Samuel Billaud Feragen
Samuel B. Feragen has a Master in Architecture and is currently a doctoral research fellow in the Building preservation and transformation group at NTNU in Trondheim (Norway). He has previously worked at NTNU as a research assistant and examiner, and at the consultancy company Asplan Viak AS as an architect/ designer. Projects at Asplan Viak were varied in scale and type, and included adaptive reuse projects on heritage buildings.
My research at NTNU is a ongoing PhD project. The PhD is about architectural transformation of buildings in a theoretical and historical perspective. Some cases involving old building often triggers debate and unveils strong differences of opinion in and outside of professional circles, like house dislocation, dismantling, reconstructions, and adaptive reuse. What is the core of these disagreements?
Historically, the established practice in architectural preservation has been to handle buildings as static objects from a certain time, and are protected often for their association to a specific time, phenomenon, or happening. The underlying concept is the idea of an original "authentic" state that is attributed the most value. Consequently, later alterations to a building are given less or no value. On the contrary, these newer changes will be defined as degrading of what is actually valuable. The paradox is that those alterations are just as authentic from their time, suggesting that authenticity might not be the real issue. On the other hand, sometimes it is precisely alterations that have been done to a building that makes them interesting in a historical perspective. This is acknowledged in certain cases, and probably more in recent years that before.
The NARA-document on authenticity (1994) defines different forms of authenticity. Several of them are in contradiction to one another, and fit either into the view that cultural heritage are static objects valued for their old unsullied physical matter, or as dynamic objects belonging to a living tradition that develops and changes over time.
Through analysis and discussion of various case-types, the project dives into the mentioned topics in an attempt to discover why people balance preservation values differently, and to look at the historical connections that can be drawn from the early preservation discouse in the 19th century.
"Tabuer" i bygningsvernet (PhD-prosjekt)
Hus på "naturlig" vandring
Erkebispegården ved Nidarosdomen (illustrasjoner)
Feragen, Samuel Billaud;
Johansen, Daniel;
Kolstad, Jo Even;
Ranfelt, Jenny Fjeld.
Norgesekskursjon 2023 - Lofoten og Helgeland.
Fakultet for arkitektur og design
Feragen, Samuel Billaud.
Erkebispegården ved Nidarosdomen (illustrasjonstegninger til bok av forfatter Øivind Lunde).
Feragen, Samuel Billaud;
Johansen, Daniel;
Haupt, Thomas.
Hus på "naturlig" vandring.
Årbok - Foreningen til norske fortidsminnesmerkers bevaring
Academic article
Feragen, Samuel Johan Billaud.
Engstykket – en skjult perle.
Reader opinion piece
Feragen, Samuel Johan Billaud.
Hva er poenget med en reguleringsplan om man ikke skal forholde seg til den?.
Reader opinion piece
Feragen, Samuel Johan Billaud;
Stang, Margrethe C..
En utbrent dronning?.
Feature article
Feragen, Samuel Johan Billaud;
Jantsch, Ann Kathrin.
Bevaring av bygninger og nabolag er godt miljøvern.
Reader opinion piece
Feragen, Samuel Johan Billaud;
Kittang, Dag.
Nytt senter vil bli en gjøkunge i Høgskolebakken.
Reader opinion piece
Feragen, Samuel Johan Billaud;
Kittang, Dag.
Bevaring av jugendbygningene i Elgeseter gate er god bypolitikk!.
Reader opinion piece
Feragen, Samuel Johan Billaud.
Nok en gang er trebyen Trondheim truet.
Reader opinion piece
Stang, Margrethe C.;
Feragen, Samuel Johan Billaud.
Tre grunner til å la Siemensbygget stå!.
Reader opinion piece
Feragen, Samuel Johan Billaud;
Rasmussen, Svein Kjerulf.
Slaget om Midtbyen.
Reader opinion piece
Feragen, Samuel Johan Billaud;
Nordsteien, Jon Ivar.
Et hus for 300 år : dokumentasjon og analyse av Wesselbygningen på Ringve Gård.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Journal publications
Feragen, Samuel Billaud;
Johansen, Daniel;
Haupt, Thomas.
Hus på "naturlig" vandring.
Årbok - Foreningen til norske fortidsminnesmerkers bevaring
Academic article
Feragen, Samuel Johan Billaud.
Engstykket – en skjult perle.
Reader opinion piece
Feragen, Samuel Johan Billaud.
Hva er poenget med en reguleringsplan om man ikke skal forholde seg til den?.
Reader opinion piece
Feragen, Samuel Johan Billaud;
Stang, Margrethe C..
En utbrent dronning?.
Feature article
Feragen, Samuel Johan Billaud;
Jantsch, Ann Kathrin.
Bevaring av bygninger og nabolag er godt miljøvern.
Reader opinion piece
Feragen, Samuel Johan Billaud;
Kittang, Dag.
Nytt senter vil bli en gjøkunge i Høgskolebakken.
Reader opinion piece
Feragen, Samuel Johan Billaud;
Kittang, Dag.
Bevaring av jugendbygningene i Elgeseter gate er god bypolitikk!.
Reader opinion piece
Feragen, Samuel Johan Billaud.
Nok en gang er trebyen Trondheim truet.
Reader opinion piece
Stang, Margrethe C.;
Feragen, Samuel Johan Billaud.
Tre grunner til å la Siemensbygget stå!.
Reader opinion piece
Feragen, Samuel Johan Billaud;
Rasmussen, Svein Kjerulf.
Slaget om Midtbyen.
Reader opinion piece
Feragen, Samuel Billaud;
Johansen, Daniel;
Kolstad, Jo Even;
Ranfelt, Jenny Fjeld.
Norgesekskursjon 2023 - Lofoten og Helgeland.
Fakultet for arkitektur og design
Feragen, Samuel Johan Billaud;
Nordsteien, Jon Ivar.
Et hus for 300 år : dokumentasjon og analyse av Wesselbygningen på Ringve Gård.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Feragen, Samuel Billaud.
Erkebispegården ved Nidarosdomen (illustrasjonstegninger til bok av forfatter Øivind Lunde).
AAR4436 Architecture 4 Transformation
AAR4430 History of Architecture and Architectural Theory
AAR4551 Building Conservation. Preservation and Development in Existing, Built Environment
AAR4553 Transformation - Buildings in Change
AAR4825 Survey, Documentation and Analysis of Existing Buildings
AAR6042 Transformation and Reuse of Architectural Heritage (EVU-course spring 2019)
Knowledge Transfer
Academic lectureFeragen, Samuel Billaud. (2024) The rise and fall, and rise of the Berliner Stadtschloss. ICOMOS-CIF ICOMOS-CIF 40th Anniversary Symposium and Study Tour , Venezia 2024-11-04 - 2024-11-06
InterviewFeragen, Samuel Billaud; Kvaal, Vera. (2024) Hvorfor ble det slik?. [Internet] 2024-07-28
Academic lectureFeragen, Samuel Johan Billaud. (2023) Ways of describing architectural quality - A comparative study of Viollet-le-Duc and Ruskin, and how they describe and evaluate architectural qualities. AMPS (Architecture, Media, Politics and Society) Heritages. Past and Present - Built and Social. A Conference on Culture, History, Art and Design , Praha 2023-06-28 - 2023-06-30
LectureFeragen, Samuel Johan Billaud. (2017) Et hus for 300 år. Ringve Musikkmuseum Foredrag om masteroppgave som del av Kulturminnedagene , Ringve gård 2017-09-13 -