Samson Afewerki
Afewerki, Samson;
Olsen, Marit Schei;
Osmundsen, Tonje;
Størkersen, Kristine;
Misund, Andreas;
Thorvaldsen, Trine.
Reconfiguring innovation systems for sustainable sectoral transformation: The case of the Norwegian aquaculture industry.
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society
Academic article
Afewerki, Samson.
Energy transition, critical raw materials, & climate justice: A high-level assessment of Norwegian deep-sea mining as an 'x-shoring' strategy and a research agenda.
NORCE Norwegian Research Centre
NORCE Norwegian Research Centre
Jolly, Suyash;
Steen, Markus;
Hansen, Teis;
Afewerki, Samson.
Renewable energy and industrial development in pioneering and lagging regions: the offshore wind industry in southern Denmark and Normandy.
Oxford Open Energy
Academic article
Afewerki, Samson;
Asche, Frank;
Misund, Bård;
Thorvaldsen, Trine;
Tveterås, Ragnar.
Innovation in the Norwegian aquaculture industry.
Reviews in Aquaculture
Academic literature review
Tella, Samson Afewerki;
Osmundsen, Tonje Cecilie;
Olsen, Marit Schei;
Størkersen, Kristine Vedal;
Misund, Andreas Ugelvik;
Thorvaldsen, Trine .
Innovation policy in the Norwegian aquaculture industry: Reshaping aquaculture production innovation networks.
Marine Policy
Academic article
Afewerki, Samson;
Steen, Markus.
Gaining lead firm position in an emerging industry: A global production networks analysis of two Scandinavian energy firms in offshore wind power.
Competition & Change
Academic article
MacKinnon, Danny;
Afewerki, Samson;
Karlsen, Asbjørn.
Technology legitimation and strategic coupling: A cross-national study of floating wind power in Norway and Scotland.
Academic article
Afewerki, Samson;
Steen, Markus.
Gaining a lead firm position in an emerging project-based industry: A GPN analysis of two Scandinavian energy firms in offshore wind power.
Afewerki, Samson;
Karlsen, Asbjørn.
Policy mixes for just sustainable development in regions specialized in carbon-intensive industries: the case of two Norwegian petro-maritime regions.
European Planning Studies
Academic article
MacKinnon, Danny;
Karlsen, Asbjørn;
Dawley, Stuart;
Steen, Markus;
Afewerki, Samson;
Kenzhegaliyeva, Assiya.
Legitimation, institutions and regional path creation: a cross-national study of offshore wind.
Regional studies
Academic article
Afewerki, Samson.
Unpacking the emerging Offshore Wind Industry.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (214)
Doctoral dissertation
Afewerki, Samson.
Green industrial restructuring.
Website (informational material)
Hanson, Jens;
Normann, Håkon Endresen;
Aspelund, Arild;
Steen, Markus;
Afewerki, Samson;
Bjørgum, Øyvind.
Conditions for growth in the Norwegian offshore wind industry. International market developments, Norwegian
firm characteristics and strategies, and
policies for industry development.
Centre for sustainable energy studies (CenSES)
Afewerki, Samson.
Firm agency and global production network dynamics.
European Planning Studies
Academic article
Afewerki, Samson;
Karlsen, Asbjørn;
MacKinnon, Danny.
Configuring floating production networks: A case
study of a new offshore wind technology across
two oil and gas economies.
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Afewerki, Samson.
Immigrant entrepreneurship : towards the realization of immigrants' entrepreneurial performance and success in Norway
Masters thesis
Journal publications
Afewerki, Samson;
Olsen, Marit Schei;
Osmundsen, Tonje;
Størkersen, Kristine;
Misund, Andreas;
Thorvaldsen, Trine.
Reconfiguring innovation systems for sustainable sectoral transformation: The case of the Norwegian aquaculture industry.
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society
Academic article
Jolly, Suyash;
Steen, Markus;
Hansen, Teis;
Afewerki, Samson.
Renewable energy and industrial development in pioneering and lagging regions: the offshore wind industry in southern Denmark and Normandy.
Oxford Open Energy
Academic article
Afewerki, Samson;
Asche, Frank;
Misund, Bård;
Thorvaldsen, Trine;
Tveterås, Ragnar.
Innovation in the Norwegian aquaculture industry.
