-03-30
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender. (2004) Fenomenology and narratives in health care for elderly people : an introduction. University College of Cupria utenTitteltekst , Cuprija, Serbia and Montenegro 2004-03-30 - 2004-03-30
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender. (2004) The future takes Visa? Social security under pressure in welfare state?. Inter-University Centre in Dubrovnik utenTitteltekst , Dubrovnik 2004-06-24 - 2004-06-24
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender. (2004) Activity as method in health care of elderly people. Universitu College of Cupria utenTitteltekst , Cuprija, Serbia and Montenegro 2004-10-28 - 2004-10-28
PosterRedzovic, Skender; Ness, Nils Erik; Alsaker, Sissel. (2003) Fra høgskoleutdanning til bachelorgrad : faglige og pedagogiske utfordringer. Forskningsdagene , HiST , Trondheim 2003-09-24 - 2003-09-24
PosterRedzovic, Skender. (2003) Bruk av metodetriangulering i evaluering av tema/modul. HiST Forskningsdagene, HiST , Trondheim 2003-09-25 - 2003-09-25
PosterRedzovic, Skender. (2003) Portofolio assessment and problem based learning as pedagogical methods. Fagmøte mellom HiST og University College in Cupria og University of Belgrade , Trondheim 2003-05-12 - 2003-05-12
PosterRedzovic, Skender. (2003) Hvordan kan mappevurdering brukes som metode i vurdering av studenter ved høgskolestudier. Temadag om vurderingsformer, HiST avd. for teknologi , Trondheim 2003-02-21 - 2003-02-21
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender. (2002) Innføring i modell for menneskelig aktivitet. Høgskolen i Rogaland utenTitteltekst , Stavanger 2002-11-11 - 2002-11-12
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender; Opdahl, Kari. (2002) Innføring i probelmbasert læring. Sjøvegan videregående skole utenTitteltekst , Finsnes 2002-12-10 - 2002-12-11
PosterRedzovic, Skender; Skar, Reidun. (2002) Utvikling av samarbedi mellom HiST og praksisfeltet. NETF, lokalavd. Vestfold. Fagmøte , Stavern 2002-06-12 - 2002-06-12
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender. (2002) Bruk av meningsfull aktivitet som terapi i akutt psykiatri. Norsk fagkongress i ergoterapi , Tromsø 2002-11-19 - 2002-11-19
PosterRedzovic, Skender; Skar, Reidun. (2002) Utvikling av samarbeid mellom HiST og praksisfeltet. NETF, lokalavd. Oppland. Fagmøte , Lillehammer 2002-02-20 - 2002-02-20
PosterRedzovic, Skender. (2002) Bruk av aktivitet som terapi i psykiatrien. Leistad bo- og behandlingssenter, fagmøte , Trondheim 2002-09-11 - 2002-09-11
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender. (2002) Innføring i problembasert læring. HiST, avd. for teknologi. Institutt for næringsmiddelfag utenTitteltekst , Trondheim 2002-09-25 - 2002-09-25
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender. (2002) Innføring i problembasert læring. HiST, avd. for lærerutdanning og tegnspråk. Studiet i høgskolepedagogi utenTitteltekst , Trondheim 2002-02-18 - 2002-02-18
PosterRedzovic, Skender; Skar, Reidun. (2002) Utvikling av samarbeid mellom HiST og praksisfeltet. NETF, lokalavd- Buskerud. Fagmøte , Drammen 2002-03-08 - 2002-03-08
Academic lectureRedzovic, Skender; Meisingset, Liv. (2002) Mappevurdering ved institutt for ergoterapeut- og vernepleierutdanning ved HiST. Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag, praktisk-pedagogisk utdanning Pedagogisk seminar , Levanger 2002-03-20 - 2002-03-20