Reviews in Aquaculture
Academic literature review
Tella, Samson Afewerki;
Osmundsen, Tonje Cecilie;
Olsen, Marit Schei;
Størkersen, Kristine Vedal;
Misund, Andreas Ugelvik;
Thorvaldsen, Trine .
Innovation policy in the Norwegian aquaculture industry: Reshaping aquaculture production innovation networks.
Marine Policy
Academic article
Afewerki, Samson;
Steen, Markus.
Gaining lead firm position in an emerging industry: A global production networks analysis of two Scandinavian energy firms in offshore wind power.
Competition & Change
Academic article
MacKinnon, Danny;
Afewerki, Samson;
Karlsen, Asbjørn.
Technology legitimation and strategic coupling: A cross-national study of floating wind power in Norway and Scotland.
Academic article
Afewerki, Samson;
Karlsen, Asbjørn.
Policy mixes for just sustainable development in regions specialized in carbon-intensive industries: the case of two Norwegian petro-maritime regions.
European Planning Studies
Academic article
MacKinnon, Danny;
Karlsen, Asbjørn;
Dawley, Stuart;
Steen, Markus;
Afewerki, Samson;
Kenzhegaliyeva, Assiya.
Legitimation, institutions and regional path creation: a cross-national study of offshore wind.
Regional studies
Academic article
Afewerki, Samson.
Firm agency and global production network dynamics.
European Planning Studies
Academic article
Afewerki, Samson;
Karlsen, Asbjørn;
MacKinnon, Danny.
Configuring floating production networks: A case
study of a new offshore wind technology across
two oil and gas economies.
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Afewerki, Samson.
Energy transition, critical raw materials, & climate justice: A high-level assessment of Norwegian deep-sea mining as an 'x-shoring' strategy and a research agenda.
NORCE Norwegian Research Centre
NORCE Norwegian Research Centre
Afewerki, Samson;
Steen, Markus.
Gaining a lead firm position in an emerging project-based industry: A GPN analysis of two Scandinavian energy firms in offshore wind power.
Afewerki, Samson.
Unpacking the emerging Offshore Wind Industry.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (214)
Doctoral dissertation
Hanson, Jens;
Normann, Håkon Endresen;
Aspelund, Arild;
Steen, Markus;
Afewerki, Samson;
Bjørgum, Øyvind.
Conditions for growth in the Norwegian offshore wind industry. International market developments, Norwegian
firm characteristics and strategies, and
policies for industry development.
Centre for sustainable energy studies (CenSES)
Afewerki, Samson.
Immigrant entrepreneurship : towards the realization of immigrants' entrepreneurial performance and success in Norway
Masters thesis
Afewerki, Samson.
Green industrial restructuring.
Website (informational material)
Academic lectureAfewerki, Samson. (2024) Energy transition, critical raw materials, & climate justice: A high-level assessment of Norwegian deep-sea mining as an 'x-shoring' strategy and a research agenda. NORCE KOS Climate and energy-justice , Stavanger 2024-12-05 - 2024-12-05
LectureAfewerki, Samson. (2023) Transnational Perspectives of the Energy Transition. NORCE NORCE H&S division seminar , Stavanger 2023-11-23 - 2023-11-23
Academic lectureSønvisen, Signe Annie; Thorvaldsen, Trine; Olsen, Marit Schei; Osmundsen, Tonje Cecilie; Størkersen, Kristine Vedal; Misund, Andreas Ugelvik. (2022) Aquaculture technology and governance - Going down rabbit holes. EAS Aquaculture Europe , Rimini 2022-09-27 - 2022-09-30
PosterAfewerki, Samson; Asche, Frank; Misund, Bård; Thorvaldsen, Trine; Tveterås, Ragnar. (2022) Innovation in the Norwegian aquaculture industry. European Aquaculture Society EAS 2022 , Rimini 2022-09-27 - 2022-09-30
Academic lectureJolly, Suyash; Steen, Markus; Hansen, Teis; Afewerki, Samson. (2022) Regional industry path development and the role of the contextual environment: offshore wind energy development in South Denmark (Denmark) and Normandy (France). Carl von Ossietzky Universität REENEA (Regional Energy Transition) workshop on Breaking down the energy transition: How actors, institutions, and technologies shape transition processes , Oldenburg 2022-09-21 - 2022-09-22
Academic lectureKarlsen, Asbjørn; MacKinnon, Danny; Afewerki, Samson. (2022) Technology legitimation and strategic coupling: a cross-national study of floating wind in Norway and Scotland. Trinity College Dublin / University College Dublin The 6th Global Conference on Economic Geography , Dublin 2022-06-07 - 2022-06-07
PosterThorvaldsen, Trine; Føre, Heidi Moe; Osmundsen, Tonje Cecilie; Misund, Andreas Ugelvik; Størkersen, Kristine Vedal; Afewerki, Samson. (2022) A cross regional study of drivers for innovation in aquaculture. European Aquaculture Society EAS 2022 , Rimini Italy 2022-09-27 - 2022-09-30
Academic lectureAfewerki, Samson; Thorvaldsen, Trine; Osmundsen, Tonje Cecilie; Størkersen, Kristine Vedal; Olsen, Marit Schei; Misund, Andreas Ugelvik. (2022) Technology push policy and the Norwegian aquaculture industry: the case of the development licensing scheme. World Aquaculture Society Aquaculture 2022 , San Diego 2022-02-28 - 2022-03-04
Academic lectureKarlsen, Asbjørn; Afewerki, Samson. (2021) Policy mixes for just sustainable development in regions specialized in carbon-intensive industries: the case of two Norwegian petro-maritime regions. Regional Studies Association Regions in Recovery - Building Sustainable Future, GLobal E-Festival 2nd-18th June 2021 , E-festival 2021-06-02 - 2021-06-18
Academic lectureKarlsen, Asbjørn; Afewerki, Samson. (2020) Policy mixes for just sustainable regional development in industrially overspecialized regions: the case of two Norwegian petro-maritime regions. Experts on energy-related Social Sciences and Humanities Team Society , NTNU 2020-11-10 - 2020-11-10
Academic lectureAfewerki, Samson. (2019) Firm agency and GPN dynamics. AAG Conference, Washington, DC 2019-04-03 - 2019-04-07
Popular scientific lectureAfewerki, Samson; Dodge, Alexander S.; Karlsen, Asbjørn; Lund, Henrik Brynthe. (2019) Extra-regional dynamics, innovation, and Development (Paper Session). NTNU NGM 2019 , Trondheim 2019-06-16 - 2019-06-19
Academic lectureAfewerki, Samson. (2019) From production to innovation networks? New path creation through strategic coupling: towards the role of technological innovation networks. NTNU NGM 2019 , Trondheim 2019-06-16 - 2019-06-19
LectureAfewerki, Samson. (2019) GPN and Regional Development: Strategic coupling | Upgrading. NTNU GEOG3101 - Innovation and Regional Development (MSc Course) , Trondheim 2019-04-25 - 2019-04-25
Academic lectureKarlsen, Asbjørn; MacKinnon, Danny; Dawley, Stuart; Steen, Markus; Afewerki, Samson; Kenzhegaliyeva, Assiya. (2019) Institutional frameworks and firm strategies in offshore wind production networks across UK, Germany and France. Norwegian University of Science and Technology 8 th Nordic Geographers Meeting , Trondheim 2019-06-17 - 2019-06-19
Academic lectureAfewerki, Samson. (2018) Global Production Networks 2.0 and the Role of Lead Firms – examples from Offshore Wind. NTNU GEOG3518 - Global Production Networks (MSc Course) , Trondheim 2018-09-07 - 2018-09-07
Academic lectureAfewerki, Samson; Karlsen, Asbjørn; MacKinnon, Danny. (2017) Strategic coupling in two regions: comparing inside-out and outside-in modes of incorporation into GPN. AAG Conference , Boston 2017-04-05 - 2017-04-09
LectureAfewerki, Samson; Karlsen, Asbjørn; MacKinnon, Danny. (2017) Floating production networks: A case study of a new offshore wind technology across two oil & gas economies. national University of Singapore Conference on Global Production , Singapore 2017-12-06 - 2017-12-09
LectureAfewerki, Samson. (2016) Ethnic and transnational entrepreneurship. NTNU GEOG3100 - Social Perspectives on Entrepreneurship (MSc course) , Trondheim 2016-05-02 - 2019-05-16